Celebration of Tolerance Day in the senior group of kindergarten. Scenario

Celebration of Tolerance Day in the senior group of kindergarten. Scenario

Scenario for the holiday for Tolerance Day “With love for people”
Purpose: to introduce children to the concept of “tolerance”; develop morally significant personality traits; cultivate respect for the traditions of other peoples. Equipment : the hall is decorated with the inscription - Day of Tolerance. On the central wall there are paintings of people of different nationalities. In the corner of the hall there is a satin carpet, on which there are colorful pillows and “mysterious” attributes. Five costumes for girls of different nationalities. Progress of the holiday Host. Hello guys! How different you all are! You know, not only are we different in appearance, but we even greet each other differently. • Place your hands (as in “prayer”) at chest level and bow (Japan); • Rubbing noses - this is how they say hello in New Zealand; • Shake hands while standing at a great distance from each other – Great Britain (English); • Hug tightly and kiss each other on the cheeks three times – Russia; • Show language – Tibet; • Shake hands very firmly while standing close to each other (Germany); • Hug and kiss on the cheeks four times in turn (Paris). Presenter . And we talk, guys, we also speak different languages. The French - in French, the Tatars - in ..., the British - in ..., the Ukrainians - in ..., the Moldovans - in ... How many nationalities - so many languages, customs, different cultures. But aren't people like us bad? Can we not love and respect them just because they are not like us? Of course not, if a person is not like us in skin color or behavior, this is not a reason not to love him. That's why, guys, a holiday appeared, which was called World Tolerance Day. Have you ever heard such a word? Do you know what it means? Let us today try to understand what tolerance is, but first I will tell you a fairy tale... Leading.
Once upon a time there lived a girl named Love on earth.
A girl enters the hall to the music. He walks around the hall, examines everything, greets the children, introduces himself by name and sits down in a corner on a chair. Leading. She was bored living in the world without a girlfriend. So she decided to turn to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived for 100 years. The wizard enters to the music. He greets the children, tells them who he is, shows them some kind of “trick” and sits down on the carpet with pillows. Girl (approaches the wizard and says sadly)
Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her throughout the life God has given me. Wizard.
Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds sing and the dew has not yet dried.
Love leaves the room. The wizard begins to “conjure”. To the accompaniment of mysterious music, girls dressed in national costumes enter one by one and sit around the sorcerer. There are the sounds of singing birds, the sounds of the morning. Presenter
. In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, Love came to the appointed place.
She came and saw: five beautiful girls standing, one more beautiful than the other. Wizard.
Here, choose - one is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Generosity, the fifth is Kindness.
Oh, I don’t even know who to choose, they are all so beautiful, so different, so good...
The Wizard.
Yes, Lyubov, you are right, they really are different - and their names are different, and they look different, and all this is because their nationalities are different.
And in order to decide which of them will become your real girlfriend, you need to get to know them better. Here is Joy. She is Moldovan. What do you know about Moldovans? Nothing? What about you guys? Well then you should know that they are excellent dancers. Therefore, Love, invite the children and let’s dance a Moldavian dance, and we will teach you with Joy. Look at us and repeat the movements. Dance based on the Wizard of Love
. Oh, what a good Joy.
Exactly, she is the one who will be my friend, I really love to dance. Leading.
Love, wait a little.
You haven’t met the rest of the girls yet, so there’s no need to rush. Introduce us, good Wizard, to other girls. Wizard.
This is luck.
She is a Hanteika. These are the small peoples of the North. Have you heard of them? Well done! I am glad that you are interested in the life and culture of other peoples. Do you know Hantei games? Then let's play and teach Lyubov to play Khanty games. Game “Lakes - Streams” Children are divided into several teams. At the signal “rivulets”, children, holding each other by the belt, run in different directions. At the “lake” signal, the children take each other’s hands and walk on their tiptoes, in small steps, in a circle. Love.
And the game is wonderful and Luck is very good.
So what should you do, who should you take as your girlfriend, Luck or Joy? Leading.
Maybe we won't rush, let's meet the rest of the girls.
Well, here's a girl named Beauty.
She's Russian. What nationality are you guys? What do you know about Russians? Exactly, Russian people dance and sing beautifully. Dance “Russian quadrille” L
love. Oh, oh, I'm completely confused, and I like this girl.
And that one over there, what's her name? We don't know her yet. Wizard
. This girl is Generosity.
She is Bashkir. Guys, are there any Bashkirs among you? Do you have any Bashkirian friends? The Bashkirs have a very interesting game. Game “Building a Yutra” The participants of the game are divided into 3-4 subgroups and form a circle. There is a handkerchief in a circle on a chair. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and say the words: We, cheerful guys, will all gather in a circle. Let's play and dance and rush to the meadow. Under the words, they rearrange themselves into a common circle. At the signal “we are standing in the yurt,” they take scarves and pull them over their heads. Wizard. It remains to introduce you to the last girl - Kindness. She is Uzbek. This is an oriental beauty. She dances beautifully and will teach you. Dance "Chicks" Love
. They are all beautiful, I don’t know who to choose... The Wizard.
Yes, they are all good, and you will meet them again in life, and maybe you will become friends, but choose one of them. She will be your friend for the rest of your life. Presenter
. Take your time, Love, think, maybe it’s worth taking them all as girlfriends?
Beauty, Kindness, Luck, Generosity, Joy - is it possible to live without one of them? Love
. _ You're right.
I will take them all as friends, even though they are so different, and I will always treat them very well. Presenter
. Guys, today we wanted to understand what such a strange word means - tolerance.
After watching this fairy tale, what do you think? That's right, tolerance is love, kindness, joy, generosity, luck, beauty towards other people. Let's love each other, people passing by and completely different from us, people of other nationalities, then they will answer us the same, because goodness is always repaid with goodness, love with love, generosity with generosity. Now let's sing a song about our native land. Song "Native Song" Wizard
. Wait, wait, no need to disperse.
I’m a wizard, and now I’ll conjure something for you in memory of Lyubov and me. The wizard casts a spell and pulls out chocolate. The guests treat everyone, say goodbye and leave.

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Integrated entertainment in the senior group of kindergarten Entertainment scenario for children of different age groups 4-6 years old Entertainment for children of senior preschool age in kindergarten. Scenario Consultation for kindergarten parents on the topic: Tolerance

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A tale of tolerance

A tale of tolerance.

Author: Chechetkina Margarita Mikhailovna, educational psychologist at the Moscow Regional Administrative Educational Institution No. 9 of the city of Sredneuralsk.

This fairy tale is about how everyone in our world is different. Each has its own characteristics. But everyone also has their own talents. We need to appreciate what we have. And respect others unconditionally. Then there will be peace in the world!

In one wonderful forest, on a mighty oak tree, in a cozy hollow, lived a charming squirrel. And she was beautiful in everything. The fur is smooth, the tail is fluffy, and the tufts on the ears are a sight to behold, and the way it jumps through the trees is breathtaking. Even her name was beautiful Bella. But the squirrel had no friends. And all because she chose and chose, but she couldn’t find anyone better than herself.

She was walking through the forest one day. A cheerful and nimble hare meets you.

- Oh, Bellochka, let’s run together. The animals and I are going to play tag.

-What are you talking about, hare! “You’re slanted, and you have long ears, and a button-shaped tail, and your name is brrrr,” the squirrel snorted and galloped on.

“The name is like the name “Ushastik,” my mother gave it to me and I don’t need another,” the Hare thought cheerfully and ran to his friends.

A squirrel once met a mouse near the house.

- Bellochka, help me, please, the entrance to my hole is blocked with cones, and my paw hurts.

- Here's another. You’re so small, and also kind of sick. No, you can handle it yourself,” and hid in her hollow.

And one day, the bear’s second cousin, the polar bear cub Snowball, came to stay with him.

Squirrel saw them together and let's laugh at Snowball

-Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee. White as snowball, and so is Snowball too. Oh, I’ll tear my bellies, ha-ho-hee, you saw yourself in the mirror,” Bellochka scoffed.

Snowball burst into tears, he felt offended. He was always proud of his white fur coat, but here they laugh and insult him.

The animals did not tolerate it here. And the brown bear says in his deep voice:

- So what now, should we all be squirrels? And live without friends? Just open your eyes and look around: everyone is different, in height, color, and talent. Everyone has their own characteristics. The hare is oblique, so his eyes help him see all his enemies. But he is fast and cheerful.

The mouse is small and remote. Always helps everyone. And the fact that she sprained her paw can happen to anyone. But she's kind. Why are you offending my Snowball? He was born white, and you are red, and I am brown, and the frog is green. So maybe we can laugh at you? My teddy bear will not be visible on the white snow in winter, but your fiery beauty will be visible a kilometer away. Is that better?

The bear growled and the bear asked:

- Can we all be squirrels? How about living without friends? Look around quickly and maybe you will suddenly understand.

Recently, discussions have often arisen about a tolerant world, the so-called world without violence and cruelty, in which the main value is the unique and inviolable human personality. But it is not enough to say beautiful words; tolerance must be cultivated through the development of good habits, manners, a culture of interpersonal communication, and the art of living in a world of unlike people.

In scientific publications, tolerance is interpreted primarily as respect and recognition of equality, rejection of domination and violence, and the diversity of human culture, norms, and beliefs.8) Tolerance is the willingness to accept others as they are and to interact with them on the basis of agreement. First of all, it assumes reciprocity and an active position of all interested parties. Tolerance is an important component of the life position of a mature person, who has her own values ​​and interests and is ready, if necessary, to defend them, but at the same time respects the positions and values ​​of other people. Preschool childhood is a time of achievements and problems not only for one little person, but for the whole society as a whole. At this age, children develop the skills of respectful and friendly behavior during relationships with representatives of different cultures, the ability to perceive the environment as the result of cooperation between people of different nationalities and different ethnic origins. They have a positive effect on a person, transform him, elevate him, and return him to a more harmonious state. It is advisable to begin the formation of tolerance from senior preschool age, since it is this age that is sensitive for the education of morality and tolerance; it is at this age that the foundation is laid for the further development of the child’s personality. In the formation of tolerance in preschool children, it is necessary to rely on playful methods of education, since play is the main activity of preschool children. In order for the work on developing tolerance in preschoolers to be fruitful, it is necessary to involve a wide range of events and different types of activities of preschoolers: 1) holding holidays and other mass forms in order to introduce children to the culture and traditions of their people and the peoples of the world; theatrical activities of preschoolers according to scenarios based on fairy tales of the peoples of the world; 2) role-playing games for preschoolers, the main goal of which is the development and practical application by children of methods of tolerant interaction; 3) Russian folk outdoor games, such as “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Boyars” and others; 4) holding Russian folk holidays, for example, “Maslenitsa”, “Christmas” in accordance with the folk calendar; 5) study of folk holidays of the closest neighboring countries, Scandinavian folk holidays; holidays of the peoples of the East and Muslim countries; 6) introducing children to the traditions of peoples of different countries; 7) with the traditions of celebrating the New Year, May 1, April 1 in different countries; games-activities created on materials from various fairy tales in order to solve problems of interpersonal interaction in fairy-tale situations; 9) writing fairy tales and stories by the children themselves; fairy tale dramatizations. Our group began working on developing tolerance by reading fairy tale books, since life is inextricably linked with books. Unfortunately, in our computer age there are fewer and fewer people who are interested in reading. But a fairy tale can teach you a lot. Why? What valuable things can you learn? Today we are talking about human values ​​and our group will try to prove that fairy tales very well show the influence of human values ​​on our lives. The goal of our group was, by analyzing some works, to show exactly what values ​​are revealed in them and how they influence the lives of the heroes. — In “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. In Pushkin we see an example of a person’s desire for power. The old woman sent the old man to the fish five times. The requests were as follows: a new trough, a hut, a desire to become a pillar noblewoman, then a free queen and, finally, a mistress of the sea. The old woman, receiving more and more, strives to become the mistress of the sea, but greed and power do not bring her anything good. Having acquired a lot, she loses everything and is left with nothing. We have seen that the desire for power can destroy a person. - And in the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen" we see another example. The fragile girl Gerda, for the sake of love for her neighbor, is ready to sacrifice herself. She overcomes all difficulties on her way to find her brother. The main values ​​for her are love, friendship, a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance. Perhaps we lack these values ​​so much in life. — In the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” by I. Gauf, the main character Jacob was turned into a dwarf for laughing at a strange old woman. He had to go through many trials and hardships. But he corrected himself and became handsome again. You shouldn’t laugh at those who have a strange appearance - they are people too and have the right to life. - Fairy tale “Turnip”. And this fairy tale is not about a turnip at all, but about friendly teamwork. — H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” teaches you to be kind in any situation. The poor duckling had to go through so much: laughter, humiliation, exile, loneliness... But despite this, he remained kind. And he was rewarded - he grew into a beautiful swan. Why not a reward? A fairy tale is a great helper in developing tolerance. What a fairy tale doesn’t teach! — The fairy tale teaches: the world is divided into good and bad people, animals and other creatures. But there are always more good ones, and luck loves them. And the evil ones end their biography poorly. — The fairy tale creates the image of a Positive Hero: kind, smart, strong, true to his word. — The fairy tale teaches not to be afraid of difficulties. The Main Character always takes on any task, no matter how impossible it may seem. And in the fact that he wins, self-confidence, courage and the help of friends play a significant role. — The fairy tale teaches: don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. And the surest way to find a friend is not to turn away from him at the right moment. The fairy-tale Hero always has many friends: people, animals, birds, fish. Because he does not refuse to help those he meets on his way, and they, in turn, do not abandon our Hero in trouble. This is how the Hero gains invaluable Magical helpers. — The fairy tale teaches not to judge people by their appearance. When tested, Ivan the Fool always turns out to be Ivan the Tsarevich, and the Frog Princess always turns out to be the Beautiful Princess. And the terrible Baba Yaga is not a negative character in all fairy tales. — The fairy tale teaches: a good deed does not work out on the first try. The Fairytale Hero has to go against the Serpent Gorynych or another monster three times, but courage and perseverance are necessarily rewarded with victory. — The fairy tale teaches love for parents. A hero who carries out an order from his father or mother is always revered more than his careless brothers and sisters. And it is he who inherits “half a kingdom in addition.” — The fairy tale teaches patriotism. The Main Character always readily comes out to defend his native land from monster invaders. — The fairy tale contains a hidden, unobtrusive morality, moral teaching: you cannot deceive, you cannot be greedy, you cannot betray your friends. Every fairy tale has kindness and the habit of helping a friend out of trouble. — A fairy tale helps to defeat evil and cruelty. In fairy tales, the most incredible miracles happen: either the Serpent Gorynych carries away the beautiful princess to his domain, or the apple tree rewards the hardworking girl with golden apples, or the cunning fox deceives everyone. I see that you all love fairy tales and know them. But there are still many, many fairy tales that you have not read. And, most importantly, the fairy tale teaches that good is cyclical, it always returns to those who help others, and good always defeats evil. Isn't this a model of an ideal world? Having done this work, we came to the following conclusions. Fairy tales can teach us a lot. Many writers include the following as the highest values: love, friendship, kindness, mercy, fidelity. We realized that values ​​can be overestimated and it depends on each of us which values ​​to choose as the main ones in our lives. After all, not only our lives, but also the lives of those around us depend on our choice. Our library of good fairy tales G.H.Andersen “The Ugly Duckling” G.H.Andersen “Thumbelina” G.H.Andersen “The Snow Queen” V.Gauf “Dwarf Nose” R.N.S “Teremok” R.N.S . “Turnip” A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” V. Kataev “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​And that’s not all. The list of good fairy tales can be replenished endlessly!

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