All professions are important, all professions are needed! Riddles about professions for children

How to transform an activity into a game form?

Kids are bored and uninterested in simply answering their parents' questions. We must not forget that, first of all, they are children who love to play, have fun and just have fun. To make solving problems about professions original and bright, you can organize the following event.

Prepare costumes or some of the accessories used by people of different professions. When the problem is announced, the child must put on the attire of the specialty that is hidden in the secret riddle, or pick up an accessory that is used by a person of the mystery craft. Only after this you need to voice your answer.

This game will be especially interesting if several children take part in it. In the second drawer you can put funny accessories: faces, wigs, masks. If the child doesn’t guess correctly, then let him put on one of these accessories. Thus, the child will not feel offended, even if he did not guess correctly.

He can't sleep at night, he has to count the stars

Complex riddles about professions for primary school students


He cannot sleep at night, He must count the stars And through a telescope see the light of all the unknown planets. (Astronomer)


Knowing the laws by heart, explaining all rights to us, resolving our disputes, and condemning the guilty. (Judge)


The pebbles are in a box, each one has been familiar to me for a long time. Dad walked along a mountain path, hitting them with a hammer. And the collection contains Marble, coal and granite. (Geologist)

My mother, the craftswoman, has mascara, blush, powder, and glue. And mom changes the faces of the performers. Do you need to make a Babka-Hedgehog from a beauty? No problem! Mom will be a little wiser and straighten out the crooked nose. (make-up artist)


He does not play a role in the play, He watches the actor. Someone will barely forget the role - He will tell you the right words. (Prompter)


He protects nature, drives away poachers, and in winter, at the feeders, forest animals are waiting for a visit. (Forester, huntsman)


Maybe he will fall off his horse and not get hurt at all. He performs all the stunts, and replaces the actors. (Stuntman)


He runs the show, knows all the scenes by heart. He teaches how to play a role. What should we call him, friends? (Director)


He knows everything about the artists and announces them from the stage. (Entertainer)


In the company, he calculates the profit and pays everyone’s salaries. And he is not too lazy to count all taxes all day long. (Accountant)


He's sitting somewhere in the studio and reading his text into the microphone. And only those who turn on the radio hear what he says. (Speaker)


All feathered creatures haunt his consciousness. A friend of rooks, crows, tits, He studies all birds. (Ornithologist)


This professional worker sharpens the parts on the machine. Without his skillful hands, neither a tank nor a plow could be assembled. (Turner)


He is a recognized expert on four-legged friends, The teacher is very strict, He holds the leash tightly. He teaches at the dog school how to follow commands. All boxers, mastiffs, and collies should know them by heart. (Canine handler)


Who is steeper, barely noticeable Towards the cloud, towards the cloud Meter by meter Rises with difficulty - Carrying his house on his back. (Climber)


He jumped down - hung on a flower, touched the ground - the flower curled up. (Skydiver)


Now, my friend, the question is this: Tell me what they call the Worker who mines coal for us underground. (Miner)


He kneaded the “dough” in a tub. But his goal is not rolls. He made a flower pot, then fired it in the oven. (Potter)


For mixing components, Mom knows all the percentages, deftly makes lotions, sprays, perfumes, colognes. (Perfumer)

Many people believe that a carpenter is the same as a joiner, but these two different professions should not be confused. They work with wood. A carpenter makes furniture and other wood products, while a carpenter makes boards and other parts for a carpenter.

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