Spring Festival in senior and preparatory school groups

Scenario "Spring Festival"

  • April 23, 2019

International and All-Russian competitions
All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence “Methodological collection of the music director of a kindergarten”

The Spring Festival scenario has been developed for all kindergarten groups.

Children enter the hall in a round dance to the music “Vesnyanka”.

Educator: If the snow melts everywhere, the day becomes longer, if everything turns green and a stream rings in the fields. If the sun shines brighter, If the birds have no time to sleep, If the wind has become warmer, It means that Spring has come to us! Today we welcome spring here and with a bow we invite everyone who loves to have fun, and laugh, and frolic. Eh, we're tired of winter! Guys, let's spring - click on red!


  1. Where are you, sunshine, wake up!
  2. Where are you, little bird, come back!
  3. Winter is tired of pouring snow,
  4. Drip-drip-drip! Spring has come!
  5. Mother is coming - Spring, open the gates!


We stretched out our palms and looked at the sun - hands up Give us the warmth of the sun so that there is strength - to invite Sun, sun, red bucket. - hands up, rise high, shine far... - we spread our hands up, and look at the dark forests, at the damp little hills... - we spread our arms alternately to the sides To the river, to the fields, to the blue seas... - with both hands we show the path To the green garden and to the all honest people! - claps.

Children perform the song “Spring Round Dance” in a round dance

They sit on the chairs.

Educator : In Russia, spring has long been celebrated. They organized festivities - they danced in circles, invited Spring - Red. In every house, birds were made from dough - larks. Those who did not have dough sculpted from clay, made from rags and paper. In the old days, people believed that spring comes because birds bring it from distant lands. The birds were distributed to the children, and they ran screaming and loudly laughing to call the larks, and with them spring. To do this, baked larks were impaled on long sticks and ran out onto the hills with them, or birds were impaled on poles, on fence sticks, and like birds huddled in a flock they shouted:

Larks, larks, come! Spring - bring the red, Winter - take away the cold!

Girls of the middle group perform a round dance with wreaths “Oh, Lyuli”

Educator : If the snow is melting everywhere, The day is getting longer, If everything is green, And the stream is ringing in the fields, If the wind has become warmer, If the birds are not able to sleep, If the sun is shining brighter, It means that spring has come to us.

Scene “Spring in the Forest”

A magpie takes off.

Magpie: I chirped about spring, oh, I’m tired, tired.

If only there was a telephone here... oh, look, there it is! (Magpie flies up to the phone).

I’ll wake up the bear first and tell him about spring (the phone is ringing, the bear is sleeping).

Our little bear is awake, waking him up is no joke. (magpie calls the phone again).

Bear: Hello!

Magpie: Hello! Hello! Magpie is calling!

Bear: What happened, white-sided?

Magpie: There is no winter, spring has come, she is walking through the forest.

Bear: That's how I brought the news. Are you saying spring has come?

I sucked my paw for six months, and now I’d like to get some honey! (The bear leaves).

Magpie: I need to hurry up and call the fox godfather. (Magpie calls).

Lisa: Hello!

Magpie: Hello! Hello! Magpie is calling!

Fox: What happened, white-sided?

Magpie: There is no winter, spring has come, she is walking through the forest.

Fox: Oh, how glad I am for spring! We are bored with winter, tormented by frost. (Lisa leaves).

Magpie: Now I’ll find the hare. I'll tell him the news. (Rings).

Hare: Hello!

Magpie: Hello! Hello! Magpie is calling!

Hare: What happened, white-sided?

Magpie: There is no winter, spring has come, she is walking through the forest.

Hare: I’ll run through the forests, I’ll tell you here and there,

That spring has come to our forest - and all the animals have no time to sleep! (Runs away).

Magpie: I’ll tell the whole world that there is no more winter! (Flies away).

Educator : The animals all welcome Spring, they call for it in unison.

Come out bunnies, bunnies run around. Have fun dancing and spoiling spring!

Dance 1 and 2 ml. groups – “Bunnies”

Educator : Well, they called for Spring. Look, it’s Spring, it’s walking across the earth!

Hello, Freckles - spring! What did you come with? Spring: On a plow, a harrow, on a crooked poker. I will drive away the snow and the cold, I will bring warmth from the south, Streams will run around, the rays of the sun will splash, Shine brighter than your rays and warm the land!

Educator : Why, Spring, did you come to us?

Spring: I came to visit the children and brought as a gift a golden ray of sunshine, a blue flower in the field, the ringing song of a stream, and the trill of a nightingale in the grove. I brought a blanket of flowers for the meadows. She brought new needles for the Christmas tree, for aspens and birches, fresh leaves, a whole cartload.

Educator : Spring is Red! What did you bring us?

Spring : I brought you three lands: The first land - a little animal in the field, Another land - with a bipod in the field, The third land - bees on the fly, And another land - for the world's health. Come out and have fun: sing songs and dance! Gather, people, at the gates! Sing, joke, lead round dances, make spring happy!

The senior group performs the round dance “There was a birch tree in the field”

Educator : For some reason, we want to laugh and have fun in the spring!

And that’s why we invite everyone to braid a beautiful fence!

Russian folk game "Pleten"

Spring: In the spring the bear woke up and let's roar!

Children better not make noise!

Russian folk game “At the bear in the forest”

Spring: Guys, do you know riddles about birds? Well guess what:

  1. White peas, on a green stem. In May every year, they make people happy. (Lily of the valley).
  2. Yellow, fluffy, fragrant balls. I'll give it to my mother, look for yourself. (Mimosa).
  3. Appeared from under the snow, Reaches for a piece of the sky. The very first, the most tender, - So small... (Snowdrop).
  4. On a green fragile leg, a ball grew by the path. The breeze suddenly rustled, instantly dispelling this ball. (Dandelion).
  5. You will find them in Holland, They are always held in high esteem there. Like bright glasses, everyone’s eyes are pleased... (Tulips).
  6. A little curl blossomed in the garden, She was wearing a white shirt. And the middle is golden, what kind of beauty is this? (Chamomile).
  7. All migratory birds are blackened, Cleans the arable land from worms. Jump back and forth across the arable land, And the bird’s name is... (rook).
  8. Finally, our best singer has come to us, He sings all the songs all day and night. (Nightingale).
  9. There is a palace on the pole, There is a singer in the courtyard, And his name is... (starling).

Vesna: Well done, you solved all the riddles.

Child: Another week will fly by, And March will ring in drops. April will come with flowers behind it, And the sun will flood the earth. Through the groves and parks the nightingales will begin their concerts again.

Vesna: Well done, you guessed all the birds! Since we're talking about birds, I suggest having fun.

Geese - geese, yes, yes, yes - come out here!

Russian folk game - "Geese - Geese"

Educator : Spring has a cheerful start - March is on the threshold. The drops are ringing merrily - April is already rushing towards us. May quickly catches up with them, He greets everyone with flowers. Full of light and joy, All three months of spring.

2nd Junior Song “Drip-drip, water”

Educator : Go out to the round dance, have fun, honest people! In honor of the cheerful, eminent, Our Mother Spring.

General round dance "Vesnyanka"

Vesna: Well done guys, you know the poems, the songs, and the chants! You solved all my riddles and played games with me. For such a meeting and fun, according to custom, accept a treat!

And now it’s time for me to go and look after the flowers and herbs. So that they grow and bloom, and are filled with spring juices.

A parting treat. Well, it's time for me to hurry. You need to visit the children in the neighboring kindergarten!

Educator : We will be grateful to you,

We will not forget this day!

Round dance "Let's go to the garden through the raspberries"

Spring: Goodbye friends! I'll come back to you in a year!

Educator : And it’s time for us guys to go back to the groups!

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