Methodological development for middle group teachers. Themed morning exercises.


Morning exercises in the middle group of preschool educational institutions are the main stage in monitoring health.

The purpose of physical education for the child’s body:

  • Raising the tone of children physically and emotionally.
  • Demonstration of will, since exercises are performed under the guidance of a teacher.
  • The whole body is activated.
  • Breathing improves.
  • Blood circulation accelerates.
  • Metabolism improves.
  • Introspection of execution.

Note! Gymnastics is carried out under rhythmic audio accompaniment; this develops a sense of rhythm, as children begin to try to fall into the “musical pattern”.

The role of exercise in educational and health processes

The task of morning exercises is to tone the whole body and improve vital processes.

The role of exercise in the health and education of children:

  • Physical activity improves blood circulation and oxygen exchange, which stimulates brain activity.
  • Muscles are strengthened and overall physical development is activated.
  • Systematic exercise leads to strengthening of the body.

Additional Information! Proper combination of physical and mental activity ensures the harmonious development of the child’s personality and character in kindergarten.

Lessons on the street

Methodological techniques with children aged 4-5 years

At 4-5 years of age, the child’s body begins its development, and the child learns to obey collective action. When preparing for classes, the teacher must use special methodological sources describing teaching methods.

The teacher uses the following types of techniques during the lesson:

  • verbal;
  • visual techniques;
  • practical;
  • gaming

Additional Information! Gymnastics uses game exercises with elements of performance and music.

Group of verbal exercises

Such exercises will develop vocabulary and teach you how to conduct conversations on simple topics, such as talking about yourself or about recent events. Examples of this type of activity will be presented below.

  • Explanation. Must accompany any game action.
  • Poems and riddles. “Every morning, my friend, don’t be lazy and hurry up to exercise. We will jump and gallop, raise our palms to the sun.”
  • Poetic gymnastics “Berries”. Strawberry is doing the exercises: “Pull your arms higher.” The red raspberry bends: “With exercise, winter colds and even sore throats are not scary.”
  • Fairy tales. Fairy tales should have no more than 2 plot twists, so as not to distract children from exercises; it is better to name the characters with memorable names; it is advisable to add illustrated examples.

Note! You can add questions to the stories for group discussion.


It is easier for children to perceive this world through imaginative thinking, so it is important to use visual examples during the lesson.

It is useful to use the following elements:

  • Pictures with animals, toys that will be used as game heroes.
  • Illustrations of each element of gymnastics.
  • Personal example - the teacher must perform the commented action himself.

Additional Information! If during a lesson the teacher uses a video as an illustration of the exercises, he must repeat all the steps.

Personal example of charging


This stage occurs after physical education and acts as an independent analysis for children. Their essence is for children to share their emotions after exercises.


Due to the advent of fashion for a healthy lifestyle, exercise among children and adults began to gain popularity. However, not everyone realizes the importance of morning physical activity.

The main points of gymnastics in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • Duration - no more than 5-12 minutes a day.
  • The exercise consists of 3 parts: introductory (warm-up), main (active exercises) and final (exercises with reduced activity are used).
  • For training, a special sports uniform is purchased that does not restrict movement.

Note! The duration of the exercises depends on the age of the participants.

Time plan

The volume of physical activity is determined according to the general physical development of the pupils. This technique is effective for educating preschoolers.

The complex of morning exercises in the middle group has a temporary dosage:

  • Perform 4-5 exercises for 6-8 minutes, i.e. 5-6 repetitions per action.
  • More active exercises, such as running, almost all types of walking, should last 15-20 seconds.
  • A useful exercise is crawling on the floor, repeated for 30 seconds.

Note! The gymnastic complex is repeated for 1-2 weeks, after which the exercises are changed.

An example of a note on gymnastics in the middle group

This summary has been compiled in accordance with the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard. Summary of gymnastics in the middle group:

  • Goal: to create conditions and incentives for introducing preschool children to elements of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Objectives: learning to perform actions on a signal, developing the ability to perform an exercise efficiently and accurately, regulating breathing and adhering to a given pace. Forming the correct position of the spine, quick reaction, speed of action, orientation in space, creating a cheerful mood in children for the whole day and instilling a love for physical activity.
  • Additional items: audio center, dumbbells, mats, jump ropes.

Note! There are specific plans for each month of the school year. In January and February, classes are held indoors, and in spring and summer, gymnastics is performed outdoors.

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