Final parent meeting “Quest - game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Final parent meeting “Quest - game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Voronina Valentina Filippovna

Teacher of MADOU “Kindergarten No. 20 “Cinderella”


Final parent meeting “Quest - game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Form of implementation : quest game


Purpose of the parent event:

rallying the parent team and building effective team interaction.

Tasks: 1

. Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the team;

  1. 2
    . Each participant’s awareness of his role and function in the event;
  2. 3
    . Developing the ability to work as a team with your children.

Preparatory stage of the final event.1.

Making invitation cards for each family and a general announcement in the group with a plan for the parent event.
Preparation of tasks for each educational area
Making an emblem for each child (two teams).
Selection of physical education minutes.

  1. Video. Report “the life of our group” with the results, what we learned during the school year” 9.
    Phonograms of musical recordings.
    Plan for the final event with the participation of parents of the quest game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge” 1.
    Introduction to the topic of the quest game (disclosure of the topic) 2.
    Distribution of leading parents among educational sites
    Distribution of children into 2 teams according to emblems.
    “Orientation by map, route determination by riddle.”
    Route No. 1: “Artistic and aesthetic direction” - to the art studio curator: teacher Voronina V.F. leading parent - Durneva A. A.
    Route No. 2 “Cognitive development” - psychologist’s office curator: teacher Goncharenko V.L.
    leading parent - Zenkina N.A. 7.
    Route No. 3 “Social and personal development” music room curator: teacher Goncharenko V.L.
    leading parent - Kuznetsova S.A. 8.
    Route No. 4 “Speech development” - group “Rainbow” curator: teacher Voronina V.F.
    leading parent of Koryakin Yu.G. 9
    Route No. 5 “Physical development” - gym – leading parent Kozlova E.Yu. 11.
    Watch the Video “The Life of Our Group.”
    Result of the event.
    Awarding parents with certificates . 13.
    Reflection: “wishes”. Booklets for memory.

Progress of the event:

Music is playing in the music room. Parents are gradually gathering. There is a photo of “our group” on the projector.


Good evening, dear parents! We are glad that you found the time to come to our meeting today. Our meeting is dedicated to the final event, in which you will see the results of the development of your children for the 2017-2018 school year. We will conduct it in the form of a West game. In the game, we invite you to become participants in the educational process, which will allow you to independently see your children in action

Dear parents!!!

At our first meeting, we introduced ourselves and talked about how important the role of parents is in raising their children. And indeed, all of us, both educators and parents, are united by one goal, to raise smart, responsible, kind and sympathetic children. To achieve this goal, we need to be united and friendly. We've been together for a year now. During this time, we got to know each other well and I suggest that you give each other compliments in a chain. Unity game “Compliments”

Host: Quest

is an adventure game in which guys will travel and perform certain tasks. Our goal is to see, through children’s play skills, how to navigate their surroundings, independently solve and complete tasks, and work in a team.

The rules of the game are as follows:

We will travel through five educational areas: 1. “Speech development”, you will see how children’s speech improves and develops.

  1. “Cognitive development” you will see how children navigate the world around them.
  2. “Artistic and aesthetic” is the creativity of children, their self-realization.
  3. “Social-communicative” development of the personality of children, their spiritual, moral and patriotic education.5. “Physical development” is our physical education, where students improve their health

To begin with, we need to select 5 parents who will lead the game with their children. (Parents' choice)

Children will be divided into 2 teams. They will be identified by their emblems. We teachers will be curators, transferring children along the routes. The remaining parents become assistant presenters and will travel with their children.

At each educational site there will be an envelope with a task for children. After completing the task, the riders give part of the picture to the children, and the curators transfer the children to another educational site.

The presenters are waiting for the second team. With the second team you complete the same task, and when finished you go to the gym with the children. This is the final route.

Dear parents!

In carrying out tasks, it is necessary to organize children and direct them to complete tasks. You try to use all your parental (pedagogical) knowledge in the organization.

Having identified parents as leaders and distributed them among educational sites, two groups of students set off on an “Entertaining journey through the land of knowledge.”

At the end of the trip, the lead teacher sums up the results.


Quest - game over! Dear parents! What aroused your greatest interest? What did you see in your children? Are you satisfied with the results of your children's activities? What did they do, and what else do they need to work on? I think that each of you saw your children: confident and not confident, solving problems and going towards goals, able to collaborate with their peers. Some of you have determined for yourself what is difficult for your child and how to help him with it!

Second part of the event Presenter:

Now we invite you to watch the video “The Life of Our Group”. The report is conducted by Nasibullina Arina. Children will tell you about what they do in kindergarten, what they learned new and interesting. Leading:

As we can see from the video, the children independently told you how they live in the group, how their play day is structured, and what it is full of.

Presenter: Reflection

Dear our parents! We thank you for taking part in our event. This year has been difficult, but fruitful, you have been participants in the educational process, not only now, but throughout the entire academic year. Participated in various all-Russian city competitions. Each family made a certain contribution to the development of the subject-spatial environment of our group and our kindergarten as a whole. We are teachers and the administration of the kindergarten “Cinderella” thanks you and wants to award you with certificates…………

Awarding parents with certificates.

We have prepared mugs for you. These are like signal cards. If you are satisfied with our meeting today, please raise the green circles, and if not, then raise the red circles. Write to us your wishes and suggestions. What did you like? And what else would you like to see? Are you satisfied with the results of your children? Put your wishes in our box, and we will read and be sure to take into account all your suggestions!!!

At the end of our event, we give you booklets about children’s active recreation and safety during the summer.

The official part of the event is over (we’re letting the jury go. And we ask you to stay for a minute. A competition for the best site has been announced in our kindergarten. We ask you to take part in it. Thank you! Plus acceptance


“Speech development” Game: “Guess it” Purpose of the game:

describe objects from pictures, find significant features in them;
recognize an object by description. Equipment :
subject pictures in a box, part of a cut picture, diagram - hint.

The presenter reads the letter

. Hello guys! Look how beautiful my box is, it’s not simple, but magical. It contains different pictures for you. Only those who know how to solve riddles can get the picture. And I think that you all know how to write riddles. I suggest playing the game “Guess It.” If you find it difficult to write a riddle, you can look at the diagram.

"Cognitive development" Game - lotto "Seasons"

Purpose of the game:

select pictures - signs for “Seasons”

Progress of the game The presenter
reads the letter
. Hello guys! “Seasons” is asking you for help. We are in trouble. A strong wind blew in and confused all our signs. A catastrophe may occur on earth. We know you'll be going on vacation this summer! What if it snows and flies and you freeze! Or the frost will freeze the river, what will happen to the waterfowl! Help us identify the exact signs of each season. We thank you in advance!

“Social and personal development” Game “Collect the flag”

Purpose of the game:

to form in children ideas about the Russian flag and the symbolic purpose of colors.


pictures “Flag of Russia”, strips of cardboard for the flag.

Progress of the game

The presenter reads the letter

Hello guys! Cheburashka is writing to you. I really want to go to forest school. But Crocodile Gena asked me if I was ready for this, and began asking questions about the Motherland, about the flag of Russia, but I could not answer a single question and then Gena said that they might not take me to the forest school because I am not I even know what the flag of our Motherland is. I really want to learn how to assemble the flag of my Motherland from cut-out pictures.

Guys, can we help Cheburashka?

First let's talk. — What is the name of our country? (Our country is called Russia.)

— What are people who live in Russia called? (Russians.)

- Do you love your homeland? Tell me, what does it mean to “love your homeland?” (Do not do bad things, protect, guard her, serve the army, respect elders.)

Look, on each table there are parts of pictures: rectangles of white, blue, red cardboard, a long brown rectangle “shaft”. You need to collect the Russian flag.

Conclusion: That's right, our flag has three stripes: white, blue, red. What do the three colors on the Russian flag mean? (white color - birch, purity, blue color - sky, hope, red color - dawn, glory and courage). Guys, for helping Cheburashka, he gives you part of the picture you are looking for.

Artistic and aesthetic development" modeling "Caterpillar"


create an image of a caterpillar from several identical elements - modules, use additional items for the caterpillar horns.

Progress of the game

Today we will sculpt a caterpillar. Who knows what the caterpillar will turn into in the future? That's right, a butterfly. The caterpillar is the busiest child in the world. She needs to eat so much to turn into a butterfly that she has no time to play. Our caterpillar will be made of balls of different colors. I suggest you make your own caterpillar from plasticine balls. Conclusion:

Everyone completed the task successfully, some of the work was particularly notable for its neat execution.
The work is over, let's gather all our caterpillars and make an exhibition in a group. Final parent meeting “Quest - game “An Entertaining Journey to the Land of Knowledge”


Shcherbakova Daria Sergeevna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 110 in Angarsk


One of the most difficult tasks of a kindergarten is to interest a modern parent in joint cognitive interaction with children. The life of a modern adult is full of information, much of which is presented in a bright, extraordinary format: advertising, social networks, the Internet. It is not easy to attract the attention of such a person. But we should not forget that despite age or a serious position, there is always a child in everyone’s soul. And the child loves to play. And there is a game that is playful in nature, but has educational and communicative purposes. A game that can interest both children and adults. The name of this game is quest.

A quest (from English “search”) is a game that involves completing various tasks to achieve the final goal. The main advantage of a quest game in a game format is the activation of the ability to find solutions to problems together through the game plot. The quest also has educational goals: project activities, acquaintance with new information. An important feature of the quest is its practice-oriented tasks.

Participants in the quest can be divided into teams that will compete with each other, or play as one cohesive team. In the traditional game format, tasks are given sequentially. For example, having completed the next task, the team receives or finds, based on clues, an envelope with the next task. Quest games can be carried out in any room of the kindergarten, in several at the same time, as well as on the street, for example, in a group area or on the territory of the kindergarten. quest participants can not only receive assignments from the host, but also find them independently using clues.

The result of the quest should always be some kind of prize, treasure, treasure. This also instills in the child the desire to achieve his goal.

I would like to present the experience of holding a parent meeting in the form of a quest game.

Topic of the meeting: Organization of leisure time in the family. We play as a family - it's fun.

The purpose of the meeting was to increase the pedagogical competence of parents in the matter of enhancing play activities in the family.

1. Introductory part. The teacher (quest leader) voices the purpose of the meeting: today we will talk about the importance of games with children for their development. We will also learn simple rules for organizing games at home. Let's find out what games our kids love. And, of course, we will play with them. First, let's think about why a child needs a game?

Sermeeva Tatyana Fedorovna.

Norilsk, Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 66 "Joy", teacher-speech therapist,

Annotation. The purpose of this article is to popularize quest technology in preschool education. The article examines the interaction and inclusion of parents in the life of a preschool educational institution through this technology, with the help of which parents become active participants in the educational process in a preschool educational institution, and also strengthen and form trusting relationships between the kindergarten and the family. In light of recent trends, the organization of interaction between kindergarten and family in the quest format organically fits into the concept set by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Key words: quest, technology, interaction, partnership, concept of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Family and kindergarten are the most important educational institutions, and their productive interaction is the key to the successful development and well-being of the child. Global sociocultural changes in recent years have led to the transformation of the family, the preschool education system and, as a result, to a rethinking of approaches to the interaction between kindergarten and family, its forms and content. These approaches are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education [1], which regulate the activities of preschool educational institutions (organizations).

Kindergarten as an open socio-pedagogical system in solving educational problems closely interacts with various social institutions, primarily with the family, which is its main partner.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education focuses teachers on close interaction with the families of pupils as the most important condition for the implementation of the educational program, including the direct involvement of parents in educational activities based on identifying the needs and supporting educational initiatives of the family, as well as psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing competence parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health. [Federal State Educational Standard DO Part 1, paragraph 9; part 3, clause 3.2.5, clause 5].

At the same time, we assume that the interaction between kindergarten and family is carried out within the framework of social partnership. The most important features of social partnership are common interests and equality of the parties; in kindergarten - equality of parents with the teaching staff [8].

A kindergarten today is in a development mode, not a functioning mode, and in our opinion it should be a mobile system, quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, we are obliged to change the forms and directions of work of the kindergarten with the family.

Work with families of preschool children should take into account modern approaches to this problem. Positive results in solving this problem can be achieved with coordinated actions of teachers and families, as well as with the development of parents’ interest in education issues, involving them in planning and organizing joint activities in which parents are not passive observers, but active participants in the process. In addition to the traditional forms of work of preschool educational institutions and families, which take second place, first of all, we must actively use new forms and methods of work. One of these forms is the organization and conduct of quests for children and their parents, as the most effective form of interaction with families of preschool children at the present stage of preschool education.

Quest (borrowing from the English “Quest”) – “search, subject of search, search for adventure, fulfillment of a knight’s vow”; Initially, one of the ways to construct a plot is the characters’ journey to a specific goal through overcoming difficulties.

In quests there is an element of competition, as well as the effect of surprise (unexpected meeting, atmosphere, mystery, scenery) [2]. The use of quest technology, with its almost limitless possibilities, provides invaluable assistance to the teacher, providing the opportunity to diversify the educational process, make it unusual, exciting, memorable, fun, and playful. The advantage of this technology is that it does not require any special training of teachers, the purchase of any additional equipment or investment of funds. Quests can take place both indoors (group, kindergarten premises) and outdoors, in nature, covering the entire surrounding space. The quest has a clearly defined didactic task, a game concept, must have a leader (mentor), clear rules and is implemented with the goal of increasing the level of knowledge and skills in children and parents. The role of the teacher-mentor in the quest game is organizational, i.e. The teacher determines the educational goals of the quest, draws up the storyline of the game, evaluates the process of activity and the final result. The main criteria for the quality of a quest are its safety for participants, originality, logic, integrity, subordination to a specific plot, and not just a theme, and the creation of an atmosphere of a gaming space [9].

O.V. Minovskaya identifies the following stages of organizing a quest: creating intrigue by the teacher about the upcoming event; determining the conditions of participation; safety instructions; providing substantive and technical training to participants; organizing the adventure event itself; organization of recreation for participants and exchange of impressions; organizing the participants’ understanding of the experience gained [4].

When preparing a quest for parents on the topic “In Search of Radostinka,” the choice of plot was dictated by the solution to a specific pedagogical problem (to expand parents’ knowledge about the work of specialists, as well as to familiarize them with the functional premises of a preschool institution). The quest required the inclusion of the entire teaching staff, so we prepared the basis for organizing work using this form. To ensure interaction between all participants in the educational process, the methodological support of the quest was carefully thought out. The quest preparation plan included the following mandatory items: writing a script containing educational information; preparing a “product” for search (owner of the Radostinka kindergarten); development of travel routes. Parents went on a search through the stations of the preschool institution, visited the stations “Fizkulturnaya”, “Musical”, “Psychological”, “Speech Pediatric”, “Improving”, where each specialist “caretaker” proposed tasks, played games with parents, told and shows forms of working with children. Parents collectively discussed and participated in the proposed games and buildings. The ability to introduce a variety of tasks into the game made it possible not only to solve many intellectual and creative problems, but also turned the quest into a unique product. This included solving puzzles, riddles, crosswords, puzzles, thematic passage of obstacles, creating a poster, short musical riddles, and training exercises. During the discussion, the knowledge and experience that parents already had in these issues were intensified, and new information was also mutually enriched. This is all the more important because the quest, as a universal gaming technology, includes competitive mechanisms for participants, which also creates conditions for more active involvement in the process, to improve the quality of completing tasks and achieving results.

It should be emphasized that quest technology simultaneously uses the intelligence of the participants and their physical abilities, imagination and creativity. Here it is necessary to show ingenuity, observation, resourcefulness, and ingenuity, this is training of memory and attention, this is the development of analytical abilities and communication skills. The quest participants learned to distribute responsibilities, negotiate with each other, act together, worry about each other, and help. This form of work contributes to the manifestation of activity among parents and unity of the team.

The assessment was carried out within the framework of types of reflection:

  • Communication: exchange of opinions and new information between parents and specialists;
  • Informational: parents’ acquisition of new knowledge;
  • Motivational: encouraging parents to further expand the information field;
  • Evaluative: correlating new information with the knowledge parents already have, expressing one’s own attitude, evaluating the process.

The mechanism for stimulating reflection was the questions: “What new did you learn?”, “What was interesting?”, “What surprised you?”, “What was difficult?”, “Did everything work out the way you wanted?”).

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that parents have formed an idea of ​​​​what their child does and how he develops every day. And also important is the fact that parents become active participants in the educational process in the preschool educational institution, and trusting relationships between the kindergarten and the family are strengthened and formed. In light of recent trends, the organization of interaction between kindergarten and family in the quest format organically fits into the concept set by the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and becomes an opportunity for the teacher and children to organize life in kindergarten in an exciting and original way [1].


  1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.”
  2. Elizarieva L.V. Quest as a form of organizing educational activities in a preschool institution. – M.: Scientific almanac, 2015. – No. 11–2(13). – pp. 132–135.
  3. Kolesnikova I.V. Carrying out the quest game “In Search of Treasures”. – Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. – No. 2. – 2015. – P. 48–59.
  4. Minovskaya O.V. Organization of extreme cultural and leisure events for students in the city // Social pedagogy in social practices: collection of articles. materials of the International Symposium / ed. A.V. Mudrik, T.T. Shchelina, – 2013. – M.: BUKI VEDI,. – 212 p.
  5. Osyak S.A., Sultanbekova S.S., Zakharova T.V., Yakovleva E.N., Lobanova O.B., Plekhanova E.M. Educational quest – modern interactive technology // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 1-2.
  6. Sokol I.N. Classification of quests // Publishing house “Helvetica”, “Molodiy Vcheniy”, – 2014. – Vol. No. 6 (09). – P.138–140.
  7. Sermeeva T.F. Family as the main subject of interaction in the correctional work of preschool educational institutions // magazine “Pedagogy and Modernity” Center for Scientific Thought, Taganrog - 2014. - Vol. No. 5 (11).
  8. Sermeeva T.F. Social partnership of parents and specialists of preschool educational institutions within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education // “Preschool Pedagogy”. – 2021 – No. 3.
  9. Shchelina T.T. The potential of the quest as a pedagogical technology for developing a healthy lifestyle in adolescents / T. T. Shchelina, A. O. Chudakova // Young scientist. – 2014. – No. 21.1.

Quest for older preschoolers and parents “In search of a magical gift”


Okhrimenko Tatyana Ivanovna

Educator at Borovsky MADO

kindergarten "Zhuravushka"

Goal : Development of cognitive processes in older preschoolers through experimental activities.


1. Develop cognitive activity, curiosity, imagination and thinking.

2. Cultivate emotional responsiveness, goodwill, the ability to work in a team, and coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Equipment for tasks:

2 chests, tokens, a Kinder Surprise egg, a jug, water, stones, a container with water, shells, a nail, a magnet, balloons, funnels, tennis balls, sieves for sifting sand.


Magician Krex, Barboskina, Simka, Baba Yaga, Masha and the Bear.

Progress of activities:

At the summer sports playground, children are greeted by the sad magician Krex. Magician: “Guys, I have prepared an exciting program for you, but the main wizard Walter bewitched me and deprived me of my magical power, I cannot perform a single trick. Will you help me? In order for the magical power to return to me, I need to collect a lot of tokens in 40 minutes. You will split into two teams and go to different laboratories, where cartoon characters and complex experiments await you. After each successfully completed experiment, you will receive a token. Difficult experiences and tasks await you, but I believe that you can handle it! I'll be looking forward to seeing you here in 40 minutes. And to make it easier for you to find laboratories, you will receive a map with their names.”

Children and teachers go to different laboratories.

Laboratory No. 1 (“Magic Sandbox”)

Experiment with sand “Treasure Diggers”.

The children are met at their site by Lisa Barboskina: “Hello, guys! Are you ready to help Krex? The first token is hidden in the sandbox. You need to use a sieve to find the token in a large pile of sand. Well done guys, get your first token. Want to earn another one? Build a beautiful sand castle for me. What properties of sand helped you cope with my tasks? Children's answers: wet sand cannot be poured over, but you can sculpt from it. It takes any shape until it dries. This happens because in wet sand the grains of sand are glued together by water, and in dry sand there is air between the grains of sand. Very good. I wish you good luck in your next lab.”

Fairytale laboratory.

Baba Yaga meets the children in a birch grove. "Fu Fu Fu! Previously, the Russian spirit was unheard of and unseen, but now the Russian spirit itself has appeared! Why did you come?” Children's answers. Okay, I'll give you a token, but first complete my task. Take the funnel and turn it wide side down. Place a tennis ball in it and hold it with your finger. Now blow into the narrow end of the funnel and stop supporting the ball. If you can hold the ball, the token is yours. The faster the air passes by the ball, the less pressure it exerts on it. As long as you blow, the ball will remain in the funnel. They did the task well, but I hid the token in one of the balloons (the balls are hung on tree branches), if you’re not scared, burst the balloons and you’ll find your token.”

Laboratory No. 3 “Wonderful Magnet”

Simka meets the children: “Hello, guys! Imagine that you are in a desert where treasures are hidden. What will help you quickly find them in a sea of ​​sand? Pour semolina into a bowl, bury paper clips and coins and invite the children to use a magnet to find them. “You are very clever and brave guys, you honestly earned your token. What property of a magnet helped you find treasures? (The magnet attracts iron). Wish you luck".

Laboratory No. 4 “Sorceress – water”.

The children are met by Masha and the Bear: “Hello, kids, do you recognize us? We love experimenting with water. And you? Here is my task: you need to get the kinder surprise egg out of the jug without putting your hand in it. From a wide range of materials, children must choose water, but there is not enough water to get the egg. You can use stones to raise the water level. Pebbles, filling the jug, raise the water level. Bear: “And now my experience. Imagine that you are standing on the seashore and really want to get a shell.” In front of the children is a container of water (plastic bottle). At the bottom is a shell, with a metal object, for example a nail, attached to it. Children need to get a shell. The secret is that the magnet does not go into the neck of the container. But a magnet can attract studs through the walls of the container. “What property of a magnet did you use? Children's answers: the magnet attracts iron even through the walls of the bottle. We did a great job and earned tokens.”

Children with tokens return to the magician. Guys, let's check if my abilities have returned to me. The guys sit down, and the Magician shows tricks.

Focus #1

In front of the children, the magician pierces a balloon with a long and sharp knitting needle. (Transparent tape is glued to the ball on both sides).

Focus #2

Necessary attributes - 2 balloons inflated with helium, a woolen rag (scarf), a piece of paper, thread.

The essence of the trick: A thread is cut and balls are tied to the ends. Both balls are rubbed with a woolen cloth. The magician takes the thread by the middle, so that the balls hang in the air at the same distance from the ceiling. The balls begin to run away from each other. Next, the magician tells the children: “Of course, you all know that when you rub balloons with a woolen cloth, they begin to become electrified and repel each other. And who can do it so that, without touching the balls, they will be brought together?” The most active spectators begin to blow on balloons or otherwise create air currents. But everything is in vain. The magician takes a piece of paper and places it between the balls. And, lo and behold, the balls come closer together.

Thanks guys, you helped me get my powers back. Now I can again delight everyone with my tricks. A surprise awaits you, but to find it, you need to guide one person through the maze! One person is blindfolded and thrown into a labyrinth, which is laid out on the ground with ropes. The rest of the team must guide the child through the entire maze so that he does not go beyond the limits. Any step beyond the line and you will have to go through the labyrinth from the very beginning. While guiding him through the maze, each team member can say only one word and only in his turn. If the guides get confused, saying two words or out of turn, the blind person begins the passage of the labyrinth all over again. Thus, the children soon begin to say something like this: “Go 1 step forward,” “2 right, “3 left,” “Stop” ... etc. At the end of the maze, chests with encyclopedias await the children. The quest ends with blowing soap bubbles.


1. Zubkova N. M. “Scientific answers to children’s “whys.” Experiments and experiments for children from 5 to 9 years old. 2009

2. Kulikovskaya I. E., Sovgir N. N. Children's experimentation. Senior preschool age. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003. 3. Organization of experimental activities of preschool children: Methodological recommendations / Ed. L. N. Prokhorova. - M.: ARKTI, 2008. 3. Nuzhdina T. D. “Encyclopedia for kids. Miracles are everywhere.” Ya., 1998. 4. Ryzhova N. A. “Water Sorceress.” M., 1997.

5. Smirnov Yu. I. “Air” 1998

6. Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. “Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age” 2009

Internet resources

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