Quest game on moral and patriotic education in the middle group “Journey through the village of Nyuksenitsa”

Lesson - quest “Good deeds” in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

QUEST OF GOOD DEEDS in kindergarten

Author: Olga Vitalievna Shkodina, teacher-psychologist of preschool educational institution No. 4 of the combined type “Zhuravlenok”, Shakhtersk
A lesson in the form of an adventure game-quest (with completion of the rear) for children of senior preschool age, dedicated to the Day of Spontaneous Display of KINDNESS. GOAL: To generalize children’s idea of ​​kindness as a valuable human quality, to develop social feelings and mutual assistance. Form friendly relationships, a conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior, develop cooperation and communication skills in everyday life. Improve cultural communication skills with peers by following speech etiquette. Create a positive emotional background in the children's team. OBJECTIVES: Educational: to reveal the essence of the concepts of “goodness” and “kindness”, “good deeds”; Speech: activate children's vocabulary (kindness, joy, happiness, care, attention); Developmental: develop children's logical thinking, imagination and attention, instill interest in a new form of gaming activity (quest game). Educational: to form children's idea of ​​kindness, to cultivate good feelings towards the people around them, to help children understand that everyone needs love and a friendly attitude. PROGRESS OF THE LESSON Psychologist: Don’t be afraid to give warming words and do good deeds! The more wood you put on the fire, the more heat you will take.

Psychologist: Today is not an easy day for us, you and I will perform good tasks. Do you know what “kindness” is? Children's answers: these are such actions, this behavior, these are the smiles on their faces. Psychologist: What is the opposite word? "Evil" is correct. What kind of evil children are there? What are they doing? Children's answers: they fight, break toys, they have bad behavior, they don't listen... Psychologist: Who do you want to be? And to do this you need to complete tasks and complete the QUEST - this is an adventure game with tasks. Do you want to travel? And what tasks will we learn from this magic envelope? 1. TASK: “PASS A GOOD WORD!” “The good sun has risen again: we must say good morning!”

Psychologist: Who knows the proverbs about kindness:

Children: A good word heals, an evil word cripples. Kind words are more valuable than wealth. Good deeds are rewarded with good. It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds. Do not boast about silver, but rather boast about good things. Whoever does good will be rewarded by God. 2. TASK: “GUESS THE RIDDLE” They purify the air, Create comfort, Turn green on the windows, Bloom all year round.

Psychologist: That's right, these are flowers and you and I will go to the Winter Garden to do a good deed - we will take care of the flowers. Labor activity in the Winter Garden

3. TASK: “GIFT FOR BABIES” Let everyone in the world know that we are all kind children, we live in kindergarten: we play and draw, count and dance, laugh and sing. We live a fun life! Gift for kids “Ladybug”

4. TASK: “GUESS THE RIDDLE - COMPLETE THE TASK!” We will open a wonderland and meet the heroes in the lines on pieces of paper, where the stations are on the dots. (Book) Psychologist: That's right, guys, this is a book and now we'll go..... If you want to become smart, you need to read a lot of books. To find all the books of the century, Come to... Library Psychologist: That's right! We'll go do a good deed in our children's library! (group No. 10) Psychologist: Here’s a task we’ll help treat books for kids.

Manual labor “Let's glue the pages of the books” Librarian: I thank you for your good deed and invite you to get acquainted with the new book, but it is not easy. Psychologist: Thank you, but what is its mystery? Librarian: Good and evil heroes are collected here, but they are mixed up and need to be sorted into fairy tales. 5. TASK: “GUESS THE GOOD HEROES!” A fairy tale brings us good, those who know will understand! Guess the riddles
He treats little children, He treats birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses... (Aibolit) He lives in Africa.
And he sings songs in a terrible voice. He's just a villain This is......(Barmaley) Wooden boy He makes noise like a drum, A favorite of adults and children, An inventor of all sorts of ideas, A long nose will show cleverly, Instead of a nose there is not a carrot! Who is this? (Pinocchio) An elderly man with a very long beard! He offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina. Do any of you know who this is? (Karabas) I fly in a mortar - I kidnap children In a hut on a chicken's leg, I have a hooked nose, my eyes are stuck out. Who am I? (Baba Yaga) Everyone is waiting for him in winter, He is kind, he is not evil, He has a beard up to his eyes. Red-cheeked...(Santa Claus) In a fairy tale he was born gray, Everyone is afraid - like fire! All the little animals ran into the house and hid from me! Suddenly there was a menacing click of his teeth... Evil, terrible, gray... (Wolf) The Wolf offended these little children - he ate them, the villain! Only one survived, the Wolf did not get caught in his teeth. He told his mother everything, he showed all his brothers. Who are the gray ones? If you know, name it! (Little goats) He lived in a poultry house, he was afraid that the turkey was laughing at him, After all, no one knew that he was born a White Swan. (The Ugly Duckling) This is a hardworking girl, Very kind and very beautiful, Suddenly she’s going to the ball got caught, lost her shoe on the step. (Cinderella). Well done guys, you answered the riddles and you know all the fairy tales! Psychologist: I suggest you warm up a little. We are holding a physical session for E. Zheleznova
: “Let’s get down to business quickly, the work will be more fun, the adults will now see how each of us works.
We wipe dust everywhere, we even crawl under the table, and we’ll wipe it here, we’ll wipe it there, we’ll also find it under the sofa. We water the flowers together, and we don’t forget: We water one flower, and we water the second flower with cool water. We love sweeping the floor and we sweep it twice a day. We sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, we don’t get tired one bit. Mom said: “I’ll wash the dishes without help. Like this, like this, like this, like this, I can’t wait.” 6. TASK: “HELP THE WINNER” Working on the street

It is not at all, not at all easy to be kind, Kindness does not depend on height, Kindness does not depend on color.
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy. Kindness does not age over the years, Kindness will warm you from the cold, You just need to be kind and not forget each other in trouble. If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice. 7. TASK: ACTION “Do-it-yourself kindness” Psychologist: I have a chest to collect financial assistance for a little boy. We offer all adults to help with the baby's surgery.

Don't stand by indifferently when someone is in trouble. You need to rush to the rescue. Any minute, always. And if it helps anyone. Your kindness, your smile, You are happy that the day was not lived in vain, That the years you live are not in vain.

8. TASK: “COLLAGE OF GOOD DEEDS.” Psychologist: We will put everything we did today into the “Collage of Good Deeds” and receive these kindness medals for participating in the game!

Psychologist : All people need kindness, Let there be more kind ones. It’s not for nothing that they say “Good afternoon” and “Good evening” when meeting. And it’s not for nothing that we have the “Good Hour” wish. Kindness is the adornment of a person from time immemorial...

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