Game “Say a word” for children of the middle group on the topics of the week card index (middle group)

Inspired by Elena’s scenario “First-grader’s Birthday, or Celebration at the Desk,” I decided to hold a similar holiday for my son, especially since it was not possible to organize a home party for Misha this year.
After carefully reading Elena’s script, scouring the Internet, remembering my childhood fun, I picked up several games and tasks and this is what I came up with. Props:
1. Scarves for blindfolding, chalk. 2. Balls - 3 pcs. 3. Balloons cut out of colored paper with riddles pasted on them. 4. Table with numbers. 5. Postcard for a congratulatory telegram. 6. Pictures with animals. 7. Gifts for children.

Before the start of the holiday, I introduced Misha. She told about his interests and hobbies, favorite games and books. It was a story-dialogue, the children were happy to talk about what they were interested in, what they did, and what they played.

Then I divided the children into 3 teams and we moved on to competitions.

First we congratulated Misha on his birthday.

Game "Congratulations"

Each team pronounced one word: 1 team

- Congratulations!
Team 2
- Happy Day!
Team 3
- birth!

I made a sign with my hand, and the team said their word, while I periodically confused them.

The next number in our program was a portrait of the birthday boy, which we drew with our eyes closed, and then Misha chose the best one. The competition turned out to be very fun.

We remembered with the children that when they congratulate the birthday person, they say various wishes.

Game "Wishers"

You help each other, answer questions only “Yes” and only “No”. Give me the answer together: If you say “no”, then knock with your feet, If you say “Yes”, then clap your hands.

An old grandfather goes to school. Is this true, children? ... (No - the children are knocking their feet) Does he take his grandson there? Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands) Ice - frozen water? We answer together... (Yes) After Friday - Wednesday? Together we will answer... (No) Is spruce always green? We answer, children... (Yes) Is a birthday a fun day? ... (Yes) Are there any games and jokes waiting for you? …(Yes) Are you okay with humor? …(Yes) Are we doing exercises now? …(No) Shall we congratulate the birthday boy? ... (Yes) Or will we send you to grandma? ... (No) Shall we give him a chocolate bar? … (Yes) Shall we kiss sweetly? ... (Yes) Happy birthday! And, of course, we wish: Mishutka grows bigger... (Yes) Definitely be fatter! ... (No) Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes) Both loud and pugnacious... (No) So that parents love! ... (Yes) With a strap so that they beat you more often! ... (No) So that they feed you ice cream! ... (Yes) Maybe stop congratulating? Should we play games? … (Yes)

Game “Say the Word”

I have a learned dog - a round button nose. If I’m wrong about something, he barks loudly: ... (woof-woof)

The crow is a good bird, but not suitable for a singer. How he opens his mouth is a nightmare - You can only hear: ... (caw-caw-caw)

Who is mustachioed like a robber, Jumped over the window sill, Scared away the neighbor's chickens And purred: ... (mur-mur)

The goose is noisy, with a long nose. The neck is like a question mark. The goose goes for a walk in the meadows and cackles: ... (ha-ha-ha)

Piglet washes himself in a puddle and hurries to dinner. I’ll cook bran for her, She’ll tell me: ... (oink-oink)

Ringing the bell, she ran away from me. The meadow is melting in the evening darkness, Where to look for her: ... (meh-meh)

She slowly walks from the river, She is warm in her fur coat, like in a stove, She comes up to the hut and calls me: ... (ba-ba)

Zorka walks through the meadows and brings us milk. Zorka should live in a mansion, And she in a stable: ... (moo-moo)

Waddled importantly, They bravely jumped into the river And, talking about something, They splash noisily: ... (quack-quack)

As soon as the cherry blossomed, a bee flew into the garden. I’ve been following her for a long time, She’s looking for honey: ... (zhu-zhu)

We also sang a song for Misha, but not in the usual way. I said that in the previous game we remembered the voices of animals, and suggested that the children organize an animal choir.

Game "Animal Choir".

We sing Gena the crocodile's song in animal voices. Each team chose a picture with an animal and sang their line in the voice of that animal.

You can sing another song, for example, “Happy Birthday to You,” but I had the melody of the song “Let them run clumsily...” and so we sang it.

To get some exercise, we played a game of pass the ball.

Game "Pass the ball".

Children stand one after another and pass the ball in different ways. On the top, on the right side, on the left side, between the legs. The last player, having received the ball, passes it back. Which team is faster?

According to the rules of the game, the last player must run forward and again pass the ball to the end of the team, etc. The game continues until the first player returns to his place, but since the distance between the rows is not very large and you can’t really run, we played it in the manner described above.

Then, with the help of riddles, we remembered our favorite fairy tales.

Fairytale riddles.

He got leeches, sold Karabas, the whole smell was of swamp mud, his name was... (Pinocchio - Duremar)

He lived in Prostokvashino and was friends with Matroskin. He was a little rustic, the dog’s name was... (Totoshka - Sharik)

He walked through the forest boldly, but the fox ate the hero. The poor thing sang goodbye. His name was... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)

He beats and tortures the poor dolls, He is looking for the magic key. He looks terrible, This is the doctor... (Aibolit - Karabas)

He was on the road for many days to find his wife, And the ball helped him, His name was... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich)

He finds out everything, spies on it, interferes with and harms everyone. She only cares about a rat, And her name is... (Yaga - Shapoklyak)

And beautiful and sweet, but very small! Slender figure, And the name is... (Snow Maiden - Thumbelina)

He lived in a bottle for hundreds of years, Finally he saw the light, He grew a beard, This kind one... (Santa Claus - Old Man Hottabych)

With blue hair and huge eyes, This doll is an actress, And her name is... (Alice - Malvina)

He somehow lost his tail, but the guests returned it. He is grumpy like an old man. This sad... (Piglet - Eeyore)

He is a big naughty man and a comedian, He has a house on the roof. A braggart and an arrogant man, And his name is... (Dunno - Carlson)

The number of riddles can be reduced.

Before writing the congratulatory telegram, I explained to the children what an “adjective” is, and we practiced their education a little, using the following game: I called a noun, for example, “hair”, and the children named the adjective “hairy”, respectively, “mind” - “smart”, “beauty” - “handsome”, etc. Then we began to compose the telegram. The children named adjectives, and I wrote them into a pre-prepared text, then we read it together.

We are writing a telegram to the birthday boy.

“………. And ………. Our Misha!!! Congratulations on ………. Happy Birthday! We wish you to be ………., always ………., so that today only ………. guests! We wish you to receive many ……….. gifts, ………. have fun, dance only………. dancing and singing only………. songs! And for us you will always remain the most ………. And ……….!!! Yours………. classmates".

And finally, the most interesting thing. I announced to the children that Misha and I had prepared a surprise for them, but the kids had to guess where it was. To do this, I cut out balloons from colored paper and stuck questions - problems - on them (since our class is mathematical, I selected the appropriate problems - arithmetic and logical. I attached these balloons with tape to the chalkboard (and I did this at the very beginning holiday, and the board turned out very elegant).

The children took turns coming to the board, picking the ball they liked, and I read out the problem, which the whole class solved. For the correct answer, children received a letter with a number and attached it to a cell with the same number in a special table, which also hung on the board. Having collected all the letters and composed a phrase, we found out where the surprise was hidden. The inscription turned out as follows: “Look for 2 rows on the 2nd desk” (That is, “Look for the second row of the second desk”)

The birthday boy was sitting at this desk. Misha took out a bag of gifts, and we gave them to the children. Like Elena, for a gift I printed out the lesson schedule from “Solnyshka” and supplemented it with a bag of sweets. The number of questions was equal to the number of letters, i.e. 18. Riddles can be very different. This competition can be held as a game of forfeits and given a variety of tasks, for example, jumping on one leg, reading a poem, portraying an elephant, etc.

I took puzzles and pictures for competitions from Solnyshka

At the end, our teacher gave Misha a gift from the class, and the children took turns telling Misha their wishes.

The holiday turned out to be interesting, cheerful, and dynamic. The children were very pleased and when they left they said thank you to both me and Misha. I haven’t regretted for a minute that I decided to do this. Although, I admit, I had my doubts. After all, the birthday is September 2, i.e. at the very beginning of the school year, when the children were not yet very familiar with each other, and even the teacher and I had, one might say, a casual acquaintance. But now it's all over. And I’m ready to hold the same holiday next year. Our teacher and another mother helped me organize the holiday, I would like to say a big thank you to them, as well as to Elena for the great idea and support.

All the best to you!

Appendix 1.
Logic puzzles
Author: Natalya Ivanova

To dress my sons warmly, two socks are missing. How many sons are there in a family if there are six socks in the house? (4)

The kids have so many books, Alyosha has so many heels. Galya brought the children a ball, a book, and bears. Have you guys counted how many books there are? (3)

Two raccoons came running to three frogs by the swamp, Aunt Toad galloped up, and the hen Ryaba came. How many amphibians were there in the marsh reeds? (4) Next >>>

Appendix 2.
Arithmetic problems
Author: Natalya Ivanova

I have two toys, tomorrow I will give one to Vanyushka. It's Vanya's birthday, I'll take him the horse. How many toys will I have at home tomorrow? (1)

Seryozha has a pencil and Dasha has another one. How many pencils do kids have for two? (2)

I have two candies, I’ll give one to my sister Svetka. I'm not greedy, and for this my dad gave me two candies! And now there are even more candies than at first! (3) Next >>>

Script writer: Irina Nikitina, especially for the children's portal “Solnyshko” Published September 20, 2007
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Speech games on the lexical topic “Summer” for children 5-6 years old with ODD


Nouns: summer, June, July, August, rain, heat, sun, grass, trees, rest, vacation, holidays, time, joy, fun, swimming, trip, resort, sanatorium, tour, camp, flowers, mushrooms, berries, fun, river, sea, fishing rod, hike, butterflies, bees.

Adjectives: hot, warm, sultry, cold, rainy, damp, wonderful, red, green, cheerful, fruitful, long, short, long-awaited.

Verbs: relax, sunbathe, splash, bake, swim, bathe, dive, plant, grow, collect, leave, play, ride.

Didactic games:

  1. “Name the signs of summer”: it has become hot, the grass has grown, flowers have appeared, the berries are ripening, the birds have hatched their chicks, people are swimming, sunbathing, going on vacation...
  2. “Name it next”:

Spring Summer Autumn Winter). Summer, ...(autumn, winter, spring), etc.

  1. “Call it affectionately, a lot”: sun, rain, grass, flower, vegetable garden, day, dacha, village, etc.
  2. “Pick up a word.”

What a summer - hot, sultry, cold, warm, rainy, damp, wonderful, red, green, cheerful, fruitful, long, short, long-awaited, bright, colorful, joyful.

The sun in summer (what?) is yellow, hot, bright, warm.

The sky in summer (what?) is blue, bright, light, cloudless, stormy.

Clouds in summer (what kind?) - high, white, blue, thunderous, rainy.

The grass in summer (what?) is green, fragrant, tall, short, soft.

Water in summer (what?) - warm, cool, pleasant, refreshing.

Rain in summer (what kind?) - warm, long-awaited, torrential, short, lingering.

Children in the summer (what?) are cheerful, joyful, funny, noisy.

  1. "Choose an action":

In the summer the sun (what does it do?) shines, warms, bakes, warms, dries. It's raining, pouring, pouring. The wind blows, blows, refreshes.

The grass smells, turns green, dries, grows, lies.

Clouds stand, float, advance, pour (rain).

Flowers grow, bloom, smell, delight, decorate.

Fruits - grow, ripen, fall, fill. Birds fly, sing, chirp, rejoice; hatch, teach (chicks), take care (of chicks).

Children sunbathe, swim, warm themselves, play, jump, have fun, and rejoice.

  1. “Say otherwise.”

Children who are not sad are happy. Not cold water - warm.

Not a long rain - a short one. Not a dark sky - a light one.

Not a rainy sky - sunny. Raspberries are not bitter - they are sweet.

The grass is not short, it is tall.

  1. “Summer fun” (with clapping): riding a bicycle, scooter, roller skates, playing badminton, tennis, ball, football, jumping rope, sunbathing, swimming, playing with sand, shooting with a water pistol, etc.
  2. “Making proposals for friendship”:

Summer is “friendly” with chamomile, but “not friendly” with snowman.

Summer is “friendly” with a scooter, but “not friendly” with a sled.

Summer is “friendly” with flowers, but “not friendly” with snow.

Summer is “friendly” with mushrooms, but “not friendly” with leaf fall.

Summer is “friendly” with rainbows, but “not friendly” with skiing

  1. “Find the missing word.”

The sun... is bright. The forest... is beautiful. The river... fast.

Berries... in the forest. Flowers... in the meadow. Dragonfly...over the water.

Anthill... ants. Birds... fun.

  1. "Complete the sentences with". In the summer they go to the forest (for what?)…

The boletus grows (where?)… Berries and mushrooms are collected (where?)…

Apples are ripe (where?)… Cornflowers are growing (where?)… The guys are swimming (where?)…

In the summer, future schoolchildren prepare for (what?)…

People who grow bread are called... grain growers.

People who plant gardens are called...gardeners.

People who grow vegetables are called... vegetable growers.

People who grow flowers are called... flower growers.

I love summer because...

  1. “Choose your words.”

In summer there are many trees in the forest: spruce, oak, pine...

In summer you can see many different animals in the forest:... .

In summer, a lot of mushrooms grow in the forest:... berries:....

In summer there are many flowers in the meadows:….

There are many insects flying above them:….

  1. “What can you say?”

Summer (day, rain), summer (rainbow, clothes, weather, shoes), summer (sun), summer (days). Sunny - sky, mood.

Cheerful - guys, birds, people. Green - leaves, trees, insects.

Delicious - raspberries, blueberries, cherries.

  1. “Gather an offer”:

In, hot, forest, quiet, and. bright, sun, shining, on, sky.

Green grass has grown. There are a lot of leaves on trees.

Flowers, a lot, have grown. Berries, on, bushes, hanging, raspberries, large.

Beetles, butterflies, a lot, fly. In, forest, good!

  1. “Name the summer months”: June, July, August.

Coloring game “Summer day”

Game "Summer in the Country"

Game “Riddles about summer”

Game "Seasons"

Game “12 months”

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