Summary of a walk in the second junior group “Autumn Time”

Summary of a walk in the second junior group “Autumn Time”

Summary of a walk in the second junior group “Autumn Time”

Prepared by:

teacher Brovko L.V.


: expand children’s ideas about autumn, its main signs and characteristics; to concretize and reveal children’s ideas about the main changes occurring in autumn nature.


  • Encourage children to work hard and teach them to maintain cleanliness in nature;
  • Continue to teach children to listen intently to the teacher and perform all actions in accordance with the teacher’s instructions. Learn to navigate in space, find your place. Learn to throw a ball, develop dexterity and enrich your vocabulary.
  • Teach children independence.


Buckets, brooms, rakes, toys: fox, “Autumn” doll.

Progress of the walk

  1. Observation of autumn nature.

On a sunny autumn day, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that golden autumn has arrived.

Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow. The leaves on the birch tree are burning golden. Do not hear the cheerful Songs of the nightingale. The birds flew away to distant lands.


“Children, look how beautiful it is around!
Everything around is covered in gold, the weather is warm outside, the sun warms us with its warm rays. Please tell me what has changed on our site? What happened to the trees? What happens to the weed? Look at the sky, what is it like? Are the clouds moving fast? Do you hear birds singing? » Children observe nature on the playground and answer questions.
During the observation, the teacher brings the children to the “Golden Autumn” doll.

In a motley-golden dress

Autumn has come to our garden,

Like a beautiful queen

Makes the guys happy.

Hello, autumn! Come into our garden, the dahlias have bloomed magnificently here, the golden apples are hanging and the viburnum berries are turning red. The breeze blew the mischievous aroma of pears and grapes. The linden tree rustled its leaves: “Hello, autumn!” We are so glad to see you!


Guys, autumn is the generous mistress of the year, giving us a variety of vegetables and fruits, mushrooms and nuts.
She skillfully gilds the foliage, embroiders with a thin cobweb and warmly greets us with a ray of autumn sun. Let's see what autumn has given us? Children approach the trees.
Late autumn signs:

This is a maple - completely naked,

Poplar with linden all clothes

They threw it on the tracks.

Everyone unanimously comes to the conclusion that autumn gave yellow leaves.
The teacher and the children collect leaves in baskets.
The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are torn off from branches.

Yellow leaves are flying

Straight into the hands of the guys.


Guys, let's make a golden shower.
Let's all throw leaves and say: “Leaves are falling! Leaf fall! Yellow leaves are flying." Children throw leaves and catch them.
Guys, this is called leaf fall.
You can play with autumn leaves. Kids are playing.

  1. Children's work. Site cleaning.


Children, during leaf fall so many leaves fall that the foliage covers all the paths. Foliage must be removed. Let's remove the leaves so that our site is clean?




Then grab your brooms and buckets and let's start cleaning!
Some of the children sweep the leaves into piles, the rest of the children collect the leaves into their buckets.

Children, look, I found a candy wrapper in the leaves. Tell me, is it possible to throw candy wrappers on the street?




What should you do with the candy wrapper after you eat the candy?


Throw it in the trash!


Well done! Is it okay to do this only with candy wrappers?


No! With all the trash!


. That's right, children! Look how clean it has become! What a great fellow you are! Did you enjoy cleaning?


. Yes!!!


Oh, kids, look, someone is hiding behind a bush, do you see who it is?




Right. What is she like?




. What kind of ponytail does she have?




. Right. Let's take the fox for a walk?


. Yes!


Let's play with the fox. She was probably bored here. Surely the fox really, really wants to play with you.

Outdoor game “Sly Fox”.
4. Individual work:

- Sasha, Lera, look what a beautiful ball I have. — Do you like this ball? — Tell me, what color is the ball? - Well done, that's right, blue. - Let’s play the game “Edible and Inedible” now. You will catch the ball when I name everything that you can eat, and everything that cannot be thrown away and not caught. Let's try to play? Let's play.


Children, let's summarize what we learned about autumn today?
The children answer.
Well done! Now let's quickly go to the group and draw autumn!!!

Progress of observation

Invite the children to see if there is sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what the clouds did (cover the sun, note what the sky is (gloomy), what the weather is (gloomy)


The winds are blowing, the winds are violent, the clouds are moving, the clouds are dark.

Draw the children's attention to the tops of the trees (they are swaying, the wind is blowing, the trees are swaying. The trees have colorful foliage. If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, If the birds have flown to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, if it is raining, This time is called autumn .

Labor activity: watering sand for play.


- teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area, encourage

provide assistance to adults;

— to consolidate the knowledge that dry sand crumbles, and if you water it, it becomes wet and you can make pies for dolls from it.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the car"


Goal: to teach children to run quickly when given a signal, but not to bump into each other, to start moving and change it according to a signal from the teacher, to find their place.

"Take care of the object"


Goal: to teach how to act and navigate according to a signal, in space, to develop dexterity.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Take-out materials: watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with

sand, doll, cars.

Walk No. 2 “Falling Leaves”

Goal: show children the variety of colors of golden autumn ; reveal a new concept of “leaf fall”


Progress of observation

On a sunny day, invite the children to look out the window. The sun looks out the window, looks into our room. We will clap our hands, We are very happy about the sun.

When going out to the site, draw the children’s attention to the warm weather. (Today the sun is shining - it’s warm.)

The sun is huge and hot. Heats the entire earth, sending it rays. Take a small mirror outside and say that the sun sent its ray to the children so that they could play with it. Point the beam at the wall.

Sunny bunnies play on the wall,

Bend them with your finger and let them run to you.

Here it is, a bright circle, here, there, to the left, to the left - it ran up to the ceiling.

At the command “Catch the bunny!”

the children are trying to catch him.

Labor activity: collecting stones on the site.

Goal: continue to cultivate the desire to participate in work.

Outdoor games:

1. "Mice in the Pantry"


Goal: learn to run easily, without bumping into each other, move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement.

2. "Get in the circle"


Goals: improve the ability to operate with objects;

- learn to hit the target;

- develop eye and dexterity.

Take-out materials: sandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, molds, signets, pencils, buckets, scoops.

Walk No. 2

"Watching a Cat"

Goals: - expand the idea of ​​a domestic animal - a cat;

- cultivate a desire to care for animals.

Progress of observation

The teacher leads the children to the spruce tree and draws attention to its slenderness and green outfit.

You can always find her in the forest

- You’ll go for a walk and meet him.

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that it is very pleasant to be near a spruce tree (it is beautiful and healthy, its aroma is healing for health. He asks what beautiful things the children find in the tree. He suggests alternately breathing deeply with open eyes and looking at it.

To consolidate knowledge about the structure of spruce: the trunk is covered with brown bark, there are many branches that gradually increase in size downwards. All branches are covered with hard, prickly needles and brown cones. Invite children to stroke the trunk, press their cheeks against it, and touch the needles so that they get not only a visual, but also a tactile idea.

The prickly green one was cut down with an axe. The prickly green one comes to our house.

Labor activity: shoveling snow, clearing paths.

Lots of snow, no place to run.

There is also snow on the path.

Here are the shovels for you guys,

We will work for everyone.

Goal: to teach how to use shovels, shoveling snow into a certain place.

Outdoor game

1. "From bump to bump."

Goal: to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs moving forward. Progress of the game.

2. "Find yourself a mate"

Goal: to develop children's color discrimination and spatial orientation

Removable materials: shovels, snow molds, children's sleds, scoops.

Walk No. 3

"Cloud Watching"

Goal: to form concepts about clouds and clouds.

Progress of observation

Hello, forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night? What do you whisper to us at dawn, covered in dew, like silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, don’t hide it: you see, we are our own.

On the way to the forest, stop the children in a place where the forest is visible from a distance and is clearly visible. Admire the colorful forest and draw children’s attention to the beauty of the landscape. Find out what color is characteristic of autumn trees .

Labor activity: cleaning the forest area where children will play.

Goal: to teach children to maintain cleanliness and order in the forest.

Outdoor games

1."Birds in Nests"



- learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other;

— to teach children to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.

2."Find your house"


Goal: to teach how to quickly act on a signal, to teach how to navigate in space.

Removable materials: baskets for cones, buckets for collecting garbage.

Walk No. 4

"Watching birds while feeding"


— instill a desire to take care of birds;

— to develop knowledge about the habits of birds;

- cultivate a love for nature.

Progress of observation

The lingonberries are ripening, the days have become colder,

And the cry of a bird only makes my heart sadder. Flocks of birds fly away across the blue sea,

All the trees shine in multi-colored decoration.

Bring the children to the tree, remember its main parts. Give children a visual representation that trees come in different thicknesses and heights. Remind that leaves grow on the branches, but with the onset of autumn they fall off . Offer to stroke the tree trunk. Please note that the tree is tall and you have to raise your head to see it. Offer to find a low tree. Examine the trunk of a young and old tree and compare. Offer to run on fallen tree leaves.

Work activity: cut broken branches from trees together with children. Rake and pour the soil with a rake, adding it to the roots of the trees, explain why this is being done.


- cultivate a desire to participate in plant care;

- instill respect for nature.

Outdoor games

1. "Birds in Nests"



- learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other;

act quickly on the teacher’s signal, help each other.

2. "The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

—Goal: to develop in children the ability to jump and move actively.

Take-out materials: children's rakes, blocks for outdoor play, toys for playing with sand, dolls dressed for the weather, strollers for dolls, cars.


Walk No. 1

"Observing Frosty Patterns"

Goal: look at the frosty patterns on the window.

Progress of observation

Car, car, my car, I work deftly with the pedals. I drive the car in front of everyone, I ride it in the yard and garden.

Watch with children the movement of a car. Explain that the driver drives the car, he sits in front, and everyone else is passengers. You cannot talk to the driver while driving, so that the car does not collide with other cars.

Labor activity: cleaning the territory.

Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

Outdoor games

1. "Trams"

GOAL: To teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movements according to them

2. "Cars"


— teach to follow traffic rules;

— consolidate knowledge about trucks.

Remote materials: steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.

Walk No. 4

"Looking at an autumn tree "

Goal: to develop knowledge about the main parts of wood, their height and thickness.

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