Summary of the walk in the senior group “Visiting the trees”

Detailed plan for a morning walk for children of primary preschool age

Detailed plan for a morning walk for children of primary preschool age

Watching the snow


expanding children's ideas about the world around them, developing cognitive interest in nature.

1. Observation.

Draw the children’s attention to the falling snow: “Look, children, how the snow is falling, how quietly it falls to the ground...”

In December, in December

There is a lot of snow in the yard.

The star spun

There's a little in the air

She sat down and melted on my palm.

Children look at snowflakes and observe what happens to a snowflake if you breathe on it. “And now we will turn into snowflakes and circle around our site.”

2. Outdoor games

1) Game of great mobility “Two Frosts”


To develop inhibition in children and the ability to act on a signal (word). Practice running while dodging while catching.

Progress of the game:

Choose two drivers - one “Frost red nose”, and the other “Frost blue nose” (you can use either masks or hats). The whole group can play. “Frosts” stand on the edge of the playground, the rest of the children are positioned facing the drivers. "Frosts" say:

"I am Frost the Red Nose"

“I am Frost the blue nose.”

In chorus : “We’ll freeze you to tears!”

The children all answer the drivers together:

“We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!”

After which all the players scatter, and the driving frosts try to grease them. The one who is hit is “frozen”, that is, he stops in place and does not have the right to move. The game can continue until the frost hits all players except two. They become the new leaders. Another option is for an adult to interrupt the game at his own discretion with the words: “one-two-three, run to the house to warm yourself!” After this, all the children, including the drivers and the “frozen” ones, run up to the adult leader. A new pair of drivers is selected by a rhyme and the game is repeated. This option is especially relevant when the “frosts” cannot catch someone or a lot of players for a long time.

2) Medium mobility games “Roll a snowball”


teach children to push away clods with both hands together; learn to act on a signal.

Progress of the game:

Several paths are drawn on the site, 1 m wide and 4-5 m long. The teacher rolls up several snowballs. The clods are placed at the beginning of the paths. Two children stand next to each one. At a signal, they begin to roll clods along their path, trying not to go beyond its limits.

3) Low mobility game “The little white bunny is sitting.”


Teach children to correlate their actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Progress of the game:

“The little white bunny is sitting.

And he wiggles his ears. (Children imitate movements with their ears)

Like this, like this

He wiggles his ears.

Plan for morning walks for young children lesson plan (junior group)

Plan for morning walks

for young children;

younger, middle and older age.

Plan for a morning walk for early children

preschool age. (Spring).

  1. Observation of surroundings.

Goal: to develop children’s interest in the phenomena of spring weather.

Continue to teach children to determine the weather conditions, introduce

with the characteristic features of spring. The sun is hot, the snow is melting,

turns into water. Pay attention to the beauty of spring weather.

A stream runs through the forest,

Along the icy steps.

And spring's living songs

They jump loudly after him.

The snow is melting everywhere, streams are running. There are also streams flowing on our site.

Look what a stream we have.

- Tell me, guys, where did the streams come from?

— The sun was hot, the snow melted and turned into water. And the water was already running like a stream.

  1. Outdoor games.

A game of great mobility: “One, two, three-run!”

Goal: to train children in the ability to act on a signal; develop

Speed ​​of running, coherence of collective actions.

Description. Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says.

If the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the tree,” the children run

to the tree and wait for the teacher. If the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the sandbox,” the children run to the sandbox and wait for the teacher.

- Medium mobility game: “Sunshine and Rain.”

Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other

on a friend, teach them to act on a signal from the teacher.

Description. Children squat down behind the line designated by the teacher. The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children are running around the playground. To the signal: “Rain! Hurry home! —

They run behind the marked line and squat down.

The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk,” and the game repeats.

— Low mobility game: “Find the flag.”

Objectives: To develop children's powers of observation and self-control (do not open their eyes until the signal “it’s time”).

Description: at the teacher’s signal, the children stand up and turn to face the wall, the teacher hides the flags according to the number of children. "It's time!" - says the teacher. The children turn to face him and go looking for flags.

The one who finds the flag takes its place. When all the flags have been found, the children walk along the playground, holding the flag in their hand. The one who first found the flag goes ahead of the column. At the signal “Return”, the game begins again.

Rules: You can turn to face the teacher only after the word “it’s time!”

Options: Use a bell instead of verbal instructions. Whoever finds the flag first hides it. In the summer they hide the flag in the bushes, behind the trees.

3.Work on the site.

Goal: To educate children in their work activities, to teach them to maintain order and cleanliness. Encourage to provide assistance to adults, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of work.

— Do you know what needs to be done to keep the site clean?

- That's right, get out.

-To keep our area clean, we need to collect garbage in this bucket and sweep up dry leaves.

-We need to protect our natural environment.

-Children, look at how clean our area has become.

4. Individual work:

— Jumping from hoop to hoop.

- Jumping forward.

5. Independent play activities with external materials: hoop, flags, shovels, buckets, molds, etc.

Summary of a summer walk in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Summer walk in kindergarten.
Abstract. Senior group Description: I bring to your attention a summary of guiding the activities of children in the first half of the day during a walk in the summer. This summary will be useful in the work of teachers of older age groups in kindergarten. Goal: organize children's practical activities in nature through observations, work in nature and games. Objectives: - To develop observation and curiosity in children.
— Form ideas about the world around us, the ability to behave correctly in nature, the desire to study and protect nature; — Foster a careful and caring attitude towards nature. — Intensify children’s independent activities; — Ensure children’s physical activity during games and individual work. Day 1
1. Observation of chamomile. Read a poem about chamomile to the children. A chamomile blossomed in the garden - A snow-white shirt, Petals once and twice... All carved lace. Nastya ran to the kindergarten and saw a daisy, and clapped her hands: “Oh, how good he is! We will transplant this little white flower into a pot.” Mom said affectionately: “But there’s not enough room in the pot. Let the chamomile grow in the garden - A snow-white shirt, Here is the sun and water, Let it bloom in the garden!” (L. Nekrasova)
Invite children to find chamomile among other plants and describe its appearance: stem, leaves, petals.
Examine chamomile with children:
the color of the stem, leaves, petals, core, flower shape.
To expand children's knowledge about chamomile and its beneficial properties.
Questions for children:
- How to find a chamomile among other flowers?
— What shape and color are chamomile petals? — What is the healing value of chamomile? I conduct observation from the front. 2. Labor in nature. Water the plants in the flower garden. Loosen the ground. Remove weeds. Goal:
To foster a caring and caring attitude towards plants.
3. Individual work with children. Teach girls to throw shuttlecocks to each other using a racket. Toss the shuttlecock above you using a racket. Goal:
Develop movements in the game.
4. Games with children. Didactic games: “The fourth wheel”, “Make a group”. Goal:
Develop children's speech, accumulate vocabulary.
Role-playing game: “Shop”
Purpose: To clarify children’s knowledge about store employees, about customers, about the importance of goods for everyday demand. Outdoor games: “Ball in”, “Tag with a ball”, “Tag with tails”. Goal: Develop movements in the game. Learn to act with the ball when given a signal.

Day 2
1. Observation of insects (bumblebee). Setting off on his flight, He hums like an airplane! Flying over the fields, over fragrant flowers, collects pollen from them and carries it to the porch. It quickly crawls into the hole and becomes quiet for a while... Who is this strange beast? This is our furry... Watch how beautifully the bumblebee flutters over the flowers, buzzing.
Offer to look at the appearance of the bumblebee, parts of the body, find out what it eats, what benefits it brings to plants.
Tell the children that a bumblebee, flying from flower to flower, carries pollen. Give the children a riddle: It sits on a flower, buzzing, To enjoy the nectar, It is furry, like a spruce, It looks like a bee... Purpose: To expand children’s knowledge about the appearance of a bumblebee and its meaning. Questions for children: - Who can describe the appearance of a bumblebee to me? — What benefits does the bumblebee bring to plants? — What does a bumblebee do when it flies from flower to flower? I conduct observations in subgroups. After the observation, I conduct a conversation about the benefits of insects in nature. 2. Labor in nature. Invite children to collect garbage (sticks, branches, pieces of paper) in the area. Methods and techniques: demonstration, explanation, reminder, evaluation. Goal: To educate children to respect nature. Involve children in cleaning the kindergarten and caring for the environment. 3. Individual work with children: “Classics” Purpose: To train children in long jumps. Continue to teach children how to navigate among numbers. Methods and techniques: demonstration, individual assistance, positive assessment. 4. Games with children. Didactic games" "Sound lotto", "Add a word".
Goal: Accumulate children's vocabulary. Develop speech. Outdoor games: “Tag”, “Hide and Seek”, “Catch-Up”, “Day-Night”, “Homeless Hare”, “Mousetrap”. Goal: Improve children's running. Develop attention, speed, agility. Day 3
1. Observation of butterflies. Read a poem about a butterfly to the children. I asked the yellow butterfly Quietly: “Butterfly, tell me, Who painted you?” Maybe it's a buttercup? Maybe dandelion? Maybe yellow paint That Boy Next Door? Or is it the sun after the winter boredom? Who painted you? Butterfly, tell me! The butterfly, dressed in gold, whispered: “Summer, summer, summer has painted me all over!” Watch how beautifully, silently butterflies flutter over the flowers.
Offer to examine the appearance of butterflies, body parts, and find out what they eat.
Lead the children to the conclusion that butterflies differ in the size and color of their wings. Give the children a riddle: It flutters and dances over the flower, waves a patterned fan... Butterflies have 2 pairs of wings. They are covered with colored scales. The scales are very delicate and can be rubbed off with a light touch. Butterflies have 6 legs, with which they cling to flowers and move along them. They have antennae and a proboscis, curled into a spiral. Sitting on a flower, the butterfly unfolds its proboscis, lowers it inside the flower and drinks the nectar. Tell the children that butterflies fly from flower to flower, this is how they carry pollen. Pollinated plants will produce more seeds. Ask the children riddles about butterflies: All four petals of the flower were moving. I wanted to pick it, it fluttered up and flew away. Not a bird, but with wings: It flies over the flowers, collects nectar. Goal: To expand children's knowledge about the appearance of a butterfly and its meaning. Questions for children: - How many pairs of wings do butterflies have? —What are the wings of a butterfly covered with? — What does a butterfly do when it flies from flower to flower? I conduct observations in subgroups. 2. Labor in nature. Water the plants in the flower garden. - Guys, our plants have completely lowered their heads, they probably need to be watered, what do you think? Goal: To foster a caring and caring attitude towards plants. 3. Individual work with children: “Counting within 10” Goal: Continue to teach counting to 10 and back. Tell a poem about arithmetic: On Tanya’s sofa there are toys lying in a pile: Five nesting dolls, Pinocchio, and a cheerful Cipollino. Help Tanya count the toys. 4. Games with children. Didactic games: “Make a group”, “Geometric shapes”.
Goal: To develop children's mathematical abilities.
Role-playing game: “Zoo”
Purpose: To introduce children to zoo workers.
Give new information about the life of animals. Outdoor games: “Ball for a neighbor”, “Ball in”, “Tag”.
Goal: Improve children's running, speed, agility.
Psychological game “Magic Circle”
Purpose: To teach children to compliment each other. Foster a sense of friendship and collectivism.

Day 4
1. Observation of crows. Read poems about crows to the children:
High on the crown of a maple tree, a crow was preparing to sing, showed her singing talent, and shouted loudly “car-rrrr.”
Watch the crows with your children, see how they fly. Feed the crows with your children and watch this process from afar. Offer to consider the crows: body parts, appearance, coloring. Consider a crow's feather with children. Give the children a riddle about crows: Two chatty neighbors were having a conversation on a branch. Very Important Persons These black...(crows). T. Lavrova.
Goal: To expand children's knowledge about birds of the corvid family.
Questions for children: - What do crows eat? —What do crows look like? -What kind of feather does the crow have? - How are crows useful? I conduct observations in subgroups. 2. Labor in nature. Invite children to collect garbage (sticks, branches, pieces of paper) in the area. Methods and techniques: demonstration, explanation, reminder, evaluation. Goal: To educate children to respect nature. Involve children in cleaning the kindergarten and caring for the environment. 3. Individual work with children: “Ball School”. Goal: Teach children in subgroups (4 people each) to throw a medium-sized ball over themselves and catch it with both hands. Continue to teach children (another subgroup of children - 4 people) to hit the ball on the ground with their left hand and reinforce hitting the ball on the ground with their right hand. 4. Games with children. Didactic games" "Sound lotto", "Add a word".
Goal: Accumulate children's vocabulary.
Develop speech. Role-playing game "Hospital".
Goal: To introduce children to hospital workers.
To provide new information about people who save the lives of the sick and fight for their lives. Help children assign roles and provide the necessary equipment. Outdoor games: “The Fox and the Hares”, “The Third Wheel”.
Purpose: To train children to run in a circle. Foster a sense of friendship. Develop attention, dexterity, speed.

Day 5
1. Observation of the sun. Read a poem about the sun to the children: A cloud is hiding behind the forest, The sun is watching from the sky. And so pure, kind, radiant. If we could get him, We would kiss him. G. Boyko
Note that it has become very warm.
Draw the attention of children that at noon the sun is high above their heads and there is absolutely no shadow from the pillar, and in the evening the shadow is longer. Invite children to touch rocks and metal objects in the morning and afternoon. Explain why the stones get so hot in the evening. Draw the children's attention to the plants of the flower garden: in the morning they are fresh, elastic, drooping during the day, and rise in the evening. Invite the children to touch the soil in the morning, afternoon and evening so that they can tell when it is warmer. Give the children a riddle:
You warm the whole world and you don’t know fatigue, you smile in the window, and everyone calls you... (sun).
Tell the children a poem about a ray of sunshine:
The sun is shining very brightly, It warms gently and tenderly.
Early in the morning I looked at my window with importance. The beam touched the rosy cheek. It illuminated everything around. I’ll squeeze the beam in my hand. I won’t let him go, Let his palm warm me. I will find summer in it, Not everyone can do that. Goal: Expand children's understanding of the importance of the sun in the lives of people, plants and animals. Questions for children: - When is the sun hottest: in the morning, afternoon or evening? — When is the soil in the flower garden warmer: in the morning, afternoon or evening? — Why can’t you be in the sun without a Panama hat? I conduct observation from the front. 2. Labor in nature. Water the plants in the flower garden. - Girls, now you will help me water the plants. Let's fill our watering cans with water from the tap and take them to the flower garden. Then the plants in the flower garden will be fresh, beautiful, resilient and will delight our eyes. Goal: To foster a caring and caring attitude towards plants. 3. Individual work with children: “Ball School”. Goal: Continue teaching children in subgroups (4 people each) to throw a ball over themselves and catch it with both hands. Learn to catch the ball with one hand. Teach another subgroup of children to hit the ball on the ground, moving forward alternately with the right and then with the left hand. 4. Games with children. Didactic games" "Sound lotto", "Add a word".
Goal: Accumulate children's vocabulary.
Develop speech. Games with water: “Who is faster”, “Who is more dexterous”. Outdoor games with the ball: “Ball for a neighbor”, “Moving target”, “overtake the ball”.
Goal: to train children in running. Develop children's eye. Continue learning to act on cues.

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Summary of an autumn walk in the senior group of kindergarten

Summary of a walk in the senior group on the topic: “Autumn”
Purpose: - Organize children’s recreation. Objectives: - To consolidate children’s knowledge about the changes that occur with trees in the autumn; — To consolidate children’s knowledge about trees and leaves, to enrich children’s vocabulary; — Exercise children in running, develop endurance (start running only after finishing the words); — Form in children the habit of maintaining cleanliness and order in the kindergarten area, the desire to work for the common benefit. Equipment: Children's rakes, brooms, buckets. 1. Introductory part: While walking, I ask the children a riddle: Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south.
“What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn) - Guys, what time of year is it now? What month? (autumn, September) - How many autumn months are there? What are their names? (Three: September, October and November) - What autumn signs do you know? (cold days have arrived, it has become windy, it rains often; the leaves on the trees change color from green to yellow, orange, red, crimson; leaves are falling; insects are hiding; migratory birds are flying south; the nights have become longer and the days are short; people harvest from the fields, vegetable gardens and orchards; you need to dress warmly when you go outside, because it has become cold; the new school year has begun, the children began to go to school). — Who loves autumn and who doesn’t? Why? (children's answers) 2. Main part:

Observing trees in autumn. I read the poem: Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves are flying. Yellow maple, yellow beech, Yellow circle of the sun in the sky. Yellow yard, yellow house. The whole earth is yellow all around. Yellowness, yellowness, So autumn is not spring. V. Nirovich I ask the children questions: - How do trees change with the onset of autumn? —Have all the trees changed? — What is the name of the phenomenon: “falling of autumn leaves”? — What happened to the leaves? Has their color changed? — What colors are autumn leaves? Why do they change their color? I listen to the children's answers. 2.2. Individual work. I’m conducting a didactic game “Which tree did the leaf fall from?” » From oak - ... oak, From linden - ... linden, From rowan - ... rowan, From poplar - ... poplar, From aspen - ... aspen, From maple - ... maple, From birch - ... birch, From alder - ... alder. I praise children for correct answers. Didactic game “Find an extra word in each chain”, justify your choice: - spruce, rowan, tulip, maple; - poplar, birch, rose hips, oak; - rowan, apple, bird cherry, currant; - oak, aspen, spruce, linden. 2.3. Outdoor game “Burn, burn clearly” Contents of the game: I help the children stand in pairs and say the following words: Burn, burn clearly, So that it doesn’t go out Look at the sky - the birds are flying, The bells are ringing: 1, 2, 3 - run. The child runs between the pairs, chooses anyone, takes them by the hand and stands at the end of the pairs. Game continues. 2.4. Work “Cleaning leaves in a group plot.” With a subgroup of children we go to the part of the site where we will clean. I distribute rakes, brooms, and buckets to the children. To arouse interest in the upcoming activity, I use artistic words: - “Labor adorns a person”, - “Without labor there is no good”, - “Play is play, but business is business.” As work progresses, I organize and correct the children, give instructions, and monitor the quality of performance. At the end of the work, I praise the children for their efforts and ask them to assemble the equipment. 3. Final part. End of the walk. I call the children together and ask: “Guys, what did we observe today?” - What games did you play? What interesting things did you remember? I listen to the children's answers and praise them for their good work. After which I line up the children in pairs and lead them to the group.

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