Outline of educational activity with preschoolers of the middle group “Looking at pictures about nature”

Progress of the lesson:

- All the children gathered in a circle!

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

- Guys, here we are in the land of fairy tales and the first task awaits us. I suggest you sit comfortably on the chairs.

-We received a letter today. Let's read and find out what kind of letter this is and who it is from. (open the envelope and read)

Q: – And to get to a fairyland , you need to know and love fairy tales . Do you like fairy tales ?

Q: Do you want to go on a fabulous journey ?

Q: I have a magic bell. And in order for us to get into a fairy tale , we need to close our eyes and say the magic words:

One two Three! Get into !

Q: Guys: open your eyes! Here we are in a fairy tale ! Oh, there's a chest here. What's in it? And here is the Fox’s first obstacle that we need to overcome in order to move on.

They open the chest and find a ball and a note: “In order for the ball to lead you further through fairyland , you must answer my tricky questions. Here's a magic flower for you. Tear off the petals and find out the tasks"

- What song did Kolobok sing?

- What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

— What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?

- What words did the cockerel shout when he wanted to drive the fox out of the hare’s hut?

- What words did Mishutka say when he saw the broken chair?

Q: Well done children, you coped well with the first test.

Q: I suggest you rest a little - physical minute: “Turnip”

The turnip has grown big. That's what it is! That's what it is! (arms to the sides, up, down)

Grandfather and grandmother are pulling the turnip, but it is stuck tightly. (bends, squats)

The granddaughter runs and runs towards them, in a hurry to pull out the turnip. (running in place)

The bug wags its tail and helps grandma and grandpa. (turns right, left)

The cat arches its back, the cat releases its claws. (bend over backwards)

It helps to pull the turnip, but it is stuck tightly. (squats)

With the mouse they quickly and skillfully pulled out the turnip. (jumping up on two

Q: We need to move on, because there are still fabulous trials that the fox has prepared for us.

(the teacher throws the ball towards the easels)

You roll, roll, ball,

Just don't rush too much,

Show me the path.

Q: To complete this task, let's stand in a circle. Game: Fairytale Lotto

(children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball into your hands)
Q: I throw the ball into your hands and say the first word, and you guess the name of the fairy tale .

The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Cockerel (and bean seed)

I will show illustrations, and you look carefully and tell me a fairy tale .

4. "Zayushkina's hut"


5. "The wolf and the seven Young goats"


6. "Cat Rooster and Fox"

8. "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"


A bun appears: “Thank you guys for your help! fairy tales so well that thanks to your correct answers to the Fox’s tricky questions, I found myself back in my fairy tale !”

Q: Well, guys, we helped Kolobok get into his fairy tale , and it’s time for us to go to kindergarten.

Educator: Guys, today you solved interesting and difficult tasks for the Fox. They helped Kolobok return home.

- Which country did we visit? ( "Land of Fairy Tales "


- Who confused all the paths? (Fox)

- Name the fairy tales that you remember?

— What did you like most about our trip ?

As a token of gratitude, I have a surprise for you - these are stickers with characters from your favorite fairy tales

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