Walk map: “Observing flowers in a flowerbed.” Lesson plan (senior group) on the topic


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 22 “Crane” in the city of Safonovo, Smolensk region

Summary of direct educational activities

Educational field "Cognitive development"

section "Labor education"

“Caring for indoor plants. Watering"

Prepared by: Elena Viktorovna Usova

teacher of the highest qualification category

Goal: Consolidate knowledge about the basic needs of indoor plants.

1. Develop an interest in indoor plants.

2. Strengthen the skills of caring for indoor plants

3. To instill in children an interest in plants, a desire to observe and carefully care for them

Materials: aprons, rags, watering cans, a basin of water, card diagrams for caring for plants, several balsam sprouts planted in pots.

Preliminary work: conversation about indoor plants; reading poems and riddles about plants; looking at indoor plants; working together to care for plants; work according to the schemes “Plant needs”, “Watering indoor plants”.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

The windows are green,

(Children guess that these are plants).

2. Conversation about indoor plants:

Educator: Guys, it’s spring outside, and at this time all living things are awakening from sleep. Tell me, why can we say about plants that they are alive? What are the signs of a living thing? (because plants grow, reproduce, breathe, eat, die).

Educator: Correct. Plants also absorb bad air, make us happy and calm, decorate our home, move, turning towards the sun. Educator: Tell me, what are the names of the plants that grow in pots in the room?

Educator: Correct. Plants are all different and they have different names. (I show and name some flowers).

Educator: Name the flowers that grow in our group. (zonal geranium, Uzambara violet, balsam, chlorophytum, coleus, Decembrist (zygocactus).

Educator: We told you that all plants are living. And since they are alive, they cannot be ignored. In order for them to grow and bloom, they need to be looked after.

Educator: What does it mean to care for flowers? (children's answers)

Educator: Yes. First, the plant must be planted in the ground, then water it with water, loosen the soil, and also, every flower definitely needs light and warmth.

Educator: It turns out that you know a lot about how to care for plants that live in houses next to each other.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (torso to the right, to the left.)

I didn’t want to sleep anymore, (torso forward, backward.)

He moved, stretched, (Hands up, stretch.)

He soared up and flew. (Hands up, right, left.)

The sun will just wake up in the morning,

The butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around.)

Educator (shows table-drawings of caring for indoor plants): Guys, try to guess from these tables which of the works on caring for our flowers are depicted here. (Water, spray, loosen, remove dust from leaves)

Educator: Guys, you and I drink water whenever we want. Animals too. How do we know if our plants are thirsty? We decided to water them, but maybe they don’t need water at all now? (children's answers)

(If children find it difficult, then leading questions are asked)

Educator: That's right, well done! Plants should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch and the leaves are limp.

Educator: Do we have such a plant in our group? (No). And here it is (indoor balsam is placed on the table in a state of wilting). Compare these two balsams: how are they different? Why? They didn’t forget to water it, but deliberately didn’t water it for several days so that you could see what would happen to the flower if it wasn’t watered. Impatiens love moisture very much. They need a lot of water. In summer, the soil in the pot should always be moist. In winter, excess moisture should not be allowed, as the plant will rot. Remember: no plant should be allowed to wilt; it will make it very sick.

Educator: Guys, who wants to try to water our wet Vanka or Impatiens - that’s what people call him?

(The child takes a watering can and waters the flowers from above.)

Educator: Guys, was the flower watered correctly? (answers). No, you can’t water flowers like that. It is necessary to water carefully, in a thin stream, press the spout of the watering can to the edge of the pot, and do not pour water on the leaves. Like this (showing how to water flowers). Also, the water should be settled and at room temperature.

Educator: Children, tell me, why should the water be poured in a thin stream and not directly at the root? (Children's answers)

Educator: If you water with a strong stream, the soil of the pot will be washed onto the table and there will be dirt. And most importantly, with a strong stream you can expose the roots of the flower and they will dry out.

Educator: Now look at your plants (everyone has one pot with a balsam sprout on the table). Do they need to be watered? Why do you think so? (the soil in the flower is dry and light)

Educator: That's right, if the soil is light, dry to the touch, even sometimes in cracks, then it needs to be watered.

3. Practical work on watering; as it progresses, the teacher corrects the children’s actions:

Educator: We take watering cans and start watering. If you have already watered your plant, watch what happens to the water. (some people quickly pour water into the saucer, some don’t. What conclusion can be drawn? (children’s answers).

Educator: That’s right, if you pour slowly, then not so much water runs out, but if it’s all at once, then a lot).

Educator: So, how will you water the plants at home and in the group? What will you do if water leaks past? (Children's answers). Find on your tables what you will use to wipe up spilled water, wipe everything carefully, rinse the cloth in a bowl of water (children clean up the tables, put the plants in the place indicated by the teacher, wash their hands).

Educator: Are you satisfied with your work? What can you teach your mother or anyone else at home today? (Children's answers) How do you know if your plants need to be watered? What kind of water should I take?

Summer observation of meadow (wild) flowers in the preparatory group

Abstract of the GCD on cognitive development “Meadow herbs and flowers (field)” Author:

Natalya Sergeevna Myzhevskikh, teacher at the Lesobazovsky Kindergarten.
The material is intended for preschool teachers, parents, and children aged 6-7 years. Description.
Summer - 92 beautiful weather with sun and summer rains.
We often have to deal with the fact that our children do not know the names of medicinal herbs and flowers growing in their meadows, gardens and dachas. I would like not only to talk about the values ​​of medicinal herbs, but also to show how beautiful a meadow is in summer. Goal:
creating favorable conditions for the formation of knowledge and interest in meadow (wild) flowers and herbs of the native village.
1. Arouse children's curiosity about their native nature; 2. Teach to ask questions, think, draw conclusions, experiment, find connections; recognize medicinal herbs and flowers; improve the skill of syllabic analysis of words, consolidate words in the children’s dictionary - the names of wildflowers. 3. Cultivate interest in the surrounding world, the ability to protect nature.

Educator. Guys, look carefully at the window and tell me what the weather is like today? Children. Solar. Educator. That's right, it's warm outside and the sun is shining. Do you like to walk? Children. Yes. Educator. Today I want to invite you for a walk with me, and by guessing the riddle, you will find out where we will go. Do you agree? Children. Yes. Educator. Often, in any weather, I like to walk in nature. I take my net with me: Suddenly it’s a butterfly, and suddenly it’s a bug. There are so many beautiful flowers there! I'm always ready to go there. His grandfather's plow did not touch him. There was, and is, and will be... Children. Meadow. Educator. Well done! But before we go for a walk, let's remember and repeat the rules of behavior in nature. (Children one by one tell the rules of behavior in nature).
• In nature, you should not break anything or tear it just like that.
• Treat trees and shrubs that grow in meadows with care; they strengthen the soil. • Treat the living things in the meadow with care, they all bring benefits. There is nothing superfluous or unnecessary in nature! • Take from nature only what is not listed in the Red Book. • Do not knock down anthills. • Collect medicinal plants correctly, leaving the roots in the ground. • Do not pick flowers into large bouquets. • Do not hurt insects. Educator. You know the rules very well. Remember: you have come to visit nature. Don't do anything that you would consider inappropriate to do at a party. Now choose your partner and hold hands. They lined up one after another. The guys with their partner and teacher go to a rural meadow.
Free conversation about nature. After arriving at the meadow, the teacher and the children form a circle. So we came to a green, beautiful meadow.
Guys, who can tell me what a meadow is? (Children's answers.)
And who lives in the meadow?
(Children's answers and assumptions.)
A meadow is not only herbs and flowers, but also insects - great friends of flowers, and shepherds with herds of domestic animals grazing in the meadow.
Today we will talk about meadow flowers. What flowers are called meadow flowers? Those flowers that grow in the meadow are called meadow flowers. Dynamic pause “In the meadow in the morning”
In the meadow in the morning We started a game.
You are a daisy, I am a bindweed. Stand in our wreath. (Hold hands and form a circle)
One, two, three, four.
Spread the circle wider. (Walking in a circle)
And now we are streams, Let's run in a race,
(Running in a circle)
We're rushing straight to the lake, The lake will become big.
(Walk in a circle, stop, spread your arms to the sides)
How beautiful all the flowers are!
Do you agree with me? All nature blossomed in wondrous colors. Thank you, SUMMER! (Children nod their heads, raise their arms to the sides) Educator. And now we can walk through the meadow and see what flowers grow in it. Anya, what flower did you meet first on your way? Masha, what is the name of your flower? (Asks all the children one by one. They look at several meadow (wild) flowers with the children, remember the names.) Educator. What do all colors have in common? (They have a root, a stem, leaves, a flower).

• Why does a flower need a root?
What will happen to the flower if it is left without a root? • Why do flowers need stems? Leaves? Seeds? • How are flowers different from trees? From bushes? • How do these flowers differ from each other? How are their stems different? Leaves? Flowers? (by size, shape, location, color).

Sedentary game “Catch and Strip” Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the children, saying the name of the wild flower. The child catches the ball and, throwing it to the teacher, pronounces the same word syllable by syllable and names the number of syllables in it. For example: Ko-lo-kol-chik—four; o-du-van-chik—four, ro-mash-ka—three; va-si-lek - three... Educator. Did you know that dandelion can predict the weather? Can you guess how he does it? How can he tell us that it will rain soon? The dandelion cannot speak like a person, but it speaks to us in its own way: it closes its petals and lowers its head. And if the dandelion is already white, then before the rain it folds its parachutes - it hides from future rain. And he tells you and me: it will start raining soon. Dandelion is a very useful plant: jam is made from it! Yes, the real thing, similar to honey. This is why it is called “dandelion honey.” But for such jam you need to collect flowers very far from the roads. Why do you think? (Children's assumptions.)
Dandelion roots are dug up in the fall and used to treat various diseases. After all, dandelion is a medicinal plant; people have been treated with it since ancient times. Salads are made from young dandelion leaves. But so that the leaves are not bitter, they are first kept for half an hour in salt water. What a dandelion!

Didactic exercise “Choose a word”
Yellow like the sun.
Round, like... Soft, like... White, like... Fluffy, like... Fragile, like... What an amazing flower! But dandelions are not always yellow and look like the sun. Time passes, and the yellow petals are replaced by white fluff. Golden and young In a week, he turned gray. And after two days my head went bald. The white fluffs are seeds. The wind blows, the seeds scatter far, far in different directions. They fall to the ground and sprout. New flowers appear. Breathing exercise “Blow on a dandelion”
On a bright sunny day, the Golden flower bloomed.
A light breeze is blowing - Our flower is swaying. A strong wind is blowing - the petals are worried. Children blow on dandelion petals with different strengths and observe the intensity of the movement of the petals.
Showed off like a white fluffy ball in a clean field. Blow on it lightly, There was a flower - and there is no flower.

Educator. This is how wonderful and magical the dandelion is. There is also a yellow flower, name it. Children. Buttercup. Educator. Buttercup – yellow, beautiful. And when there are a lot of buttercups, you get a real golden carpet of them! It seems that the buttercup is completely harmless. But in fact it is poisonous! Fierce! It’s probably not called that for nothing! Fierce buttercup. Who is called fierce? (Children's answers.) Educator. Fierce hurricane, fierce beast, fierce robber. That's the character of Buttercup! Why is buttercup fierce? It has poisonous juice. And if this buttercup juice gets on a person’s skin, then this place will burn and sting. In the old days they even treated with buttercup - they smeared it on the back, and this place began to sting terribly, like mustard plaster. So they called him fierce. And scientists call the buttercup very funny - “ranunculus”, i.e. "frog" Why is it called that? Probably because buttercups grow in damp places, which frogs really love. Or maybe not. Do you know why? (Children's assumptions.)

Buttercups have another name - also very interesting.
They are called "night blindness". Why? Because buttercups, like chickens, go to bed early! Yellow buttercups are very beautiful! Finger gymnastics “Flower”
Buttercup grew up in a clearing,
(join hands, depicting a “bud”)
On a spring morning, he opened his petals.
(Open your hands, unclench your fingers)
Beauty and nutrition to all the petals
(To the rhythm of the words, spread and connect your fingers)
Together they give roots underground!
(Join your hands with the backs of your hands, move your fingers - the “roots”)
Yellow flowers cover the petals. (Tightly clench intertwined fingers)
Quietly fall asleep, heads lowered.
(Put your hands on your knees.) Educator. Guys, what is the name of that place in kindergarten where we walk? (Children's answers).
In the old days in Rus', a place for festivities was called “gulevishche”.
Take a look at the plant with yellow flowers. (Show).
This is a reveler.
It is very hardy, it can grow even where people walk a lot, trample the ground and everything that grows under their feet, as well as near the road. Now do you understand why the walker got this name? (Children's answers).
Take a close look at the walker.
Pay attention to its splayed branches and flowers. What can you say about the size of the flowers of the reveler, what are they? (Children's answers).
Small, growing in clusters. Gulyavnik is sometimes called wild mustard. Its seeds have the smell and taste of mustard. Numerous species of grasshopper grow like weeds, littering fields, orchards, and vegetable gardens. vineyards Here in Udmurtia there are five different types of gulavnik growing. Many species of reedweeds are harmful or poisonous plants.

Some revelers serve among the people for treatment; for example, medicinal gulavnik. Our plant grows thick, changeable, tall and wild. But most often we can meet a wild reveler. This is exactly what you see in front of you now. Revelers are good honey growers. What does it mean? (Children's answers). Honey plants are plants that produce nectar, which bees process into honey. Guys, tell us why the party got this name? Why is the reveler called wild mustard? Why do bees love the walker? How does a person use a walker? Well done! You told me so many interesting things, but we need to go back to kindergarten. Find a couple for yourself and hold hands. They lined up one after another and walked. What do you remember most? What did you like? What didn't you like? Where else would you like to go? Thank you for your attention!

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