Methodological development “Use of ICT in working with parents”

Parent meeting on the topic “ICT in a child’s life”

Parent meeting “ICT in a child’s life”

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Our children are growing and developing in the computer age. Therefore, willy-nilly, they will have to learn to work on a computer. This wonderful invention has caused a lot of rumors and prejudices throughout its existence. And many parents constantly wonder: does their child really need a computer? Is it harmful to children's health? What measures should be taken to maintain the mental comfort of the little user? At what age is it best to introduce a child to such complex technology? After all, most homes already have a computer.

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  • Expand the information field of parents about the benefits and harms of children using the computer
  • To acquaint parents with the developmental functions of a personal computer for preschoolers, with the influence of a computer on children’s health
  • Provide parents with recommendations on the correct use of gaming programs for the purpose of raising and developing a child.

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For those who use drastic measures - and prohibit a child from working with a computer at all - think: “Is it possible to cancel the whole world if it already exists? Maybe you should learn to live next to him, come to terms with the fact that your children are discovering him?” Of course, everything needs moderation. The same can be said about computers. If you use this smart machine as the only entertainment for a child only because it occupies him for a long time (he sits, supposedly, at the monitor, doesn’t yell, doesn’t smash, doesn’t demand anything, and that’s okay), then the result, of course, will not be slow to show. The computer will become for the child not only the main source of knowledge about the world, but also a surrogate for parental love, a virtual stimulator of emotions that he does not receive in reality. And here it is impossible to avoid all those troubles - from myopia to autism - that experts talk to us about.

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But you can do it differently. After all, if used wisely, a computer can become one of the means of communication and interaction with a child, an excellent teaching aid and even a source of inspiration. Using a computer, you can easily and simply teach your child to read and write. Even the most stubborn people will enjoy typing words on the computer, inserting missing letters, and guessing what you wrote.

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On the Internet, you can find suitable sites for children of all ages about nature, art, and other amazing things. Without leaving home, you and your baby can visit a virtual museum or take part in an intellectual Olympiad. If your little one asks a “smart question,” for example, what do frogs breathe or where is the world’s tallest volcano, try together to find the answer on the World Wide Web. No one has yet proven that the ability to use search engines has a negative impact on intellectual development! Using a computer, you can draw and make real cartoons (Flash and Photoshop programs will help you with this). Even preschoolers are capable of creating real animated masterpieces. Just remember that drawing on a computer should under no circumstances replace drawing with paints and pencils on paper. It is advisable to diversify activities, combining entertainment and active activities (drawing, walking, modeling) with computer-related entertainment. Using a special synthesizer console, you can even teach a preschool child to compose and record music. But the main condition is that all these activities take place with the participation of parents; only in this case will the child feel warmth and care towards him.

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It is worth mentioning separately about computer games. Of course, “piss everything that moves” products should never appear in your home, but today there are a lot of high-quality computer games for children for almost any age, starting from four to five years old.

Depending on the tastes and inclinations of your child, you can choose suitable “developmental games”, the action of which takes place in the jungle or on a pirate ship, in a haunted castle or at the bottom of the ocean. The characters of his favorite cartoons and books, and even Lego, will help your child master the skills of reading, mathematics, logic, writing, drawing and music. Well, if your little one likes homemade dolls and toys, buy games from the “Little Seeker” series, the characters of which seem to be sewn from old socks and gloves.

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Computer games develop in a child:

  • speed of reaction;
  • fine motor skills of hands;
  • visual perception of objects;
  • memory and attention;
  • logical thinking;
  • hand-eye coordination.

They teach the child:

  • classify and generalize;
  • think analytically in a non-standard situation;
  • achieve your goal;
  • improve intellectual skills.

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There are always negative sides.


  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Psychological dependence of a child on the virtual world;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Attention disturbance;
  • Memory disorders

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If we talk about the age at which you should start communicating with a computer, it is worth highlighting the following points. Many parents believe that an early start to learning about a computer (in a year or two) is simply ridiculous. I must say that they are right. Not only ridiculous, but also dangerous, to some extent. In stores you can easily find programs for one-year-old children. But the producers of such games target either vain parents who are sure that their child is a genius, or those who are terrified that their child will not lag behind his peers. You still won’t be able to make a child prodigy at one and a half years old by skipping several stages of development at once.

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The fact is that for a child in the second year of life, play activities are a priority; he improves motor skills and skills in handling objects. It is good motor skills and psycho-emotional development that subsequently determine the child’s intellectual abilities. Therefore, you should not force this stage. To play on a computer, a child must have good control of his own body, have clear hand-eye coordination, that is, possess qualities that have not yet been formed by the age of two. These skills come to the child through games that require the participation of fingers - drawing, sculpting, appliqué, tying knots, finger games with a string, ball games, cycling, swimming and running. Thus, the foundations of a child’s future intellectual development can only be laid in the process of real, but in no case virtual games. It is also necessary to develop your children's imagination. The fact is that children, whose imagination is not very developed, prefer computer games to all others, to the detriment of their health. Participation in a virtual game, not a real one, further depresses the child’s ability to fantasize, since he acts not in spontaneous, but in circumstances already invented by someone. He is even more drawn to the game, which does not require him to show special resourcefulness. The circle closes. To avoid this, play role-playing games with your child. An excellent way to develop imagination is “fairy tale therapy,” when your child comes up with his own fairy tale, its characters and plot.

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An important criterion for introducing a child to a computer is his health. Children's departments of ophthalmology and neurology do not recommend watching TV or computer monitors for children under 3 years of age. It doesn’t matter whether the picture is static or dynamic. Other experts call the ideal age for a child to start getting acquainted with a computer at four years. A child’s visual function develops most intensively until the age of 4-6 years. And at the moment of tissue growth, the eyes cannot be overloaded, they are simply not ready for this. Accordingly, only from the age of 4-5, with a good monitor and under the supervision of an adult, can a child be introduced to a computer. You need to start with 10-15 minutes a day, in good lighting and the child is positioned correctly. At early school age (grades 1–4), classes should not exceed 20–30 minutes per day.

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After studying at the computer, be sure to do special gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes

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Recommendations for the correct use of game programs for the purpose of educating and developing a preschooler:

  • First of all, choose the genre of the game in accordance with the child’s temperament and inclinations: some children are better suited to calm, measured games, others – active, dynamic ones.
  • Allow games with exploratory content to be played longer than games with entertainment content. If a child takes the initiative, tries to solve the problem that has arisen, analyzes the current situation and draws conclusions from it, such a game undoubtedly contains elements of research.
  • Choose the duration of the game in accordance with the age of the child and the nature of the game. The rhythm and duration of the game must be balanced: if the rhythm of the game is intense, then the game should not be long.
  • Do not interrupt the child’s play until the episode is completed - the child should leave the computer with the consciousness of a successfully completed task.
  • Try to ensure that your child understands the main principle of the duration of gaming sessions - you cannot play games to the detriment of vital activities, such as sleep, eating, rest, physical education, outdoor games, etc.

To summarize, I would like to remind you, dear parents, that the natural environment for a child’s development is play. The baby does not need to be taught or forced to play. He plays spontaneously, with pleasure, sparing no time or pursuing specific goals. Therefore, a variety of children's games, including computer games, in which the child could invent new plot twists and take on different roles is of great importance. When developing a child’s imagination, it is important to remember that the material for his fantasies is all the life around him, and the more diversity in his world, the more scope for his development.

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