Application of TRIZ methods and techniques in classes at preschool educational institutions Methodological development (senior, preparatory group)

In your opinion, at what age should children be introduced to the theory of solving inventive problems? While you are thinking, we will answer: from kindergarten. No, no, we are not talking about forcing preschoolers to take integrals or design 3D graphics. The point is to teach children to think creatively and find ways to solve problems that arise before them.

Agree, even the most loving and caring parents cannot give their children ready-made templates for solutions for all occasions. And not even because it is physically impossible, but because it is not necessary. A much more reasonable step would be to instill in children an algorithm for solving emerging problems and teach children to use it.

Our program “TRIZ in practice: a creative approach at work and in life” will help you with this. And, of course, our article about TRIZ methods for preschoolers, where we will look at the basics of this creative approach for the little ones who have already reached kindergarten, but who are too early for school. This is the most important stage, because it is during this period of life that children lay the foundations of thinking and the foundations for their future success in school and life.

What is TRIZ?

First, let's say a few words about what TRIZ is. The original idea of ​​TRIZ is that different problems can often be solved using the same methods. The theory is based on several dozen ready-made techniques and solution templates, from which you need to select the most suitable ones for a specific task.

Initially, the posed problem is reduced to a certain general form, then a suitable technique is sought to solve it, and then the solution found is applied to the initially posed problem. At first, the theory was used to solve technical problems, but later it became clear that TRIZ could be applied to life and to solve a wide range of problems.

The very first version of the theory of solving inventive problems was developed by

Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller (1926-1998), known to science fiction fans under the pseudonym Genrikh Altov. Yes, he is not only an inventor, but also a talented writer, and his “Legends of Star Captains” and other works are loved by many generations of readers [G. Altov, 2015]. By the way, Heinrich Altshuller wrote a lot for children. Is this why the theory he invented for solving inventive problems is applicable even to kindergartens?

Heinrich Altshuller began developing the principles and methodology of TRIZ in the post-war years, then continued to work on the theory in collaboration with the inventor Rafael Borisovich Shapiro (1926-1993). By the way, Shapiro was also a writer and signed his works with the pseudonym Rafail Bakhtamov. It is significant that the very first publication devoted to TRIZ touched primarily on issues of the psychology of invention and was called “On the Psychology of Inventive Creativity” [G. Altshuller, R. Shapiro, 1956].

In the same article, an attempt was made to systematize the creative process, breaking it down into stages:

  • Analytical stage – selection and definition of the fundamentals of the problem, identification of the main contradiction and its causes.
  • The operational stage is the study of typical solutions in nature and technology, and the subsequent search for new methods within the system and beyond.
  • The synthetic stage is the introduction of functionally determined changes to the system and methods of its use, checking the applicability of the principle to solving other problems.

The concepts, methods and solution schemes were presented in more detail in the book “Introduction to TRIZ”, which was subsequently republished many times. Basic concepts and approaches" [G. Altshuller, 2011]. Thus, the author of the theory believes that the first step to invention is the correct formulation of the situation so as to immediately exclude from consideration not very effective and not very promising solutions.

Next, you need to set the task in the format of “remove unnecessary quality without losing the functionality of the system” or “add the desired quality in addition to the existing ones.” This formulation of the problem allows us to answer a number of extremely important questions for subsequent work :

  • What parts does the system have and how do they interact?
  • Which parts and interactions are beneficial, which are harmful, and which are neutral?
  • What can be changed without losing functionality, and what cannot?
  • What will lead to improvement of system functions and what will lead to deterioration?

Then you need to identify contradictions on the way to solving all these issues and eliminate them. For example, to increase the strength of a structure without increasing the mass of the structure. Actually, after all this has been done, there is literally a step left before invention. The algorithm for solving inventive problems (abbreviated as ARIZ) developed by Heinrich Altshuller includes several dozen steps. The number of steps varies depending on the version of the algorithm.

How can all of the above be applied in kindergarten, when most children have just begun to memorize letters and numbers? Let's find out!

Accidents are not accidental: first testing

Until the fall of 1987, teachers and teachers of preschool educational institutions simply did not know what it was - TRIZ technology. The world of childhood and the art of invention came into contact only when, in the Far Eastern port city of Nakhodka, seminarians who were supposed to read reports for engineering and technical workers were suddenly asked to conduct a lesson with children.

Successful performances in front of the children who listened attentively made it possible to draw a conclusion about at what age one can begin to introduce a person to systems thinking. After this, the theory of solving inventive problems began to be actively used when working with children - first at the stations of young technicians, and then, when its main sections were supplemented by purely educational ones, such as creative pedagogy and the theory of creative personality development, and everywhere in preschool educational institutions.

Why is the TRIZ methodology needed in kindergarten?

We all come from childhood, and the foundations of a person’s future life are laid precisely in preschool age. At this time, the little person learns to walk and talk, read and write, listen and understand, communicate and express emotions, and, of course, think.

Today, creative thinking is needed in almost any field of activity: law and software development, medicine and the construction of country cottages, pedagogy and even the installation of telecommunication networks, because communication means penetrate where nothing is suitable for their use.

How work with children in kindergarten is structured largely determines how creative thinking will be developed in children. And, therefore, how well they will study, how well they will choose a profession and how well they will be able to fit into the modern world. The objectives of the TRIZ methodology are precisely to teach a creative approach, and therefore are ideally suited for working with preschoolers.

Children are not yet constrained by perception patterns, they are inquisitive and spontaneous, they are just learning about this life. Therefore, nothing prevents them from imagining their imaginary world and deciding for themselves how they want to see it. Ideally, children should not only not be disturbed, but also indulge in every possible way their desire for creativity and learning everything new. The introduction of the TRIZ methodology in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) contributes to the creative process to the fullest.

Let us note that creativity is not some separate process isolated from everything else. Creativity is directly related to the development of analytical thinking, observation, attentiveness, imagination, speech, and the acquisition of new sensorimotor skills. As a result, the ability to think creatively contributes to the formation of a multifaceted personality with a broad outlook and the ability to practically solve emerging problems.

Objectives of the TRIZ methodology:

  • Development of creative perception and thinking.
  • Development of the qualities of a creative personality.
  • Formation of vocabulary.
  • Development of coherent speech and the ability to express thoughts.
  • Pronunciation correction.
  • Formation of perception of numbers and mathematical concepts.
  • Teaching constructive activities.
  • Instilling socialization, interaction and teamwork skills.

Thus, the TRIZ methodology contributes not only to creativity itself. The TRIZ technique is no less useful in developing coherent speech, replenishing vocabulary, acquiring skills in operating numbers and mathematical concepts, and much more. It is probably easier to find what is not included in the tasks of the TRIZ methodology.

Therefore, the TRIZ methodology in kindergarten is needed, on the one hand, to develop flexibility and systematic thinking, and on the other hand, to stimulate search activity and the ability to find answers to non-standard questions. Using the TRIZ methodology, you can significantly activate a child’s creative potential, his mental activity and imagination, and raise a child into a real inventor and generator of new ideas.

And one more important point. A kindergarten, a group in a kindergarten, is a small group, but a team. And sometimes it’s not a small, but a fairly large children’s group. Group classes using the TRIZ method teach children cooperation, interaction, the ability to help a friend and find a way out of a difficult situation, as well as rejoice at their own and others’ successes when the problem is successfully solved.

The results will not take long to arrive. Parents and educators will soon see that the child’s drawings have become more diverse, artistic subjects are more complex, speech is more literate, and now the child assembles structures from Lego not only from the proposed pictures, but also by inventing his own figures.

In general, TRIZ is a useful technique for children in all respects. All that remains is to figure out how to apply such a complex technique as TRIZ for such young children as preschoolers.

TRIZ program at preschool educational institutions

Learning is structured in such a way that children do not even realize that they are studying a very complex theory, which is quite difficult for an adult to comprehend. A child's mental flexibility has no boundaries or limitations. His imagination is limitless.

Please note that all the best inventors on the planet were fond of science fiction as children. And an inventive project in a preschool educational institution with TRIZ allows children to believe and immerse themselves in that very world of fantasy, and understand that everything is possible in life, you just need to want it.

TRIZ methods in preschool educational institutions work to develop independence in the child. Isn’t this what every mother dreams of while hastily tying shoelaces and straightening her preschooler’s hat? They learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Creative thinking develops enormously, and the child is sure that this is the norm, that this is the way to think.

The use of TRIZ technologies in speech therapy groups at preschool educational institutions has proven to be very effective. Speech development based on the methodology occurs quickly and fully. By school, children are already able to compose coherent stories based on a picture, including their emotions and experiences. There are no pauses or filler words in their speech.

Moreover, learning to deeply analyze a situation helps children make predictions for the future. That is, they learn to assume what the result will be if they do this or that.

TRIZ methodology: implementation technologies

The essence of the TRIZ method for preschoolers is to draw the child’s attention to the features of the world around him, interesting phenomena and events, but at the same time not to give an exhaustive explanation and answer to all questions. In other words, you don’t need to give children ready-made recipes and solutions, you need to teach them to find answers on their own.

In this sense, TRIZ is quite rightly considered a “school of creative personality”, because TRIZ presupposes creativity in everything, from posing a question to ways of finding an answer. By the way, this is completely consistent with the concept of the great Russian teacher, psychologist and researcher Lev Vygotsky.

Thus, he explored the relationship between learning and development, thinking and speech, creativity and imagination, social environment and mental development. He introduced into scientific use the concept of the “zone of proximal development for children” and always insisted that learning is not the same as development. You can read more about his developments in this direction, in particular, in the book “Thinking and Speech” [L. Vygotsky, 1999].

Actually, the difference between TRIZ and traditional methods of working with children is precisely to give children the opportunity to think of things that are accessible to them with their own minds, and not just repeat what adults have said. Of course, such methods require special training on the part of preschool teachers.

At a minimum, they themselves should be able to see the unusual in the ordinary, the new in the familiar. And they must be able to show this new and unusual to children. How? For this purpose, there are special methods and technologies adapted to the characteristics of preschool age.

TRIZ methods for preschoolers are described in detail in the book “TRIZ Classes in Kindergarten (a manual for teachers of preschool institutions)” [P. Gin, 2010]. Options for applying these methods in practice can be found in the book “Development of Creative Thinking. Along the steps of TRIZ. First stage. Workbook" [E. Pchelkina, 2019].

Let’s say right away that in TRIZ methods for children we will see a lot in common with methods for stimulating creative activity and imagination in adults. The difference will only be in the specifics of the tasks that children face. All tasks are adapted taking into account the age and perception of preschoolers, and the teacher acts as a moderator of the discussion. So let's see how it works!

Brainstorming method

The brainstorming technique is that children are given a problem and asked to find a solution, and they are allowed to put forward any, even the most unrealistic, versions of the solution. Any criticism of the ideas put forward is prohibited, both from adults and from group mates in the kindergarten. You can only complement and offer improvements to other people's ideas. Tasks for brainstorming are chosen from among those understandable to children:

  • How to save your grandmother from a gray wolf.
  • How to put out a fire without water.
  • Where to hide from the heat in summer.

When a lot of ideas accumulate, the discussion participants all together choose the best option.

Method of morphological analysis

The essence of the method is to try to combine different characteristics of an object when creating a new object. Let's say, if you need to invent a new game, for clarity, two axes are drawn. Along one they draw the parts of the body that will be involved in the game (arms, legs, arms + legs), and along the other are the playing devices that can be used (ball, tennis racket, jump rope).

Next, the whole team goes through possible options for combining and using body parts and gaming devices in the game, and at the end, you can invite everyone to play together a new game that the children have just come up with. Such games using the TRIZ method greatly develop fantasy, imagination, and the ability to interact. This is a simple example, but in principle, using the method of morphological analysis, you can invent much more complex things and find dozens of variations of a future invention.

Focal object method

This method assumes, to some extent, the opposite situation: you need to transfer the properties of one object to another. The simplest example: imagine and draw what a dog with wings, a bird with horns, or a waterfowling camel might look like.

In a similar way, you can try to “create” a hybrid of a ship and an airplane, a train and a submarine, a car and a helicopter. The main thing is not to limit children's imagination in anything! In this regard, the focal object method is ideal specifically for children, because its application possibilities are limited for complex technical solutions.

Directory method

The essence of the method is to arrange events in a logical sequence and come up with connections and transitions between them. In this way, for example, you can compose a new fairy tale. The teacher gives hints in the form of pictures and leading questions:

  • Who is our main character in the fairy tale?
  • Is this hero positive or negative?
  • Why is this hero positive or negative?
  • What bad did the bad guy do?
  • What good did the positive hero do?
  • How did they fight each other?
  • Who supported the negative hero?
  • Who supported the positive hero?
  • How did the confrontation between good and evil end?

In addition to imagination, this TRIZ technique is useful in developing coherent speech, public speaking skills and expanding vocabulary.

Personal analogy method

As part of this method, children are asked to personally depict any animal, phenomenon, or object. You should start with simple tasks. Let's say, depict a cat or a dog, show how the cat or dog is angry, happy, asking for food.

Afterwards you can move on to more difficult tasks. For example, depict rain, a thunderstorm, snowfall, a storm at sea, a boiling kettle, or a working vacuum cleaner. Then you can further complicate the task. For example, ask the children to imagine how a cat or dog would sing the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest.” Or choose a suitable song for the “singing vacuum cleaner”.

Little People Modeling Method

The little people technique in TRIZ is a simplified and accessible for children version of the structure of the surrounding world from three types of little people: “hydratics”, “tverdikov”, “pneumatics”. Solid objects seem to be made of “tverdik”, and the “tverdik” stand close to each other and hold hands tightly.

By analogy, liquids seem to consist of “hydratics”, because “hydratics” do not hold hands and can move relative to each other. But “pneumatics” are constantly in motion, so we cannot see air, gas and other gaseous substances with our own eyes.

To begin with, children are explained the structure of solid, liquid and gaseous objects separately, and only then in connection and interaction. For example, iced tea is in a solid cup made of “hards”, and itself consists of “hydrates”. If the tea is hot, steam from the “pneumatics” rises above it.

In a similar way, it can be explained why you can easily remove a spoon from a cup of tea by picking it up, but you cannot pick up water from a cup. If we imagine that a spoon consists of several “tverdiki” that hold hands tightly, then, by taking and lifting one “tverdik”, we lift all the others with it. And water consists of many “hydratics” that do not hold hands. Therefore, taking one “hydratic”, we can only pull it out of the cup, that is, only a drop of water.

Methodology of typical fantasy techniques

The method of standard fantasy techniques (TFT) involves changing the properties of an object using magic. The Wizard of Increase, the Wizard of Decrease, the Wizards of Division and Union, and also the Wizards who can take us to the past or future come to the aid of children.

Children need to imagine what will happen if this or that object is enlarged, reduced, divided into parts, or transferred to another era. Examples of practical tasks can be found in the report “Methodology of typical fantasy techniques (TPF)”, made specifically for teachers working with young children [L. Mikhailina, 2016]. By the way, this technique is suitable not only for kindergartens. This TRIZ technique is also used in elementary schools.

Goldfish method

The Goldfish Method consists of dividing a situation into its component elements, evaluating the elements as real or fantastic, and finding a rationale for elements that seem impossible and fantastic. This method was named according to the plot of a well-known fairy tale, and it is easiest to consider the application of the method using the example of a fairy tale about a goldfish.

Children are offered a line-by-line analysis of the work with a rating on the “real - fantastic” scale. So, the first few lines look quite real. The old man could really live with his old woman on the seashore, and indeed, instead of fish, with a net you can pull out both algae and mud. Fantasy begins from the moment when a goldfish falls into the net.

Can a fish be gold? Here the children are invited to find an explanation for this phenomenon. For example, fish scales sparkled in the rays of the sun and therefore seemed golden. Or the sea was distant and southern, where fish of the most bizarre colors are found. This is how children find reasons for phenomena that are incomprehensible and unreal at first glance. Therefore, the “Goldfish” method is often called the method of substantiating new ideas.

Snowball method

The Snowball method is the exact opposite of the Goldfish method. It is based on the assumption of a certain fantastic situation, on which, like a rolling snowball, very real events are layered. A classic use of this technique is the story “Amphibian Man” by Alexander Belyaev.

The initially unrealistic fantastic idea that gills were implanted into a person to breathe under water is superimposed on other, very real events from people’s lives. By the way, the “Snowball” method is most often used for writing fairy tales. And, using this method, it is quite possible to teach children to compose fairy tales on their own.

These are the most basic and most popular TRIZ techniques for preschoolers. You will find more methodological developments in the article “Conducting classes using TRIZ technology in kindergarten” [N. Fominykh, 2017].

We already foresee that some readers are ready to begin making skeptical remarks about the authors of the methodology and assumptions that the authors themselves did not work in kindergarten and have never seen living children. And they don’t know that even the most inquisitive and good-natured baby can in the blink of an eye turn into an angry, withdrawn creature who will answer all the adults’ questions by remaining silent or answering with a monosyllabic “I don’t know.” What to do in this case?

“The influence of TRIZ technology on the formation of the personality of preschool children”

Victoria Titova

“The influence of TRIZ technology on the formation of the personality of preschool children”

I first turned to TRIZ technology in 1997. At that time, they were just starting to get to know her. There was very little literature. Now the necessary methodological sources are available both in bookstores and online stores.

Since I work with children of middle preschool age, I have the following benefits in my arsenal:

— S. Gin “TRIZ pedagogy for kids” is a methodological manual for working specifically with children of middle and senior preschool age; lesson notes are collected here;

-AND. Gutkovich, T. Sidorchuk “Learning to think systematically with children” (TRIZ Technology) is a manual to help you work with the system operator or “screen”, for the formation of systemic thinking in the form of trainings and exercises;

— T. Sidorchuk, S. Lelyukh “Teaching preschoolers to compose logical stories using a series of pictures” is a manual for children to master generalized methods of compiling a logical sequence of events and their descriptions;

-T. Sidorchuk, S. Lelyukh “Children’s Compilation of Creative Stories Based on a Plot Picture” is a guide for children to master generalized methods of composing stories based on a plot picture;

-T. Sidorchuk “The Game “Yes-No”. Methodology for developing classification skills in preschoolers" - this manual is aimed at developing mental operations, logical thinking, and creative abilities of children;

-T. Sidorchuk, S. Lelyukh “Experience the world and fantasize with Lullian circles” is a manual for conducting trainings and exercises through “Lullian Circles”.

Why did I choose TRIZ technology?

How does TRIZ influence the formation of personality?

This is an effective means of developing active creative thinking in preschoolers and has a significant impact on the development of other mental processes and the personality as a whole.

Personality (according to Vygotsky) is a social concept. It is not innate, but arises as a result of cultural development in the social environment.

Elkonin viewed the child as an integral personality, actively learning the world around him - the world of objects and human relationships.

The role of an adult is to teach how to understand systems of relationships, and the development of the personality as a whole depends on the choice of methods.

At preschool age, a child’s worldview has not yet been formed. At this stage, TRIZ helps in the development of analytical and comparative thinking, teaches you to look for possible solutions and choose the most optimal ones. This is a kind of mental training. TRIZ creates not just a thinking person, but one who is always capable of developing. TRIZ teaches you not to give up in the face of difficulties, but to confidently move on based on the analysis of errors. It is these qualities that are so valued in modern society.

Also, TRIZ technology, which is very important, develops moral qualities: the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the desire to help, the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation for another.

Advantages of using TRIZ elements:

TRIZ, on the one hand, is an entertaining game, on the other hand, it develops a child’s mental activity through creativity.

— Children’s range of ideas is enriched, their vocabulary grows, and their creative abilities develop.

— TRIZ helps to form dialectics and logic, helps to overcome shyness, isolation, and timidity;

— TRIZ promotes the development of visual-figurative, causal, heuristic thinking; memory, imagination, affects other mental processes.

• TRIZ can be used in various regime moments and in various forms of organizing children’s activities (both directly organized and joint)

• each child manifests himself in resolving contradictions in his own way, individually;

• TRIZ is an interactive technology (there is an exchange of opinions, a joint solution to a problem);

• with the help of TRIZ, independent thinking is demonstrated (children find non-standard ways to solve problems and tasks); search activity;

• TRIZ is a system of collective games;

The most interesting thing is that many of us use TRIZ techniques without knowing that it is TRIZ.

For example:

1. Exercises for orientation and movement in space (take 5 steps forward, 3 steps to the left);

2. “Don’t say yes and no, don’t wear black and white” - training from TRIZ.

3. Verbal game “I’ll guess, and you guess” (using leading questions).

4. Classification games “One, two, three, run to me”, “Whose legs and tails”.

5. Making up riddles.

6. “Guess the fairy tale from the description.”

7. “Wonderful bag”, etc.

8. Non-standard techniques in artistic activities: blotography, threadography, drawing with crumpled paper, finger painting, making collages.

9. Compiling stories based on a series of pictures.

Work on TRIZ technology, like any other, must be carried out gradually in order to achieve its goals.

Stages of work.

Stage I.

The goal of the first stage is to teach the child to find and distinguish between contradictions that surround him everywhere.

-What do the sun and a light bulb have in common?

-What do a Christmas tree and a hedgehog have in common? and etc.

Stage II.

The goal of the second stage is to teach children to fantasize and invent. For example,

- come up with a new dress so that it does not get dirty, does not wrinkle and grows with the girl;

Stage III.

The goal of the third stage is to work with fairy tales and solve fairytale problems.

For example, “You have come to Baba Yaga. What to do?"

Stage IV.

The goal of the fourth stage is to apply the acquired knowledge, use non-standard solutions to problems and get out of any difficult situation.

To work on TRIZ with my children, I made

game card index,

Lull rings,

— cards for various trainings with Lull circles,

- a series of pictures to compose stories,

game "Wonderful Things",

-and the “Magic Pictures” game for the development of imagination (children are presented with cards with various combinations of geometric shapes and lines. The question is asked: “What does it look like?”

"Good bad",

- I have a system operator in development, so far I’m using only a three-screen display , so I can make do with pictures,

-game "Teremok".

The children love her very much. Children are given pictures of objects. Children dramatize the fairy tale "Teremok".

Rule: A new resident enters only when he names a similarity with an already settled hero. This game is used at the first stage of training.

Also, you can find and formulate contradictory properties of the objects and phenomena under consideration using the game “Good-Bad”.

I use black and white houses for this. For example, consider the phenomenon “Rain”. First we call its good properties and move it into a white house, and then we call its bad properties and move it into a black house.

This game gradually leads children to understand the contradictions in the world around them.

-Game of the second stage (for learning to fantasize and invent) “Wonderful things.” Play the game.

Also, children really like RTV techniques. Here is an example of a game of the “focal object method” type (when the functions of one object are assigned to another object). - “Wonderful Things”.

You will need a set of cards for certain functions: sound, movement, smell, material. We combine two objects: a hare and a bunny rabbit and give it new functions.

You can play the game with these same cards

"I am traveling to …." (to the zoo, kindergarten, to the autumn forest, to the winter forest, to the city, etc.).

To play the game you will need a set of object pictures, which are stacked with the images facing down. The child announces: “I’m going to the zoo and I’m taking with me...” and pulls out any picture from the pile. Next, he must explain why he needs this object in the village. 3-4 children participate in the game. The final destination of the journey changes periodically: to the village, to visit the monkeys, to the North Pole, to relax at the sea, etc. - can be used according to the theme of the week.


Children choose cards for themselves or receive them from the presenter. Then the leader names his image and its characteristic function, and the rest of the children “try on” this function for themselves:

• I am a frog. I can jump.

• I am a machine. I also jump when I go over bumps.

• I am a pencil, I also jump when I draw dots, etc.

False riddles.

• Who swims faster - a duckling or a chicken?

• Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?

• There are chickens on one side and ducklings on the other. There is an island in the middle. Who will swim to the island faster?

• Three fish were flying over the forest. Two landed. How many flew away?

• Two crocodiles were flying - one red, the other blue. Who will get there faster?

• Mom has a cat Fluff, a daughter Dasha and a dog Sharik. How many children does mom have?

• What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole?

• What is the second cheek pad?

• Who will moo louder: the rooster or the cow?

• A soldier walked through a forest and a field in winter. Suddenly a river. How to cross the river?

• Why is the crocodile green? (from nose to tail).

• What is the best way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

• In spring, who arrives from the south first: swallows or sparrows?

• When is a dog in a kennel without a head?

• How many buckets will two butterflies collect if they have one bucket each?

• What will happen to a fly if it hits an icicle?

• Two pots fell - an iron and a clay one. Which fragments will there be more?

• There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut. How many apples are there?

There are several ways to implement TRIZ technology in your work:

1. Use selectively simple games of TRIZ technology in working with children at different times and in different types of educational activities.

2. Introduce children to TRIZ technology through group work - in the form of interesting activities 2 times a week.

3. Use TRIZ technology as a basis for development and education in all its diversity. (use of all methods, techniques of RTV.)

For now, I have chosen the second method for myself, and then I’ll look at the results.

What if the child answers “I don’t know”?

In fact, those who work using the TRIZ method are faced with a variety of situations, including childish stubbornness, reluctance to make contact, and getting involved in games using the TRIZ method. And we have already prepared recommendations for you on what to do in these cases [K. Nesyutina, 2014]. As a rule, such situations happen due to shortcomings on the part of adults. If desired, such situations are completely correctable, and over time, you can ensure that, upon hearing a question, the child begins to think about the answer, and not just remain silent or say “I don’t know.”

What to do to get your child to start thinking and reasoning:

  • Never scold children for giving the wrong answer! Very often, “playing the silent game” is a consequence of the fact that the child has already said or done something wrong, received a bunch of comments, and is now simply afraid of making a mistake again.
  • Reason with your child and don’t act like an examiner or a know-it-all. Children are acutely aware of falsehood, and if the child is already accustomed to the fact that you always know the correct answer and ask questions only for the purpose of testing, he may not want to be a test subject. Especially if, in case of an incorrect answer, he will also be scolded.
  • Ask so-called “open” questions, for which there cannot initially be one single correct answer. This will make it easier for you to reason with your child, and the child will not be afraid to make mistakes. At the same time, he will understand that a different opinion is not necessarily wrong.
  • Answer the questions your children ask you. Otherwise, children will quickly learn that they don’t have to answer or answer all “Whys” with “Because it ends in “y.” As a rule, children pick up such excuses from adults.

We wish that your children are healthy and happy, and that you always find a common language with them! We remind you that our program “TRIZ in practice: a creative approach at work and in life” and a screening test on the topic of the article are waiting for you:

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • TRIZ, RTV and TRTL in practice: dealing with the Soviet intellectual past
  • A selection of useful materials about creativity and creativity development
  • TRIZ classes for children: raising geniuses and simply happy people!
  • Good books for self-education
  • Charette procedure
  • Invention: a selection of useful materials
  • Secrets of inventors: a selection of useful materials
  • TRIZ and design thinking in everyday life
  • Creativity Development Digest
  • TRIZ fairy tales in pedagogy

Key words:1TRIZ

TRIZ methods

At the moment, the theory of solving inventive problems in preschool educational institutions has a large number of specific expressions. The following techniques are characterized by the greatest popularity.

Brainstorming (MS)

The “brain-storming” method was proposed by Alex Osborne, a person far from the field of education, but close to the advertising and marketing field. He created a universal way of collectively generating ideas, which continues to be used at the present stage, including for raising young children.

As part of classes on TRIZ technology in preschool educational institutions, the following cognitive tasks are set:

  • development of communication skills (conducting discussions, tactfully assessing the points of view of comrades, interaction with the teacher, the ability to construct a reasoned statement and adhere to the principles of benevolently defending one’s own opinion, etc.);
  • stimulating creative activity when solving problems;
  • the formation of a desire and readiness not to sit and be silent, but, without hesitation, to give out a lot of thoughts on a given topic.

Questions can not only be very diverse, but also include fabulous and fantastic elements, for example:

  1. How to prevent the Bear from climbing onto Teremok and breaking it?
  2. How to preserve harvest supplies if mice get into the habit of sneaking into the barn?
  3. How to transfer a piece of summer into the winter month?
  4. How to warm people in severe cold?
  5. What will happen if a hare's legs increase 10 times in length?

Interesting fact! Brainstorming works most effectively when children are immersed in a fictitious situation where some character, necessarily positive, supposedly needs help, advice, salvation, recommendation, etc.

Usually, in order to establish such a positive atmosphere, teachers begin the task with an introduction: “Guys, let’s help Alyonushka/kitten, Dunno, Little Red Riding Hood/thoughtful Prince...”.

The basic rules of the MS are:

  • exclusion of serious criticism;
  • encouragement of the most extraordinary and incredible proposals;
  • the ability to modernize other people's ideas;
  • the presence of joint discussions, through which the group selects the most optimal ones from all the answers and allows them to solve the problem with minimal losses.

To better consolidate the experience, the results obtained during brainstorming should be put into the form of practical activity and create some kind of product reminiscent of the game: a drawing, a craft, etc.


In the 1950s, another interesting method for discovering and developing creative potential was developed by William Gordon, a famous inventor and scientist whose main passion was studying the type of thinking of creative and extraordinary people. The concept of “synectics” means “the unification of heterogeneous elements,” and the essence of the technique itself is the search for constant analogies.

The types of connections between objects can be different:

  1. Personal (empathic). Here the preschooler is usually asked to imagine himself in the image of some object or phenomenon within a problem situation. Sometimes the tasks turn out to be more specific and easy (“depict a cat who didn’t like the food she bought”), sometimes more abstract and complex (“depict Chungi-Changi’s reluctance to eat only coconuts and bananas”).
  2. Direct. The guys find such pairs from different fields of knowledge, which are based on the same patterns. For example, a submarine looks like a fish, a helicopter looks like a dragonfly, an airplane looks like a bird, helmets and helmets look like the shells of turtles, snails and other creatures.
  3. Fantastic. Here the teacher and his charges create their own rules and norms that ignore existing rationality. For example, children are asked to “think about what love/joy/happiness/excitement looks like” and draw it. As a result, the analogies that are embodied on paper will turn out to be completely different: someone will draw a plant, someone will draw a person, someone will draw an animal, etc.

The key goals of synectics are:

  • developing the ability to think outside the box, to see the unusual in ordinary things, to look at the world from different angles and to take into account the conditions that are indicated in the task;
  • fostering respect for the opinions and views of other people, the ability to understand and accept them.

Directory method

This technique, which was later successfully adapted for preschool educational institutions, was created in the 1920s by Berlin University professor E. Kunze. The first priority here is to teach children creative storytelling skills.

Important fact! Comprehension of this aspect sometimes becomes a rather difficult step for children, because, firstly, there are not many words in their active vocabulary, and, secondly, they are just beginning to comprehend the science of monologue speeches, becoming familiar with it at an elementary level.

Here the teacher needs a book with a lot of prose text and an almost complete absence of illustrations. First, the teacher creates a list of questions that will become the basis for the plot of a jointly invented fairy tale, after which the children type words that are in no way related to each other using the “poke” method. The teacher can transform some of them into parts of speech that are more suitable and convenient for children’s perception. Everything happens at a fast pace, encouraging emotional reactions, expressing first impressions, etc.

Then the group begins to come up with their own fantastic story, trying to successfully weave the existing vocabulary both into the fairy-tale format and into the answers to the questions asked. A certain level of preparation is required from both the children and the teacher. So, the first ones should already know that in fairy tales there are always positive and negative heroes, friends and helpers, magic and struggle, during which good wins. An adult needs to be able to correctly navigate the process, formulate new and initially unforeseen questions, unobtrusively correct the narrative, suggest options in case of difficulty, and encourage brilliant ideas. During the lesson, key points should be recorded in the form of diagrams, drawings, symbols, etc. The task will give the most tangible results if no more than 5 people are involved in it.

Modeling with little people (MMH)

Finally, the latest and one of the most visual embodiments of TRIZ technology in action is the method of modeling with little people. Thanks to it, preschoolers learn to imagine what objects of living and inanimate nature look like from the inside, what processes take place in them, and what the substances that fill them are.

Little people can appear in the form of drawings, toys, or children themselves. The MMC is used when the teacher needs to explain, for example, the process of melting an icicle: in winter the tiny inhabitants are cold, and they hold hands tightly, while with the establishment of spring warmth they begin to move, turning into water. This technology develops intelligence, attentiveness, observation, and also teaches modeling and schematization.

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