Summary of a non-traditional physical education lesson in the preparatory group “Play, play, gain skills in the game”

Program content: Consolidate skills and abilities in games and exercises. Improve walking, running, jumping, climbing, achieving accuracy in performing movements. Cultivate interest in folklore: Russian folk tales, proverbs, Russian folk games.

Equipment: Balls, jump ropes, sandbags, hoops, bench 40 cm high, collars.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, Ivan Tsarevich sent me a letter. He writes that his bride, Elena the Beautiful, was kidnapped by the Serpent Gorynych. The Serpent Gorynych promised to return the princess, but for this Ivan, Prince Zhar, must bring him a bird. And the Firebird lives in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state. Ivan the Tsarevich himself would have gone after her, but he couldn’t: a terrible monster, Yerykalische, attacked his kingdom. And Ivan the Tsarevich will fight with him not for life but for death. So he asks us to help him get the Firebird. After all, the proverb says correctly: “What one cannot do alone, is easy for a team.” Well, children, do you agree to help Ivan the Tsarevich?

Children: We agree!

Educator: But know that trials await us ahead. Aren't you afraid of difficulties?

Children: We are not afraid!

Educator: Well, are you all healthy?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Are you ready for the tests?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Let's choose a captain. And let him lead us in search of the Firebird.

(For each child, sports equipment is prepared - jump ropes, balls, hoops, sandbags. Near them there are cards on which it is written how many times you need to perform the exercise with this object).

The teacher offers the children a competition: who can complete exercises with the largest number of sports equipment in 5 minutes. For completing the exercise with each apparatus, children will receive points (for example, cut out medals).


- jumping rope - 10 times;

- hitting the ball on the floor with one hand - 8 times;

- rotation of the hoop around the waist - 4 times;

- squats with a bag on the head - 4 times;

- push-ups - 10 times;

After completing these exercises, the children line up. The teacher sums up the results of the competition. The one with the most points becomes the captain.

Educator: Further in his letter, Ivan Tsarevich writes: “Good people told me that there was an oak tree in a clearing in its dense forest. In that oak tree there is a hollow, and in the hollow there is a casket containing a map. The map shows the path to the place where the Heat Bird lives. But this oak is tall, very tall, and the hollow

- at the very top. So only a very strong and dexterous person can get the card.”

We have such a person - the captain. This means we can safely hit the road. But remember: on this path we will encounter various obstacles. So, let's go!

(Children do exercises).


- walking between the slats of a ladder raised to a height of 40 cm from the floor (“hills”);

- climbing the gymnastic wall in various ways (“cliffs”);

— jumping from a height of 40 cm (“cliff”);

— advance by crawling (“forest wilds”);

— crawling through gates (“hole in the mountain”);

— jumping over “bumps” (“swamp”);

Educator: “Consent is stronger than stone walls.” We guys went out to a clearing where an oak tree grows. Now the captain will climb on it and take out the chest with the map from the hollow.

The captain climbs a gymnastic ladder attached to the ceiling (“oak”) and, having reached the top step, finds a box. The guys open the box and find a plan there.

Educator: Well, guys, let's follow the path marked on the map. "There is safety in numbers".

(The children follow each other “in a trail.” They reach the gymnastics bench.

Educator: Here lies a stone, and on it is written: “If you go to the right, you will end up in the kingdom of Winter. If you go to the left, you will enter the kingdom of Summer.” There is nothing to do, we will have to split into two teams. One will go right and the other left.

(Children are divided into two teams. The captain of the second team is the child who took second place when performing standard exercises).

Educator: How do we decide who will go to the kingdom of Winter and who to the kingdom of Summer? You know what, let's have a captain's competition. Whoever wins will get the right to choose.


Educator: In the kingdom of Winter, the children met two Frosts - Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost. And in the kingdom of Summer, children collided with Vodyanoy.

RUSSIAN FOLK GAMES: in one team - “Two Frosts”, and in the other - “Vodyanoy”.

After this, the children take away the pre-prepared puzzle boxes. The goal is to create an image of the Firebird from puzzle pieces. As they work, children understand that each team only has half of the image, so they must work together.

Educator: Yes, “Friendly - not burdensome, but at least throw them apart.” Let's join forces. (Full image appears soon.) Everything worked out as the proverb says: “Victory comes to the brave.”

Summary of GCD on physical development in the middle group

Author: Khmarina Elena Valentinovna

Summary of GCD on physical development in the middle group

Exercise children in walking one after another, in a snake, lining up in a circle, walking with high knees, and doing pull-ups on a gymnastic bench.
Develop agility, endurance, motor activity.
Cultivate interest in physical development activities, a sense of mutual assistance, and a friendly attitude.
Health savings
: Strengthen the respiratory system, promote the formation of correct posture, hardening the body, and prevent flat feet.
Gymnastic benches, sandbags, musical accompaniment, basket with a letter, rope.

1 part.
Progress of the NOD:
Children enter the hall to the music and form a circle.
“Do you guys like fairy tales?
(Children's answers)
Do you want to go to a fairy forest?
(Children's answers)
Let's go together along the path into the forest! “The children follow the teacher and follow each other in a circle. The music ends and the children stop.


“Here we come to the forest. Hello forest, dense forest! Full of fairy tales and miracles! There’s a swamp ahead... How can we get through it?” Sandbags are laid out in front of the children to get through the “swamp”; children step over the bags.


“Try to walk in such a way that you don’t go off the road.” When everyone has overcome the obstacle, the teacher picks up a pre-prepared basket with a letter in it.


“We walked through the swamp and found the basket!” They read the letter: “There was a little house in the forest, animals lived there, and when I got to them, the little house suddenly fell down! Help! Help! Give us back the little house!”


“Let's help the animals!
(Children's answers)
To do this, you need to find a clearing and build a tower! Go ahead! There is a river in front of us, we need to cross the bridge!” Children approach the bench.


“There is a bridge on the way that you have to crawl along! Reach straight with your hands and grab the bridge! Don’t put your feet down, raise your head up!” Children approach the stream (rope).


“We can’t go any further, a stream is babbling on the way! Raise your legs higher, step over the stream!” They move on like a snake.


“There’s a clearing ahead, the sun is shining! It also helps the guys in the forest!”

Part 2.
Starting position
- legs together, hands on the belt.
“We looked at the sun, and the rays warmed us!”
Children on their toes reach for the “sun” (4-6 times) 2. I.p - legs together, arms to the sides. Educator:
“The breeze flies by, the trees in the forest sway.” Tilt left to right (8-10 times).
3. Starting position
- legs together, arms down.


“Look at the bottom guys, there are mushrooms growing - honey mushrooms! We must also collect them and then give them to the animals.” Bend forward (6-8 times).


“We had a good walk and weren’t tired at all! We’ll take the tools and build a home for the animals.”


Starting position
: arms bent at the elbows, legs apart.
We imitate the movements of a saw. 2. “Chop”
Starting position
of the arm above the head in a lock, legs apart.
Bend forward, swing your arms between your legs. 3. “We hammer in nails”
Starting position:
legs together, hands on the belt. On the count of 1,2,3,4, children perform jumps.


“So the little mansion has grown, It is not low, not high!
Animals will live in it! Who will live there? (Children's answers.)
Children imitate the movement of animals from a fairy tale.

Part 3.

Educator: “The butterflies have arrived and warmed their wings!”

Outdoor game “Butterflies and the Sun”. (Sun - butterflies fly, rain - butterflies stop and hide their wings.)



“We were all friendly, brave, skillful, and so we built a little house in a fairytale forest!
Now it’s time for us to return” comments powered by HyperComments

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of a non-traditional physical education lesson “We learn by playing, we learn by playing” in preparatory groups for school

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 3" Moscow, 2021

Prepared and carried out:

  • Physical education instructor – N.V. Antonova,
  • Physical education instructor – I.N. Popova,
  • Senior teacher – E.A. Neretina

Equipment: dry pool balls, boxes, newspapers, tape, balls, hoops, water containers, sushi sticks, yoga blocks, lids, jump ropes, rhythmic music for completing tasks, non-traditional equipment, bags, disposable plates.

Goal: to develop in children a responsible attitude towards their health and motivation for a healthy lifestyle, using health-saving technologies and non-traditional methods. Continue to increase the functional capabilities of the level of physical and motor fitness in children.



  • Practice climbing, jumping, maintaining balance
  • Improve children’s ability to listen carefully and follow the teacher’s instructions
  • Teach children to express themselves through rhythmic movements


  • Develop the ability to perform exercises in a team
  • Improve motor skills and physical qualities, strengthen the respiratory system, develop coordination of movements
  • Encourage children to take initiative and be active
  • Develop a cognitive interest in studying your health.


  • To cultivate moral and volitional qualities: endurance, self-confidence, a sense of camaraderie, perseverance in achieving positive results.
  • To cultivate a desire for physical education through the manifestation of positive emotions.

Children enter the hall and sit on benches on both sides (divided into subgroups).

The teacher explains to the children that this lesson is not ordinary, it will consist entirely of game tasks.

Warm up - game "Extra chair" . 1st circle – chairs are placed in a circle according to the number of children. Children walk in one direction around the chairs to the music, and when the music ends, they sit on the chairs. 2 and subsequent circles one chair is removed. The child who does not have enough chair is eliminated from the game.

Game tasks:

  1. “Hoop in a circle” (Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The hoop hangs on one’s hand. Without releasing their hands, each child climbs into the hoop).
  2. “Cobweb” (Two or three teams participate in the game. Children line up one after another and take turns throwing the ball into a hoop tied with tape, which the player holds at a distance of 5-6 meters from the column of players).
  3. “Football on the floor” (Players sit opposite each other and, using yoga cubes, try to push their cap into “gate” ).
  4. “Fishing” (Players from different teams alternately throw forward a hoop tied to a rope in order to “catch” the cube and pull it towards them).
  5. “Collect the newspaper” (Sitting on a chair, on command, the players begin to move a strip of newspaper lying on the floor with their feet towards themselves, trying to collect it under the chair).
  6. “Caterpillar” (Players are arranged in a column one by one, each standing in a hoop. At the end of the formation there is a free hoop. It is passed to the beginning of the formation and placed in front. The first player jumps into it, all subsequent players move into the free hoops. The game is repeated).
  7. “Tanks” (The player climbs into the “caterpillar” (a circle made of cardboard) and moves on all fours to the flag, which is located at the finish line).
  8. “Pass the hoop with your foot” (Sitting on a chair, pass the hoop with your foot to the player sitting next to you).
  9. “Competition with water” (Use sushi chopsticks to remove plastic caps from a container filled with water).

At the end, the children leave the hall to the music.

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