Methodological development “Rhythmic gymnastics to music”

Final part

The important task here is to gradually reduce speed and load. For this stage of the lesson, waves (from right to left and from bottom to top), lunges to the side with simultaneous rotation of the arms in the elbow joints, and circular movements of the shoulders are suitable.

Also place your feet apart and keep your hands on your knees. As you inhale, round your back, and as you exhale, bend your back.

Finally, stand up straight. Raise your arms up to your sides, while taking a deep breath. Then slowly lower down – exhale. Repeat 4 times.

A little history

Historically, rhythmic gymnastics has its roots in Ancient Greece. It was then that disparate elements began to be combined into complexes and practiced with music. The purpose of all this was to develop a beautiful gait, posture, dexterity and plasticity of movements.

In the 19th century, the French psychiatrist Tsinal suggested that dance classes could cure people of certain diseases. And teacher F. Delsarte developed a complex of “expressive gymnastics” for creating mass performances. It included facial expressions, gestures, walking, and postures.

Rhythmic gymnastics came to Russia only at the beginning of the 20th century. Then the Institute of Rhythm was opened, where they trained teachers for music classes and colleges. This trend gained the greatest popularity only in the 80s, when various sets of exercises began to be developed, videotapes and show programs were produced, health clubs were created, etc.


Here are some of them:

  • Any rhythmic gymnastics session should be done on an empty stomach or an hour and a half after eating.
  • Training clothes should be as comfortable as possible so as not to restrict movement.
  • Music for rhythmic gymnastics is of great importance. She should set the pace of the lesson and create a good mood. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider this “component” and select the most convenient rhythm for yourself, which will not cause overstrain of the body. As a rule, music is recorded separately for each block of exercises, then everything is edited. And the accompaniment goes without pauses, in one stream.
  • When performing exercises, it is very important to alternate static and dynamic elements. It is recommended to focus on the weaker parts of the body.
  • Over time, the load should be increased, continuing to alternate between fast and slow paces.
  • It is recommended to consult a doctor before engaging in aerobic exercise. Injuries, respiratory diseases, pain syndromes, previous surgeries and high blood pressure are not a complete list of contraindications.

For children

Children's rhythmic gymnastics looks a little different. To hold the attention of children and arouse their interest in activities, it is not enough just to have exciting music. It is necessary to arrange all exercises in the form of a game using props.

And it is recommended to significantly reduce the duration of the complex without a clear division into warm-up, main part and conclusion:

  • One of the favorite exercises for kids is “dwarf walking”. To perform it, the child is asked to take steps on slightly bent legs. At the same time, he places his feet with his toes outward and then inward.
  • In the “dance of the gnomes,” the baby needs to bend his legs slightly and keep his hands on his belt. From this position you need to bend over with synchronized head nods.
  • In the “Snow White Erases” exercise, the child performs double and single swings to the sides. With the first, he should pretend to be rubbing the laundry with his fists, with the last, he should rinse it.
  • The next element is called "the dwarves welcome Snow White." During this exercise, the baby needs to bend his legs and keep his back straight. First, clap your thighs, then raise your arms up and jump.
  • To implement the baby seal exercise, the baby needs to lie on his stomach, bend his arms at the elbows, and at the same time raise his head, shoulders and body up. Then “slide” your feet along the mat.
  • And the complex of children's rhythmic gymnastics ends with a fun run with raising the knees to the chest and jumping on one and two legs.

Positive Impact

Rhythmic gymnastics exercises have a beneficial, strengthening effect on the human body. They increase its protective functions against viral diseases and develop the skeletal and muscular systems. In the process of aerobic exercise, a person becomes more resilient, his blood circulation is activated, the body is intensively saturated with oxygen and vital energy increases. In addition, rhythmic gymnastics is a great way to cope with a bad mood, get rid of stress and lose extra pounds.


All forms of this gymnastics have their own characteristics. For example, simple exercises are selected for morning exercises: step in place, jumps, half-squats and half-bends, short combinations of 4-5 elements (or movements). Morning rhythmic exercises are performed to medium-tempo music for a pleasant, relaxed performance.

Independent lessons are considered the most effective for the development and strengthening of the body. Rhythmic gymnastics (aerobics) includes three stages: warm-up, main and final parts. The first stage involves preparing (or warming up) the body. The duration of this part of the lesson is no more than 5 minutes. At the main stage, various muscle groups are worked on. Its duration is variable, depending on the tasks assigned. And finally, the final part is aimed at relaxing, stretching and restoring even breathing. It lasts approximately 5 minutes.


All parts of the body should be warmed up, starting with the head:

  • Take your starting position standing. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. In an active rhythm, start rotating your head, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • Without changing your position or slowing down, make circular movements with your shoulders back and forth.
  • Stretch your hands. Do the swings, shake them. Stretch your hands by clasping your palms and making chaotic rotations and wave-like movements.
  • Now let's move on to the lower back. Perform half-bends forward and backward, left and right. In this case, your hands can be kept at the waist or extended in the direction of the inclination.
  • Rotate your hips in circles and figure eights and move on to swinging your legs. It doesn't matter what kind of stretch you have. The main thing is not to fall out of the musical rhythm. This element can be replaced with deep lunges, which also provide warming and stretching of the hip muscles and ligaments.
  • And the final step will be warming up the feet. To do this, lift one leg onto your toes and twist it. Do the same with the other leg.

As you can see, the preparatory exercises largely coincide with general developmental exercises. However, in rhythmic gymnastics there are four types of walking, which should also be performed at the warm-up stage and in breaks between dynamic exercises:

  • “Step-touch” (or additional step with touch). Adhering to the musical rhythm, it can be performed with turns, jumps and arbitrary movements.
  • "March". Or steps in place with the knee raised at waist level.
  • "Cross step". Or a cross step with turns and arbitrary movements.
  • "Green Wine." Or a cross step moving first to the right, then to the left.

It is recommended to count by four or eight units.

At this point the preparatory part can be considered complete. Now you should move on to the main stage of the lesson.


Reviews of rhythmic gymnastics say that regular practice really lifts your mood and improves your overall tone. This is especially true for people who work in offices and drivers. They are forced to spend most of the day sitting.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children is useful and necessary. In this case, it does not increase activity, but corrects it. The muscular skeleton develops harmoniously. And training agility and plasticity minimizes the possibility of injury.

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