Open lesson in the preparatory group Travel to the country of Risovandia

Attention! Promotion until October 25!

Author: Ivleva Ksenia Viktorovna

Educational area

: cognition.

Topic: “In the art gallery


Integration of educational areas

: artistic creativity, communication, social world, music, physical education, mathematics, speech development.


: integrated.


5-6 years


  • Educational: clarify and expand children’s understanding of painting genres; expand, enrich, systematize ideas about fine art; consolidate skills in spatial orientation, reading, and breaking words into syllables.
  • Developmental: develop coherent speech; strengthen the skill of drawing a landscape.
  • Educational: evoke a positive emotional mood in children; cultivate the ability to listen without interrupting comrades; to cultivate aesthetic feelings of admiration for painting, to cultivate a caring attitude towards objects of art

Preliminary work

: solving riddles about painting, conversations about the artist’s work, genres of painting, role-playing games (art gallery, artist’s workshop, exhibition), learning physical education.

Equipment and materials

: a letter “from Dunno”, an audio recording of energetic music and the sound of the sea, materials for making a filter (half a plastic bottle, gauze, rubber band, sand, gravel, crushed coal), interactive whiteboard, colored paper, scissors, napkins, glue, “pizza” preparation ", cap for a sailor, paper, pencils,

Progress of direct educational activities

To the sound of cheerful music, the guys enter the group and sit down on chairs that stand in a circle.

P: guys, good morning!

D: good morning!

P: I suggest you play a little to cheer yourself up. Let's play the game "wind of change"

The game “wind of change” is played 4-5 times.

P: Are you in a good mood?

D: yes!

P: Great, I have something for you. This seems like an invitation. Who can read it?

One of the children reads the invitation. "Hello guys! The artist Tube writes to you. An art gallery has opened in Sunny City. I invite you to visit her!”

P: Shall we go to an art gallery?

D: Yes!

P: Then, first, let’s remember how to behave in a place like an art gallery.

D: behave quietly and calmly, do not run, so as not to disturb other visitors. Do not touch the paintings with your hands so as not to spoil them.

P: Right, well now we're ready to go to the gallery. Which room do you think we will go to first?

D: That one, because he is the first.

Children and teachers move to the table on which there are paintings and a sign “Room No. 1”

P: Children, look at the paintings, what unusual did you notice in this room?

D: All these paintings are portraits.

P: Right. What does portrait mean?

D: This is a painting of a person.

P: yes, but look, the name of this hall has crumbled into separate letters, we need to collect it.

Two children collect the word “Portrait” on the table

P: Great, let’s find out how many letters are in this word? How many vowels? Name them. How many consonants? Name them. How many syllables? Separate the syllables from each other using sticks. Which letter is stressed? Place the accent using a stick.

Great Guys, we visited the portrait hall. Let's move on to the next room. What number will it be?

D: second.

P: here we come. But the paintings were hidden from us. To make them appear, you need to solve a riddle.

“If you see a cup of coffee on the table in the picture,

Or fruit drink in a large decanter, or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake,

Or all the items at once, know what it is

D: still life

P: Right. Let's open the pictures one by one. Open the rightmost picture, and now the leftmost one. And now the one in the middle. And now the fourth one from the left. And now the second one from the left. Well done. That's how many still lifes there are. Tell me guys, are they all the same? What is the difference?

D: no! The mood, the colors, what is painted on them.

P: Yes, because each artist draws in his own way, and the paintings turn out completely different from each other, but still very beautiful.

P: Now let's go to the next room. What number is he?

D: third.

P: What kind of hall do you think this is? How did you understand this?

D: Hall of landscapes. Because all the paintings depict nature.

P: Guys, do these paintings have the same mood? Which?

D: no. This landscape is joyful, this one is sad, this picture is thoughtful, mysterious, tender.

P: what did the artists use to create different moods in these landscapes? How exactly?

D: Using different colors. Using cold and warm.

P: yes. And you know that all colors can be collected in a color wheel. Our Tube also had one, but the prankster Dunno decided to play a trick on him and cut the circle into separate parts. Help Tube collect it.

Two children collect a color wheel. They ask the others “do you agree with us?”

D: yes.

P: Guys, tell me, I’m completely confused, so which colors are warm and which are cold?

D: blue, cyan, violet - cold. And red, orange and yellow are warm.

P: what about green?

D: This is a neutral color. It can be both warm and cold.

P: how to make it colder? Warmer?

D: add more blue. Yellow.

P: Tube has another game for you! You already know how to mix paints to get the colors you want. And you even know that there are primary colors. Tell us about them

D: The primary colors are red, blue and yellow. You can use them to mix other colors.

P: Look at the board, Tube has prepared riddles for us.

A game of guessing the color that will be obtained by mixing the other two.

P: Well done guys, you did it. But the tube got so played out that it also prepared a riddle for you.

“If you see the sea, sun and sand in the picture

Or seagulls in the sky, or large clouds flying

Maybe the sail is white there, maybe the waves are crashing

Female name Marina

this genre of paintings is called"

P: true, but look in the next room, there is not a single painting. And who has already read what pictures should be in it.

D: Marinas, seascapes.

P: What are we going to do?

D: Let's draw it ourselves.

P: Great idea. Then sit down at the tables, turn your chairs towards the board, I will explain how we will work. By the way, remind me of the rules for how we draw?

D: we don’t wave the brush, we keep it closer to the base, we don’t interfere with each other, everyone paints on their own, wash the brush well, if there is too much water on it, soak it on a cloth, don’t leave the brush in the jar.

The teacher explains how to draw a landscape. A horizon line is drawn on the tinted paper in advance. Water ripples, sunset, glare of sunlight on water are depicted (in brush strokes). If desired, children can complement the drawing with an image of seagulls or a boat.

Children draw to smooth music.

Children are given 7-9 minutes to draw. The teacher warns that time is running out in 2 minutes.

Physical training is performed while drawing

Then the children display their works in the fourth hall of the art gallery. And reflection is carried out

P: Guys, let's rate our excursion today from 1 to 5. 1 – didn’t like it at all, 5 – liked it very much.

In the same way, it is assessed whether you managed to cope with the riddles and games of Tube. Are you satisfied with your drawings? Whoever created a joyful landscape, raise your hands. Who is sad? Who is gentle and mysterious.

Hello guys! Our excursion has come to an end, well done!

Summary of an integrated art lesson in the preparatory group “Spring Flowers”

Program content:

— Learn to draw flowers using the batik technique,

— Master the skill of applying paint to fabric,

— Learn to transfer a sketch made with a simple pencil on paper to fabric,

— Develop the skill of working with glue in a tube,

— Strengthen knowledge of mixing light, warm, spring shades in a palette,

– Form color perception, sense of composition, imagination,

— Develop aesthetic feelings for nature and its images using artistic non-traditional techniques,

— Foster independence, accuracy and interest in visual arts.

Methods : showing the method of depiction using the batik technique; explanation for transferring a sketch; mixing paint; partial demonstration of working with glue and filling the inside of flowers with paint; method of passive actions, hints, explanations, artistic words, showing illustrations.

Materials : crepe fabric, album sheet with a prepared sketch, simple pencil, tubes of glue, palette, basic gouache colors, thin brush, water, napkin, sample; fairy-tale heroes; flower illustrations.

Preliminary work : drawing spring flowers, prepared a thin sketch on a sheet of paper.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Educator: Guys, Olya and Gosha came to visit us again and want to tell their new fairy tale story.

Olya: Remember, we traveled through the country of Risovandia. Walking through the forest, clearings, and meadows, we met the fairy Spring. She was very sad, thoughtful, her sad eyes looked at the frozen earth. Gosha asked what happened, and then the fairy told us about her trouble. According to the calendar, what time of year is it? But winter doesn’t want to go north, it wants to continue to rule over us. But this cannot be allowed, because animals, people, plants are waiting for spring. So the fairy began to think about how to defeat winter, and we promised to help her, to come up with something. (Children's suggestions).

Gosha: And I know what winter is afraid of! Solar warmth, beauty and delicate spring colors.

Olya: And I know who is not afraid of winter, cold snow and wind. Guess the riddle.

To the snowy meadow,

Warmed in the spring

A piece of the sky fell -

The forest flower has bloomed!

Olya: The bravest one, indeed, is the snowdrop. It appears with the warmth of the sun, it is beautiful and the most delicate color. Which one?

Gosha: Then it is the snowdrop that will help the Spring fairy drive away winter.

Olya: This is a very good proposal, but it is better to defeat winter with a whole bouquet of spring flowers. What spring flowers do you recognize? (look at illustrations of tulips, coltsfoot, daffodils, lungworts and others).

Gosha: Where can we get them?

Olya: I will teach you to draw the most beautiful spring flowers! We will make a spring flower exhibition, and when winter looks through our window, it will immediately melt away. This is how we will help the Spring fairy cope with winter. Do you agree? Let's start with training: flowers can be drawn not only of different types, but also of different states.

Game “Flowers Bloom” (cards with drawn flowers are lined up: bud, half-blooming, blossoming).

And in the “Pick a Color” game, choose those shades that will help us drive away the evil Winter, that is, gentle ones. And name them. Determine how to mix them in the palette. You have completed the training, you can get to work.

2. Educator: Guys, so that our flowers look like real ones, Olya suggests drawing them on the fabric that lies on your table. You practiced drawing spring flowers in advance and made a thin sketch on a sheet of paper. You can complement the sketch with blooming flowers. Now all that remains is to transfer this sketch to the fabric, and mix spring colors to decorate them. This will require your attention and effort.

- to transfer the drawing to the fabric, you need to trace the sketch with a simple pencil, pressing hard on it, but without breaking it.

- then we take the landscape sheet by the corners, and, turning it over with the pattern down, connect it to the corners of the fabric. Holding it with your left hand with your fist, lightly tap on the sheet. By removing it, we will see how the sketch has been transferred to the fabric.

- To prevent the paint from spreading over the fabric, you need to outline the outline of the design with glue in a very thin and neat “rivulet”.

- While the glue dries, you need to mix spring shades in the palette. You have the basic gouache colors. They can be highlighted to create light shades. You can also mix additional colors from them and highlight them too. Then, using the end of the brush, picking up a little paint from the palette, paint over the inner parts of the flowers. The main thing is not to go beyond the adhesive contour and not to smear the glue.

- paint the background around the flowers with colored sun drops, carefully touching the fabric around the flowers with the end of the brush.

3. Our spring flowers are very delicate and have not dried out, so carefully take them out onto the benches and admire them. Well done, we did a good deed, helped the fairy and created a wonderful spring exhibition with our own hands.

Olya and Gosha: We hope that spring will come soon, and the angry winter will go north for a long time.

Author: teacher of the first qualification category S.V. Ershova (MDOU TsRR – kindergarten No. 22 “Riddle”, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region).

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