Summary of the walk in the preparatory group “observation of stones”

walk card preparatory group

card index of walks preparatory group. OCTOBER. 1st and 2nd half of the day.

Walk 3

Observing the stones


to form an idea of ​​stones as part of inanimate nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions. ♦ What types of stones are there?

♦ Name the crumbly stones. (Chalk, coal, graphite, silicon.)

  • Name hard rocks.
  • Which stones are easier to paint on asphalt?
  • What nature do they belong to? Why?
  • Which stones are stronger?

, ♦ Do you think a person uses them anywhere?

  • Can stones make sounds?
  • Compare the stones on the site and in the ravine.

♦ Why are the stones in the ravine rounder and smoother? (Water moves the stones, hits them against each other, they also rub against the sand - the sharp corners disappear, the pebble becomes rounded.)

Research activities

Examine the stone through a magnifying glass. What is visible? (Cracks, patterns, crystals.)

Labor activity

Collecting stones on the site and laying out compositions from them.


  • teach to work together;
  • develop creative imagination.
  • Outdoor games

"Rock Paper Scissors".


  • learn to listen carefully to the teacher;
  • develop perseverance. "A clever couple."


learn to throw the ball at an angle.

Individual work

Development of movements.


strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target

Watching the wind


continue to teach how to determine the strength of the wind;

  • expand children's knowledge about inanimate nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions. He flies without wings and sings, touches passers-by, does not allow one to pass,

He encourages others. (Wind.)

♦ How is wind formed? (Air is heated from the ground, rises, and cold air sinks down. This movement of air creates wind.)

♦ What are the different types of winds? (Strong and weak.)

♦ What are strong winds called? (Hurricane, typhoon, tornado.)

♦ Is there any wind today? What is his strength? Research activities

Determine the direction of the wind using a compass and weather vane. (Where the weather vane is turned is where the wind comes from, and the compass needle determines the direction of the world.)

How to determine wind strength? (Using a piece of paper and a stopwatch.)

How to determine which direction the wind is blowing? (Using a compass: if from the north - cold, if from the south - warm.)

Labor activity

Cleaning the area from branches and stones.


continue to teach how to work together and enjoy the work done.

Outdoor games

"The Kite and the Mother Hen."


learn to listen to the teacher’s commands;



consolidate ideas about connections in nature;

  • teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s commands.

Individual work:

Exercise with a ball.


continue to throw the ball up onto the ground, catching it with both hands.

Preparatory group (October) Card No. 23 a. 1. Observation of seasonal changes. Goals
: to form concepts about natural phenomena (frost, frost, waning day, staying night); consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not warm).
Progress of observation Not hot, not summer, Autumn, last, Warm days
rise from across the river A. Isakovskaya Late autumn is called “silver”.
The first thin ice covers the puddles, silver stars-snowflakes fly onto the frozen ground, icy tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with frost glisten in the sun. At the end of autumn, the sun rarely appears and the days become cloudy. The teacher asks the children questions.
♦What is the name of the pre-winter period?
(Silver Autumn.)♦Why ? And not snow, and not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees.
(Hoarfrost.) The teacher invites the children to come up with riddles about late autumn.
Outdoor games:
“Trap”, “Homeless Hare”.
Goals: practice running without bumping into each other; develop agility and endurance. Individual work
. Exercise to develop balance. Goal: to teach how to run up a hill and run down it.
Preparatory group (October) Card No. 24 a. Observation of stones Purpose
: to form an idea of ​​stones as part of inanimate nature.
Progress of observation. 1. Conversation.
The teacher asks the children questions.♦ What types of stones are there?♦ ​​Name the crumbly stones.
(Chalk, coal, graphite, silicon.)♦ Name hard stones.♦ Which stones are easier to draw on asphalt?♦ What nature do they belong to? Why?♦ Which stones are stronger?♦ Do you think people use them anywhere?♦ ​​Can stones make sounds?♦ Compare the stones on the site and in the ravine.♦ Why are the stones in the ravine rounder and smoother? (Water moves the stones, hits them against each other, they also rub against the sand - sharp corners disappear, the pebble becomes rounded.) 2. Research activity.
Examine the stone through a magnifying glass.
What is visible? (Cracks, patterns, crystals.) 3. Outdoor games.
“Rock, paper, scissors.” Goals: to teach to listen carefully to the teacher; develop perseverance. “A clever couple.” Goal: learn to throw the ball at an angle.
Preparatory group (October) Card No. 25 1. Observation of special transport. Goals : -
expand knowledge about special transport;
enrich your vocabulary. The red car is rushing along the road, It needs to appear at its place as soon as possible. There is a fire that needs to be extinguished by an avalanche. Everyone is calling the red fire engine. “01” - these two numbers are often dialed, which means they are not always careful. V. Miryasova
- What special vehicles do you know? (Ambulance, fire, snow removal, sprinkler, police.) - What are these vehicles needed for?
(To help people.) - Why do they also call an ambulance to a fire? (
To help those injured during a fire from fire and smoke.) - Do cars driving with the siren on stop at the traffic lights? (No.) - Why
(They rush to help people.)
Name them
(“Ambulance”, fire and police.)
2. Didactic game
“What is... doing?” - doctor -... - teacher -... - fireman -... - excavator operator -... - electrician -... etc.
3. Outdoor game
“Ball for the driver”
(OD - throwing, catching)
4.Individual work.
Game exercises with a skipping rope. Purpose
to strengthen the ability to jump over a skipping rope, rotating it forward and backward.
5.Independent play activity.
Draw anything you wish on the damp soil.
P preparatory group (October) Card No. 25 a. Observation of currants Goal
: continue to introduce the black currant berry bush.
Progress of observation.
Growing in the garden Kolya is ripe - Currant bush.
I’ll get down to business: I’ll go to him, I’ll bring a tuesok, I’ll taste it, I’ll shake off the dew from the branches, I’ll pick the black berries, I’ll pick the berries, full of juice. Collect for jam. The berry is smooth,Are you already sweet?1. Research activity
Currant berries look like small black balls. Find the differences between currants and rose hips (comparing leaves, stems, fruits).
2. Labor activity
Helping adults care for the shrubs growing on the site.
Goal: to develop the ability and desire to work together. 3. Outdoor game.
“Dashes.” Purpose: to teach not to bump into others while running, to be able to deftly dodge, and if someone accidentally bumps into someone, not to be offended.
4.Individual work.
Exercise to develop balance. Purpose: to teach how to maintain the correct position of the body and head, and act confidently.


Watching the sun

Age group: Senior

Goal: To develop children's interest in inanimate objects of nature.

Tasks: Continue observing the sun. To consolidate the knowledge that with the arrival of spring changes occur in nature, the sun is the main source of light and heat for all life on Earth, it rises in the east and sets in the west.

Good people, to the red sun,

To the beautiful. (V. Bryusov)

The most important factor determining the weather is the sun - the source of life, light and energy. In spring, the sun begins to rise higher and higher, the more it warms the earth, so the weather is warmer. There is an increase in daylight hours. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What has changed with the arrival of spring?

♦ What has begun to appear more often in the sky?

♦ By what signs can you determine that spring has already arrived?

♦ What happens to plants when the sun shines brightly and for a long time?

Purpose: To introduce children to the compass and its purpose. Teach children to determine the cardinal directions using a compass and correctly name them: north, south, west, east.

Materials: compass, cards indicating the cardinal directions.

Game "Magic Circle", "Geese-Geese".

Goal: To train children in the ability to determine the direction of running according to the verbal instructions of the teacher (north, south, ...), quickly take a place in the circle.

Goals: To consolidate skills in jumping to the right, left, soft landing, on half-bent legs, in long jumps from circle to circle.

Clearing the steps on the veranda from snow, collecting removal material.

Goal: develop the desire to work together, helping each other.


Summary of the walk “Watching the sun in spring”

Alla Yuryevna Kotova
Summary of the walk “Watching the sun in spring”

The purpose of the walk : using an example, to consolidate children’s knowledge that in the spring the sun begins to shine brighter and more often; daylight hours become longer; the relationship between living and inanimate nature; the importance of the Sun for all life on Earth.

Draw the attention of children that when they come to kindergarten in the morning it is already light. Compare what it was like in winter at that time (it was still dark, the sun had not yet risen , we had to turn on the lights in the group) During the day, the sun is high and already warms up the air and the ground . green grass appeared. buds are blooming on the trees. conduct an experiment with children “Properties of sun rays ”.

Purpose: to experimentally demonstrate the properties of sunlight .

Procedure of the experiment: on a sunny day, while walking, wet rubber balls, put them in the sun and observe . how they will dry.

Invite children to touch the wall of the veranda on the sunny side and on the shady side. Ask why the wall is cold in the shade and warm in the sun .

Offer to expose your palms to the sun and feel how they warm up.

Signs: birds started singing in the rain - it will soon be clear; in April, clear nights end in frost.

Sayings and proverbs: it’s spring time, I ate from the yard; spring is red with flowers .

There will be no knocking on the door or window,

And he will come up and wake everyone up. ( Sun )

Didactic game “Name it affectionately.”

Goal: to learn to select words in diminutive form.

P/game “ Sunshine and Rain ”.


Summary of the walk “Observing the Sun” Purpose of the walk: to give children an understanding of the role of the sun in the life of animals and plants; develop observation skills and the ability to make basic generalizations. "Watching the Sun" Summary of the walk Purpose of the walk: to consolidate children's knowledge that in the spring the sun begins to shine brighter and more often, so it becomes warmer. Tell the children.

Summary of a walk in the senior group “Observing seasonal changes in spring” “Observing seasonal changes” Objectives: - to form concepts about the change of seasons; — update and supplement children’s knowledge about phenomena.

Summary of the walk “Seasonal changes in nature in spring” in the senior group 1. Observation of seasonal changes in nature in spring. Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the time of year, ideas about spring changes.

Summary of a walk in the second junior group “Walk in the spring” Topic: “Walk in the spring” Purpose: to consolidate in children specific ideas about seasonal changes in nature. Develop cognitive interest.

Observation “Pine in Spring” We live in the amber region of our Motherland. Both adults and children know about amber; many secrets and legends are associated with it; it preserves traces of ancient history.

Observing trees on a walk in spring Observing trees on a walk. Goal: to form ideas about trees. Objectives: to introduce children to the characteristics of trees in spring.

Watching the sun in winter. Photo report In winter in the north, when a long polar night hangs over the Yamal tundra, the sun does not appear above the horizon, and without it it becomes boring.

Lesson summary “Walks in the spring” Continue observing the snow with your child. Compare the color of the snow (gray, dirty) with what it was like in winter. Organize games with snow.

Spring observation with children in spring SPRING OBSERVATIONS WITH CHILDREN IN NATURE. Sun: a) Three-year-old children will notice that the spring sun is warmer, they want to take off their mittens or unbutton them.


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