“Number 1” lesson plan in mathematics (senior group) on the topic

Mathematics lesson in the middle group “Number 1”

Summary of an integrated lesson in mathematics in the middle group, topic of the lesson: “Number 1”

Author of the lesson: Svetlana Alekseevna Davydova, teacher-methodologist of the highest qualification category.

Program content:

Introduce children to the number 1, teach them to relate the number to the number of objects. Strengthen the ability to determine spatial location and copy it. Strengthen counting skills and comparing objects by size. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Will reinforce sculpting techniques: rolling, pressing, pulling. Develop thinking and fine motor skills


Demonstration material: number “1”, subject pictures, typesetting canvas or magnetic board. Handouts: notebooks or sheets of paper, pens, number boxes or number fans, three bricks for each child from a set of building materials, colored pencils, sheets of cardboard, plasticine.

Progress of the lesson:

This number is one. See how proud she is. Do you know why? Starts counting everything. (I. Blyumkin)

The unit or number one is always ahead, it starts the counting. Find number one and show it (children use number boxes or number fans.)

Didactic exercise “Trace and color the number”

Children trace the number with a pen and color it in with a colored pencil.

Didactic exercise “Show one object”

On the ground: Show one finger. Show me one pencil. Show me one brick. At the board or easel: Show one cube, one book, one doll, one ball (pictures).

Didactic exercise “Connect with a line”

Children are asked to connect a circle with the number one and circles with a line. In which one object is drawn. Children are asked questions: “Why didn’t you connect this picture with the number one? How many objects are shown in this picture?

Dynamic pause "Soldiers"

Stand on one leg, as if you were a persistent soldier. Put your left foot to your chest, Look, don’t fall... Now stand on your right, If you are a brave soldier. Now stand on the left, If you are a brave soldier. Once - get up, stretch. Two – bend over, straighten up. Three - three claps of hands, three nods of the head. By four – your arms are wider. Five - wave your arms. Six - sit down quietly.

Didactic game "Repetition"

The teacher places three bars on the table in different positions; after the command “repeat,” the children lay out their bars exactly according to the pattern. The teacher complicates the tasks and reduces the time allotted for completing the task.

Didactic exercise “Geometric shapes”

Here are the fidgety figures who love to play hide and seek. So let's look for them, guys, with our eyes.

Look left, look right, look? Where is the circle? And we found you. Here he is, beloved friend.

Let's all look to the left together. What's there? Where is the square? You prankster cannot escape, from the inquisitive eyes of the guys.

Let's look down and find the triangle there. This is a triangle. Where is the rectangle?

Look in your notebooks and find these figures in them. How many figures are there in total? Which figure is first? Color the square yellow. What figure is next? What is it like? Second. Color the circle red. What figure is next? What is it like? Third. Color the triangle blue. What figure is next? What is it like? Fourth. Color the rectangle with any color you like.

Warm-up for fingers “Baby fingers”

(L. Mukhomorina)

Mom let the kids go for a walk (open your palm, straighten all your fingers). Mom has a lot of them. There are five of these kids! Have you been out for a walk, kids? Now go home! Come quickly, you’re a big finger (the children bend all their fingers one by one), And now you’re attentive, your index finger, And now your middle finger. This is not the last. Ring finger, run to the house

Download numbers from 1 to 10 “Blue”. Numbers and their names.

The fifth archive contains 11 cards with blue numbers from 1 to 10, starting from zero, each of which is located on a separate page. Under each number on the sheet there is also a name for the number. Additionally, we also included the mathematical signs “plus”, “minus” and “equals” in the set of cards.

When studying numbers with your child, it is necessary to direct all efforts to teach the child to compare the visual image of the number shown on the card with its quantitative value.

To print cards, use A-4 paper size. Even if you don't have a color printer, don't worry, when you print numbers on a black and white printer, the numbers will turn black.

Download numbers - coloring pages from 1 to 10 with tasks.

These cards are good because during classes the child can combine learning with drawing. If you notice that your baby is tired and has stopped perceiving information carefully, take a break and invite your child to color pictures with a number that he has already learned. This way, the child will have a rest and will be happy to start learning the next number.

On the fourth form you will find two counting tasks for kids to reinforce the material covered. In addition, in the second task the child is asked to complete the patterns on the mittens in a mirror image. You can easily create such examples yourself using numbers, pictures and mathematical symbols that you print on the page.

How to write numbers from 1 to 10 correctly.

This manual will be useful to you after your child has learned and memorized 10 printed numbers well. In order for a child to learn to write capital numbers correctly, it is first necessary to demonstrate to the child the sequence of writing them using arrows using a clear example. Place the form on the table in front of the child, take a pen or pencil, and start circling the first number from the indicated point in the direction of the arrows, then invite the child to do the same. Then the second, third and so on, depending on how quickly the child remembers the writing sequence.

The form must be in sight of the child at all times so that he can check himself at any time. After the child has memorized these rules, you can proceed to the seventh point of this page, where the child needs to circle the numbers by dots, guided by this manual.

Cards with numbers from 1 to 10 and mathematical plus and minus signs.

By downloading the fourth archive, you will receive 2 forms with numbers and mathematical plus and minus signs, which are located on sheets in frames, 6 pieces on each. Cut out the frames along the lines and you will have a wonderful set of cards for introducing your child to printed numbers and teaching your child how to count to 10.

Your main task is to convey to the child that real objects are “hidden” behind the numbers and how interesting it is to learn how to count them yourself.

During classes, give your child as many visual examples as possible from the environment in counting, unobtrusively practice with him on a walk, while eating, playing - make learning fun and interesting.

Cards “Numbers from 1 to 10” - print each number on a separate sheet.

The sixth archive contains cards similar to the previous ones with numbers and mathematical symbols, but without names. In order to use cards for a long time, it is better to print them on thicker paper or laminate them.

It is quite difficult for a child to remember numbers, so the learning process needs to be given special attention, and most importantly, to make it fun and interesting. You need to study constantly, in a playful way, using visual materials and objects. Practice at home, on the street, in transport, in a store; such training, as a rule, brings the most unexpected results and is most effective.

If you are interested in a complete set of cards with mathematical signs and symbols for creating various examples and problems during lessons with your child, follow this link.

Program content

Introduce numbers 1 and 2 and learn to denote numbers with numbers.

Practice counting skills forward and backward within 10.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides and corners of the sheet.

Improve your understanding of triangles and quadrilaterals.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Cards with numbers 1 and 2, dummies of mushrooms (1 porcini mushroom and 2 aspen mushrooms), 10 triangles of the same color, sample pattern.

Handout. Cards with numbers 1 and 2, rectangles of the same color (10 pieces for each child), sheets of paper, colored pencils.


Part I. Game exercise “Count the mushrooms.”

There are dummies of mushrooms on the teacher’s table: 1 porcini mushroom and 2 aspen mushrooms.

The teacher asks the children the names of the mushrooms and finds out whether they are edible or not. Then he asks: “How many porcini mushrooms?” Who knows what number can be used to represent the number one?”

The teacher shows a card with a picture of the number 1, places it next to the porcini mushroom and asks: “What does the number one look like? Find a card with the number one and circle it with your finger.”

Clarifies: “The number one means the number one.”

Similarly, the teacher introduces children to the number 2.

Part II. Didactic game “Find the same amount.”

The teacher shows the number. Children find the appropriate number of objects in the group and justify their choice. (One watch, two vases, two paintings...)

The teacher clarifies: “The number one (two) shows the number one (two).”

The teacher names the number of objects, the children show the corresponding number.

Part III. Game exercise “Count the figures.”

There are 10 triangles of the same color on the flannelgraph. Children determine their number. Then the teacher asks: “How many triangles will remain if we remove one triangle each time?”

Children, together with the teacher, count the triangles in reverse order (from 10 to 1). The teacher clarifies: “What did we do when we counted from ten to one?”

Part IV. Working with handouts.

Children have ten rectangles. The teacher offers to complete a similar task. Children count the rectangles, remove one at a time and determine how many are left. Together with the teacher, they call the numbers in reverse order. (Ten, nine, eight...one.)

Part V Didactic game “Remember and complete” (auditory dictation).

Children have sheets of paper and colored pencils. The teacher clarifies the name of the sides and corners of the sheet.

Then he gives the children tasks:

1) draw a straight line along the top side of the sheet with a red pencil (along the bottom side with a green pencil, along the left side with a blue pencil, along the right side with a yellow pencil);

2) draw a circle in the upper left corner with a red pencil (in the lower left corner with a blue pencil, in the upper right corner with a yellow pencil, in the lower right corner with a green pencil);

3) put a dot in the middle of the sheet with a red pencil.

Children check the correctness of the task using the teacher’s model.

The teacher clarifies: “What and where did you draw?”

Children name the details, their color and location.

“Numbers from 1 to 10” for printing in pictures.

You can print these bright and colorful picture cards with numbers from 1 to 10 on a color printer (A-4 paper). Cut each form into four parts along the indicated lines - and start teaching your child. Using these cards, you can independently come up with various tasks for kids, for example, similar to those that we have placed on the fourth form of the manual.

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