Quest game for all kindergarten groups dedicated to “Children’s Day” “Journey through Fairy Tales”

Quest for children: halfway to the finish line

Having the entire set of clues, the participants successfully reached the finish line and are ready to complete the job they started.

Our children were great, they completed the task very friendly and quickly. Surely, thanks to your tips, they will quickly find the ring or the desired item. Well, and along with it comes a reward - prizes. If there were two teams, then not only the winners, but also the losers should receive prizes.

Final touches

Based on the proposed tasks, you can adjust and adapt them to your conditions and the age of the children.

Important: Absolutely all quest tasks for children were quite easy to complete and safe.

Plan everything down to the last detail. If you want to conduct a quest outdoors, be sure to take a first aid kit with you. If it's summer outside, take water and sunscreen, and choose the right time to avoid the scorching heat.

If there are a lot of children, then there should be enough adults conducting the quest so that the children are supervised!

Exit to the city!

In order to choose an interesting children's event on June 1, I simply open the “Children” tab on Yandex Poster.
It’s convenient that in just 2 weeks you can decide on a program of exhibitions, theaters and cinema. Each city in Russia will have its own selection, you just need to select your city (you will see a link on the left). If you have a group of up to 10 people, you can arrange an unusual day at the museum (here I have more details about 12 interesting holidays in museums for Muscovites...). With a group of up to 15 people, we go on a theatrical excursion. Here, for example, is a description of three bright trips around Moscow. For teenagers over 13 years old, we offer very cool quests in Kolomenskoye and Tsaritsyno. Prices are very reasonable, see details and call! At the end of May you can find out what entertainment programs will be held in nearby parks. These can be large and small concerts, performances by artists with interactive shows, games and competitions with prizes.

Quest for children: assemble a picture or puzzles, puzzles - templates, examples

While detectives were investigating the case, someone stole and tore up a photo of the criminal. And now we need to restore the photo from the pieces. If you used a different quest scenario for children, then this may be the next task depending on the topic.

  • Here you need to prepare puzzles or any picture in advance, cutting it into pieces (not necessarily a photo of the criminal). When the children arrive at the task site, they should be given the finished task. And the important detail is that they all have to put it together. The difficulty is that everyone completes the task together. Very often, one child puts together puzzles or pictures many times faster than the team.
  • Depending on the age of the participants, select puzzles or cut the picture into the required number of parts. Here are some examples.

For detectives

Another card

Invisible ink is an excellent solution for laboratory technicians.


With a biological twist

  • After completing the tasks, all participants should be given a hint on where to move next.

You will also be interested in the article “How to make invisible ink yourself: recipes”

Competition and game program

Considering that I cannot offer a single scenario for all occasions, since the choice of program depends on

  • number of children
  • age
  • venues (kindergarten, club, courtyard, apartment, children's camp or sanatorium)

I can give links to the best collections of games and competitions that I have collected for various occasions. I have no doubt that you will find something useful here:

More than 100 competitions “by age” and “by occasion”. I’ll also help you choose prizes: 100 ideas for 100 friends. Of course, for big and small holidays there are ready-made programs with animators, life-size puppets, unusual show numbers and prizes. Call us, we can tell you which holiday is most suitable for your children!

Read more about our programs HERE (relevant for Moscow)

Quest for children aged 5 to 12 years and older: exciting children's riddles and puzzles

Not a single quest for children is complete without reflection. But each age category already has its own store of knowledge.

For the little ones

  • White in winter, gray in summer. ( Hare )
  • No arms, no legs, but he can draw. ( Freezing )
  • Blacksmiths are forging in the middle of the forest. ( Woodpecker )
  • Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but waking everyone up. ( Rooster )
  • Four brothers live under one roof. (Table)
  • Stuffed with down, lies under the ear. ( Pillow )
  • Pike in the sea, tail on the fence. ( Bucket )
  • Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle. ( Scissors )

Up to 10 years old

  • What has a throat but no head? ( Bottle )
  • What has a face and a mustache, but no arms or legs? ( Watch )
  • Which month has 28 days? ( In everyone )
  • Name three days in a row where none of the seven days of the week appear. ( Yesterday, today and tomorrow)
  • Which hockey player wears the biggest helmet? ( With the biggest head )

On logic


For quick wits
For older children

  • You are in an old cellar. Three old wooden doors lead to the exit. Behind the first door is a tiger who has not eaten for 5 months. Behind the second door is a cowboy with a loaded pistol. And behind the third door a pirate with his saber is waiting for you. Which door can you go through without getting hurt: door 1, door 2 or door 3? Door 1 is the correct answer. Because a tiger that has not eaten anything for 5 months has probably starved for a long time and become exhausted, if it is still alive.
  • Who has more legs? One horse, two cows, three spiders, four chickens and five fish or twenty-three pigeons?
  • The solution of the problem:
      23 pigeons: 23 x 2 legs = 46 legs
  • After all, 1 horse 4 legs + 2 cows 8 legs + 3 spiders 24 legs + 4 chickens 8 legs + 5 fish 0 legs = 44 legs
  • Mother has 4 daughters. Every daughter has a brother. How many children does the mother have?
      Solution: 5 children (four daughters and a son)
  • On the big lawn there is a hat, carrots and five pieces of coal. How did these objects appear and why?
      Solution: In winter, the children used things to build a snowman. When it became warmer, the snowman melted, and the objects remained in the meadow.
  • Who hears everything and never says anything? (Ear)

  • For your wits

    • Peter's mother has four children. The first child was baptized "January". The second child was named "Mart". Third child "May". What is the name of the fourth child? Solution: The fourth child's name is Peter. Explanation: Peter's mother has four children!
  • In a department store the 1st floor offers women's clothing, the 2nd floor offers men's clothing, the 3rd floor offers children's clothing, and the 4th floor offers electronics and sporting goods. Many customers go to this department store by elevator. Which button is pressed most often in this elevator?
      Solution: Button “1” for the first floor.
  • Two scouts are collecting wood for a large fire. After 20 minutes, both of them laid out 24 large branches in two piles. One of them was very diligent and collected twice as many branches as the other. How many branches did each of the two collect?
      Solution: A hardworking guy collected 16 branches. The other guy only collected 8 branches.
  • What part of your own body can you never touch with your right hand?
      Solution: Your right elbow.

  • Pirate riddles


    Chemical mysteries
    Surely they have done a great job and are ready to move on, but where? And here the answer from the last riddle will come to the rescue - the leader’s right elbow. A bandage should be made on the leader’s elbow in advance, which will indicate the place where the children should move to complete the next task.

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