Games for sensory development of children of the middle group card index (middle group) on the topic

Games for sensory development of children of the middle group card index (middle group) on the topic

Games for sensory development of middle school children

D. I. “Picture from figures”

Goal: to develop the ability to differentiate geometric figures of different shapes and sizes, relying on tactile and visual sensations, that is, to develop tactile and visual perception; develop children's imagination and creative abilities.

Rules of the game:

The teacher demonstrates to the children the method and order of constructing simple structures. After that, he invites the children to use their figures to lay out other drawings that they come up with themselves. The picture on the flannelgraph is removed so that children do not copy the finished image.

D.I. “Ship”

Goal: To develop the ability to distinguish geometric shapes by shape and size; develop spatial imagination, active attention, observation, motor-auditory memory.

Rules of the game:

The children are given figures to familiarize themselves with. The teacher shows how you can lay out a boat (sailboat). This is done in stages so that the children understand well the order of “building” a sailboat from figures. After the teacher finishes laying out his sailboat, he, without removing its image, invites the children to build their own boats from the figures that were distributed.

D.I. “Hide the mouse”

Goal: To develop the ability to correlate slots and liners in shape, color and size. Develop attention and thinking.

Rules of the game: The teacher shows the children in which houses the mice have settled.

— The mice are looking out the windows now. Everyone’s windows are different: round, oval, square, triangular. The mice close these windows only at night, when they go to bed or when they see a cat nearby. Imagine that night has come and the mice need to close the windows. Close so that the shape of the window matches the shape of the lid so that they are tightly closed.

Morning has come, open the windows.

But here comes the cat. Hide the mice quickly so that the cat doesn't eat them.

The cat left because it did not find a single mouse. The game is played 2-3 times.

D.I. “Butterflies”

Goal: To develop the ability to pay attention to the color of an object, to establish the identity and difference in color of homogeneous objects; develop the ability to select objects from two given colors out of four possible ones.

Rules of the game: The teacher invites each child to plant butterflies of two colors in their fields. On a four-color panel, the child must put, for example, red and blue butterflies, placing them on a part of the field that matches the color of these butterflies (in this case, on the red and blue fields). Children complete tasks 3-4 times, changing a pair of colors. The teacher helps you correct mistakes yourself: “Are all your butterflies planted correctly? Look closely at what you did wrong. Do not rush!"

D.I. “Find a pair”

Goal: To develop attention, observation, memory, to develop the ability to establish the identity of homogeneous objects.

Rules of the game: To play the game you need to prepare sheets of cardboard with butterflies glued on them, as well as a similar pair of the same butterflies. In this game, children must match identical butterflies.

D. I. “Fishes and Stars”

Goal: To develop visual perception, attention, observation, the ability to differentiate colors, and name them.

Rules of the game: The teacher attaches two fish and says that each fish has a friend - a starfish. The teacher attaches one starfish of the same color under each fish and says that he put as many of them as there are fish. After this, the teacher asks the children what color these fish and stars are. The children answer. Then all the fish and stars are removed. After this, the teacher asks one of the children to come out and attach the red and blue fish. Then another child is called and asked to attach the same number of stars. Other children name the colors of the attached stars. After this, the pictures are removed again. The game continues until all children complete the task of finding star friends for the fish.

D.I. “Remember the order of the buttons”

Goal: To develop active attention, memory, the ability to quickly concentrate, and stimulate attention.

Rules of the game:

- There are buttons in front of you, and I have buttons, these buttons are in boxes. In each of your boxes you need to arrange the buttons in a certain order, just like mine.

The teacher shows one card after another, the children remember the location of the circles. The teacher removes the cards, the children lay out circles in their empty cards.

D.I. “Balloons”

Goal: To consolidate the names of the six colors of the spectrum: “red”, “orange”, “yellow”, “green”, “blue”, “violet”.

Rules of the game:

— Children, we have balloons of different colors and strings of the same colors. You need to tie a ball of the same color to each thread.

The teacher takes one of the balls and attaches it to a thread of the same color. After this, two or three children take turns “tying” the remaining balls and calling the color of each.

D. I. “Correction test for kids “Bear Cubs”

Goal: To develop voluntary attention, stability of attention, distribution of attention.

Rules of the game:

— The cubs decided to play hide and seek, but they need help to hide. The white cubs want to hide behind the circles, and the brown cubs want to hide behind the squares.

The teacher demonstrates to the children how to cover all the white bears with circles and all the brown bears with squares. After the show, the teacher invites the children to take sheets of paper with bears and hide them as quickly as possible using circles and squares.

D.I. “What kind of dress does the doll have?”

Goal: To develop the ability to select objects according to the word denoting color, to group shades of the same color tone.

Rules of the game:

- Today we will see what color our doll’s dress is. I will dress the doll, and you will tell me what color her dress is.” The teacher shows the doll and asks the children one by one, clarifying and correcting their answers. Draws children's attention to the fact that the same color has different shades.

D.I. “Pick up a figure”

Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes and practice naming them. Learn to select shapes according to the model. Strengthen the skill of examining geometric shapes by tracing and overlaying.

Rules of the game:

— On your tables there are cards on which figures of different shapes are drawn, and the same figures on trays. Place all the figures on the cards so that they all match the ones drawn.

The teacher asks the kids to trace each figure lying on the tray with their finger, then place it on the drawn figure and only place it if it matches completely.

D.I. “Sooner or Later”

Goal: To form temporary concepts of “earlier” and “later”. Develop memory and thinking.

Rules of the game:

The teacher displays two pictures on the stand, connected by a logical sequence (for example, pictures with an egg and a chicken). After the children look at the pictures, he asks the children what happened before (at first, and what happened then (later). What story can be composed based on these pictures? Children make up several sentences based on these pictures.

D. I. “Learning to write riddles”

Goal: To develop the ability to determine the shape and colors of objects, relying on visual perception, to develop memory and thinking.

Rules of the game:

The teacher asks the children if they like to solve riddles. Of course, both children and adults love solving riddles. But it’s no less interesting to try to write riddles about familiar objects yourself. The teacher invites the children to come up with their own riddles about what is shown in the pictures that he will distribute. But you need to make a riddle in such a way that the description of the object is clear, so that other children can guess what is shown in the picture.

D.I. “Pyramid”

Goal: To learn to arrange objects in a logical sequence depending on their size (from largest to smallest, based on the teacher’s verbal description.

Rules of the game:

The teacher shows the children a toy pyramid and asks the children questions regarding the properties of this toy.

-What is it made of?

— What color are the rings of the pyramid, what shape are they?

-What size are they?

— How are they located on the rod?

—Where is the largest ring located?

- Where is the smallest?

The rings of the pyramid are round in shape, but if you look at it from the side, the rings will appear oval. But they keep the same color, size and location.

D.I. “The fourth odd one”

Goal: to develop attention, memory, thinking.

Rules of the game:

The teacher offers the children one of a series of pictures, gives the children time to look at the pictures, then asks what is shown in the pictures. Then the teacher says that here four pictures are similar to each other, and one is different from all of them. What kind of picture is this, and why is it extra, not like all the others. The pictures of the following series are displayed in order.

D.I. “What’s inside and what’s outside?”

Goal: To learn to determine the location of objects inside or outside something, to actively use the words “inside” and “outside” in speech.

Rules of the game:

The teacher shows the children Fluffy the bunny. He is still small, so he often confuses the words “inside” and “outside”. The teacher offers to help Fluffy learn and remember words so that he never confuses them.

The teacher opens one of the pictures:

— What is located inside the basket and what is outside? Etc.

Once the children have mastered the concepts, the children give Fluffy an “exam.” They ask him what is inside the box and what is outside. Naturally, Bunny will make mistakes, and the children will correct his mistakes.

What games help develop sensitivity at all levels?

Since I’m in the younger group, I’ll give you my card index, but I’ll try to make additions for different ages. In general, the meaning of such games is this: to give the child a wide range of sensations and knowledge about the properties of objects, substances, phenomena that can be felt tactilely, visually, auditorily and “smelling”. In the same way, these same sensory-didactic, that is, educational games are suitable for young children. It is necessary to select games that are adequate to the child’s age capabilities.

For simplicity, I divided the card index into 5 blocks: the development of visual perception, auditory, olfactory, tactile, as well as games for fine motor skills and purposeful actions.

I will not describe absolutely all the components of the card index, and it would be stupid to list them without a description, because you can’t always understand the essence by the name, so I will give a description of the most effective games for sensory development. You will see how simple, interesting and useful it is to amuse your baby and teach at the same time!

So, 1 block of didactic games for training visual sensitivity:

  • “Lids and boxes”: you can take empty plastic jars with gouache lids, they are usually multi-colored. Place cards inside to match the color of the box. For older children, you can place beads or other small objects in monochrome colors.

Objectives: we train the ability to correlate colors, find identical ones, analyze and systematize. At the same time, we train motor skills, learning to open lids. We exercise the ability to distinguish shape and size. If you shake a jar with a card inside, you will also train your hearing.

Believe me, if you complicate the task, the middle and older groups will be interested in this game. For them, you can add shades of colors, place inside a card with a picture that is not monochrome, but made predominantly of one color. We select lids with threads to make it more difficult to open.

  • “Vegetable Garden” is a game for the development of sensory standards. We take small square cardboards, draw the outline of a fruit or vegetable on them and cut out the middle. Separately, we have cardboard boxes of the same size, but completely painted over, matched to the colors of the prepared fruits and vegetables. Task: find its color for each fruit and place the blank on top of the corresponding colored cardboard.

Didactic games for the development of auditory perception: 2nd block

  • To organize this type of game, waste material is suitable. For example: “Colorful noisemakers.” We take plastic bottles and glue labels of different colors to them, but of the same color. We will stir anything inside, as long as it fits into the neck and is matched to the color of the label: dyed legumes, cereals, beads, sand. The baby shakes these noisemakers, now stronger, now weaker, catching the difference in the sounds made.

At the same time, we will train our visual perception of color and motor skills. Children aged 2-3 years love this game. In the second junior group, and even in the first junior group, this fun is a great success. Apparently, babies still miss rattles...

And to make the fun more interesting in the 1st junior group, you can decorate the noisemakers in the form of toys: take a plastic Kinder egg, put different objects inside (cereals, a ball, whatever), cover them with fabric or crochet them, creating chickens, for example. Each chick will make different noises.

The preparatory group can complicate the task: pour the contents of the bottles into separate boxes and then again select the filling required for each specific bottle by color. In addition, if you shake bottles consciously, you develop a sense of rhythm, and this is an ear for music!

  • "Who's making noise?" – goes well in the middle group. Behind the child’s back, we make characteristic sounds using any objects: rustling the pages of a book, knocking something on the table, etc. The child must guess what makes the sounds. Great ear training!

Block 3: developing the sense of smell...

There is no need to go far here; the games smoothly move into the kitchen. The average group can cope with this task quite well:

  • “Guess what the chick will eat?” – the child plays the role of a hungry chick, and someone else imagines himself as a mother bird who has flown in to feed her young. But the mother is cunning: the chick must first guess by the smell what the mother brought him. We bring the child a piece of something edible and let him inhale the aroma. This is very interesting for older children, but the 2nd younger group can also try to guess.
  • Older preschoolers will enjoy competing in the game “What does it smell like?” The idea is this: we make small bags of gauze in advance, and immediately before the game we place pieces of food with a characteristic aroma into the bags: citrus fruits, coffee beans, onions, garlic, apples, etc. Again, the baby guesses what’s inside.

Now the expanse of fruits, the preparatory group and younger preschoolers can train a more subtle sense of smell, let them learn to distinguish the smells of vegetables and fruits with a weakly expressed aroma.

Despite the simplicity of such didactic games, they are of great benefit. Through play, the child receives full sensory education and enriches the world of his sensations. And this already develops the brain as a whole. Moreover, our vocabulary is also enriched, because we learn new words.

4th block: enriching tactile sensations

  • “Surprise”: place a deep container with sand, cereals, etc., in which objects are hidden. The child finds it, rejoices and at the same time develops the sensitivity of his fingers.
  • “Hello!”: we make blanks in advance from materials of different textures, gluing them onto cardboard and cutting out palms. The child puts his palm on the workpiece, feels the texture, learns new concepts: smooth, rough, soft, fluffy.
  • “Sinking or not sinking”: we take a container with water and in another container - different objects that can be soaked in water. The child explores which objects sink and which do not, and tries to guess in advance the possibility of floating on the water.

To develop tactile sensations, you can use everything you see around the house while walking. Yes, the child trains himself, feeling everything that comes to hand. But it is imperative to focus the baby’s attention on the names of phenomena and sensations. Pay attention to color, shape, size.

What can I say, you have already guessed how useful didactic games for the development of tactile sensations are for little autistic children - autistics, and for all children with mental retardation (mental retardation).

Block No. 5: learning to take purposeful actions

  • “We sell cereals”: ​​we pour different types of cereals or sand into bowls, we learn to pour cereals into other containers, as if for a buyer.
  • “Treat the doll with candy”: take round plastic round containers with lids and decorate them in the shape of a doll’s head. Glue or draw a face and hair. We cut a small hole in place of the mouth. Separately, we are preparing a box with multi-colored buttons, which will be our candies. You need to push the candy button into the doll’s mouth.
  • Exercise machines with laces, Velcro buttons, clasps, etc. work great for educational purposes. At least you need to make a simulator with buttons: sew buttons onto the fabric, stretch the fabric onto plywood or something similar. Separately, we make blanks with loops for buttons, for example, these are flower petals that need to be attached to a button and made into a flower.

Methodical manual “Do-it-yourself sensory toys”


Taut Irina Petrovna


MAU DO "Sorokinsky"

child development center - kindergarten No. 1"

The main content of the play of younger preschoolers is actions with toys and substitute objects. Children especially love to play with household objects such as sand, water, various jars, and bottles. Such activities contribute to the development of the child’s sensory system: vision, hearing, smell, taste. If a child receives a rich sensory experience in early childhood, this will help him feel much more comfortable in the future, in adulthood, and will also help him learn successfully. Now many manufacturers have begun to produce wonderful toys for children. These include educational rugs, soft books, sewn puzzles or laces. However, you can make an interesting educational toy with your own hands. Self-made sensory toys carry a charge of positive energy, warmth and tenderness of the hands, and are unique. While working with young children, I noticed that there was a need for the development of fine motor skills, so I had the idea to create a series of toys for sensory development using improvised materials. A variety of items were used: hooks, buttons, laces, Velcro and other improvised materials that can be found in any home. I was looking for various options for educational mats and tablet modules. In general, we got good benefits with a minimum of financial costs. The parents of my students provided a lot of help in making crafts. Together we sewed, glued, nailed, created, invented.

The purpose of these benefits is to develop the sensory abilities of young children, memory, thinking, imagination, develop hand motor skills, and tactile sensations.

The manuals contain tasks and exercises for sensory development, fine motor skills of the hands, speech, logical thinking, imagination, and creative abilities of the child.

All exercises are easy to perform. Their regular repetition contributes to the development of gross, fine and articulatory motor skills, dexterity and coordination of movements. It has a beneficial effect on the development of logical thinking, attention, and memory.

The aids are easy to use; they can be played by one or several children at once in any space, both in a group and on a walk.

Touch cube

Purpose of the manual: To develop children's sensory abilities, speech, attention, imagination, memory, fine motor skills. Form a perception of the quality of objects, teach joint play and interact in a team.

The cube is easy to make, multifunctional, and takes up little space. Several children can play it at the same time. A cube is made from six plastic sink grates, the edges are held together with insulating tape. Inside the cube there are several colored balls of different diameters. A small bell is suspended on the upper edge from the inside.

On each side face on the outside there are various objects for the development of children's sensory abilities. These are ribbons for tying bows, ropes for braiding hair, beads for tactile sensations, Kinder surprise containers with aromatic fillings, small toys, colored clothespins for attaching primary colors.

Mathematical tablet "Geometric"

Purpose of the manual : development of fine motor skills of the fingers, familiarization with geometric shapes. The manual promotes the development of logic, helps to comprehend the basics of geometry, and freely navigate the plane. The manual is made of a wooden board measuring 50x50cm. covered with self-adhesive film. The entire surface is divided into four sectors: yellow, red, blue, green, using power buttons. From 1 to 4 people can play simultaneously. Children are given multi-colored rubber bands with which they depict various geometric shapes: square, triangle, rectangle, oval. The unique technique of “drawing with rubber bands” will give the child the opportunity to feel the shape of geometric shapes with his fingers and teach him to navigate on a plane. Develops attention and perseverance.

Module with locks

Purpose of the manual: An exciting game with locks will help the child develop fine motor skills, learn a lot about the world around him, Promotes the development of arbitrariness, cognitive activity, fine motor skills, ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, creativity, play activity, memory, combinatorial abilities, abstract thinking. ​ By opening and closing the locks, the child himself can check whether he is doing everything correctly. And if something is wrong, he himself will be able to correct his actions. The implementation of this principle is very important for the development of the child’s independence and his desire to learn. ​ Each door has its own unique lock and color. When opening the door, the child learns to use the closing device (hook, latch, latch) but also sees behind it a picture corresponding to the color of the door. at the bottom of the manual there are various devices for the development of children (socket, switch, calculator). The child learns the purpose of objects, learns to manipulate them, and expands his horizons.

Developmental mat

The purpose of the manual: to develop children's tactile sensations, speech, attention, helps to develop perseverance when working with this rug.

The manual is made from fabrics of different colors and textures. The first row shows different types of fabrics. Children compare fabrics by touch, which is smooth and which is rough and rough.

And in the second row there is faux fur. We compare the length and color of the fur, which animal it belongs to. The third row is presented in the form of a set of geometric shapes. Children learn to name shapes, their colors and their distinctive qualities from each other.

Developmental aid Caterpillar

1 circle of the caterpillar - helps children compare objects by size and color, compare the texture of buttons. Thus developing attention, memory, thinking.

Circle 2 - aimed at developing fine motor skills of the fingers. There are several multi-colored zippers on it, with the help of which children consolidate their knowledge of the colors of objects and develop motor skills of their fingers.

3rd circle of the caterpillar - decorated with a spiral of beads of different colors and shapes (rings, stars, shells, balls) by playing with them, children consolidate their knowledge of color and develop tactile sensations.

4th circle - decorated in the form of houses with a roof. The halves of the houses are connected using hooks and buttons. When children open the doors, a surprise awaits them (residents of the houses). The game is aimed at developing children’s ability to manipulate various types of fasteners (hooks, buttons, Velcro).


1. Abdullaeva Sh.A. Formation of sensory experience and methods of its organization in young children. Abstract. – M., 1975.

2. Buyanova R. Sensory development of children // Social work. - No. 12. – 2006.

3. Vartan V.P. Sensory development of preschool children. – Mn.: BrGU, 2007.

4. Friedrich Froebel. We will live for the sake of our children / Comp. foreword by A.M. Volumbaeva. – M.: Publishing house “Karapuz”, 2001.

5. Internet resources:

6.Internet resources:

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Purpose of sensory education for preschoolers 4-5 years old

Sensory education of children aged 4-5 years is focused on the formation of the foundations of sensory perception of the surrounding reality and the formation of sensory representations of preschoolers. It is important to carry it out precisely during this period because it is sensitive for the development of the sensory side of the personality and the formation of sensory ideas.

Based on this goal, we can identify a number of tasks for sensory education of children 4-5 years old. These include:

  1. Expanding preschoolers’ understanding of the sensory structure of the world;
  2. Formation of productive sensory perception skills;
  3. Improving the sensory development of preschoolers through the active use of all senses;
  4. Development of skills in differentiating objects based on sensory characteristics;
  5. Formation of skills for examining objects based on sensory characteristics;
  6. Development of elementary sensory representations of preschool children.

Achieving these goals is carried out through various methods and areas of educational activity.

Areas of sensory education for children 4-5 years old

In middle preschool age, sensory education is implemented in the following areas:

  1. Meaningful activity. This activity helps the child focus on individual objects and their characteristics. The child masters the connection between the result of his work and the skills of identifying individual properties of an object, i.e. he understands that if he knows the shape of an object, its spatial location, he can find this object among others and obtain it.
  2. Educational activities. Sensory development and the formation of sensory representations are impossible without the targeted influence of teachers. They use special methods and techniques that help in productively mastering the properties of objects and training the acquired skills in practice.
  3. Adult guidance. It is necessary to minimize the preschooler’s mistakes in mastering sensory standards and forming sensory perception. An adult helps the child in sensory exploration of the world and guides him. At the same time, the role of not only the teacher is important, but also the adults who are close to the child: parents or guardians.
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