Parents' meeting "Family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of a child"

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Parent meeting: “Family traditions. Holiday"

Serdyuk Elena Anatolyevna MBDOU No. 31 teacher Krasnodar region Kanevsky district st. Kanevskaya

Form: round table.

Goal: searching for new forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Event plan

  1. Introduction.
  2. Round table.
  3. Musical pause.
  4. Exchange of parental experiences about holidays in the family.
  5. Summarizing parents' suggestions and discussing recommendations for celebrating holidays.
  6. Summing up the meeting.

Progress of the event.

1. Preparatory stage.

  1. Give invitations to parents.
  2. Decorate the group.
  3. Record the children's answers to the following questions:
  • Children, do you like holidays?
  • What kind of holidays do you have at home?
  • What do you remember most about the holiday?
  • Do you like gifts?

2. Organizational stage.

1. Place posters with the following inscriptions:

“The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication” (A. de Sainte-Exupery)

“Happy is he who is happy at home” (L. Tolstoy)

2. Organize an exhibition of books and magazines about children’s

holidays, selections of games, homemade cards with children's drawings.

3. Round table stage.

1. Opening speech by the teacher:

Today at our meeting we will have to share our experiences and talk about family traditions. Family traditions are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is together. If you and your children celebrate on September 1, or go out on New Year’s Eve to decorate a tree with treats for animals and birds, or give special congratulations to a grandfather or a veteran neighbor, all this strengthens family ties. helps in raising children.

2. Parents' impressions of the holidays.

- How do you think. Is it necessary to organize parties for a child’s birthday?

(Parents express their opinions)

Listening to children's answers to the questions: “Do you like home parties?” , “What holidays do you have?” , “What do you remember?”

(Listening to a tape recording)

For full development, a child needs a holiday like air. Let everyone remember their childhood, and he will understand that a holiday for a child is not the same as for us, it is really an event in a child’s life, and the child counts the days from holiday to holiday.

-Do you think holidays help in raising a child? (Parents' statements.)

-What if it’s a holiday? for example, you have to celebrate your birthday with your friends, adults, and the child, seeing the preparations for it, asks: “Can I celebrate with you?” What will you answer? Is it possible to seat children at the same holiday table with adults? In what cases is it yes (no)? (Parents' statements)

On birthdays. and sometimes on holidays, we give children gifts, they love them and always wait for them. What gifts do you prefer to give to your children? (Experience exchange).

— Should I give them on holidays? Which? How to give gifts on New Year's Day?

(Parents' statements)

“Happy Birthday” is played with parents

Participants define roles for themselves. It could be a plant, animal, object. Then they pair up. and everyone comes up with a birthday gift for their partner. These could be poems, drawings, useful items, or anything at all. Participants exchange gifts and then try to introduce themselves. what emotions the object might experience. chosen by them for their role.)

You are preparing for the holiday. you are waiting for guests in your home. Do you attach importance to room decoration when preparing for a celebration? In your opinion, should you decorate your apartment for the holiday? After all, the mood of the guests largely depends on this, and by engaging our children in a common cause, we develop their creative abilities. Of course, the best decoration for a home is cleanliness and order.

(Exchange of experience in preparing for the New Year holiday. Secrets of the craft: how to make twigs sprinkled with snow, what to consider when composing the composition.)

3. Musical break. Game "Guess the melody" .

4. Exchange of parental experiences about spending holidays in the family.

— Now let’s talk about celebrating your child’s birthday. This is the situation.

Two mothers met and started talking.

-My son will have a birthday in 2 days. – one of them shared her joy. – I think I’ll invite the guys. I'll bake some pies. I'll make some salads. there will be music. Let them celebrate.

-That's all? – the interlocutor asked.

-What else can you advise me? Why should I be a clown in front of them?

-What would you suggest? Will the holiday be interesting? if there are pies, cakes, salads on the table. is there music?

(Exchange of experience. Parents talk about the traditions of their family.)

The teacher suggests coming up with a new tradition or ritual.

5. Summarizing parents’ suggestions and discussing recommendations for celebrating holidays.

  1. Think about the holiday, draw up a program. Guests must be invited in advance so that children can prepare. Come up with it together with your child. how to invite guests. – these could be intricate invitation cards, homemade cards with children’s drawings.
  2. To make your child’s birthday memorable, you need to think through the program in advance. Let there be games in it. attractions, competitions, concerts. They will decorate holidays and surprise moments. This could also be the appearance of a fairy-tale hero - an adult in the role of Dunno, a wizard, etc.
  3. Summing up the meeting.

How we, adults, spend the holidays, unwittingly setting an example, determines how our children will relax when they grow up, what values ​​they will cherish, what they will rejoice at, what they will strive for. Our holidays should be fun and interesting. With fiction. pleasant surprises. Success depends on your invention and imagination. During special holidays, which usually take place with family. think about those. who is lonely. Congratulate your neighbor. give a bouquet of flowers, a hand-made Christmas tree toy. And you will see this small act of kindness in your child's heart.

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Every family has its own traditions. Parent meetingmaterial on the topic

Every family has its own traditions

Goals: to promote the observance of existing family traditions and the emergence of new ones; exchange of experience of family education and traditions; improving the pedagogical culture of parents; search for new forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Form of holding: meeting.

Event plan

  1. Introduction.
  2. Warm up.
  3. Stage of the conversation “family traditions”
  4. Summing up the year.
  5. About different things.

Dear parents! Today we have gathered with you to talk about family, about family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of a preschool child. Before we start our conversation, I suggest you relax and play a little.

The game “Item of my childhood” objects are laid out on the table: a doll, a soft toy, a ball, a car, etc., etc. Everyone chooses an object and tells an episode from their childhood.

Parents fill out mini-questionnaires:

1. What do you think is included in the concept of “family traditions”?

2. What family traditions do you have in your family?

3. Do family traditions influence the upbringing of a child?

4. What positive character traits do they develop in the child?

Family traditions are, first of all, holidays that are celebrated by all family members and, of course, the child’s birthday; gala dinners on weekends. This could be a tradition of planting a tree, or going out of town on New Year’s Eve to decorate the Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit exhibitions, museums, and theaters with your child. These include joint games, hikes, walks, and outings. Compiling your pedigree and family albums. Organizing family concerts.

-Do you think holidays are necessary for children in the family? (Answers)

Yes, a child needs a holiday like air for full development. A holiday for a child is not the same as for us adults. A holiday is an event in a child’s life, and a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, just as we count our years from one event to another.

-How do you organize children's parties in your family? (Answers)

Oddly enough, adults often organize children's parties for themselves. The adults have their own conversations, but the child at such a holiday is bored and offended, everyone has forgotten about him. However, if the child is left at the common table, he becomes a witness and participant in adult conversations, then he gets used to being the center of attention, which develops immodesty and swagger in him.

You should remember that too. That you should not try to force him to perform against the will of the child: to sing, recite poetry. The child himself will express a desire to sing or dance if it happens to him in the game.

— Do you think it is necessary to decorate the apartment for the holiday? What will this give the child?

Yes, it is advisable to decorate. This will create a certain mood, and it is important for both adults and children to take part in this. On birthdays, it is important to give gifts to children.

-What gifts do you give to children? (Answers)

Each toy should develop the child’s thinking, attention, and memory. It’s good to give children toys, balls, books. For the development of fine motor skills - pencils, plasticine, construction sets, mosaics, various puzzles. In this case, you should pay attention to how the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

To make your child’s birthday memorable, you need to think through the program in advance: games, competitions, attractions. The success of a children's celebration depends on the invention and imagination of adults.

In many families, there is a tradition of marking the child’s growth on the door frame, so that he can see how much he has grown in a year.

2. Tradition of “compiling your family’s pedigree”

It will be very good if you and your child start collecting stories of this kind.

Plant a family tree. This will become the most precious piece of the inheritance that we must and can leave behind.

3. Tradition of “family archives”: a family should have its own archive - certificates of honor from fathers and grandfathers, stories of merit. Medals and orders.

- Tell. What can preserve the history of a family line?

- Does your family have a family album?

4. Tradition “Family Album”

This is a huge meaningful space of life. On the one hand, simple and understandable, on the other, mysterious and amazing.

— When was the last time you leafed through your family album?

5. tradition of “family recreation in nature”

6. tradition “Family visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions”

7.tradition “Collecting”

— What can a family collect? (cones, stones, shells, stamps, candy wrappers, beads)

It is in our hands to raise children to be literate, kind, educated, well-mannered, loving and respectful not only of their parents, but also of everything that connects them with the distant past.

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