Summaries of pedagogical activities on traffic rules with children

Additional leisure activities and activities

At leisure, important material is studied.

Additional events

Entertainment is provided on traffic rules in the preparatory group on the topic “Road ABC”.

The teacher chooses didactic games: “Traffic Light”, “Name the Sign”, “Careful Pedestrian Crossing”.

Next comes learning songs about road signs.

Then there is a tour to the traffic light.

Flash mobs

The kindergarten promotes the rules of safe behavior on the roads. The main task of this flash mob is to remind people of the differences between traffic lights and how to use them on the roads. The teacher teaches preschoolers a culture of behavior on the roads. To conduct a flash mob on traffic rules for preschool children, the teacher must select music, for example, the song “Traffic Rules.”

Note! On a specially installed sports stage, the guys begin to perform the “Wheels” dance. In addition, they begin to read poems about signs.


The scenario of the propaganda team on traffic rules for preschoolers, according to the content “Attention, pedestrian” according to the Federal State Educational Standard, may seem quite exciting entertainment to the children. The main goal of this event is to develop in children a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules. The teacher fosters a cautious attitude towards dangerous situations on the street. A plan is drawn up in advance for the performance.

Initially, the teacher welcomes all preschoolers who must take part in this performance. Then a dance is staged to the music of V. Leontiev’s song “Traffic Light”. After completing the dance, the guys begin to perform the song “Song about a traffic light.” This is followed by the reading of the poem “You set an example for us.” A small scene follows: “Naughty little naughty.” Children read poems about signs again.

Preliminary work:

  • The guys look at the illustrations, road signs and traffic lights together.
  • Read memorized poems.
  • They are holding a drawing competition on the topic “I am a pedestrian.”
  • Learn basic traffic rules.
  • They provide entertainment.

Theatrical performances

Everyone loves to take part in theatrical events.

Note! The teacher takes into account the abilities of each child and selects appropriate material. The theatrical performance takes place to the music of V. Leontiev’s song “Traffic Light”. Members of the propaganda team run onto the stage and begin to dance.

Useful teaching material on the topic of traffic rules

To conduct the event, teachers can use in practice scenarios for the performance of the Youth Movement propaganda team before the summer holidays, “Little Pedestrian”, “Young Pedestrians”, “Road Literacy”, “The Adventure of Dunno on the Road” and others.

This lesson aims to develop caution, attentiveness, responsibility and prudence. Therefore, every kindergarten teacher should include useful information on traffic safety and carefully explain all the details.

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