Information for parents in the parent corner in kindergarten: ideas for design

Parents' corner according to FROGS in kindergarten: important design rules

Parent's corner according to FROGS in kindergarten: important design rules
Most people don’t even think about the fact that parent’s corners in kindergartens must be designed in accordance with some rules. But in fact, there is even a special passport that specifies the characteristics of the corner.

The passport contains the following information:

  • Initially, the name of the parent’s corner is written in the passport, for example, the “Health” corner, the “First-Grader” corner.
  • Next comes a description of the group - its number is indicated, as well as the exact age of the children who attend it.
  • Further, the passport indicates the purpose for which the parent corner was created, for example, in order to tell parents what the children did today, or when the holiday matinee will be held.
  • It also indicates what visual materials were used, as well as their quantity, for example, wall posters or special maps.
  • If the corner has a thematic focus, for example, helping parents teach their children, then the passport contains a card index of games and exercises that are recommended to parents.

Parents' corner according to FROGS in kindergarten - important design rules:

  • The parent's corner should satisfy not only the interests of parents, but also children, according to their age. This means that while mom or dad is studying information, the baby should also be busy with something. For example, even looking at funny pictures.
  • Visual aids and materials also need to be selected taking into account the age of the children in the kindergarten group. So, in the nursery group there is no need to place stands with the alphabet. This age category is currently only interested in bright pictures.
  • The parent's corner should look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. It is best to use bright colors and more beautiful fonts for headers and titles.
  • The corner should be located in the most convenient place. It should be well lit, otherwise it will be difficult for parents to read the information that is written in small print. If it is not possible to place the stand in the brightest part of the room, you need to consider an additional light source.
  • In the parent's corner of the kindergarten there must be information that takes into account regional characteristics - life, crafts, types of art, language.

Package of consultations for parents of children of primary preschool age

“Age characteristics of three-year-old children”

Time flies and your baby is already three years old. He has noticeably matured and wiser, and it is easier to agree on anything with him. Now a rather important period is coming for him - his personality is beginning to form. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this moment and lay a solid foundation for this.

Psychological characteristics of children 3 years old

At this age, children’s consciousness changes somewhat, and they begin
to perceive themselves as an independent person
. In this regard, parents may encounter some difficulties and sometimes even problems.

Children have a desire to independently manage their lives. At the same time, they find themselves in a very difficult situation, since on the one hand, children strive to do everything themselves, rejecting the help of loved ones, and on the other hand, they continue to reach out to their parents, realizing that they cannot do without their care. This may cause unbalanced behavior

, protests, stubbornness, hysterics and even outbursts of aggression.

During this period, it is important for adults to treat their child with respect, to make him realize the value of his own opinion, tastes and interests. It is necessary to support his desire for self-realization and provide the child with the opportunity to express his individuality, because he already clearly understands all his desires and aspirations.

Also, the psychological characteristics of a 3-year-old child are indefatigable curiosity and activity.

. He increasingly asks questions “why?” and “why?”, the baby is interested in absolutely everything, because before that he was just getting acquainted with the world around him, but now he wants to understand it. The level of development of a 3-year-old child is determined by how early he begins to ask such questions - the earlier, the more complete mental development. It is very important for parents to support their child’s curiosity and help him explore the world.

The age of three is the best period for children to develop through games such as modeling, drawing and designing. This will have a beneficial effect on the formation of memory, perception, speech, perseverance and thinking.

Children of this age become more susceptible to criticism

, blame and comparisons with others. Support and evaluation of their activities are very important for them; this has a significant impact on the further formation of self-esteem. Parents need to teach their child to overcome difficulties, helping him achieve positive results.

Emotional development of a 3 year old child

At this age, the baby begins to be happy if he manages to do something and get upset if he doesn’t go out. He shows pride both in himself and in his loved ones, for example, “my dad is the bravest,” “I am the best jumper,” etc.

Beautiful and ugly things evoke different emotions in him, he notes the difference between them and evaluates them. He also notices the joy, dissatisfaction, and sadness of those around him. Can empathize

to various characters when watching cartoons or listening to fairy tales: getting angry, sad, happy, etc.

The baby may feel ashamed or upset

. He knows when he has done something wrong, worries when he is scolded, and can be offended for a long time by punishment. Understands if someone else is doing something bad and gives it a negative assessment. The child may also show feelings of jealousy or stand up for others.

Speech development of a 3-year-old child

Usually, at this age, kids already speak quite well.

, can speak out and understand what is wanted from them. If speech can develop differently in two-year-old children, and there are no specific requirements for it, then a normally developed three-year-old child should have some skills.

Speech characteristics of 3 year old children:

  • The child should be able to name animals, clothes, household items, plants, equipment, etc. from pictures.
  • You must say “I” about yourself, and also use pronouns: “mine”, “we”, “you”.
  • Must be able to speak in simple phrases of three to five words. Start combining two simple phrases into a complex sentence, for example, “when mom finishes cleaning, we will go for a walk.”
  • Enter into dialogues with adults and children.
  • Must be able to talk about what he did recently and what he is doing now, i.e. conduct a conversation consisting of several sentences.
  • Must be able to answer questions based on the plot picture.
  • Must answer what his name is, give his last name and age.
  • Outsiders must understand his speech.

Physical development of a 3 year old child

Due to accelerated growth, body proportions change

, children become slimmer, their posture and the shape of their legs change noticeably. On average, the height of three-year-old children is 90-100 centimeters and their weight is 13-16 kilograms.

At this age, the child can perform and combine various actions

. He can jump over a line, step over an obstacle, jump from a small height, stand on his toes for several seconds, and climb stairs on his own. Also, the baby must be able to eat with a fork and spoon, put on shoes, dress, undress, fasten and unfasten buttons. The level of development of a 3-year-old child should allow him to independently regulate physical needs - go to the toilet in a timely manner, while sitting down, undressing and dressing.

“The role of didactic games in family and kindergarten”

Didactic games are one of the means of educating and teaching preschool children.

In play, the child develops physically and learns to overcome difficulties. He develops intelligence, resourcefulness, and initiative.

The “Kindergarten Education Program” places great demands on didactic games. It says: “With the help of didactic games, the teacher carries out sensory education of children, develops cognitive processes (curiosity, understanding of the relationship between simple phenomena, etc.). He uses the game as a means of developing thinking, speech, imagination, memory, expanding and consolidating ideas about the life around him.”

In the theory and practice of preschool education, there is the following classification of didactic games:

a) with toys and objects;

b) so-printed;

c) verbal.

New games need to be introduced gradually. They must be accessible to children and at the same time require a certain amount of effort, contribute to their development and self-organization.

The characteristic features of didactic games are that they are created by adults for the purpose of teaching and raising children. However, created for didactic purposes, they remain games. The child in these games is attracted, first of all, by the game situation, and while playing, he quietly solves a didactic problem.

Each didactic game includes several elements, namely: a didactic task, content, rules and game actions. The main element of a didactic game is a didactic task. It is closely related to the lesson program. All other elements are subordinate to this task and ensure its implementation.

Didactic tasks are varied. This can be familiarization with the environment (nature, flora and fauna, people, their way of life, work, events in social life), speech development (consolidating correct sound pronunciation, enriching vocabulary, developing coherent speech and thinking). Didactic tasks may be associated with the consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts.

The content of didactic games is the surrounding reality (nature, people, their relationships, everyday life, work, events in social life, etc.).

A big role in the didactic game belongs to the rules. They determine what and how each child should do in the game, and indicate the path to achieving the goal. Rules help develop children's inhibition abilities (especially in early preschool age). They teach children the ability to restrain themselves and control their behavior.

Children of primary preschool age find it very difficult to take turns. Everyone wants to be the first to take a toy out of the “wonderful bag”, get a card, name an object, etc. But the desire to play and play in a group of children gradually leads them to the ability to inhibit this feeling, that is, to obey the rules of the game.

Thanks to the presence of game actions, didactic games used in the classroom make learning more entertaining, emotional, help increase children's voluntary attention, and create the prerequisites for a deeper mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Didactic games contribute to the formation of mental qualities in children: attention, memory, observation, and intelligence. They teach children to apply existing knowledge in various play conditions, activate a variety of mental processes and bring emotional joy to children.

Play is indispensable as a means of developing correct relationships between children. In it, the child shows a sensitive attitude towards a friend, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, to help in trouble, etc. Therefore, the game is an excellent means of fostering collectivism.

Didactic games also contribute to artistic education - improvement of movements, expressiveness of speech, development of creative imagination, bright, heartfelt portrayal of an image.

Children of all age groups play with dolls. Games such as “Treating a doll”, “Bathing a doll”, “Walking with a doll”, “Putting a doll to sleep” and others are used mainly to consolidate, clarify and expand everyday vocabulary and develop coherent speech, and least of all attention is paid to using these games for educational purposes. The doll is the favorite toy of children. They treat her the way a mother treats her child. This forms in children such positive qualities as caring for the doll, tenderness, affection, attention, and the desire to see the doll always clean, neat, and combed. If adults instill these qualities during play, the child will not throw the doll on the floor or drag it by the leg. The positive moral qualities formed will gradually be transferred to the relationships of the children themselves.

Many didactic games lead children to generalization and classification, to the use of words denoting general concepts (tea, tableware, kitchen utensils, furniture, clothing, shoes, food).

Didactic games are an indispensable means of teaching children to overcome various difficulties in their mental and moral activities. These games contain great opportunities and educational effects on preschool children.

“Physical education - hurray!”

Many parents whose children are often sick for a long time believe that a child who is in poor health should not be burdened with physical exercise. This opinion is wrong: there are no contraindications for physical education. Nowadays many different sets of physical exercises have been developed. The main thing is to choose the physical activity that each child needs. The simplest selection criterion is the child’s well-being and mood during and after classes. It is also very important to follow the principle of gradualness so that physical activity improves the functioning of all vital organs.

Systematic classes and physical exercises that are feasible for the baby will certainly strengthen his health, make him strong, dexterous, and resilient. How can parents organize their child’s health through physical education? These remedies have long been known: morning exercises, jogging, swimming, cycling, hiking and excursions, in winter - skiing, skating. You just need to use these means not occasionally, but constantly, so that they become part of your family routine, become necessary and familiar to you and your child.

Teach your child the skills of self-monitoring of their own health. For example, he must be able to check and monitor his posture. You, of course, know this trick. Stand with your back to the wall, pressing your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and head tightly against it. Fix this position and, moving away from the wall, remember. With repeated repetition, muscle “memory” is developed. Adults must reinforce the skill of controlling posture by their own example - they themselves must sit correctly, walk, hold their back, and do exercises that strengthen their muscles.

Domestic doctor and teacher E.A. Arkin pointed out: “Both the physical position of our body and the mental attitude in relation to the world around us are entirely a matter of education, the result of those examples and models that the child sees and hears from his parents.” Let your baby be healthy and happy!

Consultations with parents of preschool children

Compiled by:

Guselnikova O.A.

"Speech of a little preschooler"

The development of a child’s intelligence is a multifaceted and complex process. In it, perception, attention, memory, thinking, and speech go hand in hand. And which of the listed components of intellectual development is the primary and most important is impossible to determine. They all walk side by side, relying on each other in development, from time to time losing primacy to each other.

Speech. Any human activity requires not only his understanding of the words of his native language, but also their use in speech (education of sound culture of speech, expansion and activation of vocabulary); you need to be able to put words - “building blocks” into sentences: change them by cases, numbers, genders, etc. (development of the grammatical structure of speech, you need to be able to ask, answer, tell (development of coherent speech).

And, if all components of intelligence are so important, then at what age should they be developed?

According to modern psychologists, speech therapists, and teachers, at the age of 3-5 years, the intensive formation and development of skills and abilities begins that contribute to children’s study of the external environment, analysis of the properties of objects and phenomena; At this age, the child’s “feeling” for language is also especially pronounced.

The time at which the prerequisites for the formation of a particular function arise is individual for each child, although it is approximately determined by age. Therefore, in order not to miss the most successful period for starting developmental education, it is more advisable to start it from the age of 3: this will also be useful for those children who have the prerequisites for mastering various developmental tasks and topics, the pace of development of which is individual and lags behind average age norm.

Tips for parents:

How to work with a child?

— Dear adults, remember that your tasks should not be evaluative, but educational and developmental in nature.

— The main thing when working is not the amount of knowledge a child has mastered, but the development of his desire to learn.

- A child will study successfully if he wants to study, and does not study because he is forced. Your task is to turn your requirements into the child's desires.

- Never compare your child with other children, celebrate only his own successes and achievements.

- It should be remembered that the duration of one lesson should not exceed 15-20 minutes. If your child attends kindergarten, then one lesson per day is enough. If the child does not attend kindergarten, then two such classes can be held per day with an interval of at least 15 minutes.

— For each lesson, tasks should be selected, both verbally and on worksheets.

— It is advisable to complete tasks on worksheets in pencil (except for those where work with color is provided). This will give you the opportunity to invite your child to repeat the task if the initial solution is unsuccessful.

— For one lesson, try to select exercises in different directions, for example, exercises for developing attention, coherent speech, and developing vocabulary.

— At the beginning of the lesson, to ensure a positive attitude, it is better to offer the types of exercises that the child has mastered during work in previous lessons.

— Don’t forget to repeat those tasks that caused difficulties for your child.

— When helping your child with any tasks, do not complete the task for him: it is better to ask a leading question, offer 2-3 answer options, and return to tasks of the same type completed earlier.

— If your child can’t cope with the task, don’t worry: put off the task until the next lesson and think about why the child couldn’t cope with the task.

"Daily regime. Is this important or not?

There is no greater joy for parents than to see their child healthy and seasoned.

In order for a child to grow up healthy, balanced, physically strong, have a good appetite and good sleep, one must strictly adhere to the regime. It is the most important condition for proper education. A routine is a rational and clear alternation of sleep, food, rest, and various types of activities during the day. Sleep, food, walks, direct educational activities - all this should be carried out in a certain sequence. A rhythmic routine contributes to the normal development of the child’s body.

Why is the regime so important? All life processes in the body proceed in a certain rhythm. The heart works rhythmically - contraction is followed by relaxation; breathing is rhythmic, when inhalation and exhalation alternate evenly; food in the digestive tract is processed within a certain time frame.

All phenomena in nature also proceed in rhythm: the change of seasons, day and night. Scientists have found that a life ordered by a regime ensures the normal course of life processes.

A correct regimen that corresponds to the child’s age-related capabilities improves health, ensures efficiency, successful implementation of various activities, and protects against overwork.

If a child eats, sleeps, rests, walks, and exercises whenever he pleases, then he will soon lose his appetite, sleep becomes restless, the child develops poorly, whims and stubbornness appear. He is less disciplined and obedient.

One of the essential components of the daily routine is a walk. This is the most effective type of rest; it well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the air helps to increase the body's resistance, hardens it, and improves health. Staying in the fresh air has a positive effect on metabolism, especially the protein component of food, and the absorption of nutrients. After a walk, the child’s sleep and appetite always return to normal. A walk gives children the opportunity to satisfy their movement needs through outdoor games, work activities, and various physical exercises. The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable weather conditions.

A child’s behavior in kindergarten, his mood, and performance are directly dependent on how his activities and sleep are organized in the family on regular days and also on weekends.

Children spend their days off at home, as a rule, with significant deviations and even disruptions to their usual routine. It is no coincidence that the functional level of children on Monday is worse than on the second or third day of the week. Therefore, the child’s home regime on those days when he does not attend kindergarten should not differ from the preschool regime.

Summing up, I would like to say that an orderly home routine, daily evening walks, a full night's sleep for the child, and on weekends good rest in the fresh air, regulation of watching television (especially before bed) will contribute to the normal growth and development of the child, his physical and mental well-being. Remember this!

"The role of the family in raising children"

Raising the younger generation in a democratic society is a matter of particular concern. Its success is determined by the unity and consistency of the educational influences of public education carried out in state educational institutions, the family and the public. The basis of this unity is the complete coincidence of the interests of the state and the family in educating the new generation, which consists in the formation of comprehensively and harmoniously developed citizens, useful to society, and devoted to the Motherland.

The unity of public and family education is one of the main principles of the social education system, which is recorded in the most important government documents. The educational influence of the family on children should be more and more organically combined with their social upbringing.

The leading role of public education is due to the fact that a child is raised in a group of peers, where he acquires the first skills of social behavior; it is scientifically based, takes place in a specially created pedagogical environment and is carried out by professionally trained specialists.

Recognition of the leading role of public education does not detract from the enormous importance of the family in the formation of a child’s personality.

The family is the primary unit of society in which a new person appears; this small social group is the first school of life for a child. Parents are his first teachers and educators. The power of their influence on the developing personality is exceptionally great. The basis of parents’ influence on a child is their unselfish love for him, care for him, combined with exactingness. The child responds to this love and care with a feeling of deep affection and love for his parents, recognition of their superiority and authority, and the desire to follow them and imitate them in everything. The strength of the family's influence is determined by the child's compliance with educational influences and his imitation.

Our state evaluates the educational role of parents as their important social and civic duty.

“Citizens of Russia,” the Constitution says, “are obliged to take care of the upbringing of their children, prepare them for socially useful work, and raise them to be worthy members of society. Children are obliged to take care of their parents and provide them with assistance.”

The importance of the family in raising young children is especially great; under the guidance of their parents, they acquire basic ideas about the world around them.

Russian families have accumulated positive experience in successfully raising children in accordance with the requirements of society: instilling in them love for the Motherland and the foundations of moral behavior. But there are families in which serious mistakes are made in raising children, which negatively affects their further development and poses a complex problem of re-education. The main reason for these mistakes is the insufficient level of pedagogical culture of parents.

Wanting to raise your child to be a good person, a future citizen, is not enough. You have to be able to do this.

Who should help parents master the science and art of education? An important role in this work belongs to teachers of preschool institutions. In an effort to establish unity and interaction of educational influences on the child in the family and kindergarten, they carry out pedagogical education of parents, provide them with practical assistance, educators do a lot of work with the family, achieving the unity of public and family education.

Conditions for proper upbringing of children in the family

Parents must understand the thought of A. S. Makarenko that “raising children is the most important area of ​​our lives... Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, in front of the whole country." Raising your child should not be viewed as a personal matter, but as the fulfillment of a civic duty to society. By raising children, parents shape the personality of future workers, citizens, future fathers and mothers; Not only they themselves, but society as a whole are interested in success. In exceptional cases, when parents cannot create the necessary conditions for raising their children, the state provides them with assistance.

Raising children in a family can be successful only when parents clearly understand its purpose and objectives, ways and means of their implementation. This is necessary to establish the unity of educational influences in the family and kindergarten. “We must be clear about our own parental desires,” said A. S. Makarenko. He emphasized that parents must clearly understand who they want to raise from their child, what kind of person, what qualities to endow him with. To raise a child correctly, you need to know and understand him well, and this requires pedagogical knowledge. They will help parents in correctly analyzing their child’s behavior and choosing the right ways to raise him.

An important role in raising children is played by the general way of life of the family: equality of spouses, organization of family life, correct relationships between family members, a general tone of goodwill, mutual respect and care, an atmosphere of patriotism, hard work, general order and family traditions, unity of adults’ demands for the child. Family life should be organized in such a way that not only material needs (food, clothing, warmth, etc.), but also spiritual needs are more fully satisfied and developed.

Parents must have authority in the eyes of the child; without this, education is impossible. What is parental authority based on? The basis of parental authority is the civil face of the parents, their life, work, behavior, and sense of responsibility for their family before society. The most authoritative parents are those who successfully combine work and social activities with family responsibilities, show interest and attention to the lives of their children, skillfully and tactfully guide their lives and development - all this applies equally to both mother and father.

The basis of the parent's attitude towards the child is a natural and wonderful feeling of love for him. “Love is the creator of everything good, sublime, strong, warm and bright,” wrote F. E. Dzerzhinsky. It's all about feeling the extent of manifestation of parental love, combining it with exactingness and respect for the child's personality. Immense love for a child, manifested in the unconditional satisfaction of all his desires and demands “I want”, “Give”, “Buy”, open admiration of him, demonstration of his barely visible abilities - all this harms the baby, makes him capricious, selfish, weakens his will . Such love for a child is called blind.

The correct attitude of parents towards children lies in the ability to combine affection, softness, and tenderness with strict consistent demands, taking into account the child’s capabilities and age characteristics. A. S. Makarenko advised parents “to be as affectionate as you like with the child, joke with him, play, but when the need arises, you must be able to give orders briefly, once...”. Consequently, the tone of the relationship between parents and children should combine calmness, balance, friendliness with determination and efficiency. Treating a child correctly means respecting him as a person, even if he is still small, with little life experience and knowledge, respecting his rights to the attention of adults, to communicate with them, to conditions for a variety of activities.

Materials for the parent's corner in the preschool educational institution - information in the parent's corner

Materials for the parent's corner in a preschool educational institution - information in the parent's corner
And now, let's figure out what information can be placed in the parent's corner. Remember that it should be presented as positively, clearly and, if possible, in not very large volumes. It is unlikely that parents will stand near the stand for a long period of time; they should see a short and informative message in front of them. It is also important to take into account that when placing printed information on a stand, it is necessary to indicate the authorship, date of publication of the material, and, if available, a link to the website, so that you can familiarize yourself with the material in full.

Materials for the parent corner in the preschool educational institution - information in the parent corner:

  • Materials about the physical development of children
  • Materials about the mental development of children
  • Materials about aesthetic education
  • Materials about developmental features
  • Materials about health, ways to improve your health
  • Materials about self-care skills
  • Materials about planned classes
  • Materials about children's literature
  • Materials about music and musical works
  • Materials about teaching methods for preschoolers
  • Materials about the seasons
  • Materials on speech development
  • Advice from psychologists, speech therapists, pediatricians
  • Thematic materials - New Year, March 8, Easter, February 23

Consultations for parents – Consultation “Music and graphics” for older preschoolers

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Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Parents' corner of the nursery group in kindergarten:

  • In the parent's corner of the nursery group of a kindergarten there must be information on how to adapt a child to kindergarten.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Parent's corner of a nursery group in a kindergarten
To defuse the situation, humorous rules for parents can be placed in the parent's corner.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

We must also remember that this age category of children is very strongly attached to their parents; they simply cannot imagine their existence without them. To make the morning separation ritual as comfortable as possible, teach your parents how to do it correctly.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

It is also important to explain to parents what they cannot bring to kindergarten. This way you can avoid the occurrence of not very pleasant situations.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Be sure to place material on the physical characteristics of young children at the orientation booth. It is important that parents understand in time that the baby is tired and it’s time for him to rest. The psycho-emotional and physical health of the baby depends on this.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

And of course, don’t forget about entertainment for the kids. Advise parents on how to entertain their child.

Parents' corner for a nursery group in a kindergarten

Consultation for teachers “How to correctly format text information for parents”

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“How to properly format text information for parents”

Prepared by senior teacher L.K. Lazareva.

Raising children is inextricably linked with the pedagogical education of parents. It is the parents who lay the foundations of the child’s character and form the characteristics of his relationship with the people around him. Each family defines the process of education for itself in its own way, but each, albeit to varying degrees, needs qualified pedagogical assistance. Not every parent accepts this help. And the teacher’s task is to attract the parent to cooperation. The forms of work with families on pedagogical education are varied. Now we will talk about visual information in the corners for parents.

In modern teaching aids that consider current problems of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families, the attitude of the authors towards textual information for parents is ambiguous.

Visual information does not provide for direct contact between the teacher and parents, and therefore the form and method of its presentation is no less important than its content. The reality of our life is such that educators often take a formal approach to the use of visual propaganda, which, in turn, sharply limits the possibilities of its positive impact on increasing the competence of parents.

What needs to be done to ensure that the parent is attracted and interested in text information?

For this purpose, new approaches to the design of visual information in kindergarten are proposed.

I approach by Metenova N.M. in the book “For adults about children”

The following requirements apply to information corners:

  1. Information corners are designed according to a single plot, one fairy tale or poem, in the form of a forest, a flower meadow, a water kingdom, etc.
  2. A variety of materials are used in the design: foam rubber, polystyrene foam, wicker, macrame, etc., as well as small items: buttons, beads, natural and waste materials.
  3. Traditional stands and tablets are replaced with unusual shapes according to the plot: in a flower, on a crown, an apron, in strawberries, bird feathers, etc.
  4. The information is given in large print on a light background so that it can be read from a distance of 2-3 meters. The theme is highlighted by color and larger sizes.
  5. The coziness and comfort necessary for a favorable perception of the proposed material is created through the use of color-matched paints in calm neutral tones, ... and curtains on the windows, napkins on the table, the presence of fresh flowers, greenery, ikebana.
  6. Durability and safety are one of the main requirements for the design of visual propaganda. All materials are firmly attached to the wooden base. It is not recommended to stick sheets of paper to the wall, as well as to use buttons, paper clips and other sharp objects.
  7. Information materials are regularly updated depending on the category: daily, weekly, but at least once a month.

II approach of Arnautova E.P. the author is trying to answer the following question: “Is it possible to give textual information for parents a dialogical nature of communication?”

She draws the attention of teachers to the fact that the content of information for parents can be enhanced by periodically changing texts on a stand, screen and the organization of thematic texts on topics that concern parents and are relevant to family education. Parents' greatest interest in information is achieved when it is presented under different headings.

The author emphasizes the importance of following several rules for formatting text information:

  • Dynamics of information.
  • Rationality of the volume of text and the use of photographs (illustrations).
  • Aesthetic appeal.

1. Dynamism is achieved by the frequency of replacement and variety of headings throughout the year.

2. Rationality of the volume of text and the use of illustrations.

Parents are more willing to read short texts written in large print. A large amount of information involuntarily causes a reluctance to delve into it, especially when you are tired at the end of the day.

It is more justified to use photographs about the real life of a child in a family and kindergarten as illustrations. This causes an emotional response from parents. An attractive photograph can be accompanied by a short explanation.

Teachers often offer parents texts of children's poems, songs, riddles, and nursery rhymes. It is reasonable to inform parents how the teacher recommends using this material. (For example: “Please read this poem to your child expressively and tell him that you also learned it by heart when you were little” or “Help me remember”). The parent may need a pencil, pen and paper to write down the text recommended by the teacher.

3. The aesthetic appeal of a text is the culture of its presentation and literacy.

Texts must be readable, colors and font size and shape must be selected. The color scheme is not annoying, the text is printed on a computer in block letters. Poems - large. A4 sheet format.

The authors of the book “Working with parents in preschool educational institutions” O.I. Davydova, L.G. Bogoslovets, A.A. Malter also has the following requirements for the design of a corner for parents:

  • When placing any printed material at the stand (medical advice, psychologist), a link to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, is required.
  • The stand should be colorfully decorated. When decorating a stand, you should use not only hand-written drawings and signatures, but also posters and photographs (preferably children of the group and parents). The ratio of text and illustrations should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations), they should first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them.
  • A reserve should be created for the exchange of information between groups.

Since the topic of our meeting today is “Informing parents on health issues,” I would like to offer you the following information sections in the locker room:

  • “Consultation at your request” (thematic advice from specialists).
  • “What did you do?” (pedagogical situations).
  • "The children say."
  • “Our advertising” (advertising literature for children and adults, information about interesting publications and educational games).
  • “News from class” (life safety classes).
  • “Chronicle of good deeds” (for the formation of the moral health of children).
  • “Ask - we answer” (health issues).
  • "Raise children healthy."
  • “Mom, we are growing!”
  • "For parents about children's health."
  • “Doctor’s advice”, “Psychologist’s advice”.
  • "Let's talk about health."
  • "Doctor Aibolit's Corner."

I think that the consultation will help you in preparing text information for parents.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten:

At this age, it is already possible to begin intensive training for children. You can start with the rules of behavior. Of course, the kindergarten teacher will introduce children to the rules of behavior in society, but it will not be superfluous if parents also help children to socialize in society correctly.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

Don't forget to add information about your child's greed in the parent's corner. Parents must clearly understand that the baby is growing up as a little greedy person, and while there is an opportunity, help him learn to notice the needs of the people around him.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

Help parents not make mistakes when raising their baby. After all, some people believe that shouting and punishment can teach something. As a result, the child moves away from his parents and stops trusting them.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

At this age, the child must understand that his things must be put in a certain place. Even if he doesn’t do it very carefully, he does it on his own.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

It is also important to teach parents to give their child some freedom. It is important that they understand that overprotection will cause many problems over time.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

We also need to make sure that parents understand the importance of walking in the fresh air. After all, modern kids are literally familiar with Internet technologies from the cradle, and prefer watching cartoons instead of active pastime.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

You can also use posters with information about proper dental care as educational material.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

It is important to draw the attention of parents to the rules of nutrition so that the baby does not have health problems in the future.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

There must be information in the parent's corner on how to properly develop a child's skills.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten

In the parent corner of the younger group there must be educational information about the danger that may await the little one.

Parents' corner for the younger group in kindergarten



in the junior group of the joint venture kindergarten "Kolosok" GBOU secondary school No. 1 "OTs"

With. Bolshaya Glushitsa

developed by a student of the correspondence department of SSPK group 3B

Kondratyeva Lyubov Vladimirovna

Topic of consultation:

"Stubbornness and whims"

Purpose of consultation:

to assist parents in resolving the problem of children's whims and their stubbornness.



Identify the causes of whims and stubbornness.


Introduce mother Olga Alexandrovna to the characteristics of capricious and stubborn children;


Find practical recommendations for parents on how to overcome the problem of a child’s whims and stubbornness.


Increase the competence of parents in raising a child.

Sample questions for parents:

1.Are there any other children in the family?

2.Are the behavioral patterns of children in the family the same?

3. In what situations do Ivan’s whims and stubbornness most often manifest themselves?

4.What methods of interaction were used in these situations?

5.How often does the child act up?

6.What is the cause of stubbornness and whims?

7. How do you react to your child’s whims and stubbornness? What you are doing?

Practical recommendations for parents:

The first of the researchers who studied the problem of stubbornness were A. I. Zakharov, L. S. Vygotsky, Elsa Koehler, L. V. Ostrovskoy, N. L. Kryazhevoy and many other domestic and foreign scientists. Zakharov A.I. in his work “Neuroses in Children” writes that stubbornness most often occurs at the age of 1.5 to 2.5-3 and sometimes at 5 years.

The outstanding Russian psychologist Leonid Semenovich Vygotsky described the following symptoms of this crisis:


– the desire to do everything the other way around, contrary to requests or demands.

A child may insist that cheese is butter, blue is green, a lion is a dog. As soon as the adult agrees with him, the child’s “opinion” can suddenly change to the opposite.


. The child insists on his own not because he really wants it, but because he demanded it (“I want”).

Moodiness is the other side of the same behavior disorder. He understands that it is impossible, but insists (“I don’t want to”).


. He wants to do everything himself, refuses help where he still knows little (“I myself”).

I offer you recommendations for overcoming stubbornness and capriciousness in children:

I offer you recommendations for overcoming stubbornness and capriciousness in children:

1. Do not attach much importance to stubbornness and capriciousness. Take note of the attack, but don't worry too much about your child.

2. During an attack, stay close to him, let him feel that you understand him.

3. Do not try to instill anything in your child at this time - it is useless. Swearing makes no sense, spanking excites him even more.

4. Be persistent in your behavior with your child; if you say “no,” continue to remain with this opinion.

5. Don’t give up even when your child has a seizure in a public place. Most often, the only thing that helps is to take him by the hand and lead him away.

6. Hysteria and capriciousness require an audience, do not resort to the help of strangers:

“Look what a bad girl she is, ah-ah-ah!” This is all the child needs.

7. Try to cheat: “Oh, what an interesting toy (book, little thing) I have!”

Such distracting maneuvers will interest the capricious person and he will calm down.

8. Eliminate from your arsenal rude tone, harshness, and the desire to “break with the power of authority.”

9. Calm tone of communication, without irritability.

10. Concessions take place if they are pedagogically appropriate and justified by the logic of the educational process.

11. Do not praise a child if: it was not achieved through one’s own labor, is not subject to praise (beauty, strength, dexterity, intelligence), out of pity or a desire to please.

12. Praise the child: for an action, for an action accomplished; always begin to cooperate with a child with praise and approval; it is very important to praise the child in the morning, as early as possible and at night too; praise without praising (example: ask for help, advice, like an adult).

13. You cannot punish or scold a child: when the child is sick, unwell, or has recovered from an illness, since at this time the child’s psyche is vulnerable and the reaction is unpredictable; when the child eats, immediately after sleep and before bedtime; in all cases when something doesn’t work out (example: when you are in a hurry and the child cannot tie his shoelaces); after physical or mental trauma (example: a child fell, you scold him for it, believing that he is to blame); when the child could not cope with fear, inattention, mobility, etc., but tried very hard; when the internal motives of his action are not clear to you; when you're not yourself.

I suggest reading works of art to solve this problem.

For example,
the fairy tale “What kind of ears does mom have?”, author Tatyana Kholkina. The purpose of the fairy tale
: 1. To overcome the cry of a child.
2. Cultivate a caring attitude towards parents. Objectives of the fairy tale:
1. Using the example of the hero of the fairy tale, show that you cannot get what you demand by shouting. 2. A polite tone is the best solution to any problem.

Fairy tale “How Andryushka planted a seed” (T. Kholkina)

not only educational in its content, but also a good example of friendship and time spent in kindergarten.
The purpose of the fairy tale:
1. To encourage the child’s desire to attend kindergarten.
2. Respect for the environment .
Objectives of the fairy tale: 1. To introduce the kindergarten regime.
2. Show the importance of friendships. You can also watch educational cartoons with your child, for example: “ Queen Toothbrush”, “In the Forest”, “Mouse’s Song”
, etc.

To solve the problem of overcoming the child’s stubbornness and whims, you can also play games, not only at home or in kindergarten, but also on the way (to kindergarten, to the store, to the dacha or somewhere else) For example, the game “Why? » (from the collection “Games and Tales that Heal” by A. V. Rudenko)


Purpose of the game:

1. Distract the child's attention. 2. Expand the child’s horizons of knowledge.

Game objectives:

1. Get the child interested.

Game “Trap for Caprizuli”

, you can read it, but it’s better to dramatize it when a child has a “whim” in his ear.
Purpose of the game:
1. Help the child cope with his whims.

Game objectives:

1. Overcome the child’s stubborn behavior.


So, we have discussed with you the problem of children's whims and stubbornness.

Please tell me what you will do if your child is capricious and stubborn: he doesn’t want to leave the store and demands a new toy? What recommendation would you apply in this situation?

I would be glad if I helped you understand the situation. Thank you for your active participation in the consultation. Let's discuss changes in the child's behavior at home and in kindergarten in a week. Goodbye.


Topic of consultation:

"Stubbornness and whims"

Purpose of consultation:

to assist parents in resolving the problem of children's whims and their stubbornness.



Identify the causes of whims and stubbornness.


Introduce mother Olga Alexandrovna to the characteristics of capricious and stubborn children;


Find practical recommendations for parents on how to overcome the problem of a child’s whims and stubbornness.


Increase the competence of parents in raising a child.

Sample questions for parents:

1.Are there any other children in the family?

2.Are the behavioral patterns of children in the family the same?

3. In what situations do Ivan’s whims and stubbornness most often manifest themselves?

4.What methods of interaction were used in these situations?

5.How often does the child act up?

6.What is the cause of stubbornness and whims?

7. How do you react to your child’s whims and stubbornness? What you are doing?

Practical recommendations for parents:

The first of the researchers who studied the problem of stubbornness were A. I. Zakharov, L. S. Vygotsky, Elsa Koehler, L. V. Ostrovskoy, N. L. Kryazhevoy and many other domestic and foreign scientists. Zakharov A.I. in his work “Neuroses in Children” writes that stubbornness most often occurs at the age of 1.5 to 2.5-3 and sometimes at 5 years.

The outstanding Russian psychologist Leonid Semenovich Vygotsky described the following symptoms of this crisis:


– the desire to do everything the other way around, contrary to requests or demands.

A child may insist that cheese is butter, blue is green, a lion is a dog. As soon as the adult agrees with him, the child’s “opinion” can suddenly change to the opposite.


. The child insists on his own not because he really wants it, but because he demanded it (“I want”).

Moodiness is the other side of the same behavior disorder. He understands that it is impossible, but insists (“I don’t want to”).


. He wants to do everything himself, refuses help where he still knows little (“I myself”).

I offer you recommendations for overcoming stubbornness and capriciousness in children:

I offer you recommendations for overcoming stubbornness and capriciousness in children:

1. Do not attach much importance to stubbornness and capriciousness. Take note of the attack, but don't worry too much about your child.

2. During an attack, stay close to him, let him feel that you understand him.

3. Do not try to instill anything in your child at this time - it is useless. Swearing makes no sense, spanking excites him even more.

4. Be persistent in your behavior with your child; if you say “no,” continue to remain with this opinion.

5. Don’t give up even when your child has a seizure in a public place. Most often, the only thing that helps is to take him by the hand and lead him away.

6. Hysteria and capriciousness require an audience, do not resort to the help of strangers:

“Look what a bad girl she is, ah-ah-ah!” This is all the child needs.

7. Try to cheat: “Oh, what an interesting toy (book, little thing) I have!”

Such distracting maneuvers will interest the capricious person and he will calm down.

8. Eliminate from your arsenal rude tone, harshness, and the desire to “break with the power of authority.”

9. Calm tone of communication, without irritability.

10. Concessions take place if they are pedagogically appropriate and justified by the logic of the educational process.

11. Do not praise a child if: it was not achieved through one’s own labor, is not subject to praise (beauty, strength, dexterity, intelligence), out of pity or a desire to please.

12. Praise the child: for an action, for an action accomplished; always begin to cooperate with a child with praise and approval; it is very important to praise the child in the morning, as early as possible and at night too; praise without praising (example: ask for help, advice, like an adult).

13. You cannot punish or scold a child: when the child is sick, unwell, or has recovered from an illness, since at this time the child’s psyche is vulnerable and the reaction is unpredictable; when the child eats, immediately after sleep and before bedtime; in all cases when something doesn’t work out (example: when you are in a hurry and the child cannot tie his shoelaces); after physical or mental trauma (example: a child fell, you scold him for it, believing that he is to blame); when the child could not cope with fear, inattention, mobility, etc., but tried very hard; when the internal motives of his action are not clear to you; when you're not yourself.

I suggest reading works of art to solve this problem.

For example,
the fairy tale “What kind of ears does mom have?”, author Tatyana Kholkina. The purpose of the fairy tale
: 1. To overcome the cry of a child.
2. Cultivate a caring attitude towards parents. Objectives of the fairy tale:
1. Using the example of the hero of the fairy tale, show that you cannot get what you demand by shouting. 2. A polite tone is the best solution to any problem.

Fairy tale “How Andryushka planted a seed” (T. Kholkina)

not only educational in its content, but also a good example of friendship and time spent in kindergarten.
The purpose of the fairy tale:
1. To encourage the child’s desire to attend kindergarten.
2. Respect for the environment .
Objectives of the fairy tale: 1. To introduce the kindergarten regime.
2. Show the importance of friendships. You can also watch educational cartoons with your child, for example: “ Queen Toothbrush”, “In the Forest”, “Mouse’s Song”
, etc.

To solve the problem of overcoming the child’s stubbornness and whims, you can also play games, not only at home or in kindergarten, but also on the way (to kindergarten, to the store, to the dacha or somewhere else) For example, the game “Why? » (from the collection “Games and Tales that Heal” by A. V. Rudenko)


Purpose of the game:

1. Distract the child's attention. 2. Expand the child’s horizons of knowledge.

Game objectives:

1. Get the child interested.

Game “Trap for Caprizuli”

, you can read it, but it’s better to dramatize it when a child has a “whim” in his ear.
Purpose of the game:
1. Help the child cope with his whims.

Game objectives:

1. Overcome the child’s stubborn behavior.


So, we have discussed with you the problem of children's whims and stubbornness.

Please tell me what you will do if your child is capricious and stubborn: he doesn’t want to leave the store and demands a new toy? What recommendation would you apply in this situation?

I would be glad if I helped you understand the situation. Thank you for your active participation in the consultation. Let's discuss changes in the child's behavior at home and in kindergarten in a week. Goodbye.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten:

Be sure to place a special reminder in the parent’s corner about the advisability of punishing the child, because sometimes parents, as they say, “go too far,” and this behavior affects the emotional state of the baby.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Don't forget about the advice of a psychologist. Parents must clearly understand that the atmosphere in the family has a huge impact on the development of the baby and its socialization.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

A reminder about how a child should behave at home will also not be superfluous. After all, the mother may go to the pharmacy or the store for a couple of minutes, and the child must clearly understand that at this time he cannot let strangers into the home.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

A cheerful poster about a healthy lifestyle will appeal to both kids and parents.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Some children, due to their shyness, find it difficult to make contact with unfamiliar people, and this can become a problem - the child will not have friends. Parents should understand that this is a bad situation and try to solve the problem in a timely manner.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Each child is unique - some children are very calm, others live in their own imaginary world, and still others have many internal fears. Parents need to understand how to behave in different situations.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Advice from a speech therapist will also not be superfluous. After all, before enrolling in school, the child should not have problems with speech.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

#STAY AT HOME “Useful Internet resources for parents of preschoolers” article

Useful Internet resources for preschoolers - children's coloring books, online coloring books, coloring books with numbers, pictures with numbers, children's labyrinths, skillful hands, educational children's online games, free online games for boys and girls and much more for your child. - “Training and educational programs for children” for their development, education, training and creativity. Here you will find articles about children, educational and developmental programs for kids and schoolchildren, which can be downloaded for free, and the child will certainly want to watch children's educational videos, the best cartoons, fairy tales and books, all games for development, coloring pages, pictures, karaoke songs and much more other; view or add children's works (drawings, poems, etc.); everything a child needs (interesting toys, software, music, books, games...) - Children's portal "Pochemuchka". You can find a lot of interesting and exciting things on the site. - Children's portal "Sun". Lots of interesting material for parents, children and teachers. - Website “Internet - Gnome”. Educational games presented on the Internet - Gnome website will help teach children counting and comparison skills, introduce children to geometric concepts, and help them master the alphabet. Also presented are educational games that promote the development of children's thinking, attention, and memory. All games are launched online. - Website "Eaglets". The site contains a lot of material for the development and safe leisure of children. The site is constantly updated with new fairy tales, cartoons, coloring books, games, jokes, poems, etc. - Children's entertainment and educational portal “Solnyshko”. For children - entertainment (games, cartoons, fairy tales, coloring books) and useful materials (“why”, Povareshkin’s advice, stories about animals, lessons in good manners). For parents and teachers looking for information on the Internet, there are a lot of poems and riddles collected by topic, proverbs, and scripts for children's parties. - Lukoshko of fairy tales. The site offers fairy tales, poems and stories for children. Here you can find Russian folk tales and tales of other nations, stories about animals, poems and songs for children. — “Poznayka” website. Children's site for parents. Your child will find educational games, coloring books, applications and much more. - Coloring book. Internet studio of Alexander Babushkin. Here you can find any picture for your child to color and print it in black and white so that the child can color the selected picture. All coloring pages are provided free of charge. - “Preschooler.” An electronic magazine for children and parents, the pages of which contain materials for teaching, educating and entertaining children of preschool and primary school age, collected in thematic sections: speech development, fun counting, art studio, psychology, games and competitions, be healthy. On the site you can also subscribe to the “100 educational and educational games for children” newsletter. — Creation of talents. The website of the Society for Early Childhood Education, created by psychologists, journalists and teachers and containing various materials for parents interested in early learning and child development. - Before and after three. The site is dedicated to preschool development, especially early development. It is built in the form of a reference book, a collection of activities, including exercises that can be done with a child, on topics - reading, thinking, counting, speech, the world around us, moving, computer, fine art. - Preschooler. This site is for the family, for fathers, mothers and children. A site about how to raise a child, how to learn to find a common language with him. A lot of interesting information for children: fairy tales, poems, smart puzzles, educational articles. The site also presents a large collection of scripts - for school and for various holidays. - Wunderkinder. The website contains materials necessary for the education and development of children. The materials are presented in the form of computer presentations (slides) that can be printed on paper, as well as entertaining Flash cartoons and games. Materials on the Russian language, mathematics, reading, studying the surrounding world, biology, history, and drawing are intended for teaching children at home, in kindergarten, and in elementary school. - An information and review resource, on the pages of which you can find information about the physical development of children, about the basics of child hygiene, about the importance of children's games in the educational process, about the labor education of a child, about the organization of holiday parties in kindergarten, about some childhood diseases and much more. The site’s materials can be useful not only for young parents, but also for students, teachers and kindergarten teachers.

Parents' corner in kindergarten for the older group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in kindergarten for the older group in kindergarten:

Children of the older group should already be socialized and communicate freely with their peers. But some children are very shy, and often the parents themselves are to blame for this.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

You can fill the parent's corner with simply interesting information that parents will study while expecting a child.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Spending time together is another important part of a harmonious family relationship. Help parents understand how beneficial it is for children to spend time with mom and dad.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

A good psychological and emotional state should always be at its best. And an ordinary smile can help you feel happy.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

In order for a child to feel loved, parents must accept him with all his shortcomings. If parents harshly try to correct some character traits, this may cause even greater “children’s rebellion.”

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Legal information should also be present in the parent corner.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

At this age, it is already necessary to teach children to sit, stand, and maintain their posture correctly. This information will be useful for both parents and children.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Explain to parents that stress often causes people to refuse to eat.

Parents' corner in the garden for the middle group in kindergarten

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Consultation for parents of the senior group “Mnemonics. Help with memorizing poems"

Consultation for parents of the older group : “Mnemonics. Help with memorizing poems" What is mnemonics? It is believed that the word with the root “mnemo”

introduced by Pythagoras in VI BC.
e, combining its meaning with the goddess of memory Mnemosyne. “mnemonics”
appeared -...

Consultation for parents of middle group students “What should a child of 4–5 years old be able to do?” What should a child of 4–5 years old be able to do? The period of 4-5 years is a time of active development of the right hemisphere. The baby’s brain is actively developing, especially the departments that are responsible for the senses. The foundations for future success in mathematics and philology are laid. It is important to create conditions for...

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

The preparatory group of the kindergarten is attended by future first-graders, and therefore the parent corner should have as much information as possible related to preparing for school. Below you will find ideas for filling such a stand.

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group:

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' Corner - kindergarten preparatory group

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer: design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring: design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn: design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter: design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - winter, design ideas

Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten locker room - educational material

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room:

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

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