Methodological development. Report “Physical Minutes System”

Report “Physical education in preschool educational institutions and its significance”

Physical education in preschool educational institutions and its significance

Recently, health-saving technologies have been increasingly used in kindergartens. One of the directions of these technologies is the use in preschool institutions of methods to activate muscle tone and motor-coordinating systems. Physical education, as a form of active recreation during sedentary activities, is widely used with preschool children.

Physical education is physical exercise aimed at restoring children’s performance, improving their well-being, increasing attention, preventing fatigue, posture disorders, i.e. to improve the health of children's bodies. Complexes are exercises composed of different movements aimed at actively working various muscle groups and relaxing them; activation of attention, increased excitability of the nervous system, formation and strengthening of posture, as well as breathing. In addition to physical exercises, the complexes may include elements of massage, finger and breathing exercises, and eye exercises.

The purpose of a physical education session (dynamic pause) is to increase or maintain mental performance during direct educational activities, prevent fatigue, and provide short-term active rest for children when the organs of vision and hearing experience significant stress; muscles of the trunk, especially the back, which are in a static state; muscles of the working hand.

Physical education allows educators and teachers, as well as parents, to play with children, make them happy and, at the same time, develop speech, coordination and fine motor skills. In the process of performing physical exercises, blood circulation improves, areas of the cerebral cortex that were not involved in previous activity are excited, and those that did are inhibited. In this regard, fatigue of the muscles and nervous system is relieved, and children experience positive emotions and improve their mood.

Raising children to be physically perfect means ensuring that they are healthy and hardened from an early age.

To solve problems and improve the health of preschool children, various means of physical education are used, including physical education sessions. The integrated use of all means (hygienic factors, natural forces, physical exercise and others) effectively affects the child’s body.

Physical education is a small set of physical exercises performed for 2-3 minutes during classes in kindergarten, as well as at home when doing homework. It is built from 4-5 exercises for the arms, torso, and legs that do not require complex coordination.

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Physical education sessions in preschool institutions

Currently, the amount of knowledge necessary for the assimilation of preschool children, especially those in the preschool group, has increased significantly. In addition, the educational process of many preschool institutions, even correctional ones, is overloaded with additional classes (foreign language, art clubs, manual labor, etc.), all of which require static tension from children.

An increase in the number of classes and their duration is associated with the physical endurance and mental performance of preschoolers, because intensification of classes is impossible due to the imperfection of the child’s nervous system.

Therefore, the problem of increasing the mental performance of a preschool child remains relevant for many years.

One of the means of preventing mental fatigue, and therefore increasing efficiency, is small forms of active recreation - physical education minutes, which provide a change in activity, relieve congestion in the muscles, activate blood circulation, and increase metabolism.

Motor pauses, which are organized during breaks between activities that require prolonged mental stress and children staying in a static position, are of the same importance.

M. Goloshchekina, M. Grambach, A. Nersesyan, N. Terekhova, Erastova and others have carried out research on the problem of organizing active recreation in different years.

Recommendations for organizing and conducting physical education sessions in the form of general developmental exercises, outdoor games, and performing exercises to a poetic text have been developed and reflected in the scientific and methodological literature.

However, in recent years, a number of authors, in particular Kudryavtsev V.T., Egorov B.B. and others, the opinion is expressed that physical education minutes and motor breaks, in addition to their main purpose, can implement a number of health-improving and educational tasks, enrich the creative potential of children, and contribute to the development of emotional regulation.

Interesting, non-traditional forms of work are described by V. Tsvyntarsky, A. Tolbanova, M. Chistyakova and others.

Characteristics of physical education minutes and motor breaks as a form of physical education work in preschool institutions

The content of the “Kindergarten Program” provides for a significant amount of knowledge and a fairly high level of mental development of children. The acquisition of knowledge is carried out mainly in classes on the development of mathematical concepts, speech, familiarization with the outside world, visual activities and others, where children are in a stationary position. It should be noted that the static load is the heaviest for preschoolers (M. Goloshchekina, M. Grombach, A. Nersesyan, N. Terekhova, etc.). During static tension, a decrease in metabolism occurs, a slowdown in blood flow and blood supply to the brain. Blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, breathing becomes impaired, and congestion in the muscles is observed. These changes lead to decreased mental performance and fatigue.

Rapid fatigue, which occurs due to depletion of nerve cells, is especially common in young children. This is due to the fact that preschoolers are characterized by instability of nervous processes and increased excitability of the cerebral cortex.

Fatigue is the main cause of various persistent dysfunctions of the cortex, a manifestation of nervousness, which can lead to neurotic states of varying degrees (N. Aksarina). Therefore, overwork of the nervous system negatively affects the child’s development, health and behavior. Therefore, it is important to prevent fatigue, detect its first signs in a timely manner and relieve them as quickly as possible.

The main signs of fatigue (according to N. Aksarina):

  • violation of newly formed skills;
  • impaired coordination of small movements, their slowness;
  • long-term distractions;
  • primitive manipulations (placing, tapping, throwing objects, etc.);
  • the appearance of previously existing but outdated automatic movements, for example, finger sucking, rocking;
  • increased irritability;
  • yawn.

Research shows that the first signs of fatigue appear in children of the middle group at 7 - 9 minutes of class, in the older group at 10 - 12, in preparatory school - at 12 - 14 (N. Terekhova, M. Andropova, etc.).

Physical exercise is an effective means of preventing fatigue and improving general condition. Under their influence, the number of impulses coming from the motor, vestibular and other analyzers increases. The endocrine glands work more intensively, which leads to stimulation of the nervous system and an increase in its performance. At the same time, the functions of those centers that were in an active state during mental work are restored.

Physical exercise especially increases subsequent performance during complex mental activities. Therefore, physical education minutes and physical education breaks are widely used in kindergarten classes.

Physical education minutes are short-term physical exercises to prevent fatigue and restore mental performance. They improve blood circulation, relieve muscle and nervous system fatigue, activate children’s thinking, create positive emotions and increase interest in activities.

The duration of physical education minutes is 1.5-2 minutes, they are recommended starting from the middle group. There are basic requirements for conducting physical education sessions:

  • they are carried out at the initial stage of fatigue (8 - 13 - 15 minutes of class, depending on age, type of activity, complexity of educational material, etc.);
  • exercises are selected that are familiar to children, simple, and entertaining;
  • preference is given to exercises for tired muscle groups;
  • exercises should be convenient to perform in a limited area;
  • the content of physical education lessons should be organically combined with the program content of the lesson;
  • complexes of physical education minutes are selected depending on the type of classes and their content;
  • It is necessary to provide physical education lessons that are different in content and form, since monotony reduces children’s interest in them, and, consequently, their effectiveness.

A physical training complex usually consists of 2 - 3 exercises: for the arms and shoulder girdle, such as stretching - straightening the spine, expanding the chest; arms to the sides or up - to the sides; to the shoulders, in front of you; for the body - bends, turns; for legs - squats, light and short running in place.

For a number of years, G. Leskova and N. Notkina carried out work in a preschool institution aimed at solving the following problems:

  1. studying the influence of exercises of different nature and intensity on the physical condition and mental performance of children;
  2. determining the optimal amount of physical exercise to quickly relieve fatigue and increase performance;
  3. clarification of the requirements for the selection of exercises for physical education.

When selecting exercises, it is necessary to remember the volume and nature of motor activity in the lesson. So, in a lesson on the development of mathematical concepts, children can perform some movements with their hands, arranging and rearranging small objects and aids. During art classes, the small muscles of the hands are under tension. Therefore, physical education sessions, along with others, should include exercises to relax the muscles of the arms.

There are almost no movements in speech development classes. In this case, it is necessary to introduce intense movements with a large amplitude, as well as vigorous movements of the hands (squeezing, unclenching, rotating), which increase the tone of the cortex as a whole.

The role of physical education lessons can be performed by motor tasks that are organically included in self-exercise.

For example, in a lesson in elementary mathematics, children are asked to get up from the table, walk around the room, go to a box and select the required number of small objects. Children can also be given tasks such as throwing and catching a ball, clapping their hands above their heads, etc.

It should not be assumed that physical education is mandatory in every lesson. The teacher must remember that in some classes, such as modeling, applique, drawing, physical education can distract children from their creative ideas.

Fatigue appears only when posture is impaired (low tilt of the head, bending of the body to the side, etc.). In such cases, it is enough to give one or two sitting exercises to straighten the body.

Consequently, for a greater physiological effect, the exercises used in physical education should be emotional, take into account the imagery of thinking of preschoolers, fairly intense (including jumping, squats, running in place), and, if possible, related to the content of the classes.

Along with physical education, motor pauses are used in preschool institutions.

A physical education break prevents the development of fatigue in children and relieves emotional stress during exercise with mental stress, which contributes to a faster perception of program material and an increase in children’s motor activity. A physical education break helps children switch from one type of activity to another (in particular, to more complex ones).

A physical training break is carried out in any well-ventilated room - a group room, a bedroom, a wide corridor - during a break between classes and lasts no more than 10 minutes.

It can consist of three to four game exercises such as “Ring Throwing”, “Serso”, “Fishing Rod”, “Cock Fight”, “Tug of War”, as well as voluntary movements of children using a variety of physical education aids (skipping ropes, skittles, balls, hoops , rackets).

The technique for conducting a physical education break is as follows:

  • game exercises should be well known to children, simple in content, with a small number of rules, not long in time (no more than 10-12 minutes), accessible to children with different levels of motor activity;
  • game exercises should provide children with the opportunity to enter and exit the game at any time;
  • Children should not be offered games with high intensity of movements, as they can overstimulate them;
  • at the end of the motor pause, you can offer children various breathing exercises.

After a short active vacation, children's attention increases significantly and the perception of program material improves.

Types and content of traditional physical education minutes and motor breaks

Physical education sessions vary in form and content. Physical education sessions can be carried out in the form of general developmental

  • since they make it possible to use a variety of movements; the content of the text of the poem should be combined with the topic of the lesson, its task. For example, a poetic text based on sound combinations is more suitable for classes in the sound culture of speech.

Exercises “Trumpeter” and “Bug” also represent poetic quatrains with different pronunciation sounds and alternating movements.

Physical education lessons in mathematics classes in the middle and senior groups “Counting while moving” are performed to a poetic text with elements of simulation (chopping wood).

Exercises consisting of 3 different movements from the starting position are considered complexes. Complexes for classes on the development of mathematical concepts and classes on speech development precede the pronunciation of the text before the start of the exercises.

If in classes on speech development a variety of movements is allowed (swans fly, flap their wings, shake their heads; bears walk), then in mathematics classes the teacher shows visual material for joint calculations with children and performing counting exercises (for example, the teacher says: “Let’s squat as many times as we have butterflies...").

During the exercises, the text is pronounced in visual arts classes. All movements are performed while sitting. The movements concern flexion and extension of the fingers and hands, muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, and neck. For preschoolers of the middle and senior groups, the set of exercises “Bear Cubs” can be used for a physical education break between classes. In addition to the playful nature of imitative imitation, children perform exercises with jumps, hops, different arm movements with bends in different directions at different tempos and counts, i.e. The motor activity of children can be noted.

Physical education lessons in drawing classes for children of the middle group “Asters” and “The Rooks have Arrived” accompanied by poetic texts are interesting for children; they alternate movements of different intensity and nature of execution (children stand, rise slowly, squat, run at different paces). Any motor actions and tasks that are combined with the content of the lesson can be used as physical education minutes. So, to solve riddles, for example, children can depict a bunny, bear, frog, Christmas tree, mushroom, etc. not with words, but with movements. The value of such riddles is that the child looks for the image of the riddle in movement, which makes him more actively remember, think, and find the most expressive movements.

You can use various imitative movements: the image of athletes (a skier, a skater, a boxer, a gymnast), individual labor actions (the behavior of a driver), animal habits (a fox sneaks, a hare jumps, a bear waddles).

Motor physical education can be done in the form of a riddle task - “Who lives in the forest?” (in a swamp, in a poultry yard, etc.).

One of the subgroups of children agrees on which animals they will portray and then imitates the movements; the other subgroup guesses where the actions come from, naming the animals.

During classes, you need to use every opportunity to change the position of the children, give them the opportunity to stand up and walk around the group. If the movements are organically combined with the content of the classes, there is no need to regulate them in terms of the number of movements and their duration. For example, in construction, children can use the entire group to build, with each group of children building their own object, choosing a place for construction.

In a math class, children can solve spatial orientation problems and become familiar with geometric shapes not at tables, but through motor tasks in space. They can play ball, counting the number of throws, and play outdoor games “Find your home” with geometric shapes.

Such classes are held in the free part of the room.

Particularly worthy of attention is the issue of physical education minutes in visual arts classes. It is believed that it is better to conduct a physical training session before starting classes. Before drawing autumn leaves, younger preschoolers spin around the room with them and toss them up. Children act in the same way with other objects that they will draw later.

Directly during physical education classes, physical education minutes will distract from the creative process and are therefore ineffective. You can limit yourself to physical education from finger gymnastics exercises, exercises for the neck, head and back muscles. In total, 2-3 exercises for 1.5 - 2 minutes will be enough.

Physical education sessions are also needed at a young age, as they satisfy children’s need to be in movement, through which preschoolers receive a comprehensive acquaintance with the objects of the world around them, their signs and properties.

The research we carried out allowed us to formulate a number of conclusions: Static tension leads to rapid fatigue of the preschooler’s body, which reduces his performance. Therefore, the correct ratio of the dynamic and static components is necessary, both in classes and in the daily routine.

One of the forms of active recreation for a child is physical education and motor breaks, which reduce psycho-emotional stress, activate the work of the cerebral cortex, and increase general tone.

Considering the importance of physical education for maintaining performance in the classroom, it is necessary to ensure their diversity in content and form, because traditionality and immutability reduce children’s interest in them, and, consequently, their effectiveness.

Characteristics of physical education minutes and motor breaks for health purposes

Non-traditional forms of physical education are becoming increasingly widespread in the practice of preschool institutions, because in addition to relieving mental stress (intellectual and emotional), increasing performance and switching from one type of activity to another, they serve to achieve broader educational and health goals.

Among them, special mention should be made:

  • development of meaningfulness, emotional regulation and voluntary movements and actions in the classroom;
  • enriching the creative potential of children, the possibilities of their imagination;
  • creation and consolidation of a holistic positive and psychosomatic state when performing various types of activities;
  • cultivating in children a value-based attitude towards their own and others’ mental and physical capabilities, developing their significance.

Currently, non-traditional forms of physical education and motor breaks are found in the methodological literature quite often and in various forms.

This work will consider various forms of non-traditional physical education minutes and physical education breaks that strengthen and heal the body of preschool children.

Each of the non-traditional physical education minutes has a complex impact on the child, allows for improvisational moments for an individual approach to the child, interests and stimulates children to perform creative tasks and play exercises, helps to have a positive impact on the child’s psyche, and continue health promotion activities.

The teacher will always be able to choose the necessary physical education lesson from the proposed forms of implementation in relation to his group of preschoolers with specific objectives.

Gymnastics for the eyes

The child’s visual analyzer has its own characteristics, determined by the growth and development of the whole organism.

In the period from 1 to 5 years, an intensive process of changing all elements of the eye occurs, improving its optical system (the size of the eye, the weight of the eyeball, and the refractive power of the eye increase). This affects changes in visual acuity.

In a preschool institution, children are recommended to perform a set of special exercises that strengthen their muscles and help them relax during their daily routine.

Doctor of Medical Sciences V.F. Bazarny recommends options for organizing hygienic exercises for the eyes during activities that require prolonged strain on the visual analyzer. This is the use of visual marks, a poster, a diagram, etc.

Such exercises, according to the author, help relax the eye muscles and help avoid the accumulation of trace impressions in the cerebral cortex. Efficiency in the process of their implementation increases if the teacher manages to achieve a combination of eye, head and torso movements.

“Visual markers” (toys, colorful pictures) are attached to the ceiling, in the corners, in different parts of the room where the lesson is taking place. An indispensable condition is different distances to them. Together, the visual cues make up a plot, the content of which changes approximately 2 times a month. During the execution, children fix their gaze on the marks called by the teacher for 2-2.5 minutes.

“On the diagram poster” (Fig. 1), arrows indicate the directions in which the child’s gaze moves first up and down (yellow), then left - right (black), clockwise (blue), counterclockwise movement (green) and, finally, along the so-called “figure eight” (red). The duration of such exercises is 1.5-2 minutes.

Figure 1. Diagram

As you can see, each exercise requires children to repeat monotonous movements many times. Fairy tales and short stories that the teacher himself can compose will help keep children interested in doing the exercises.

Static tension leads to rapid fatigue of the preschooler's body, which reduces his performance. Therefore, the correct ratio of the dynamic and static components is necessary both in classes and in the daily routine. One of the forms of active recreation for a child is physical education and motor breaks, which relieve psycho-emotional tension, activate the work of the cerebral cortex, and increase general tone. Considering the importance of physical education minutes for maintaining performance in the classroom, it is necessary to ensure their diversity in content and form, because traditionality and immutability reduce children’s interest in them, and, consequently, their effectiveness.

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