Cognitive development of a preschooler - through the use of modern pedagogical technologies

Cognitive development of a preschooler - through the use of modern pedagogical technologies

Cognitive development of a preschooler - through the use of modern pedagogical technologies

At the present stage of development of preschool education, much attention is paid to the problem of cognitive development of preschoolers. State Educational Standards for Preschool Education considers the formation of a child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities as one of the principles of preschool education. The relevance of the problem of developing cognitive interest at the socio-pedagogical level is determined by the search for new pedagogical means in organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions. The identification of the problem of developing cognitive interest as a key one in the self-development of a preschooler’s personality is due to a number of reasons, and first of all, the demand of society: one of the principles of state policy in the field of education is the priority of the free development of the individual (Article 2), the creation of conditions for his self-determination and self-realization.

In many studies, the development of cognitive interest is associated with the construction of oneself as an individual in the process of activity (R.R. Vetchinkina, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.L. Rubinstein, G.A. Tsukerman, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.)

However, despite the fact that the idea of ​​self-development of a preschooler’s personality is firmly established in pedagogical research, it does not find proper implementation in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

The study and analysis of the pedagogical activities of preschool educational institutions made it possible to identify the following negative factors that have developed in the mass practice of preschool education

— overorganization and regulation of the life activities of preschool children, during which the interests and desires of children are not always taken into account. Play activities are often replaced by learning activities typical of primary school. As a result, weak motivation for the cognitive activity of most preschool children is revealed; children often show passivity in solving the tasks assigned to them.

In addition, the standard is aimed at developing the intellectual qualities of preschoolers.

Thus, the problem of developing the cognitive abilities of preschoolers requires a special attitude on the part of teachers, the search and application of effective means, technologies and methods of working with preschoolers. After all, the preschool period is characterized by intensive development of the child’s cognitive sphere .

The State Standard of Education uses three terms:: «

cognitive interests
cognitive actions


cognitive development
• Cognitive interests are the child’s desire to learn new things ,

to find out what is unclear about the qualities, properties of objects, phenomena of reality, and the desire to delve into their essence, to find connections and relationships between them.

• Cognitive actions are the activities of children, with the help of which they strive to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, internal determination develops and a constant need is formed to use different methods of action to accumulate and expand knowledge and horizons.

In addition to questions, which are also a manifestation of cognitive actions, this includes research and experimental actions, with the help of which the child himself obtains the information he needs about the world.

• Cognitive development is a set of quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in cognitive mental processes due to age, under the influence of the environment and the child’s own experience. The core of cognitive development is the development of mental abilities. And abilities, in turn, are considered as conditions for successful mastery and performance of activities.

Research in the field of preschool education has shown that the formation of cognitive interest in preschool children is possible through modern educational technologies.

Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary)


Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process (B. T. Likhachev)


There are more than a hundred different technologies in teaching practice. We will look at just a few and those that affect the cognitive development of a preschool child.

More relevant, in my opinion, is the technology of problem-based learning.

The modern education system should be built on providing children with the opportunity to think, compare different points of view, formulate and argue their own point of view, relying on different knowledge of facts, patterns, their own observations, their own and others’ experience. We must encourage children to think and encourage their thinking, only then will they have a desire to learn, learn, and reflect. All this will contribute to the formation of “the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world” (Federal State Educational Standard for Education, section 1, part 1.6).

With such training, the child’s activity acquires a search-and-activity nature and involves cooperation between the teacher and the child in creative activities to solve problems that are new to him. Problem-based learning is understood as such an organization of classes that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of the student to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities, and the development of thinking and creative abilities occurs.

Let us consider the following technology in more detail, since in preschool childhood play is the leading activity, therefore the use of gaming technology

is a mandatory part of the educational process. Game pedagogical technology is the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

The main goal of gaming technology is to create a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities of activity, depending on the operating conditions of the preschool institution and the level of development of children.

Implementation of gaming technologies

is based on the following provisions:

• the game stimulates children's cognitive activity

them to independently seek answers to emerging questions, problematic situations, and contradictions;

• in the game, the position of the adult and the child is equivalent and is built on a parity (equal) basis, which is due to the nature of the gaming relationship;

• the game allows you to update the life experience of children, including their everyday ideas about something;

This technology is closely intertwined with the technology of creating conditions for children’s educational play activities.

This applies to

1. TRIZ technology

of solving inventive problems

2. Games-activities with Dienesh blocks, Cuisiner sticks

3. Pedagogical technology of educational games

B. P. Nikitina.

4.Pedagogical technology of intensive development

intellectual abilities V.V. Voskobovich.

We have all probably heard about TRIZ technology more than once, but few people use it in practice, and yet the goal of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place.

Games using TRIZ technologies allow you to develop a creative personality,

non-standard thinking in the process of children mastering TRIZ methods and techniques. We will devote the third RMO to this technology and consider it in more detail.

All gardens probably have Gyenosha blocks and almost all Cuisineer sticks. Games - activities with Dienesh blocks and Cuisiner sticks allow the child to master the methods of action necessary for children to develop elementary mathematical concepts, and also develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, the ability to model and design, and develop logical thinking ,

attention, memory, foster independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals.

Slide 14

Pedagogical technology of educational games B

. P. Nikitina

The game activity program consists of a set of educational games

Each game is a set of problems
that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of cardboard or plastic, parts from a mechanical designer, etc. In his books, B. P. Nikitin offers
educational games with cubes
, patterns, frames and Montessori inserts, unicube, plans and maps, squares,
, hundred tables,
, thermometer, bricks, cubes, constructors. Children play with balls, ropes, rubber bands, pebbles, nuts, corks, buttons, sticks, etc., etc.

In the senior group Rainbow, the parents made such a “Unicube”

The game promotes the development of attention ,
perseverance, and teaches analysis and synthesis.

Pedagogical technology of intensive development

intellectual abilities of V.V. Voskobovich’s games also contributes to solving problematic and creative problems, which means the development of children’s intellectual abilities.

On the slide is the game “Math Tablet”

as we used to call it.
This is a unique “rubber”
construction set that teaches how to work with a coordinate grid and trains fine motor skills of the hand and fingers.
It also develops imagination and logic .
Gaming technologies ,

if they are used in a system and purposefully, they contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of mental processes, ensure the development of cognitive activity, independence of creative forces, and form children's initiative and individuality.

The next technology is interactive learning technology

this is a special form of organizing cognitive activity in the form of dialogue
, when the educational process proceeds in such a way that almost all students are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. The joint activity of preschoolers in the process of learning and mastering educational material means that everyone makes their individual contribution, knowledge, ideas, and methods of activity are exchanged.

Thus, the organization of children’s cognitive activity in the form of interactive learning makes it possible to solve such problems as:

-develop the thinking processes of preschoolers (analysis, synthesis, etc.);

-develop age-appropriate abilities to solve intellectual and personal problems;

-develop children’s speech activity;

-develop communication skills;

- interaction of preschoolers;

-develop the ability to accept moral norms and rules when working in a team.

Interactive learning requires the use of special forms of organizing cognitive activity and sets very specific and predictable goals, for example, the creation of comfortable learning conditions and the involvement of preschoolers in educational and game interaction, which makes the learning process itself productive.

1. One of the forms of interactive learning is a way of collecting, processing and storing information - so-called “Lapbooks”. We call them “smart homemade books.” A laptop is a homemade interactive folder with pockets, doors, windows, and movable parts that a child can take out, rearrange, and fold at his own discretion. It collects material on a specific topic. Creating a laptop helps consolidate and systematize the material studied, and looking at the folder in the future allows you to quickly refresh your memory of the topics covered. Today teachers will demonstrate their laptops in more detail.

2. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the introduction of innovative technologies is intended, first of all, to improve the quality of education, increase the motivation of children to acquire new knowledge, and speed up the process of acquiring knowledge. One of the innovative areas is computer and multimedia technologies.

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education is becoming increasingly relevant, as it allows the use of multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, playful form, to develop the logical thinking of children and strengthen the creative component of the educational process.

The use of computer technology helps:

- attract passive children to active activities;

— make OOD more visual and intensive;

- activate cognitive interest;

— activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, etc.);

— implement student-oriented, differentiated approaches in educational activities.

Information technologies significantly expand the capabilities of educators and specialists in the field of teaching preschool children. This technology is widely used by all teachers.

The following technology is actively used by teachers in any field. And we will talk about it separately at the next meeting of the RMO; this is the technology of project activities.

Research technology

contributes to the formation of basic key competencies in preschoolers, the ability for an investigative type of thinking.

Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research


- heuristic conversations;

— raising and solving problematic issues;

— observations;

— modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);

- experiments;

— recording the results: observations, experiences, experiments, work activities;

— “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;

- imitation of voices and sounds of nature;

- use of artistic words;

— didactic games, game-based educational and creative development


- work assignments, actions.

Contents of educational and research activities

  1. Experiments (experimentation)
  • State and transformation of matter.
  • Movement of air and water.
  • Properties of soil and minerals.
  • Living conditions of plants.
  1. Collecting (classification work)
  • Types of plants.
  • Types of animals.
  • Types of building structures.
  • Types of transport.
  • Types of professions.
  1. Travel on the map
  • Sides of the world.
  • Terrain reliefs.
  • Natural landscapes and their inhabitants.
  • Parts of the world, their natural and cultural “marks” are symbols.
  1. Journey along the “river of time”
  • The past and present of humanity (historical time) in the “marks” of material civilization (for example, Egypt - the pyramids).
  • History of housing and improvement.

The use of mnemonics technology
the educational process of a preschool educational institution not only has a cognitive and developmental function, but also actively stimulates the child’s speech.
K.D. Ushinsky also said: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.”
MNEMOTECHNICS is the art of memorization through the formation of artificial associations using a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, the purpose of which is the development of not only memory of various types (visual, auditory, motor and tactile), but also thinking, attention, imagination.

We easily incorporate this technology into all types of classes, and from my own experience, I believe that it is more rational to introduce it with children 4-5 years old, since they have accumulated a basic vocabulary. The work uses mnemonic tracks and mnemonic tables (schemes containing certain information).

Analysis of the essence of pedagogical technologies allows us to draw the following conclusions:

— pedagogical technologies are focused on students and are aimed at ensuring the success of learning through their own activities;

— pedagogical technologies make it possible to achieve learning goals through the development of the child’s personality; due to its assimilation of goals and objective control and self-monitoring of the quality of vocational education.

Thus, using modern educational technologies and interactive learning to develop the cognitive activity of preschoolers, in close cooperation with parents, positive results can be achieved with children.

The presence of stable cognitive interest has a positive effect on further schooling; on general intellectual development, including the formation of cognitive processes of the individual.

Under the influence of properly organized independent cognitive activity, children develop mental operations and processes, creative imagination, develop interest, strong-willed personality traits, desire to learn, concentration, and the habit of mental stress and work.

Technology for organizing cognitive and research activities in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Elena Gubatova

Technology for organizing cognitive and research activities in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Activity is a necessary condition for personal development. In the process of activity , life experience is acquired, learned the activity itself develops .

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, 9 types of children's activities are organized :

1. Game, including role-playing game, game with rules and other types of game.

2. Communicative - communication and interaction with adults and peers.

3. Cognitive-research - researching objects in the surrounding world and experimenting with them.

4. Perception of fiction and folklore.

5. Self-care and basic household work (indoors and outdoors)

. 6. Construction from various materials, including construction sets, modules, paper, natural and other materials.

7. Fine - drawing , modeling, applique.

8. Musical - perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments.

9. Motor (mastery of basic movements)

form of child activity.

Each type of children’s activity has rich developmental opportunities, but organize due to the complexity of the activity , the lack of the necessary subject-development environment, as well as the low level of teachers’ knowledge of interesting methods and techniques for organizing each type of activity . Therefore, we will set ourselves the task of understanding the essence of cognitive-research activities and the technology of its organization in preschool educational institutions .

Cognitive activity is an active activity to acquire and use knowledge. The main goal of cognitive development is to develop the need and ability to think actively and overcome difficulties in solving various mental problems . The main principle of organizing the cognitive activity of preschoolers is the principle of awareness and activity in the process of acquiring knowledge . The Chinese proverb says: “tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand,” that is, the meaning is acquired firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself. Any activity includes 6 components: goal, motive, methods of action, means of activity , conditions for its implementation and result. In relation to cognitive and research activities, the specifics of the components are as follows:

The goal is to gain knowledge, obtain information, feel the taste for discovering new knowledge, which will subsequently turn into curiosity.

The motive is determined by a specific situation (to continue work, organize a game , implement a creative idea, obtain information of interest, study the structure of an object, use it in everyday everyday and social situations, etc.).

Methods of action - cognitive skills (analyze, compare, draw analogies, express ideas, showing ingenuity and originality of thinking, provide evidence, etc.) and various methods of practical action.

Tools of activity are tools for carrying out various types of work with different materials.

Conditions - a subject-developing environment conducive to achieving the goal, as well as psychologically comfortable interaction: freedom of opinion, the right to make mistakes, lack of criticism, support for any ideas, active listening to comrades, the possibility of free placement, movement and communication of children, and - plus all that has been said — summing up the results of cognitive and research activities must begin before signs of fatigue appear in children. The result is new knowledge and/or skill.

The organization of educational and research activities follows four interrelated directions, each of which is represented in the program by several topics.

Living nature: characteristic features of the seasons, diversity of living organisms , adaptation to the environment, characteristic features of natural climatic zones, the relationship of living, inanimate nature.

Inanimate nature: soil, sand, clay, stones, air, water. Three aggregate states of matter ( gaseous , liquid, solid, celestial bodies.

Physical phenomena: magnetism, sound, weight, electricity, thermal phenomena, movement, inertia, pressure, light, color, etc.

Man-made world: the object as such, materials and their properties, transformation of objects .

The pattern of development of any type of activity in preschool childhood is as follows: first it is carried out in joint activity with an adult , then in joint activity with peers and then becomes an independent activity . To comply with this logic, you can organize educational and research activities in preschool educational institutions :

- in continuous educational activities , where the leading role belongs to the teacher;

— in the process of joint activity between a child and an adult (observation, excursions, solving problem situations, experimenting, collecting, modeling, didactic games with rules, project development);

- in the process of joint activity of a child with an adult during routine moments (rules of dressing and undressing, nutritional culture, behavior during sleep hours, walks, games, etc., as well as focusing on everyday everyday situations, their analysis (to establish the cause conflict - discuss how not to behave, what to do); - through the creation of conditions that encourage children to engage in independent cognitive activity : the creation of a rich subject-development environment, centers for design, experimentation, reading, a natural area, a play area. The environment should also provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities .

In preschool age, knowledge of the world around us directly depends on the environment. What a child sees, hears, interacts with, is what he learns .

At the age of 2-3 years, children are at the mercy of the external situation, their actions depend on surrounding things. Therefore, materials for educational research activities should be presented as objects for research in real action, bright and attractive, which arouse the child’s interest. Objects with specially selected, as if emphasized physical properties (color, shape, size)

contain the possibility of mastering the external properties of things (in
the process of simple grouping with a focus on one of the properties, paired correlation, etc., as well as the possibility of mastering actions with simple tools that mediate human activity . Actions with such objects are necessary for sensory development and development of visual-effective thinking, hand-eye coordination, motor skills development.Such objects include sets of volumetric geometric bodies that differ in color (primary colors)
and size (contrasting sizes, insert boards with basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, large colored mosaics, pyramids, rods for stringing rings, lacing, hammers for driving in bushings, puzzle objects, musical toys, etc. It is also useful to include in the number of objects for research several fun toys with a simple unambiguous dependence of the effect (
light, sound, motor)
from the action performed.A large field for research in action opens up equipment for playing with sand and water, semolina, beans, which, if possible, should be equipped in a group room.

At 3-4 years old, objects for research become more complex and diverse , and figurative and symbolic material begins to occupy more space. Figurative-symbolic includes specially developed, so-called, visual aids that represent the world of things and events, expanding the range of the child’s ideas, promoting the search for similarities and differences, classification characteristics, establishing time sequences, spatial relationships. These are all kinds of sets of cards with various images , series of pictures, etc.

At the age of 4-5, in addition to increasingly complex real objects and figurative and symbolic material, the simplest elements of normative and symbolic material can be introduced. Normative-sign material includes material of linguistic and numerical signs that introduces children to a new form of representation of the world: various sets of letters and numbers , devices for working with them, alphabetic tables, etc. This material, which is gradually tested and explored by the child, prepares him to mastering written language (reading and writing, elementary mathematics, i.e., to mastering universal human means of internal mental activity .

At 5-7 years old, all types of materials with more complex content should be presented. In addition, in the senior and preparatory groups, project activities . The following types of projects are used: - Research and creative - a research search is carried out, the results of which are formalized in the form of some kind of creative product (newspapers, dramatizations, card indexes of experiments, children's design, etc. .)


— Role-playing games are a project with elements of creative games, when children take on the role of fairy tale characters and solve problems in their own way.

— Information-practice-oriented: children collect information about some object or phenomenon from various sources, and then implement it, focusing on social interests: group design, stained glass, etc.

— Creative: as a rule, they do not have a detailed structure for the joint activities of the participants . The results are presented in the form of a children's party, exhibition, design and headings of a newspaper, album, etc., for example, “Theater Week”


Regardless of the age of the children and the field of study, the central point in organizing cognitive and research activities is the problem situation. Having realized the problem, a person either begins to think actively and actively seek solutions to the problem, or avoids solving it, which indicates his helplessness. The problem situation is the basis of the method of problematic presentation of material, widely used in modern schools, as well as the research method of teaching.

In general, many techniques and means are used for educational knowledge of historically accumulated experience, but they all fit into five general didactic teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, method of problem presentation, heuristic and research.

Research means a teaching method in which:

- the child learns material not just by listening or perceiving with the senses , but as a result of satisfying his need for knowledge, being an active subject of his learning;

cognitive activity consists of searching for and solving complex issues that require updating knowledge, the ability to analyze, to see a phenomenon, a pattern behind individual facts, that is, children do not accumulate experience and knowledge, but give it away, developing through dedication;

— the main components process are the identification of problems, the development and formulation of hypotheses, observations, experiences, experiments, as well as judgments and conclusions made on their basis;

— the teacher applies the principle of phasing in organizing children’s activities , which is based on reducing the reported information and increasing the meaningful activities of children .

In order for research activities to arouse interest in children, it is necessary to select content that is accessible to their understanding. The surrounding world and nature are the closest and most understandable to a preschooler, and research in this area is interesting and entertaining. In the process “magical thinking” are gradually enriched and systematized.

, magical fantasies are replaced by a real explanation of the unknown.

Research and search activity is the natural state of a child. It is this that generates exploratory behavior and creates the conditions for mental development to unfold as a process of self-development . For the successful development of curiosity and the need to independently search for answers to emerging questions, two opposite situations seem equally unfavorable.

1. Conditions under which all the child’s actions encounter constant resistance, then any activity, especially search activity, is devalued in the eyes of the child, perceived by him as meaningless and leading to punishment. The child gradually becomes convinced that the search is dangerous and does not promise success.

2. If all the child’s desires are satisfied immediately and without any effort on his part, if parents and those around him protect him from the slightest manifestation of independence and vigilantly ensure that he does not show initiative in anything, if he is excluded from contact with peers, in in the process of which, willy-nilly, one has to independently defend one’s interests, the need for search activity does not develop and fades away, because there is no need for this activity.

Therefore, there is a need for surmountable obstacles that develop a taste for finding a way to overcome them. Refusal to fight, developed in one situation, when solving certain problems, tends to spread to other tasks, including quite simple ones. Therefore, the opposite option can be assumed: high search activity aimed at solving certain problems increases the likelihood of active search exit and in other previously unfamiliar situations.

When creating problematic situations, you can use the following methodological techniques:

- the adult brings the children to a contradiction and invites them to find a way to resolve it themselves;

- presents different points of view on the same issue;

- invites children to consider the phenomenon from different positions (for example, commander, astronaut, doctor, cook, etc.)


-encourages making comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation, comparing facts;

— poses specific questions (for generalization, justification, specification, logic, reasoning)


- poses problematic tasks (for example, with insufficient or excessive initial data, with uncertainty in the formulation of the question, with contradictory data, with obviously made mistakes, with limited time for solving, tasks to overcome “psychological inertia”

and etc.).

System of work on cognitive development in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education

 When a child is born, he begins his journey to acquiring new knowledge and skills. First, his family helps him with this, then teachers in preschool organizations. The task of teachers is not just to give him information, but to teach him to obtain it himself; it is necessary to create for the child such a zone of impressions from which he will draw his curiosity and cognitive interest. All these categories make up the concept of “cognitive development”

The main task of teachers is to develop personality in all areas and prepare children for school education.

One of the main tasks of preschool teachers is the comprehensive development of personality and preparing the child for school.

In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Article 48 notes the duties and responsibilities of teaching staff: “teaching staff are obliged to: develop students’ cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, form a civic position, the ability to work and live in modern conditions world, to form a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students” [7, p.5].

The Federal State Educational Standard for Education shares several concepts: cognitive development, cognitive interest and cognitive activity.

Cognitive development is the broadest concept, and is a set of qualitative and quantitative changes in mental and cognitive processes that change with age, due to the fact that the child learns more and more new information. Currently, the problem of cognitive development of preschoolers is strictly faced, due to the fact that it is cognitive development that has the greatest influence on the development of preschoolers, for the best assimilation of educational material and increases learning abilities.

Cognitive interest is a child’s desire to learn new things, to find out new things about the qualities and properties of the world around him and to find the relationship between these processes.

Cognitive activity is the child’s actions, during which he tries to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Cognitive development is formed on the basis of thinking, speech, memory, emotional sphere and attention.

Rice. 1. Components of cognitive development

Cognitive development solves the following problems:

– Develops the child’s interests and curiosity;

– Forms actions aimed at understanding the world around us

– Develops imagination and creativity;

– Forms knowledge about oneself, about the properties of objects and the environment.

Various teachers and psychologists, such as Ya. A. Komensky, J. Piaget, A. N. Leontiev, L. S. Vygotsky and others, devoted their works to the process of cognitive development of children at different times. Generally speaking, they all came to the consensus that any cognitive process (such as memory, thinking or perception) has its own structured logic of development and is transformed by turning into a higher mental function, which is voluntary. Moreover, if the child is interested in the final results and understands the essence of cognitive activity, then this arbitrariness will be formed easier and faster.

The educational area “Cognitive Development” is one of the main areas of activity of any preschool educational organization, since work on cognitive development runs through all sections of the Program.

One of the main goals of a teacher working with children is to create a system of educational work with preschoolers that will contribute to the development of their cognitive and intellectual interest.

To achieve this goal, teachers need to solve certain problems, such as:

– Use of modern information and communication technologies for cognitive development;

– Creation of certain conditions that will contribute to the development of the child’s cognitive interest and creative potential;

– Study of various approaches to the problem of organizing the cognitive development of children.

To fully work on developing cognitive interest in children, the teacher needs to create a system of pedagogical work that will consist of interrelated and complementary components:

– The content section of education, that is, the choice of the program on which the organization will work, technologies.

– Creating the necessary conditions for the development of cognitive components in children; This includes the creation of a subject-spatial environment, systematic replenishment of educational and methodological literature, and advanced training of teachers.

– Creation of properly organized educational work to enhance the cognitive development of preschool children.

– Relationship with other educational organizations for the exchange of experience, technologies, and mutual cooperation

– Working with parents

To improve the competence of teachers in the field of cognitive development, it is necessary to increase the level of their education in this area. This can be achieved through advanced training courses, participation in various competitions and olympiads on this topic, teachers attending seminars, open screenings, consultations, as well as the work of teachers in creative groups.

To improve educational and methodological support, it is necessary to replenish the card files of didactic games, GCD card files, and you can also create a card file of educational literature.

The organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions is based on two components:

– Joint activities of the teacher and children

– Independent activities of children

The joint activity of a teacher and a child is usually represented in two parts: educational pedagogical activity (direct educational activity) and circle work (based on complex thematic planning).

And independent activity consists of individual and subgroup work.

For more complete cognitive development of children, you can resort to mutual cooperation with parents. This will contribute to more fruitful and rapid cognitive development. There are several ways to do this:

– Improving the general pedagogical culture of parents through parent meetings, master classes, conferences, consultations

– Ensuring uniform assistance from kindergarten and family in matters of cognitive development of children

– Involvement of the family in the pedagogical process

The modern world can no longer be imagined without Internet technologies. They have become an integral part of our lives, and preschool organizations have not been spared. [1, p.16]. For more successful work carried out for the cognitive development of children, it is necessary to use the latest educational technologies. These may include:

– Project methods;

– Information and communication technologies;

– TRIZ methods;

– Modeling methods.

Let's look at each method in more detail.

The project method is one of the most significant for the cognitive development of children. It is based on the child’s ability to navigate the information flow, develop thinking, and independently structure their knowledge. It is based on a combination of several types of activities that ultimately lead to obtaining a result - knowledge. The preschool educational institution uses many project methods, among which are: “The Red Book”, “Maslenitsa”, “Wild Animals”. [2, p. 38].

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process also has a positive effect on the cognitive development of children. Information received using an interactive whiteboard, laptop, multimedia devices is always colorful and interesting. Children are more attentive to such information, and their interest in the activity increases. As a result, cognitive development in such children occurs one step faster than in children studying without the use of ICT. Children really enjoy conducting classes on cognitive development with presentations and musical accompaniment. [6, p.67].

The use of TRIZ technology (the theory of solving inventive problems) is also an effective way to develop children's logical thinking, search activity, speech and imagination. In addition to this, TRIZ ensures the development of mental processes and personality as a whole. Such methods include: brainstorming method, catalog method, analogical thinking method, etc.

Modeling methods are inextricably linked with cognitive processes. Modeling can be applied to almost any problem situation, so that as it is solved, the child will have an incentive to understand and develop it. The use of simulation models encourages children to take an active stance, which in turn stimulates cognitive activity. The main models are: subject, graphic, subject-schematic.

Thus, the use of innovative forms of working with children can help the teacher in solving various pedagogical problems aimed at developing cognitive interests and skills in preschool children. But it must be remembered that the teacher must have full knowledge of these technologies in order to conduct the correct pedagogical process.


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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Application of gaming technologies for the development of cognitive activity of preschool children

It is known that preschool age is the age of formation and development of the most general abilities, which will improve and differentiate as the child grows older. One of the most important abilities is the ability to cognition.

The federal state educational standard for preschool education defines the tasks of cognitive development:

  • development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
  • formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness;
  • development of imagination and creative activity;
  • the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc.);
  • the formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Based on the objectives, the focus of teachers should be the orientation of the educational process towards the cognitive capabilities of the preschooler and their implementation. It is necessary to organize interaction with the child in such a way that it is aimed at developing cognitive interest, cognitive independence and initiative.

The main forms of interaction that promote cognitive development:

  • involving the child in various activities;
  • use of didactic games;
  • application of teaching methods aimed at enriching creative imagination, thinking, memory, and speech development.

Cognitive development involves the cognitive activity of a preschooler. And in order to support cognitive activity, it is necessary to rely on the cognitive interest of children.

Cognitive interest is a selective focus on the knowledge of objects, phenomena, events of the surrounding world, activating the mental processes and activities of a person, his cognitive capabilities.

The main criteria are novelty, unusualness, surprise, and inconsistency with previous ideas.

Cognitive interest consists of the following interrelated processes:

  • intellectual - logical actions and operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison), evidence;
  • emotional - the experience of success, the joy of learning, pride in one’s achievements, satisfaction with one’s activities;
  • regulatory - volitional aspirations, focus, persistence, attention, decision making
  • creative - imagination, creation of new models, images.

In order to ensure the development of the personality of students, it is necessary to create a developing subject-spatial environment in the group. One of the important conditions when creating a developing subject-spatial environment is the correspondence of the material to the age of the children; the materials, complexity and accessibility of their content must correspond to today’s patterns and characteristics of the development of children of a given specific age and take into account those features of development zones that are characteristic of each individual child today.

To form and develop cognitive activity, you should:

  • develop the creative abilities of children, create conditions for this,
  • strengthen every child’s faith in his own abilities, encourage him, and not weaken his interest with mistrust and negative assessments;
  • develop children's self-esteem.

A special place in working with children is occupied by educational didactic games: “Big - small” , “Seasons” , “Which tree is the leaf from” , “Tell me who I am?” , “Help me find my mother” , “Where, whose house?” , “Let’s dress Masha for a walk” , “Run to the named tree” help me familiarize children with animals, birds, natural phenomena, and form knowledge about the environment.

Word games: “Edible - inedible” , “Who is screaming?” , “What’s extra?” , “Recognize by voice” , “Good and bad” , “Who came to us?” and others develop children’s attention, imagination, and increase knowledge about the world around them.

TRIZ technology allows you to raise and educate a child under the motto “Creativity in everything . TRIZ gives children the opportunity to show individuality, teaches them to think outside the box, relieves feelings of constraint, overcomes shyness, and gradually develops fantasy, logic of thinking, and imagination.

“Magic bag” (to the touch)

  • “Praise” (two children praise each of their objects)
  • “Together” (take turns talking about the subject, adhering to the diagrams)
  • “Riddle” (composing a story - a riddle, without naming the subject)
  • “Good - bad” or “Pink - black glasses”
  • “Wonderful things” (inventing, inventing something new, transferring the properties of one object to another)
  • “Come up with a fairy tale” (familiar objects begin to have unusual properties)

A special place in working with children is occupied by games for composing a whole from parts: “Tangram” , “Columbian Egg” , “Vietnamese Game” , “Mongolian Game” . The essence of these games is to recreate on a plane the silhouettes of objects according to an image or design.

A relevant method of cognitive activity for preschool children is experimentation, which is considered as a practical activity of a search nature, aimed at learning the properties, qualities of objects and materials, connections and dependencies of phenomena. In experimentation, the preschooler acts as a researcher who independently and actively explores the world around him, using various forms of influence on it. In the process of experimentation, the child masters the position of the subject of cognition and activity.

Effective methods of cognitive development of preschoolers include project activities that ensure the development of children’s cognitive interests, the ability to independently construct their knowledge and navigate the information space, and the development of critical thinking.

Recently, research activities have been widely used in preschool education, which in its most complete, expanded form presupposes the following:

  • the child identifies and poses a problem that needs to be resolved;
  • offers possible solutions;
  • tests these possible solutions against the data;
  • draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the audit;
  • applies conclusions to new data;
  • makes generalizations.

In preschool age, research activities are aimed at objects of living and inanimate nature through the use of experiments and experiments. Experimentation is carried out in all areas of children's activity: educational activities, play, walking, sleeping, washing. In the process of experimentation, children become familiar with the properties of solid, liquid, gaseous substances, the properties of wood, metal, etc., for example: “Will it float or sink?” , “How does water disappear?” , “Mixing colors” , “Where did the sugar go when I stirred the tea with a spoon?” . Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does everything himself.

By older preschool age, the child’s ability to be proactive increases noticeably. This age period is important for the development of the child’s cognitive needs, which is expressed in the form of search, research activities aimed at “discovering” new things, which develops productive forms of thinking. What is crucial for a child’s development is not the abundance of knowledge, but the type of learning in which this knowledge is acquired.

Thus, using gaming technologies, experimentation, cognitive tasks and project activities when solving the problem of cognitive development of preschool children, the teacher ensures a staged transition, qualitative changes in the development of cognitive activity: from curiosity to cognitive activity.

For the development of cognitive abilities, the development of research behavior is of great importance: curiosity, observation, the development of research skills and abilities: the ability to see problems, the ability to ask questions, put forward hypotheses, the ability to classify, the ability to conduct experiments, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.

To develop children’s ability to see problems, games and tasks are used: “Continue the story” , “Look at the world through someone else’s eyes” , “Name as many features of an object as possible” ; observations, looking at different objects.

Simple exercises help in the ability to develop hypotheses: “Think about why children love to play?” , “Why does water flow?” and etc.

Observing the world around them, children draw conclusions and conclusions, and the more deeply a child learns the mysteries of the world around him, the more questions he has: “Why?” "For what?" "How does this happen?"

The questions should be exploratory in nature, developing the ability to put forward hypotheses, for example: “Do you think it will rain all day?” , “What do you think will happen if there is no rain at all?” , “Will the snow ever melt?” , “What do you think will happen to insects if they don’t go to bed?” and etc.

A teacher should not give children ready-made knowledge and reveal the truth to them, but teach them to find it. If a child asks a question, try not to give him a ready-made answer, but ask him what he thinks himself. By calling for reasoning and leading questions, the teacher should lead him to find answers and make discoveries for himself, based on existing knowledge and ideas.

Such joint activities and business communication develop children’s intelligence and personality as a whole. Children have a desire to learn new things about the properties of things and actively explore them.

Activities planned outside of class are a mandatory component of the child’s cognitive development system. It is at such events that teachers have the opportunity not only to consolidate, clarify, expand, and systematize children’s accumulated ideas, but also to introduce new content.

Forms of activities held outside of class

  • Tradition "Our Glorious Deeds" ;
  • Educational evenings;
  • Stories from teachers “Did you know...” ;
  • Selection of material about animals and plants;
  • Collecting.

It is advisable to follow the wise advice of V. A. Sukhomlinsky: “Be able to open one thing to the child in the world around him, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return again and again to what he has learned .

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1. Eastern administrative district. GBOU School No. 1324.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Educational field “Cognitive development”, senior methodologist N.S. Averyanova.

2. Organized educational activities with children of senior preschool age “The Earth is our common home”, teacher I.A. Voronina, music director M.V. Solomatina.

3. “Knowledge of the surrounding world through artistic and aesthetic activity,” teacher V.K. Davydova.

4. “Cognitive development of preschool children in family kindergartens,” educational psychologist V.V. Mironov.

5. “Formation of ideas about sociocultural values ​​in preschool children,” teacher L.I. Himei.

6. “Effective use of Moscow society for the cognitive development of preschool children,” teacher I.V. Kucherova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

2. Eastern administrative district. GBOU Gymnasium No. 1504.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Features of the formation of cognitive interests and the development of creative thinking in preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard,” senior teacher O.V. Golovin.

2. “Project activity as a means of developing cognitive interests and creative thinking in children of senior preschool age,” educators N.Yu. Belousova, G.A. Margasyuk.

3. “Development of cognitive activity of preschool children through experimentation,” teachers L.A. Podolyanchuk, G.V. Zhuravleva.

4. “Development of children's initiative and independence in preschool education”, educators N.R. Shcherbakova, N.A. Khvorova.

5. “The world around us through the eyes of a child: studying the world of physical phenomena through cognitive and research activities,” teacher I.S. Borodkina.

6. “The use of mnemonic techniques for the development of cognitive abilities of preschool children,” educators L.I. Zimenkova, S.G. Thousandth.

7. “Formation of a healthy lifestyle through cognitive activity of preschool children,” educators N.N. Bolotina, D.N. Tylibtseva.

8. “Features of interaction with parents on the cognitive development of children in the early age group,” teacher V.P. Prudnikova, st. teacher V.V. Severina.

9. “Features of interaction with parents on the cognitive development of children in the senior group,” educators N.N. Glushko, E.V. Novikova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

3. Eastern administrative district. GBOU secondary school No. 1852.

Topics of speeches:

1. “The use of didactic games in the sensory development of children of primary preschool age,” educators T.G. Levkina, S.V. Kazakova.

2. “Project activities with children of middle preschool age with elements of experimentation. Project “Wind-breeze”, teacher at GBOU Gymnasium No. 1637 D.P. Smagina.

3. “Organization of research activities of preschool children with inanimate nature,” teacher Zh.V. Mikheenkova.

4. “Cognitive and research activities of preschool children”, teacher at GBOU MMG N.V. Kosenkova.

5. “Creating conditions for the development of cognitive interest in preschool children with FEMP”, teacher L.A. Kuznetsova.

6. “Creating an environmental magazine together with children”, teacher-psychologist GBOU Gymnasium No. 1637 I.V. Sheptalina.

7. “Development of cognitive interest of older preschoolers through familiarization with space,” teacher O.V. Strogonova.

8. “Cognitive development of children through integration with productive activities,” teacher N.A. Pankratova.

9. “Environmental education of preschool children,” senior teacher Spesivtseva N.N.

The event materials can be found at the link:

4. Western administrative district. GBOU School No. 1465 named after Admiral N.G. Kuznetsova.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Section of the main educational program of the preschool educational organization of the educational region “Cognitive development”, senior teacher A.I. Pitkina, senior teacher N.A. Mamontova.

2. “Organization of cognitive and research activities in preschool education”, social teacher GBOU School No. 1114 L.V. Stepantseva, senior teacher N.A. Zabrodina.

3. “Development of cognitive activity of preschool children through experimentation in drawing,” teacher-organizer T.A. Kachalova.

4. “Sensory education of preschool children in productive activities,” teacher-defectologist I.P. Romanova.

5. “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the senior group”, senior teacher of GBOU School No. 590 U.V. Dmokhovskaya.

6. “Working with children with disabilities to familiarize themselves with the natural world through play,” speech therapist teacher N.P. Konovalchuk.

7. “Working with children with disabilities to familiarize themselves with the objective world through ball games,” teacher-speech therapist G.T. Goncharova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

5. Western administrative district. GBOU Lyceum No. 1586.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Methodological support for the educational field “Cognitive development”, senior teacher S.N. Pechenkina.

2. “Project activity as a method of implementing the tasks of cognitive development of children in a short-stay group”, project “Modern Heroes: Who are they?”, teacher A.N. Bagina.

3. “Leisure activities with preschool children as a result of the thematic week. Interactive program “Great Space Journey”, social teacher I.V. Vlasova.

4. Project with children of senior preschool age “The mysterious world of insects: the Annam stick insect”, teachers N.O. Melkonyan, S.V. Gorbatova.

5. Video material of organized educational activities with preschool children:

- lesson in the middle group “Visiting Luntik”, teacher E.S. Larionova;

— lesson in the senior group “Rocket Travel”, teacher E.S. Gudieva;

— lesson in the preparatory group “Space Travel”, teacher Z.Zh. Jaafar.

The event materials can be found at the link:

6. Western administrative district. State Budgetary Educational Institution KGTiT No. 41.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Features of constructing the educational process in the preschool department in accordance with the exemplary educational program “From birth to school” in the educational field “Cognitive development”, senior teacher of GBPOU KGTiT No. 41 N.G. Oshkinis.

2. “Children’s cognitive activity as a factor in mastering the social world in the conditions of preschool education”, scientific supervisor, associate professor of the department of theory and practice of management activities in education of the Federal State Autonomous Institution of Agro-Industrial Complex and PPRO, senior researcher, candidate of economic sciences L.P. Zelenova.

3. “Project method in organizing cognitive and research activities”, senior teacher at GBOU School No. 1347 L.G. Golovina, teacher at GBOU School No. 1347 S.N. Mamedova.

4. Summary of organized educational activities in the middle group “What is this made of? (comparison of materials: wood, metal, plastic),” teacher Yu.A. Chapel.

5. Summary of organized educational activities in the preparatory group “Diversity of sounds in nature”, teacher Yu.L. Frantsuzova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

7. Zelenograd administrative district. GBOU School No. 1150.

Topics of speeches:

1. Cognitive and research projects with children of senior preschool age:

- “What measures are there?” Teachers T.S. Bobrova, E.V. Kolbasova;

— “Let’s clean up the Kamenka River,” teacher S.I. Sokolikova;

— “Rubber, its qualities and properties,” educators O.P. Metelskaya, I.A. Shelyuk.

2. Summaries of organized educational activities for children of primary preschool age:

— “We receive guests,” teacher G.V. Titova;

— “Kapitoshka visiting the guys,” teacher O.Yu. Laptev;

- “Soap Story”, teacher E.A. Lyzhenkova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

8. North-Eastern Administrative District. GBOU Education Center No. 1449.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Mathematical games as a means of developing elementary mathematical concepts in older preschoolers,” teacher N.S. Krutyakova.

2. “Creating conditions for experimental activities as a means of developing cognitive, research and creative activity of preschool children,” teacher O.V. Pimenova.

3. “Development of sensory-perceptual functions in children with visual impairments during the formation of their primary ideas about the properties of objects in the surrounding world,” teacher S.V. Struchkova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

9. North-Eastern Administrative District. GBOU Gymnasium No. 1503.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Children’s experimentation as a means of cognitive development of preschoolers,” teacher E.A. Lubina.

2. “Supporting children's cognitive initiative in project activities. Research project in the preparatory school group “Delicious porridge – our health”, teacher S.V. Grishina.

3. “Interactive compositions (mini-museums, models) - the basis of search and research activities,” teacher M.V. Sashikhina.

4. “The use of Cuisenaire rods in sensory development and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children,” senior teacher O.V. Labay, teacher V.V. Ulitina.

The event materials can be found at the link:

10. North-Eastern administrative district. GBOU School No. 285.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Organization of work with children with increased cognitive motivation in preschool departments of the educational complex,” educational psychologist N.V. Khramtsova.

2. “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts as one of the main directions of implementation of the educational field “Cognitive Development”, teacher M.A. Semeshina.

3. “The use of project activities in environmental education and education of preschool children. Presentation of the project “Visiting the Linden Tree”, educational psychologist A.V. Fink.

4. “Educational and research project “The story of how preschool children helped Kapelka”, teacher L.I. Elistratova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

11. Southern Administrative District. GBOU Gymnasium No. 1636 “Nika”.

Topics of speeches:

1. “FSES DO. Educational field: cognitive development,” methodologist A.V. Grigorievskaya.

2. “Project activities in preschool education”, senior teacher G.V. Mosquito.

3. “Project method in the work of a teacher,” teacher O.I. Chebysheva.

4. “Environmental education of preschool children,” teacher I.G. Sorokina.

5. “Development of the cognitive sphere in the process of constructive activity of preschool children,” teacher E.V. Burmistrova.

6. “Development of cognitive activity of a preschool child,” lesson notes in the senior group “The Journey of a Point to the Land of Geometry,” teacher L.A. Chudnenko.

7. Child-parent projects:

— “Volcanoes are amazing natural phenomena,” student of the preparatory group Vasilisa Popandopulo.

— “The Fascinating World of Chess”, student of the preparatory group Lev Buga.

The event materials can be found at the link:

12. South-Western Administrative District. GBOU School No. 1492.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Formation of cognitive interests in preschool children in the process of organizing various types of cultural practices,” senior educator S.B. Bakotina.

2. “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age in the process of organizing play activities,” teacher E.S. Povetyeva.

3. “Introducing senior preschoolers to professions,” teacher Yu.V. Sokolova.

4. “Cognitive and speech development of preschool children in theatrical and play activities,” teacher O.V. Suslova.

5. “Formation of cognitive interests of children of senior preschool age through the development of intonation expressiveness using ICT,” teacher-speech therapist N.S. Tumanova.

6. “Decorative and applied arts as a means of introducing preschool children to their native culture,” teacher N.A. Czech.

7. “Project “Teaching the rules of etiquette as one of the conditions for the social and cognitive development of preschool children,” teachers T.A. Kalina, M.I. Belousova, N.A. Myasnikov.

The event materials can be found at the link:

13. South-Western Administrative District. GBOU School No. 9.

Topics of speeches:

1. “FSES DO. Educational field “Cognitive development”, methodologist Z.V. Dorokhin.

2. “Mathematics for preschoolers in games and puzzles,” teacher L.A. Brother.

3. “Cognitive and research activities “Into science in small steps”, teacher T.A. Salamina.

4. “Project and research activity “History of Things”, teacher I.V. Nosova.

5. “Enrichment and accumulation of children’s sensory experience during substantive play activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education,” educational psychologist N.V. Krasavskaya.

6. “Project “We and garbage. What should I do?”, teacher N.A. Krolichenko.

7. “Dienesh’s logical blocks as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children,” teacher I.V. Sevostyanova.

Event materials can be found at the following link:

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