Text of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood by roles for production

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

Anastasia Zatrutina

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

Integration of educational areas: Social-communicative, Speech, Artistic and aesthetic development.

Goal: To develop children's interest in dramatization games.

Objectives: to develop the ability to dramatize a fairy , coordinate words and actions;

develop the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of characters, continue to develop in children the ability to create an expressive image in a dramatization game, and perform roles according to the action;

promote the development of dialogical speech;

develop perception, attention, thinking, imagination;

cultivate love, kindness, and caring attitude towards each other.

reading a fairy tale , analyzing the characters, looking at the illustrations.

Characters: Little Red Riding Hood , mother, grandmother, wolf, woodcutters.

Equipment: table, dummies of pies, pot, caps, glasses, apron, little red , screen, glasses, wolf mask, hatchets, hats, bed with bedding.

Lyudmila Dikaya
LITTLE RED HIDING Hood, THREE WOLVE CUBS AND THE GOLDEN RULEA play for a theater in which the children themselves act as actors, playing for other children

Little Red Riding Hood
Mother of Red Riding Hood Grandma of Little Red Riding Hood
Brothers-wolf cubs:
1st wolf cub 2nd wolf cub 3rd wolf cub Fox Rooster

The action takes place before the curtain. The 1st wolf cub appears. He is looking for his brothers.

1st wolf cub.

And where did my brothers go? Are they really hunting somewhere again? Oh, how can I wean them off this?

Behind the curtain you can hear the clatter of running feet, then two wolf cubs run out from behind the curtain, out of breath: the 2nd and the 3rd.

2nd wolf cub.

(to the 1st wolf cub). What stingy fishermen are! They didn’t let me drag away a single fish!

3rd wolf cub.

And how they fight! Ooh, greedy people!

1st wolf cub

). Are they fighting?! Greedy?! How many times do you need to repeat: you cannot take, take away, or, in general, appropriate someone else’s property in any way!

The 2nd and 3rd wolf cubs, interrupting each other, make excuses.

2nd wolf cub.

Well, I really wanted fish!

3rd wolf cub.

The fishermen caught so much of it! Whole mountain! They'll throw away half!

1st wolf cub.

But you weren't the one who caught it. This means there is nothing to count on.

2nd wolf cub.

Well, don't be angry. ( Begins to move his nose, sniffing

3rd wolf cub.

We won't do it anymore.
( Sniffs

1st wolf cub.

That's the same!
( He also sniffs

2nd wolf cub.

Why does it smell so good!

3rd wolf cub.

We need to sniff around.

They go behind the curtain. The curtain opens.

Little Red Riding Hood's house is on stage. Three wolf cubs look into the windows of the house, preventing each other from seeing what is happening inside the house.

1st wolf cub.

No wonder there is such a smell throughout the area!

2nd wolf cub.

What wonderful pies they put in the basket!

3rd wolf cub.

And how big they are! And how many!

1st wolf cub.

Granny Little Red Riding Hood must have a good appetite!

2nd wolf cub.

Look! Mom also threw some sausages!

3rd wolf cub.

Oh, and yummy!

1st wolf cub.

Oh, I can’t take it anymore, I’m dying - I want to eat!

2nd wolf cub.

I would also chew on something. Let's catch the bun! He's somewhere around here, rolling around in the forest.

3rd wolf cub.

Didn't you hear? The cunning Fox has already devoured it!

1st wolf cub.

Oh, I'm hungry!

2nd wolf cub.

Well, be patient a little.
( Winking conspiratorially at the 3rd wolf cub
) Soon Little Red Riding Hood will appear and...

1st wolf cub

). And what?

3rd wolf cub.

She will go to her granny along our forest path...

2nd wolf cub.

And here we are and...

1st wolf cub.

What we? What and?

3rd wolf cub.

Well, we... this... will help Little Red Riding Hood, here!

2nd wolf cub.

Well, yes! That basket is so healthy, it looks heavy!

3rd wolf cub.

Heavy! And we will scoop the pies out of it...

2nd little wolf
(continues the thought
) ...the basket will be lighter, and Little Red Riding Hood will not overstrain herself!

The 2nd and 3rd wolf cubs laugh merrily, pleased with their invention.

1st wolf cub
(with indignation)
. Oh you! They forgot again that because of the same grandma’s pies, the hunters put our daddy behind bars, in the zoo!

2nd wolf cub.

Oh! True, I forgot!

3rd wolf cub.

And I forgot!

1st wolf cub.

Look! The door opens. Let's hide!

The wolf cubs are hiding behind the house and watching from around the corner. Mom and Little Red Riding Hood with a basket come out onto the porch.


Kiss my grandmother for me, daughter, and don’t forget to help her with the housework!

Little Red Riding Hood.

I remember, mommy! We need to gather firewood, bring water, and sweep the yard.


That's right, my smart girl! And be sure to return her glasses.

Little Red Riding Hood.

First of all, mommy! Here they are in my pocket.


Well, then have a nice journey along the short path!

Little Red Riding Hood.

Goodbye, mommy!

Little Red Riding Hood hums and heads backstage. When Little Red Riding Hood disappears behind the scenes, the cubs come out of hiding.

2nd wolf cub.

Pies bye bye! How to get them?

1st wolf cub.

You're at it again - get it! This is not fair!

3rd wolf cub.

Is it possible to get them honestly?

1st wolf cub.

Honestly, you can only work!

2nd wolf cub.

So let's get to work!

3rd wolf cub.

But how? How can you earn grandma's pies?

1st wolf cub.

Need to think.

The wolf cubs sit in a circle and think


1st wolf cub

jumps up)
Invented! (The 2nd and 3rd wolf cubs also jump up.)
2nd wolf cub.

Speak quickly!

3rd wolf cub.

Otherwise Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma will eat everything!

1st wolf cub.

We must act according to the “golden” rule!

2nd wolf cub. (suspicious

) What is this rule?

3rd wolf cub.

And even “golden”?

1st wolf cub

). And here it is: “As you want them to do to you, do so to everyone!”

3rd wolf cub.

And what does our pies have to do with it?

1st wolf cub

). Moreover. If we do a good deed for grandma, she will repay us in kind.

Wolf cubs, 2nd and 3rd.

Like this? Can you be clearer?

1st wolf cub.

That's how. We will help grandma manage her affairs, and in return she will treat us with pies, and maybe even sausage!

2nd and 3rd wolf cubs

). Got it! Wow! Let's run quickly! Help grandma!

1st wolf cub.

Stop! We need to guide Little Red Riding Hood along the long path.

2nd wolf cub.

Right! And I will do it!

1st wolf cub.

Just make sure you don't be rude.

2nd wolf cub.

What you! I, like a real gentleman, will help Little Red Riding Hood carry the basket: the path is long.

1st wolf cub.

Well, then let's get to work!

The wolf cubs run away. A curtain.


Before the curtain. Little Red Riding Hood appears on the left, singing. A stomp is heard behind the curtain - it’s the Little Wolf catching up with Little Red Riding Hood. He runs out from behind the curtain. The wolf cub is holding a bouquet of forest flowers, covering his face with them.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Oh, who are you?
( trying to see through the bouquet who it is

2nd wolf cub.

I? I... postman Pechkin! He brought flowers to Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood.

ABOUT! This is a nice joke, but still, who are you?

2nd wolf cub.

I'm afraid to scare you with my appearance.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Are you the monster from the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”?

2nd wolf cub.

puts down the bouquet

Little Red Riding Hood.

Oh! Wolf! Are you at your best again? Should I call the hunters again?

2nd wolf cub.

But I’m very little and I want to make friends with you.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood to make friends with wolves?

2nd wolf cub.

No, with little Wolf.
These are adults, if they want, let them quarrel, but all children should be friends ( hands a bouquet to Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood
(taking the bouquet)
. I think you're right. Thanks for flowers.

2nd wolf cub.

Hooray! So you accept my friendship?

Little Red Riding Hood.

Making friends is more interesting than fighting.
( edifying
). And if you want to have a friend, know how to be a friend yourself.

2nd wolf cub.

Gold words! Then let me help you carry the basket.

Little Red Riding Hood

). And you...won't...run away with her?

2nd wolf cub.

Little Red Riding Hood!
I’m your friend, and this basket ( takes the basket
) is heavy... But I’m strong and ready to carry it even to distant lands (
looks into the basket and licks his lips

Little Red Riding Hood.

Oh, thanks! But we are much closer. I'm going to my grandmother.

Hiding behind the curtain.


The curtain opens. Grandmother's house on stage. There is a radio on the wall of the house. There is a summer stove in the yard, a kettle on the stove. In the middle of the yard there is a table covered with a tablecloth, on the table there are cups for drinking tea. Near the house there is a bench, on it there is a bucket, next to it is a ladle. Next to the shop there are brooms for cleaning the yard. At the back of the stage is a shed. Grandma is sitting on a bench.

. And how could I forget my granddaughter’s glasses? I can't see anything without them!

The grandmother tries to do something by touch. Two Wolf Cubs, 1st and 3rd, appear near the house. Each one has a bundle of brushwood. When they see the grandmother, they begin to argue quietly.

1st wolf cub.

You start!

3rd wolf cub.

Why me?

1st wolf cub.

Well, then together.

1st and 3rd wolf cubs.

Hello, good afternoon, dear grandmother!


Hello! Who is there?

3rd wolf cub.

This is us…


Who are we?
( squints
) I don't recognize.

1st wolf cub.

We? We are Little Red Riding Hood's g-girlfriends!


Ahh! I think I see. What nice little faces! Welcome.

3rd wolf cub.

We are here... here... We brought you some brushwood.


Oh thank you! I wanted to assemble it myself, but I’m waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to bring the glasses. And you pass, dears. Now let's put some tea on. Until it boils, and Little Red Riding Hood will come.

The grandmother tries to scoop water from the bucket with a ladle, but the bucket is empty.


Oh, and the water seems to have run out.

1st wolf cub.

Let's bring it fresh.


It will be wonderful, my dears. Well behind the house.

The cubs grab a bucket each and run away.


What wonderful girlfriends does my granddaughter have? Somehow I haven't seen them before.

(Grandma puts brushwood in the summer stove and lights a fire. The cubs return with water.)

3rd wolf cub.

Here's some water, please.


Yes, you are so fast! Well, now let's put on some tea.

The wolf cubs help fill the kettle with water and put it on the stove. All three of them are hustling around the stove at the same time. The grandmother touches the tail of the 1st Wolf Cub with her hands.


What is this fluffy thing?
(squints, peers, and tries to understand what she is touching)

1st Wolf Cub
(putting the tip of his tail to his head)
. These are the same braids my friend and I have, grandma!

3rd Wolf ( also puts the tip of his tail to his head and points to his ears).

And these, grandma, are the bows on them.


Nice braids, and the bows are so unusual... (
trying to see them better).
1st wolf cub
(hurriedly, diverting Grandmother’s attention from her ears)
. While the tea is boiling, let's sweep the yard!


Sweep it up, dear ones, sweep it up. Your eyes are so big, they will notice all the specks.

The grandmother enters the house, the wolf cubs sweep the yard. A fox appears near the house and notices the wolf cubs.


Hey, brothers, what are you trying to steal here?

3rd wolf cub.

We don't want to steal anything. We are helping an old grandmother.


Oh, they made me laugh, ha ha!
So I believed you! ( heads to the barn)
1st wolf cub.

Tricky, where are you going?


Leave me alone!
I need a rooster for dinner (runs into the barn and immediately jumps out and drags the rooster)
3rd and 1st wolf cubs.

Come on, throw the bird!!


Here we are, the signs have been found! Mark, sweep, wipers, but I have my own things to do!

3rd and 1st wolf cubs.

We said - quit!


Shoot yourself!

1st wolf cub.

Oh, you are!

3rd wolf cub.

Did you want a thrashing?

The wolf cubs rush at the fox. The Fox lets the Rooster go. He runs to the side, and the wolf cubs and the fox fight, forming a “heap and a lot” with shouts of “here you are,” etc. The grandmother runs out to the noise.


What's that noise? What's going on here?

The fox runs away.


. Well, the fox almost dragged me away, and these... these...

1st wolf cub
. Friends of Little Red Riding Hood...


And these amazing friends of Little Red Riding Hood saved me.


Oh, how brave you are! This cheating fox has already killed more than one of my laying hens!

3rd wolf cub.

Now she's unlikely to show up again.

1st wolf cub.

We taught her a hard lesson.


Thank you, my darlings! Well, where is my granddaughter staying?

The song of Little Red Riding Hood is heard. The 2nd wolf cub sings along with her.

3rd wolf cub.

And here they come.


Who are they? Where? I don't see anyone.

1st wolf cub.

We don’t see either, but we hear the song of Little Red Riding Hood.


What wonderful ears you have!

The 2nd wolf cub and Little Red Riding Hood appear. The wolf cub carries a basket, Little Red Riding Hood carries a bouquet.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Hello, grandma!
(To the wolf cubs)
Hello, friends!


Hello, dear granddaughter, we have already been waiting for you. Have you forgotten...

Little Red Riding Hood

No, no, I haven't forgotten. Here are your glasses, grandma, here are the pies and sausage, and these are flowers from my new friends. ( Addressing the wolf cubs, 1st and 3rd)
We are friends, aren’t we?

The wolf cubs happily nod their heads, and the grandmother puts on her glasses and sees three wolf cubs around her.


Oh! Wolves! Let's save ourselves, granddaughter!

Little Red Riding Hood.

Don't be afraid, grandma! These are little wolf cubs! And we became friends!


Have you become friends?

Little Red Riding Hood.

Well, yes!
This Wolf Cub helped me carry the basket, and these (points to the 1st and 3rd Wolf Cub)
, his brothers, probably managed to help you.

1st and 3rd Wolf Cubs
(in chorus
). We made it!


Wolf cubs? And have you done so many good things?

Wolf cubs

in unison
). Yes, we are!


Miracles! Extraordinary, wonderful wolves!

Little Red Riding Hood.

I think they deserve a treat.


Definitely! And we will feed them deliciously right now! Perhaps you got hungry at work?

1st wolf cub

. How to say…

2nd wolf cub.

We were a little hungry without pies and a little without sausages...


Then, granddaughter, let’s put everything on the table...

Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma begin to lay out the contents of the basket on the table. Sausage appears on the table, then pies.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Now we will drink fragrant tea with wonderful pies!

Wolf cubs
(in chorus).
And with sausage?



Little Red Riding Hood.

And to the forest music!

Little Red Riding Hood turns on the receiver. A cheerful melody sounds. The cubs noisily sit around the table. While Little Red Riding Hood is cutting sausage, grandmother is pouring tea, and the cubs are licking their lips with impatience.


I ask everyone to help themselves!

The wolf cubs begin to gobble up the treat on both cheeks. Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are drinking tea and watching the wolf cubs with a smile. The wolf cubs with their mouths full are trying to say something at the same time, nodding their heads to each other in agreement.

(comes to the front of the stage, speaks to the audience)
. And I, guys, seem to have figured out what the wolf cubs want to say...

The cubs, having chewed, finally join the grandmother on the proscenium and interrupt her.

1st Little Wolf
(addressing the hall).
We want to say that this “golden” rule is very correct.

2nd Little Wolf
(picks up, and also, turning to the hall).
"As you wish

3rd wolf cub.

...to do to you,

Wolf cubs
(all together)
... do the same with everyone!

Little Red Riding Hood

also coming to the forefront and addressing the audience
). Guys! Let's always act this way in everything, don't you agree?

Answer from the audience.

1st little wolf
(to the hall)
. How wonderfully friendly you respond!

2nd wolf cub.

to the hall)
. And if you guys clap for us just as loudly...

3rd little wolf
(to the hall)
. So you liked our performance!

The curtain closes.

Author: Lyudmila Dikaya Published September 25, 2004

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