Traffic rules game “Journey to the land of road signs”

Even if you are not a driver and such a joyful event as obtaining a driver’s license is not expected in the near future, knowledge of road signs will not be superfluous. Moreover, they form an important part of the rules of the road traffic system and apply equally to all its participants.

Basically, road signs are presented in the form of standardized graphic designs and are located either along roads or in places with a large number of people, for example, in a pedestrian crossing or subway. In addition, these are the main assistants in correct orientation on the roads and in the area.

Pictures of road signs

Clear drawings of signs with analogies will help you remember the most important symbols that you will encounter on your way to elementary school or kindergarten. Vivid images and simple explanations allow you to instantly attract attention and convey information quickly, cheerfully and clearly.

Thanks to road pictures, the child learns to be independent and make the right decisions. The main goal is to show that participation in traffic is not as scary as it may seem. If you understand the meaning of road signs, you can organize your own actions.

Road pictures are different for each age category. Children learn in the presence of an adult, who prompts actions and explains signs.

Pictures of traffic rules for children

This is a fun activity for different age groups, which at the same time brings great benefits. Every child, just starting to walk, becomes a participant in traffic - goes to kindergarten or school, walks in the yard, learns to ride a bicycle. Studying from strict books is boring and difficult, so as an alternative we offer bright drawings with clear messages.

The learning process attracts the child with its accessibility and diversity. Any adult can help understand the images by adding examples from personal experience to the drawing. As a result, confidence in himself and his actions in any situation is formed, he will not be confused or scared at the sight of a moving car and will know what to do at a pedestrian crossing. Traffic rules drawings are quick answers to children's questions.

“The ABCs of traffic rules for preschool children.” material on life safety (middle group) on the topic

ABC of traffic rules for preschool children

MADOU No. 42, Dubchenko T.Yu.

Goal: To consolidate children’s understanding of traffic rules in a playful way.

Objectives: - expand children’s understanding of the rules of behavior on the street; - promote the development of attention and caution; - cultivate the ability to behave correctly on the road.

Each of the children knows, There is no wiser rule: “The rules of the road must be followed!”

Every young pedestrian should know a pedestrian crossing or a zebra crossing and just walk along it.

There is an underground passage and an overpass. We walk along it safely, it will save us from cars!

A traffic light is a dear friend - Controls everything around. The red light is a menacing look. It is fraught with danger. If the light is on like this, It means, like a soldier, stand! Yellow is like the sun, Warm, spring. Offers to wait, Gives you the mood. And green - don’t yawn And go ahead walk boldly!

Red - “Stop!” "Get ready!" - yellow. And green light - “Go!” Be attentive and persistent, Don’t run - wait for the signal!

We also have an assistant - This is our road sign. He will tell us and help us, What to do and how.

If the sign is in a red border - It means you can’t do that! It means the action is dangerous! Listen to him, friends!

In the blue border there is a sign that allows you to do this. It gives information about what and where is waiting for us!

Never cross the road near a car. Remember, even super tires cannot brake quickly!

Sleds, rollers, cheesecakes - these are not toys on the road!

Don’t ride on the roads, Don’t cling to cars: It’s very dangerous Mischief on the highway!

If you are riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, Look around a little: Is there a sign “Bike path”? If there is a separate path, you need to turn onto it! If you go to kindergarten, Then you are still too small! And you are unlikely to be allowed to ride on the road! Can you ride? boldly along the paths in the yard! It’s not the place for children to appear on the road!

It’s dangerous for everyone to walk on the roadway! And on the sidewalk - We walk bravely.

If you go with mom or dad all together, Don’t forget that you are a child, You must ride in a child seat! Your seat belt must be fastened, and mom and dad too! Everything must be strictly observed! This, my friend, will help you.

He strictly keeps order. The policeman is a faithful guard! He is a guard on the road, And also our assistant!

You go out onto the road - There is no crossing nearby. Don’t rush, wait a little And listen to our advice: Look first to the left, Make sure there are no cars. Cross to the middle. Then don’t rush again. Look first to the right. There are no cars - go ahead! You rule You know. Bravo! A real pedestrian!

Children are supposed to know the rules of the road! And not only know them firmly, but also follow them! You will be smart and brave, and also healthy and safe!

Road alphabet in pictures

This is play-style learning. Vivid images are better remembered and attract children's attention better than dry texts and abstruse phrases. This alphabet has a dual function - visual teaching of literacy plus familiarization with road traffic and its participants. The child will easily remember the order of letters in the alphabet and their spelling, and will also know the designations of markings, signs, vehicles, etc.

The participation of an adult in the process of learning the alphabet can only be limited to testing the acquired knowledge. Colorful pictures and simple explanations are learned by children of different ages. As a result, the child is well oriented in traffic situations, learns in which places to cross the road, and will be able to distinguish between traffic lights and road sign designations.

ABC School


In the forest, where everyone has walked without rules until now, One day a traffic light appeared. The Bear brought it from somewhere along the road. And the animals came running to look at the equipment.

And the Hedgehog was the first to start: “What nonsense!” Both current and wires are needed for a traffic light. And if it doesn’t burn properly, then we shouldn’t even look at this thing!

– I agree with Hedgehog! - Said the Wolf, yawning. - And if he worked, What good would he be? When I'm chasing a hare, It just doesn't make sense for me to run towards the green light, to stand at the red light!

“And I,” said the Bunny, “When I’m already running, I can’t follow the traffic lights, Sorry, I can’t!”

“We,” said the Fox, “have our own rules here.”

And we don’t need a traffic police post at the crossroads!

- I don’t need it either! - The Mole said from the hole, - I will dig an underground passage for myself!

Hearing reasonable words underneath me, “I’m actually flying!” - The Owl hooted. - And I don’t need to look at the red light at all, When I can fly over the intersection.

Everything remained as it was. The dense forest is noisy. The traffic light bum is swinging on the tree...

But you and I are not hares, Not wolves and moles - I go to work, And you go to school. And cars rush past, steel ants. And we need traffic police posts at crossroads! They help us, We are taught from an early age to step into the green light, to stand at the red light.


We have a good friend, similar to a good giant! Know: he has three eyes - They are not afraid of anyone. In the morning, during the day, in the darkness of the night, everyone burns one by one. And everyone has their own color, To give us advice along the way. If the yellow light is on, it tells us to get ready, when it turns green, we go,

Happy journey everyone! And the red light turns on, suddenly Wait a little, friend! It’s harmful to be a hasty person, you have to value your life! A friend is called a “traffic light”, He has been having a wordless conversation with people for a long time, He will never let you down. We must obey Him - And we are not afraid of the roads!!!


At the crossing strip On the side of the road, A three-eyed, one-legged beast, of a breed unknown to us, Talks to us with multi-colored eyes.

The RED eye is looking at us. - STOP! “That’s his order.”

YELLOW eye Looks at us: - CAUTION!

And the GREEN eye - For us: - POSSIBLE!

This is how the Silent Traffic Light conducts its conversation.


He easily, without tension (Only winks his eyes), Regulates the movement of Those who ride and walk!

The traffic light turned red, and a stream of cars began to flow, which means the path will become dangerous! Don't rush on the road!

Look at the cars, at the road. Take a closer look!

And wait a little longer: There will be yellow ahead.

Well, then it will light up, like grass, green light! We need to make sure again that there is no car nearby.

Look at the road on the left, then look at the right. And, walking along the zebra crossing boldly, thank the traffic light!


The traffic light told us sternly: - Be careful, there is a road here! Don't play, don't be naughty, just stand and watch! The red light came on at the top: Red light is always dangerous! A tractor and a tram are coming, Hey, driver, don’t yawn! White zebra - transitions:

Pedestrians wait quietly. The traffic light told us clearly - Red light - it’s dangerous to go! The traffic light winked at us, He blinked his yellow eye. Yellow light and red light: Still no road! The traffic light is on guard, At night it doesn’t even sleep.


Color green - Come in! Yellow - Wait a little.

Well, if it’s red – Stop! The passage is dangerous!


To help you pass the dangerous path, We burn day and night - Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light. We are three siblings, We have been shining for a long time on the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful lights, You often see us, But sometimes you don’t listen to our advice.

The strictest is red light. If it's burning,

Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone!

So that you can cross calmly, listen to our advice: - Wait! You will soon see a yellow light in the middle!

And behind it, a green light will flash ahead. He will say: - There are no obstacles, boldly go on your way!

You will obey the traffic light instructions without question, You will get home and to school, Of course, very soon.


Stop, car! Stop, motor! Brake quickly, Driver! Red Eye: Staring straight ahead - This is a strict traffic light. He looks menacing, he lets you go further, he doesn’t let you go further.

The driver waited a little, then looked out the window again. The traffic light this time showed a green eye, winked and said: “You can go, the way is open!”

TWO Dwarfs

By the road, in a house without a garden and a porch, gnomes live, two nice little men: They don’t play dominoes, tag or hide-and-seek, but look out the window all day: Is everything all right there? The green gnome says: “Everything is calm.” The way is open!

If it comes out red, it means the path is dangerous! Both during the day and during the dark night, the windows in it do not go out: Here comes a green gnome, Here comes a red one. Little people have an important and difficult job - Careless citizens Blink at the crossing!


Red, yellow and green, He stares at everyone. The intersection is busy, the traffic light is not calm.

Old people and children walk - They don’t run and don’t rush. A traffic light for everyone in the world. A true friend and brother.

At the traffic light we go across the street. And the drivers nod to us: “Come on in, we’ll wait.”

At a red light - there is no way, At a yellow light - wait. When the light is green, have a nice trip!


Three walking friends at any time of the year.

The red light is your first friend - Busily stern. If it suddenly lights up, there is no way.

Yellow light is your second friend Gives sensible advice: Stop! Attention in the morning! Wait for new signals!

The third friend blinked His green light at you: Come in! There is no threat! I guarantee this!

When crossing squares, avenues and roads, advice from these three friends: Do everything on time.


It is known that it is not easy for us to meet a wizard. And I met him at our crossroads.

He waves his striped wand deftly. And the drivers slow down, Everyone knows - stop!

He waved his wand again, and the tires rustled. Various machines began to move again.

Trams and trolleybuses, vans, dump trucks will go only in the direction where he showed them.

And they will stop immediately, To let you pass instantly

To someone “ambulance” With an alarm siren.

But the car is red, and the stairs above it are in a hurry to get to the fire, drive by as quickly as possible.

The wizard will help again - He will open the way for her, So that the hero firefighters can save the house.

Let the traffic light blink, Our Wizard is in charge, He directs the cars with his wand.

So who is he? - answer. There is no secret here at all, After all, even children know: This is a traffic controller!


He is the boss on the road. He is important as a director. And look with a stern look at everyone, the traffic inspector.

So that the drivers follow the traffic rules, he stands day and night at the edge of the highway.

He will build disobedient cars in an even row, and the violators know that it is not worth arguing with him.

He monitors the order of overtaking and turning. Traffic lights Will someone let you pass?

He will punish the reckless driver so that he drives more quietly,

Didn't put the girls and boys in danger.

And if suddenly he receives a message on the radio, he will immediately rush after the bandits without delay.

And He will help detain them, risking their lives. Inspector Pursuit is also responsible.

Didn't fasten your seat belt? And he’s already on guard: He’ll write out a receipt and collect the fine right away.

Will not make any mistakes in the protocol. Do you want to work like this? Do better at school.


Guess who's coming? Well, of course, a pedestrian! Everyone who goes hiking on foot will become a pedestrian. The pedestrian path will save him from cars,

After all, only a pedestrian can walk along that path! I'm walking along the sidewalk, There's no way for cars here! Well, the signs will tell me where to cross the road.


The city is full of traffic: Cars are running in a row, Colored traffic lights are on both day and night.

Walking carefully, watch the street and only cross it where possible!

And where during the day trams rush from all sides, you can’t walk around yawning! You can't count crows!

Walking carefully, watch the street and only cross it where possible!


Pedestrian, pedestrian, remember the crossing! Deep underground,

Like a zebra, terrestrial. Know that only the transition will save you from the cars!


Everyone knows the stripes. Children know, adults know. A pedestrian crossing leads to the other side.


The road is not a path, The road is not a ditch, First look to the left, Then look to the right:

Look to the left, And look to the right, And if you don’t see any cars, - Go!


I cross the road like this: First, I’ll look to the left And, if there’s no car, I’ll walk to the middle.

Then I look carefully to the right and, if there is no movement, I walk without a doubt!


When I approach the road, I hold my mother’s hand.


There are rules everywhere, you must always know them. Without them, ships will not set sail from the harbor. The polar explorer and the pilot go out on the voyage according to the rules. The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.

They don't just walk around the city, down the street. When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time and remember in advance: The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.

Every citizen knows that at any time of the year the pavement is for cars, the sidewalk is for pedestrians! You can't play on the pavement! After all, you are risking your head! Don’t play on the pavement, don’t ride, If you want to stay healthy!


There are a lot of traffic rules in the world, It wouldn’t hurt you to learn them all. But the main rule of movement is to know how to multiply the table!

If you want to stay alive and healthy, don’t play on the pavement, don’t ride!

Football is a good game at the stadium, kids. Hockey is a game played on ice in winter. But don't play on the pavement!

Hooking the side of a car with a hook is a dangerous and unnecessary sport. Spare your health, spare your life, and watch the traffic.

Both avenues and boulevards, the streets are noisy everywhere. Walk along the sidewalk only on the right side. It’s forbidden to be naughty here or disturb people! Being an exemplary pedestrian is allowed!

An important exam. Follow the traffic rules.

Young citizens Tanya and Petya, remember these rules firmly. Where you need to cross the street, remember the simple rule: Look to the left first, look to the right later.


You don’t want to know about worries - Because you’re very young. Remember, an entire city dies on the roads every year...


Nice guy, the traffic light helps the children. If you can go, Green blinks.

Today we are pedestrians, tomorrow we are drivers.

Let's be careful, children, Let's be super vigilant.

It would be nice to make a correction in our heads and leave the State Traffic Inspectorate without work.


A spider hung from the ceiling: Why not stone down? - He has a web!

If you jump from a springboard - Do you have a web? - No!

And when the car is rushing, can it stop instantly? Who will give the correct answer?

- No! No! No! Because cars don't have spider webs!

In order for them to stop, they have to roll about seven meters! Even though they slow down, they glide like elephants on ice!

And they will knock down anyone on the way: Be it a child or a big one!


Before counting and writing, drawing, reading, all children need to know the rules of movement!

There are different types of transport on the road: cars and trucks, public and private, city passenger.

Everyone drives on the right side of the roadway. This is the driving rule in our country.

People on the side of the road should move towards traffic on the left side.

Crossing the road You and I will always find: A striped path Painted on it.

A road sign is placed nearby: “Pedestrian crossing.” All conscious people cross the road here.

If there is an underground passage under the intersection, every pedestrian walks along it across the road.

Cross the intersection And cross the road You can't all cross at the same time, Without colliding on the way.

Regulates the movement of an electrical device called TRAFFIC LIGHT.

It shines brightly for you and me with multi-colored lights, and our conversation is about them.

The red light comes on, which means there is no movement. The traffic light signals strictly: “Don’t walk on the road!”

If the Yellow Light is on, it tells us to wait.

And when the green light is on,

It’s clear to everyone, it’s definitely the traffic light that says: “The crossing is open for you!”

If there is no traffic light at the crossing, Look to the left Before you go.

In the middle of the road, look to the right, let the traffic pass, and then go.

Where there is a barrier along the street, There is no crossing. The transport moves behind him, without slowing down.

Behind the barrier you can immediately fall under the wheels: After all, a heavy car is not easy to stop.

Fast cars are rushing along the road, There you will end up right under their tires.

If transport on the road is standing at the side of the road, it usually blocks the general view of pedestrians.

It's dangerous to walk around a truck or a bus. Every pedestrian should know this very well.

To see the road on the left And let cars pass, Truck or bus You need to go around from behind.

Pedestrians walk around the front of the tram, knowing that they are in danger from the oncoming tram.

Children are playing in the yard, traffic is driving along the road. If something bad happens, don't go there to play.

And always stay in the yard in any game. There may be an accident on the roadway.


If you go out onto the road, don’t yawn out of boredom: A truck or a tram can drive into your mouth.

All you have to do is gape and it will instantly end up in your mouth.

The crane is twenty or thirty meters high.

And the strict doctor Crane will come rushing in with a tram to help out... So it’s better on the road Not to yawn and not to get bored.


If you're in a car, you're driving straight along the road, and there's a lamppost in front of you, wearing a hat, jeans and a coat,

Turn right into the roadside ditch: This pillar will not give way to you for anything!


I don’t believe myself: there are animals roaming along the road: Not elephants, not rhinoceroses, walking and wandering all year round. If you meet a zebra on the road, you don’t have to run away: Because this zebra is a pedestrian crossing.

Well, if on the threshold, or right on the road, On the road, and not in the wilds, you meet a tiger on the way, You need to run away quickly: the animal has escaped from the zoo, And you can’t cross the road like a zebra.


If you bought a car, here’s what I advise: Don’t feed it gasoline:

Feed him some candy. I promise: it will be great! And besides, it’s safe...


Every pedestrian will remember this rule without even looking: Walk around the back of the bus. He's not a horse. It won't kick!

It’s better to wait with the tram: It doesn’t kick either, but you’re not supposed to go around it from behind.

Believe it or not, go around in front. (However, it may bite. If you really ask...)


We had a hockey match on the highway. My friend and I lost the match, and now we need a doctor.

My friend and I are in the hospital, like on the penalty bench,

At night we dream about the puck, We dream about hockey sticks and skates.

Instead of clubs, we were eventually prescribed crutches. If we hadn’t played on the road, we could have won the match...


The strict teacher spent a whole hour proving to us yesterday: Don’t play on the road! And we know: for the road

(True, very few) There is also one game. Catching up. Or a rally. It's a pity that we weren't invited there...


You, baby, just recently built a city out of sand, You were the most important tank driver From a children's regiment. Having saddled your horse, you galloped and shouted: “Hurray!” And the kids ran out to the playground. Only for some time now Tesen has become a favorite yard.

And the open spaces attract you, And a dream calls you - I wish I could quickly go out into the city To unknown places!.. But along the beautiful streets Between trams and cars It’s still not safe to walk. Is there a way out? There is one! Read this book and start skipping along!

* * *

From the oak grove straight across the sloping hill, One day the Forester walked to the city to visit his brother.

Brother is an ordinary Brownie - Trousers with suspenders - Lives in a city Nine-story building.

Step by step - ten miles - And pretty soon, Crossing the iron bridge, Leshy arrived in the city.

Everything would be so, but here’s the problem - the devilish boy never had the opportunity to visit his brother.

Eyes widen - Lanterns! Showcases!.. The brakes of the Truck creaked!..

The policeman's whistle blows! Poor Leshy ran away - For the trees of the square!

The boy was frightened, hiding in fear... Suddenly a three-eyed giant appeared before him

And he started a conversation, looking at the road: “I am a traffic light! Do you need any help?

"Yes! - exclaimed Leshy, - Yes, Help, dear! These cities of yours are completely impenetrable!”

“Listen,” the giant said, “It’s very simple!” Permission signal Wait at the intersection!

Look at my eyes! Remember for starters - I have exactly three Light signals:

Red - stop! Yellow - wait! And green - come on in! And one more thing to keep in mind -

If you are small in stature, walk through the streets with one of the adults! Well, sir, I don’t dare detain you!

Goodbye! I have the honor!” Making a grateful look, Leshy extended his hand: “Well, thank you, Traffic Light, for your science!”

And with a cheerful light march, Lesovik stomped on. Step by step, house by house, Lane, turn - Along unfamiliar avenues, Past towers and gates!

Only suddenly a ball rolled out from around the corner - You know, the game is in full swing! A boy runs out

And he shouts: “Come on, come on - I don’t feel like running!” Do you want to play with us? Will you stand at the gate?”

And, of course, our Leshy immediately agreed... Then again the three-eyed guard appeared before him. He exclaimed: “Guys! Listen to me!

There is nothing more dangerous in the world for children than football or hockey near the roadway!”

He saluted under his visor, looked sternly from above, muttering: “Let's go, son! How far is the road?”

Through the entire huge city, they walked for a long time for a cheerful conversation, or simply in silence.

Along the green boulevard, sometimes back, sometimes forward, along the bridge, along the sidewalk and into the underground passage.

Finally we stopped - there was a huge yard ahead. We said goodbye in a friendly manner. The traffic light smiled:

“Here you walk a little more, And there, where the gray jeep is, There is a pedestrian path Across the street!

Cross the zebra crossing and go! Well, see you soon! Goodbye!" "How so?! Walk on the zebra crossing! Miracles! Wow! We have never heard of that in the dense wilds!

What will the zebra say to this? And will she like it? But I don’t even know how horses are saddled!”

He reached the intersection, turned near the jeep, and saw a striped street. It was then that Leshy realized.

Here is a wide path across the path. It's just like a zebra's back. It's striped!

The goblin stood for a while, glanced left and right, and walked across the road straight into the huge courtyard.

In front of him is a high-rise building - “Well, yes, I made my brother wait! How hard it can be to walk along the street!”

* * *

It’s on this page that it’s time for us, baby, to say goodbye! You see - the rules of movement are surprisingly simple! Leshy learned them without delay. And you?


The DUCK quacked: “Quack-quack!” I see green light! Come on, children, keep up together. Let's cross the road!

I love the underground passage! - BEHEMOTH said to the cow. – After all, there are no cars underground and there is no reason to worry!

Our GOAT is very small, but he learned a lot and will cross the road

Only where the transition is! “Where can I,” he shouts, “find a Zebra so I can walk along it?”

- FOX, play with me! - But not on the pavement! You can't play outside! Hurry to the yard! Friends are waiting there!

The MOUSE got out of the tram and asked the parrot: - How can I get around the tram? - In front! And don't yawn!

Traffic rules for fairy-tale characters

For Carlson

Running out onto the road What should you look at at the traffic light? You have a propeller, you can take off on time!

For the three-headed Serpent Gorynych

Don’t look for the transition path, Serpent Gorynych! You don't mind losing your head if you have two spare ones!

For goblins and brownies

The goblin knows, the brownies, even Grandma Yaga, who came from the village, Let him remember this for now: Walk around the tram like a horse, And around the bus like a bull!

For the scientist's cat

Why does the learned cat live for three hundred years? Because the Cat knows where the underground passage is!


Rules of the Road - This is part of the Respect Table: Pedestrians must be respected and should not be run over. And I ask you to respect the driver,

Everyone can become a driver soon. If we cross the path nearby, we can scare the driver. All participants in the movement must observe the Laws of Respect!


You're at a crossroads, you run a red light... And now the birch trees are rustling, And you're gone!

Look at the map, look at the globe: There are so many wonderful countries on the planet!

But if you get hit by a bus, you won't see anything in the world...

Getting hit by a truck is not at all difficult. Ah, pedestrians, be careful!

(V. Bakhnov)


One athletic boy lived in one apartment, and one soccer ball lived in the apartment with him.

Beautiful, new, leather and all so well-groomed!

He dashingly jumped and flew, He argued with heights And then one day - the day came - I decided that he was cool...

The new ball took off like a bird, hitting his leg, And, forgetting the football match, He jumped onto the road:

Beautiful, new, leather and all so well-groomed!

He gallops along the road, flies almost like the wind. Cars overtake the ball - One, two, three...

But soon the game of the Fun Ball ended, And it fell under the wheels of a Simple Moskvich...

One athletic boy lived in one apartment, and one soccer ball lay on his side in the corner:

Unhappy, old, leathery and all so shrunken! To avoid misfortune, remember, friends, THAT YOU CANNOT PLAY ON THE DRIVEWAY!


A centipede has as many as forty legs. In the evening I ran along the forest path. But two bugs in the car crushed half of her! There are now... twenty legs of the centipede -

And he runs, limping, along the forest path. But two ferrets in the car crushed half of her! The centipede now has ten legs - And it goes to the hospital along the forest path!


Vitya Mukhin did a trick: He decided to roll without hands... The frame is in the hole, The steering wheel is in the grass, The wheel is on his head!


(About traffic rules)

Before you is Toropyzhka, a tomboy and a naughty girl! He is cheerful, mischievous, restless, funny. He's good for everyone, but the trouble is - he's always in a hurry! Toropyzhka was sitting at home and looking at pictures in a book. Then suddenly Mashenka calls, Toropyzhka says: “Today is my holiday, I turned six years old. I invite you to visit us for a festive lunch! Mom baked me a cake, I invited all my friends. Toropyzhka, come, don’t forget – it starts at three!” Toropyzhka dressed up and put on new pants. And he went to Masha’s birthday as soon as possible, To congratulate Mashenka as the very first of his friends! Here Toropyzhka comes skipping out into the street. Tires rustle on the asphalt - different cars are driving. There are passenger cars that are small in size. They run very fast, even a bird can’t keep up! And this is a truck. He is powerful, strong as a bull. He has a huge body. Body – for various loads! What is this, a bicycle? No doors, no cabin! He rushes dashingly, rumbles, flies along the street, rushes faster than all the cars, he is called a motorcycle. Sits like a rider on a horse, the driver on his back! The house is on wheels. People can ride in it. There are large windows on the sides, a roof on top so as not to get wet. The house is called a bus, it has its own route. Here is a trolleybus, it has a mustache. He rides under the wires. If the mustache suddenly slips, the trolleybus will instantly freeze! Ding-ding-ding! What's that ringing? A carriage is rolling along the rails. Inside there are armchairs, people are sitting in armchairs. This type of car, remember, is called a tram. Toropyzhka was confused: how to get down the street? Pedestrians and cars are in the boy's path. He is in a hurry, in a hurry and runs along the street. And around him people go about their business. The sidewalk is a waste of pedestrians; there is no way for cars here! There are pedestrian paths a little higher than the road, so that everyone can walk along the sidewalk without worries, so that cars don’t drive in and don’t scare pedestrians! And Toropyzhka quickly ran along the sidewalk, On the way he touched and pushed all the pedestrians! Why does he push everyone, hit everyone with his elbows? They say to Toropyzhka: “Move to the right lane!” Let other people pass, don’t get in the way!” Toropyzhka apologized and moved to the right lane. And now it became very good for the boy to walk: Now he and everyone else are walking together in the same direction, Toropyzhka doesn’t push any of the pedestrians! Where cars are moving, people should not walk, Because it is very easy to get hit by a car. On the street, such a place is called a roadway, and people are strictly prohibited from walking on the roadway! Do you see the white stripe? What does it mean? It separates traffic lanes from each other. There are many rules for cars - you need to know them on the road! But there is one rule, and it is very important: All drivers must keep to the right! Our Toropyzhka stands near the edge of the sidewalk, looking at the tall beautiful house across the street. There's a flower shop there, there's only one on the whole street! Toropyzhka really wants to buy flowers for Mashenka, so that later, at her birthday, she can pleasantly surprise everyone! How to get across the Toropyzhka road to the store? There are very, very, very many cars on his way! Maybe it’s worth asking where and how to cross? Hurry up is not like that! He gave up on everything, and ran across the road straight to the store... At that time, a dump truck appeared on the road! The driver saw the boy and stopped the dump truck, otherwise Toropyzhka would have fallen under the wheels. Toropyzhka was scared, Toropyzhka was confused. The driver tells him: Boy, you are too fast! If you run without looking back, you will end up under a car! Listen, I’ll explain to you how to behave, so that you can cross this road safely! There is an underground passage - He will take you there. Do you see the sign hanging over there? This sign tells everyone: “To avoid getting into trouble, you need to cross here!” Underground, it is clear, it is safe for people to go. But you can’t build an underground path everywhere! Here's the usual transition. People are walking along it. There is a special marking here, aptly called “Zebra”! White stripes lead across the street here! The “Pedestrian Crossing” sign, where there is a pedestrian on the zebra crossing. Find it on the street and cross under it! Toropyzhka didn’t listen to the end, he hurries straight to the zebra, To cross the road... - Stop! - the driver shouts to him. -Where did you run off to? I didn’t tell you everything: I approached the zebra - and wait, don’t rush forward: Look to the left, if there are no cars, go. Cross halfway and wait a little. You look to the right - there are no cars, that's it, go to your store! Don’t rush along the road, first look around, Slowly walk forward, like a normal pedestrian! If you run, then trouble won’t be long in coming: What if you stumble, fall, or get hit by a car! And the car is rushing fast, it won’t stop in an instant! Toropyzhka said goodbye to his kind uncle driver, and quickly rushed along the street towards the zebra again. As the driver taught him, Toropyzhka did: He doesn’t run across the road, he stands near the zebra and looks left and right along the entire street. There are no cars on the left - our Toropyzhka is moving forward. Half the road behind, half the road ahead. Toropyzhka looks to the right and continues the transition. A car appears and doesn't slow down! What should Toropyzhka do? Stand? Should we go back? How to miss a car and cross the road? Suddenly he sees: an island is drawn on the asphalt. This island was created to save pedestrians. Toropyzhka quickly ran to the island. He calmly waited until the way was clear. Now, having completed the transition, he goes to the store. There are a lot of beautiful flowers here - touch-me-not mimosa, violets, tulips, and whatnot! Toropyzhka chose a wonderful bouquet for Masha!

Don't run across the road!

Cross the road There are many reasons: Either an ice cream kiosk, or a kitten, or a watchdog.

But for the sake of the octopus, don’t run across the road. Vasya loved to run so much, and he was hit by a bus.

He now lives in the hospital and is afraid to even go out. He looks miserable - Poor Vasya is disabled.

He won't see football, won't go to school with friends. His recklessness was hardly worth it.

With mom across the street

The safest method is: Cross the road with your mother. She won't let you down, she'll lead us by the hand.

But it will be much better if she teaches us how to do it ourselves without trouble and wisely.

Underground crossing

Mom told Rhoda about the underground passage along which people walk under the road. Rodion with girlfriend Tata

From that time on, they carried shovels - So that they could dig under the highway on the way to Hod and cross. It would be easier for them, however, to find the Transition by the sign.

Traffic light

Yegor’s grandfather teaches him to talk to a traffic light: “He has a simple language - He looks with a red eye - stop! And if the green eye lights up, it means it lets us through.

And as long as it doesn’t look red, it’s safe on the road.” Yegor turns his head: “Where is uncle the traffic light?” We recognize him immediately - one-legged and two-eyed.


Ilya told Volodya that he and his sister were walking along the zebra crossing, and while they were walking, all the cars were standing and waiting. But Volodya decided: “It’s a pity

Take the zebra from the zoo!” Well, he won’t understand that that zebra crossing is not a four-legged horse, but stripes on the road.

Look left, look right!

Near the highway, the brother teaches Slava: “Look to the left, look to the right! If there are no cars nearby, then go, don’t slow down!

If the car is close, stand still like a radish in a field!” Slava immediately became sad: “How long will it take to grow here?”

Car traffic light

Valera showed Dana a traffic light with three eyes, Which for some reason looks to the side Directly at the flow of cars, And they are definitely going to the green signal. Danya came to the conclusion: “The traffic light has gone crazy!” And he complained to his mother. But she told Dana: “Don’t rush to draw a conclusion.

- The traffic light is for cars. This means the pedestrian must do the opposite! The light will turn red for cars - Safe for pedestrians! Green light for cars - No movement for pedestrians! If the yellow one lights up, wait to see which one turns on next.” From now on, Danya will no longer be deceived by the traffic light.

Don't play on the road

Yan, Timur, Oleg and Valya were playing football near the highway. Valya passed, Oleg passed, Yan Timur passed, and once again! – Ian missed a little –

The ball bounced onto the road. He will lie there now, because you can’t run after him. Their drivers scold them: “They don’t play on the road!”

Walk around the back of the bus and the tram in front

Seryozha says to Nadya: “Go around the back of the bus! And at the same time, don’t step on the tram with a slipper!

You and I taught that they go around the tram in front, and now...” He himself didn’t know how they go around the dump truck...

Authors of poems:

S. Mikhalkov, L. Yakhnin, T. Prokusheva, I. Gurina, E. Berberov, A. Severny, M. Plyatskovsky, E. Evseeva, A. Usachev, L. Uzhegov, A. Gushchina, O. Bedareva, S. Oleksyak, M. Druzhinina, A. Eroshin, S. Volkov, Olesya Emelyanova

Non-existent road signs

This is a great conceptual way to develop a child's understanding of the world. Based on simple drawings, the child develops logical thinking, associative perception, and adapts to social life. Road traffic is an integral part of modernity, vehicles and pedestrians intersect everywhere. Understanding the basics of traffic rules means being safe.

Pictures with non-existent road signs are beneficial because they develop in the child an idea of ​​real symbols that need to be followed. At the same time, fantasy develops thanks to imaginary objects. Children easily reproduce or invent new colorful images. This learning process is built in a game format and is preparatory to further study of the signs from the Rules.

How to help your child learn road signs

As soon as the child grows up, parents are faced with the important issue of the child’s safety, in particular safety on the roadway, because the little tomboy still does not understand where it is dangerous and where it is safe. Of course, theoretical acquisition of knowledge will not be very effective, everything needs to be demonstrated “on your fingers,” so connect practice to theory, because this way, learning the material will be much more productive and faster.

It is important to start teaching children to learn the rules of the road from early childhood. If a child understands the principle of this classification, for example, the signs in the red circle are prohibitive, and those in the blue circle are prescriptive, then it will be clearer and easier for him to navigate and remember.

Each classification has its own description, characteristics and scope of application.

  • Warning signs come in a red and black color scheme, often a red triangle with a black image inside. Basically, these rules apply to the driver, but it will be useful for the pedestrian to know about them.

They are needed to warn the driver that animals may appear on this section of the road if a red triangle with the image of a deer or cow is installed. For the driver to be careful and slow down on this section of the road. The truly children's warning sign that every child needs to know is "Children". It is placed near educational institutions and on buses carrying children.

  • The next type is prohibition signs. This type prohibits doing any action. For example, it will tell you where you can’t turn on a certain section of the road, where you can’t park or stop. Such information is more relevant for drivers, but a crossed out man in a red circle means “pedestrian traffic is prohibited”; your child should be introduced to this rule.
  • Mandatory or permissive signs show the driver where he can go; they indicate the direction of traffic. Every child would benefit from learning the “pedestrian and bicycle path” category of prescriptive signs. They indicate that pedestrians and bicycles are permitted in a given location.
  • Service signs are informational in nature to inform you where you can have a snack, relax, see a doctor, or make a call. They are useful for people who travel.
  • Priority signs help the driver to understand whether he is moving on the main road, where it ends, where he can turn, who needs to give way, and in what place they should give way to him.
  • Signs of special regulations. Children do not particularly need this type; for general development, it can be explained that they contain the introduction or cancellation of traffic modes.
  • Information signs provide additional necessary information. It is useful for a child in this category to know such things as “underground pedestrian crossing” and “ground pedestrian crossing”. They are visually similar, the only difference is that on the “underground pedestrian crossing” sign, a white man in a square on a blue background is walking down, and on the “overground pedestrian crossing” sign, he is walking up. They are placed in front of the appropriate pedestrian crossing.

It is useful for children to know the information signs “bus stop location” and “tram stop location.” They look approximately the same, in the blue rectangle there is a white square in which either a bus is depicted, then this is the “bus stop location,” or a tram, respectively, this is the “tram stop location.”

  • The classification is completed by additional information signs (plates). They are not used independently, but are an addition, clarification or limitation of those indicators with which they are used.

It is better to study traffic rules in a playful way, so that the child can understand and, most importantly, find it interesting to learn new information.

There are many ways and options to make learning fun. The simplest thing is to buy a play set of road signs, different types of transport, houses in a children's store and build your own city. But it will be more fun to print out traffic signs, decorate them with your child, and then make models for the game yourself. A good continuation would be to consolidate the received information on the street, where road signs are presented in real form, size and location. The main thing is never to ignore any manifestation of the baby, to learn new things and then he will not have any difficulties with it! All children are individual in their development, if he is not ready to learn new things, do not insist too much, after a little while he will still start asking questions and then you can tell him in all colors about the rules of the road!

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