Thematic project on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers “Be healthy baby!”

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Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle comes to a person over the years.
Not every one of us was taught from childhood to do exercises, eat healthy foods, play sports, monitor work and rest schedules, and we often begin to appreciate parental advice only with age. Of course, people who themselves have come to understand that health must be protected from childhood want to convey this idea to their children, but how can you explain to a child that for the sake of health in the future you need to limit yourself now? Forming an understanding of the principles of healthy lifestyle in children

- this is the task of parents, and this is not limited to nutrition issues.
Healthy lifestyle
is a broad concept, a kind of culture of human existence in society and nature. Parents must set an example for their children, so they need to influence, first of all, adults in order to find the way to the child’s heart through them.

Healthy lifestyle for preschool children

As you know, young children up to a certain age actually copy the behavioral characteristics of their parents, so experienced teachers can use the child’s behavior to understand whether he or she has problems in the family. It's the same with healthy lifestyle. In most cases, children are interested in their parents' hobbies and try to imitate them; their parents' opinion is also important to them, and parental authority is not questioned. You can rely on this if you decide to introduce your child to a healthy lifestyle. But you need to be aware that you won’t be able to stay away.

Do you want your child to be active? Then get up from the comfortable sofa and go for walks together

The children's goods market can now offer sports goods for every taste, from classic balls or frisbees to more complex and expensive cyclists, bicycles, scooters, snowboards, and children begin to be taught swimming before they take their first independent steps. Joint sports bring you closer together
, and what kind of sport it will be is up to you to decide.

In the first years of a child’s life, parents represent a large part of his world, then friends, classmates in kindergarten and classmates at school appear in this world. It will not be possible to protect your child from the influence of his peers, but if you remain an interesting conversationalist, partner and “collaborator” in his affairs, then you will be able to direct the child’s interests in the right direction in time and redirect his attention. Children need to be taught about the basics of a healthy lifestyle from an early age, but it should not be a dry theory with a set of rules and restrictions, because you always want to break the rules.

Healthy lifestyle rules for children

It is better to teach a child from childhood to live, observing the principles of a healthy lifestyle, but you need to try to make them seem natural and not imposed from the outside. Pay attention to the following aspects of your child's life:

  • Daily regime
    . It’s good if you managed to establish a certain routine in the house, and the child knows exactly when he should go to bed, get up, have breakfast or lunch, when there is time for games, and when he needs to complete some tasks around the house or school, but do not forget that the regime needs to be reviewed. The child grows, and his needs change, therefore, the daily routine must also change. Also, don't forget to take biological rhythms into account. If your child is a night owl, then you shouldn’t torture him with getting up early unless absolutely necessary; some tasks, including sports, can be moved to the evening.
  • Full sleep
    . Many adults remember their childhood and “quiet hours” with nostalgia. The need for sleep also changes with age; small children under 5-6 years old are recommended to sleep about 10 hours a day; schoolchildren need 8-9 hours. You should try to provide your child with the opportunity to rest peacefully, but you should not force him to sleep.
  • Fresh air
    . Children should breathe fresh air not only from the window. Walking is useful, and even if the weather is not pleasant, there is no need to cancel the walking promenade. If possible, you should walk in green areas, and not on noisy and dirty streets. Owners of country houses and summer cottages should think about arranging a sleeping area in the fresh air. where the child can rest.
  • Sports
    . Setting sports records is given to a select few, but physical activity is beneficial for everyone; playing sports develops endurance, strengthens bones and muscles, helps control weight and burn extra calories. Perhaps in childhood the child will not realize the benefits of training, but the habit of playing sports will definitely be useful in the future.
  • Proper nutrition
    . It can be very difficult to feed a child healthy food; when preparing a child’s diet, you can use the “smart plate” method. About half of the serving should be non-starchy vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, broccoli, etc. Another quarter is given to starch-containing products, this can be bread, porridge, corn, etc. The remaining quarter of the plate will be taken up by lean meat or fish. As a dessert, children will benefit from fruits and dairy products. This approach to feeding a child will help him receive the necessary vitamins and microelements for normal growth.
  • Control over mental and emotional state
    . The emotional state of a child is strongly influenced by the situation in his family. If a child has to see parents quarrel and experience stress due to too strict rules, then he will grow up withdrawn and unsociable. Stress can also cause some childhood illnesses. In order for a child to grow and develop harmoniously, a friendly atmosphere must be maintained in the family, the child must feel love and support from adults. And remember that live communication cannot be replaced even by the most modern gadgets.

Health program


Shuvaeva Natalya Fedorovna - teacher,


Podvysotskaya Olga Alekseevna - teacher,

Zainullina Nafisa Khalitovna - music director,

Yurchenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna - teacher

MBDOU combined kindergarten "Zhuravushka" Lyantor

Relevance of the program The “Health” program determines the main directions for improving the health of children in kindergarten, tasks, as well as ways to implement them. Health is a complex concept that includes the characteristics of a person’s physical and mental development, the adaptive capabilities of his body, his social activity, which ultimately provide a certain level of mental and physical performance. In modern conditions of development of our society, there is a sharp deterioration in the health of children, and therefore the improvement of children’s health is one of the primary tasks facing society. The relevance of the problem of preventing various diseases is determined by the high morbidity of preschool children, the negative impact of repeated cases on their health, and the formation of recurrent and chronic pathologies. Today, in preschool age, practically healthy children make up 3-4%, with poor posture - 50-60%, with flat feet - 30%. In recent years, the health status of children has been progressively deteriorating. The birth of a healthy child has become rare. The results of the health status of children entering kindergarten are not encouraging. Out of 118 pupils: 1st health group – 6 2nd health group – 97 3rd health group – 15 There are many reasons for the increase in pathology. These are poor ecology and unbalanced nutrition, decreased physical activity, information and neuropsychic overload. The possibility of constantly searching for ways to strengthen the health of children, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, and the diversified development of motor abilities convinces us that until now, the health-improving influence of physical education and natural factors on the child’s body has not been fully realized in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, the search for new means of preserving and strengthening children’s health is relevant. As a result, the “Kolosok” kindergarten developed the “Health” program and its annexes - methodological recommendations for the physical development and health improvement of children in a preschool institution. The “Health” program takes a comprehensive approach to solving the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children.

To implement the program in kindergarten, the following conditions exist:

  • Medical office, isolation ward, which are equipped with medical equipment
  • a gym, which is equipped with the necessary equipment: gymnastic benches, sports mats; gymnastic walls, ribbed boards, balls, hoops, ropes and other necessary equipment. The quantity and quality of sports equipment and equipment helps ensure high motor density of physical education activities
  • methodological literature for organizing effective motor activity of children, developing basic types of movements
  • In each age group there are sports corners where children exercise both independently and under the supervision of teachers.

Concept of the program The health of preschool children is socially conditioned and depends on factors such as the state of the environment, the health of parents and heredity, the living conditions and upbringing of the child in the family, in an educational institution. Significant factors shaping children's health are the education and training system, including physical education, mental health care, and the organization of medical care. You need to start building your health in childhood, when the experience of healing is most firmly established, when the stimulus is the child’s natural curiosity, the desire to learn and try everything, age-related physical activity and optimism. Strengthening the health of children should become a value priority of all educational work of preschool educational institutions: not only in terms of physical education, but also training in general, organization of the regime, treatment and preventive work, a person-oriented approach when working with children, equipping parents with the basics of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, their enlightenment. A feature of the organization and content of the educational process should be an integrated approach aimed at nurturing in preschoolers the need for a healthy lifestyle. Basic principles of the program: 1. The principle of science – reinforcement of all necessary activities aimed at improving health with scientifically based and practically proven methods. 2. The principle of activity and consciousness - the participation of teachers and parents in the search for new effective methods and targeted activities to improve the health of themselves and their children. 3. The principle of complexity and integrativeness is the solution of health-improving tasks in the system of the entire educational process and all types of activities. Goal of the program: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, improvement of their physical development.

The main directions of the “Health” program are:

  1. Material and technical equipment of the health-improving process in preschool educational institutions.
  2. Educational direction.
  3. Treatment and prophylactic direction.
  4. Monitoring the implementation of the program.

Objectives and ways of implementing health-improving work in each of the areas of the program: I. Material and technical equipment of the health-improving process in preschool educational institutions. Objective: Improving the health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions . Ways of implementation: a) updating the material and technical base:

  • purchasing tables and chairs for groups in accordance with the growth of children
  • replacement of outdated soft equipment - purchase of mattresses, pillows, blankets, towels
  • purchasing common quartz
  • replenish the gym's sports equipment with balls of different sizes, hoops, massage balls, dumbbells, carpets, massage mats

b) transformation of the subject environment:

  • improve the physical education area.
  • equip the sports ground: an “obstacle course” for developing endurance, a gymnastic wall and a balance beam, various small forms for organizing children’s physical activity in the fresh air
  • restore privacy zones (to relieve emotional stress) in each age group

II. Educational direction 1 task: Organization of rational motor activity of children Caring for the health of children in our preschool educational institution consists of creating conditions conducive to the favorable development of the body. The most controllable environmental factor is physical load, the influence of which, within the limits of optimal values, can have a targeted effect on health improvement. Motor activity is a natural need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the comprehensive development and upbringing of a child. Active physical activity contributes to:

  • increasing the body's resistance to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms and adverse environmental factors
  • improving the body’s thermoregulation reactions, ensuring its resistance to colds
  • increasing physical performance
  • normalization of the activity of individual organs and functional systems, as well as possible correction of congenital or acquired defects of physical development
  • increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex and creating positive emotions that help protect and strengthen mental health

Basic principles of organizing physical activity in kindergarten:

  1. Physical activity must be adequate to the child’s age, gender, level of physical development, biological maturity and health.
  2. Physical activity must be combined with generally available hardening procedures.
  3. Mandatory inclusion of elements of breathing exercises in the complex of physical education.
  4. Control over physical education.
  5. Conducting physical education activities taking into account medical restrictions and medical withdrawal deadlines.
  6. Inclusion of elements of corrective gymnastics into gymnastics and classes to prevent flat feet and curvature of posture.

Forms of organizing physical activity in preschool educational institutions:

  • physical exercises in the gym and on the sports ground
  • morning exercises
  • physical education minutes
  • health running
  • physical education, holidays, “Health Days”
  • Individual work with children on mastering ATS

Ways to implement rational motor activity in children:

  • implementation of the physical activity regime by all preschool teachers (see Appendix No. 1)
  • the predominance of cyclic exercises in physical education classes to train and improve general endurance as the most valuable health quality
  • the use of games and exercises of a competitive nature in physical education classes and swimming lessons

Task 2: Developing a culture of health in children, equipping them with knowledge, skills and abilities to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle. The need to educate physical culture is emphasized by research confirming that a person’s health most depends on his lifestyle. In this regard, it is important to cultivate a culture of health already in preschool childhood. The formation of human culture is determined primarily by the process of education, pedagogical interaction between an adult and a child, and a wide range of pedagogical means and techniques. Physical culture of a preschooler’s health consists of three components:

  1. conscious attitude towards human health and life;
  2. knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it;
  3. competence that allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical care.

To achieve this task, it is planned to continue focused work on fostering a culture of health, developing habits for a healthy lifestyle through such forms of work with children as:

  • regime moments
  • thematic classes with a cognitive focus (once every 2 months in junior and middle groups, once a month in senior and preparatory groups)
  • physical education classes
  • hardening procedures after a nap
  • organizing and holding Health Days (once a quarter)

such forms of work with parents as:

  • annual parent conferences on promoting a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers
  • themed parent meetings
  • joint parent-child activities (physical education events, entertainment, etc.)
  • consultations with specialists - pediatrician, psychologist, teachers, etc. (individual, group, poster, on the preschool educational institution website)

Task 3: Mental development of children and prevention of their emotional well-being. The mental health of children is determined by their full mental development, which, in turn, involves the development of the basic mental processes of preschoolers - perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification), speech. This task is solved through the implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution: - frontal classes with children according to basic programs, in the structure and content of which great attention is paid to the development of speech, thinking, and imagination of children; — creation of a full-fledged subject-development environment in groups; — organizing children’s play activities; - individual work with children. "Disadvantages" of the traditional system:

  • During drawing classes, due to the constant emphasis on the dominant hand, the activity of the non-dominant hand decreases, which is not entirely correct.
  • Long-term performance of prescribed exercises (especially with children under 5 years of age) leads to rapid fatigue of the child, refusal of activity and other negative reactions due to insufficient development of the nerve centers for regulating movements, as well as small muscles of the hand (“writer’s cramp”).
  • Currently, “typographic” methods of child development have become widespread, that is, teachers often use books and sets of story-based pictures to stimulate the development of speech and thinking, but it has been scientifically proven that children perceive three-dimensional objects more fully than their image in the picture.
  • Purposeful work to prepare a child for school is carried out mainly in specially organized classes, similar in structure and content (and sometimes duration) to a school lesson. But the leading type of activity in preschool age is GAME, and the source of play is objective action (D.B. Elkonin, 1999). That is why in the preschool period of a child’s development, preparation for school should be carried out indirectly, primarily through play activities.

Thus, the use of traditional techniques in preparing preschoolers to master writing graphics is not effective enough. Novelty of the approach: Modern research shows that for a child to successfully master writing graphics, it is necessary to develop in him:

  • coordination of hand movements;
  • spatial representations;
  • sense of rhythm;
  • muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the hands.

Therefore, along with traditional methods of developing graphomotor skills, teachers need to use kinesiological exercises aimed at developing interhemispheric interaction (see Appendix No. 2).

Prevention of the emotional well-being of children in our preschool educational institution is carried out in two main directions:

  • ensuring a more favorable course of the adaptation period for newly arrived children,
  • creating a favorable emotional environment in the children's team.

A more favorable course of the adaptation period for newly arrived children is ensured through a set of psychological and pedagogical measures: - questioning parents in order to study the individual characteristics of each child; — teachers keep adaptation observation sheets for each child; — a flexible schedule for the sequential introduction of newly arrived children into the group; - gradual increase in the time children spend in the group; - the use of special pedagogical techniques (introducing a child to life in kindergarten with the help of an adaptation album, organizing a photo exhibition “My Family”, introducing children’s favorite household toys into a group subject environment, etc.); — creating emotional comfort when putting children to bed during the day; — parent education (group, individual and bench consultations); The creation of a favorable emotional environment in each children's team is ensured through the use of forms of work, as well as the use of psychological and pedagogical methods and techniques aimed at preventing unwanted affective manifestations in children:

  • diagnostics of the emotional well-being of children through observation, analysis of productive activities of children, the use of projective techniques;
  • individual consultations between teachers and parents;
  • individual conversations with students;
  • ensuring a calm environment in the group room (avoid excessively loud speech, promptly respond to conflict situations between children);
  • active, role-playing games, dramatization;
  • providing conditions for proper daytime sleep (ventilation, creating a calm environment, observing the “rituals” of getting ready for bed);
  • organization of “psychological relief corners” (children’s privacy zones) in groups;
  • creating a situation of success for each child in the classroom and in free activities;
  • formation of a culture of communication between children;
  • carrying out leisure, entertainment, holidays (including joint ones at age parallels, with parents), etc.;
  • rational use of “music therapy” (used, if necessary, in classes, when performing relaxation exercises, when putting children to sleep during the day and waking them up, etc.).

New approaches to the prevention of emotional well-being:

  • teaching children relaxation techniques;
  • development and introduction into the educational process of a cycle of sessions by a psychologist with children 5-7 years old, aimed at developing the skills of preschoolers to provide psychological assistance and self-help in various life situations.

The need to teach children relaxation techniques is due to the fact that most children are characterized by an imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition, increased emotionality, and motor restlessness. Any, even minor, stressful situations overload their weak nervous system. Muscular and emotional relaxation is an important condition for the development of natural speech and correct body movements. Children need to be made to feel that muscle tension, at their will, can be replaced by pleasant relaxation and calm. It has been found that emotional arousal weakens if the muscles are sufficiently relaxed. At the same time, the level of wakefulness of the brain also decreases, and the person becomes more suggestible. When children learn to freely relax their muscles, then you can move on to verbal influence (suggestion). It is important to know that the relaxation method, according to experts, is physiologically safe and does not give negative consequences. At the moment of verbal influence, children are in a state of relaxation, their eyes are closed; There is a certain disconnection from the environment. This significantly enhances the impact of the word on the child’s psyche. The purpose of this intervention is to help children relieve emotional stress, gain calm, balance, confidence in themselves and in their speech, and also reinforce in their minds the need to use muscle relaxation after any stress. Some, especially excited, distractible children are unable to concentrate on the lesson and calm down during a relaxation session, when relaxation is required in contrast to tension and when the feeling of the muscle is just being developed. They should not be forced to repeat the exercises. You can allow them to sit silently, calmly in class, and watch how others relax. Staying in a resting pose will in itself have a positive effect on them. For examples of relaxation exercises, see Appendix No. 3. III. Treatment and prophylactic direction Objective: Improving the system of preventive and health work. Preventive and health work in our preschool educational institution should be aimed primarily at complying with the rules of SanPiN. Much attention should be paid to preventive measures:

  • ventilate the premises in which children stay in accordance with the schedule;
  • carry out wet cleaning of group rooms twice a day;
  • do not clutter group and sleeping rooms with furniture and carpets;
  • to ensure natural lighting in the rooms, curtains on windows should be shortened;
  • 2 times a year it is necessary to dry and freeze bedding (mattresses, pillows, blankets);
  • Clean carpets 2 times a year (in summer - washing, in winter - snow cleaning);
  • correctly select and arrange indoor plants;
  • mow lawns and areas in a timely manner (before flowering begins);
  • follow the rules for the use (chlorination) and storage of detergents;
  • During quarantine measures we strictly adhere to sanitary and epidemiological regulations.

Preventive and health-improving work with children in preschool educational institutions is carried out: 1) specific immunoprophylaxis . Its goal is to strengthen or weaken the formation of immunity to the causative agent of a particular disease. Immunity has recently decreased. This is evidenced by the increase in chronic inflammatory diseases. Vaccine prevention has become the leading method of combating infectious diseases. Active preventive vaccination of children should be carried out at certain periods of life and be aimed at developing general specific immunity. 2) nonspecific immunoprophylaxis. There are many methods of nonspecific disease prevention, since they represent a set of methods for stimulating the hidden reserves of the body's defenses, their improvement, flexibility, and versatility. Means of increasing nonspecific resistance of the body include:

  • planned health measures (herbal and vitamin therapy), hardening measures
  • non-traditional methods – breathing exercises, massage and self-massage
  • prevention of poor posture, scoliosis and flat feet, myopia

Approximate annual plan for health and preventive work

Deadlines Name Well
September Multivitamin herbal tea 50 ml after meals 1 month
October Vitamin B6 1 tablet. 1 per day 1 month
November Rosehip syrup “Kudesnik” 1 tbsp. spoons 1 time per day 1 month
December Elixir “Cheerfulness” (vit C) 1 time per day. Yeast drink “Zest” 50 ml 2 times a week 2 weeks 2 weeks
January “Chudesnitsa” - oxaline ointment 2 times a day. 1 month
February — Vitamin B6 1 tablet. 1 per day. — “Chudesnitsa” — oxaline ointment 2 times a day. 10 days 2 weeks
March — Drops “Krepysh” — Eleutherococcus 1 drop each 1 month
April “Elixir Vigor” - Vit C with glucose 0.05 once a day 1 month
May Healing sprout – (hematogen) 1 day, 1 time per day 1 month
June Healing pill – “Healthy” vit B6 1 tablet. 1 per day 1 month
July “Elixir Vigor” – Vit C with glucose 1 month
August Healing sprout – (hematogen) 1 day, 1 time per day 1 month

Hardening measures One of the main directions of children's health is the use of a complex of hardening measures. Hardening is an active process that represents a set of methods for stimulating the hidden reserves of the body's defenses, their improvement, flexibility, and versatility. The hardening effect is achieved by systematic, repeated exposure to one or another hardening factor and a gradual increase in its dosage. It is necessary to implement a unified approach to health-improving and hardening work with children on the part of all preschool educational institution staff and parents. The leading methods of effective hardening in our preschool educational institution are:

  • contrasting temperature effects (contrast air and air baths), which contribute to the development and improvement of the physical thermoregulation system, which functions poorly in the first years of life. A prerequisite for air baths is the air temperature in the premises. For preschool children, the air temperature should be in the range of 18-20 degrees, depending on the greater or lesser physical activity of the children and their number;
  • barefoot walking, which is an effective hardening agent if used gradually by children;
  • cyclic exercises in lightweight clothing that does not restrict movement, during classes and walks, which have a good hardening and healing effect;
  • gargling (from 2.5-3 years).

New, non-traditional methods of immunoprophylaxis These include breathing exercises, exercises for the prevention of myopia, flat feet and poor posture, self-massage, relaxation exercises that help stabilize and activate the body’s energy potential and increase the plasticity of sensorimotor support for mental processes. These methods must be introduced into the system of health measures. Breathing exercises: One of the most important goals of organizing proper breathing in children is to form in them the basic components of voluntary self-regulation. After all, the rhythm of breathing is the only one of all bodily rhythms that is subject to spontaneous, conscious and active regulation on the part of a person. Training makes deep, slow breathing simple and natural, regulated involuntarily. At the beginning of the course of classes, it is necessary to pay great attention to developing proper breathing, which optimizes gas exchange and blood circulation, ventilation of all parts of the lungs, massage of the abdominal organs; promotes overall health and well-being. Proper breathing calms you and promotes concentration. Breathing exercises should always precede self-massage and other tasks. The main thing is full breathing, i.e. combination of chest and abdominal breathing; It must be performed first while lying down, then sitting and finally standing. Until the child learns to breathe correctly, it is recommended to place one hand on his chest, the other on his stomach (fix them on top with the hands of an adult - teacher, parents) to control the completeness of breathing movements. After performing breathing exercises, you can begin self-massage and other exercises that help increase the child’s mental activity and increase his energy and adaptive potential. For a set of breathing exercises, see Appendix No. 4. Massage and self-massage: The mechanism of action of massage is that stimulation of receptors leads to various functional changes in internal organs and systems. Massage in the area of ​​application has a mechanical effect on tissue, which results in the movement of tissue fluids (blood, lymph), stretching and displacement of tissue, and activation of skin respiration. For a set of exercises for self-massage, see Appendix No. 5. Methods for preventing visual fatigue and developing vision in children According to E.S. Avetisova, myopia more often occurs in children with deviations in general health. Among children suffering from myopia, the number of practically healthy ones is 2 times less than among the entire group of examined schoolchildren. There is undoubtedly a connection between myopia and colds, chronic and severe infectious diseases. In myopic children, changes in the musculoskeletal system are more common than in healthy children - poor posture, scoliosis, flat feet. Poor posture, in turn, inhibits the activity of internal organs and systems, especially the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Consequently, those who move a lot and in a variety of ways from a very early age are well-tempered and are less likely to develop myopia, even with a hereditary predisposition. A reasonable daily routine, physical activity, proper nutrition, special exercises for the eyes - all this should occupy an important place in the set of measures to prevent myopia and its progression, since physical education contributes to both the general strengthening of the body and the activation of its functions, and to increasing the performance of the eyes. muscles and strengthening the sclera of the eyes. For a set of exercises to prevent myopia, see Appendix No. 6. Formation and correction of posture. Prevention of flat feet. At preschool age, the child’s posture is just developing and any violation of the conditions of this formation leads to pathological changes. the skeleton of a preschooler has only the features of the musculoskeletal system. Its development has not yet been completed; in many respects it consists of cartilage tissue. This determines further growth and, at the same time, comparative softness and pliability of the bones, which threatens with poor posture if the body is incorrectly positioned, burdened by weight, etc. Incorrect posture is especially dangerous for sedentary children; holding their body in an upright position does not allow them to develop properly. Posture depends on the general condition of the skeleton, joint-ligamentous apparatus, and the degree of development of the muscular system. The most effective method of preventing pathological posture is proper physical education of the child. It should start from the first year of life. This is very important, since posture is formed from a very early age. As the baby grows, new means of physical education are gradually included. By the age of 7, a healthy preschooler’s spine, as a rule, acquires a normal shape and, accordingly, correct posture is developed. Often, flat feet are one of the causes of poor posture. With flat feet, accompanied by hardening of the arches of the feet, the supporting function of the legs sharply decreases, the position of the pelvis changes, and it becomes difficult to walk. The main cause of flat feet is weakness of the muscles and ligaments involved in maintaining the arch. Prevention is based on, firstly, strengthening the muscles that maintain the arch, secondly, wearing sensible shoes and, thirdly, limiting the load on the lower limbs. The main means of preventing flat feet is special gymnastics aimed at strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the feet and legs. Such types of movement and running not only have a good effect on the entire body, but also serve as an effective means of preventing the formation of flat feet. Walking on your toes and the outer edges of your feet is especially beneficial. For literature with sets of exercises for the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders, see Appendix No. 7.

Relationship with specialists from the Central District Hospital.

To preserve and strengthen the health of children in the preschool educational institution, constant communication is maintained with doctors of the narrow specialization of the Central District Hospital. Based on the results of monitoring, as prescribed by pediatricians and specialized doctors, health-improving, preventive and therapeutic measures are planned and implemented. Expected results of the “Health” program:

  • reduction in morbidity rates;
  • consolidation of health measures in the form of a stable psychomatic state.

Monitoring program implementation.doc (28 KB)

Functional responsibilities of preschool educational institutions employees within the framework of the implementation of the “Health!” program Head of preschool educational institution:

  • general guidance on program implementation
  • analysis of program implementation - 2 times a year
  • control over compliance with the protection of life and health of children

Educators: determining indicators of children’s motor readiness

  • introduction of health-saving technologies
  • inclusion in physical education classes: lightweight clothing for children
  • holding sports events, entertainment, health days
  • promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • Carrying out recreational activities with children:
  • Promotion of healing methods among children
  • immunoprophylaxis
  • implementation of health and preventive work according to the annual plan
    • exercises for the prevention of postural disorders, flat feet
    • relaxation exercises
    • breathing exercises
    • hardening activities
    • reduced air temperature
    • hardening
    • breathing exercises
    • self-massage

    Deputy Head of ACh:

    • creation of material and technical conditions
    • control over the fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic conditions by junior service personnel during the implementation of the program
    • creating conditions to prevent injuries in preschool educational institutions
    • provision of life safety


    • organization of rational nutrition for children
    • monitoring compliance with cooking technologies
    • monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the catering department

    Junior service personnel:

    • compliance with the sanitary and protective regime
    • assistance to teachers in organizing the educational process, physical education and recreational activities

    Appendix 1 Physical activity regime for children


    Appendix No. 3 Relaxation

    Appendix No. 4 A set of breathing exercises Appendix No. 5 Massage and self-massage

    Appendix No. 6

    Methods for the prevention of visual fatigue and vision development in children (according to V.A. Kovalev) LIST OF REFERENCES USED

    1. Developmental pedagogy of health improvement, ed. V.T.Kudryavtseva, B.B.Egorova (p. 249)

    2. Improvement of children's health in kindergarten conditions, ed. L.V. Kochetkova (p. 71)

    3. Teacher of preschool educational institution No. 1-2008 (p. 9)

    4. Health work according to the “Island of Health” program (p. 64)

    5. Wellness work according to the “Island of Health” program (p. 57 – Physical exercises for the eyes)

    6. Teacher of preschool educational institution No. 3 – 2008 (p. 11 – Obedient eyes)

    Download: Health Program .doc (270 KB)

    Attention! This program is the subject of proprietary rights and is protected by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Copyright and Related Rights” and other legal acts on intellectual property.

    The program can be used for familiarization and personal practical work in a preschool institution. Use of information is permitted provided that all copyright marks are preserved!

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    Barcode (receipt number) 62502670052162 Date of dispatch February 26, 2014

    We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching materials: - Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games; — Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

    Why is it profitable to publish with us?

    1. “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region” is an officially registered specialized media outlet at the federal level. 2. The activities of the editorial office are supported by the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region 3. We issue a “Certificate of Publication” in the media. 4. The document has a unique number, is entered in the register, has the original seal of the editorial office of the online publication and signature. 5. “Certificate of publication” in the media is sent to the author in both paper and electronic versions.

    Details >>>

    Sample “Certificate of publication of author’s methodological material in the media.”pdf


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