Project “Creative workshop “Kaleidoscope of Creativity” in a pre-school group

Project “Creative workshop “Kaleidoscope of Creativity” in a pre-school group

Nadezhda Kitaeva

Project “Creative workshop “Kaleidoscope of Creativity” in a pre-school group

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 20 combined type"


“Innovative forms of working with parents

within the framework of innovation activities

“A piggy bank of creative ideas -

creative workshop Kaleidoscope of creativity

(school preparatory group)

Compiled and developed by:

N. A. Kitaeva, teacher

Saransk — 2020

The development creativity is carried out in kindergarten in various ways: in the process of artistic, productive and theatrical activities, in the process of play and experimental activities. to develop the creative abilities of children without the participation of parents. The family is a unique and so far the only social institution for raising children, one of the functions of which is the formation of the child’s personality, the development of his abilities and interests.

During the work, it became clear that parents take a contemplative position in relation to the creativity of their children . The usual questions from parents were: “What do you draw?”

“What kind of figure is this?”
Artistic and aesthetic development is an important aspect of family education; primary artistic feelings, tastes and aesthetic views begin to form in the family.
Preschool institutions are designed to help parents receive qualified information and assistance in creating a favorable environment at home, to instill in parents an interest in artistic creativity and to develop the ability to use certain methodological techniques for introducing children to the fine arts, taking into account the individual and psychological characteristics of children.
Most forms of work are aimed at attracting parents to active and repeated participation in working with children. The principle of equality of positions is based on the fact that children have an undeniable impact on their parents. As practice shows, the most interesting and creative work comes from those parents and children who satisfy the child’s needs, take into account the child’s capabilities, and realize the child’s interests. Gradually, the position of parents in a preschool institution changes from a passive participant to the position of an active participant in the educational process.

At a certain stage, the family unites with the kindergarten and forms the main educational space for the child. Consequently, the importance of family education in the process of children’s development also determines the importance of interaction between the family and the preschool institution . Both the family and the preschool institution convey social experience to the child in their own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

How can we draw the attention of parents to the importance of communication, mutual understanding with their child, and teach them to see the adult personality in the child? How to achieve this?

I came to the conclusion that the most acceptable innovative form of working with parents on the artistic and aesthetic development of children in the preschool group is the Kaleidoscope of Creativity

Kaleidoscope of Creativity " is
a creative workshop . A creative workshop can be classified as a non-traditional educational and leisure form of organizing relationships between teachers and parents.
Why a creative workshop ? This form of working with parents helps solve several problems at once:

1. Such meetings provide an opportunity to expand the ideas of parents of pupils about creative activities and introduce them to art; show working methods (traditional and non-traditional)

with various materials
(salt dough, plasticine, paints, sand, cereals, paper, etc.)
2. The creative union of parent and child, their close communication in a creative atmosphere makes it possible to look at the relationship with your child in a new way. Develops and improves parent-child relationships based on substantive joint activities.

3. Develops the emotional sphere of children:

• teaches you to rejoice in the success of others;

• the joy of giving handmade crafts;

• tolerance.

4. Helps establish emotional contact between teachers, parents, children, and relationships between generations.

Thus, a creative workshop , as one of the forms of interaction between a kindergarten and parents, helps not only to establish emotional contact with parents, improve child-parent relationships based on substantive joint activities, but also to become a kind of club for children and parents.

The completed works of children, together with their parents, are used in the design of other meetings, exhibitions, as gifts for adults and children, in organizing competitions, and more.

The motto of our creative workshop is “Learning to create with children


Novelty of the project : a system of working with parents on the artistic and aesthetic development of children of senior preschool age , taking into account the specifics and educational potential of each family.

the school-preparatory kindergarten group has been developed and put into practice ; GCD notes, consultations, recommendations, and booklets have been developed.

Leading goals and objectives of interaction between the kindergarten and the family:

Goal: to promote the optimization of partnerships and cooperation between preschool educational institutions and the families of pupils through the development of the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age .


1. Contribute to the establishment of partnerships with the family of each pupil;

2. Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support;

3. Contribute to the formation of artistic taste;

4. Activate and enrich the experience of parents and children with various techniques and methods of working with art materials;

5. Ensure the involvement of families in direct educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family.

Therefore, the object of this work is pedagogical education of parents of preschool children , and the subject is the content and forms of pedagogical education. After all, no matter how seriously the forms of raising children in preschool institutions , no matter how high the qualifications of the employees of a preschool institution , it is impossible to achieve the goal without the constant support and active participation of parents in the educational process

Hypothesis: When implementing an innovative form of cooperation with the family, a new system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and parents will be created, which will allow for the education and development of preschool children through the joint efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family and eliminate formality in working with parents.

implementation period is long-term (2020 – 2021 academic year)

preparatory group children , teachers, parents, grandparents.

Main forms of project :

— participation in events, exhibitions, preparations for holidays ;

- joint activities between parents and children;

— consulting.


The first stage is preparatory (preparing visual information, working with children, parents and teachers).

The second stage is organizational and practical (determining forms of work with parents in a group , planning stages of work for the year on interaction with parents, analysis, processing of materials for the project )

The third stage is final (summarizing, conclusions)


Expected results:

— maximum disclosure of each child as a unique individual;

— productive interaction between teaching, parent and child communities;

— implementation of educational services taking into account the personal interests and needs of children, parents and teachers.


1. O. I. Davydova. A competency-based approach in the work of a preschool educational institution with parents. _ SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”

, 2013;

2. O. I. Davydova, A. A. Mayer, L. G. Bogoslavets. Projects in working with families . Toolkit. M.: TC Sfera, 2013;

3. A. A. Mayer, O. I. Davydova, N. V. Voronina. 555 ideas for involving parents in the life of a kindergarten. - M.: TC Sfera, 2012;

4. Family and parent clubs in kindergarten. Methodical recommendations / ed. N.V. Miklyaeva. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2012.

Technologies for interaction with parents

on artistic and aesthetic development

children in older preschool age

The involvement of parents in a single space for the artistic and aesthetic development of children in kindergarten is built in two directions:

— improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

— involving parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions through joint work to exchange experiences.

To implement the first direction, taking into account the current epidemiological situation, I will use the following forms of work:

— Visual propaganda – the use of such means of visual propaganda: booklets, memos, information on the preschool educational institution’s website, consultations;

— Information and practical forms of working with parents: conferences, parent meetings.

To implement the second direction, non-traditional forms of work with parents will be practiced, including interactive ones:

- actions - a set of activities that help parents better understand the problem, determine their attitude towards it and their position in solving it;

- master classes for parents are a transfer of current technology, a way of interaction with a teacher, ensuring the transfer of parental experience, skill , art through direct and commented demonstration of working techniques;

— photo exhibitions, competitions, creative workshops .

Assessing the effectiveness of educational activities with children and parents on artistic and aesthetic development

children of senior preschool age

The criteria for the effectiveness of working with parents, according to O. L. Zvereva, include:

- expression of parents’ interest in the content of various forms and methods of interaction between the kindergarten and the family (gratitude, questions, need for further cooperation)


- the emergence of discussions on the initiative of parents;

- attracting the experience of parents;

- the emergence of reflections on the correctness of methods, recognition of one’s mistakes;

— increasing the activity of parents when participating in events, analyzing pedagogical situations.

Determining the effectiveness of interaction between kindergarten and family is carried out using a survey.

Long-term plan for working with parents

“A piggy bank of creative ideas -

creative workshop Kaleidoscope of creativity

in preparatory school group No. 8

Time of the event Form of organization, topic Purpose of the event

September Parent survey

on the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children . Identify ideas on the problem of artistic and aesthetic development by preschool children . To determine the degree of awareness of parents about the role played by artistic and aesthetic development in the upbringing of a preschooler .

October “Ladushki, ladushki – grandfathers and grandmothers”

Volumetric applique “Portrait of Grandmother and Grandfather”

To promote the development
of creative interaction between children and parents.
December Making and painting New Year's gingerbread To promote the formation of deep and trusting relationships between children and parents in the process of joint artistic activity while learning about the history of the origin of gingerbread, making and painting gingerbread.

January “Making a family amulet “Horseshoe for good luck”

Involving children and parents to participate in joint
creative activities through familiarization with amulets, their meaning in people's lives, the production and design of amulets.
March Virtual photo exhibition “Mom’s Hobby”

To promote increased interest in family traditions, artistic, decorative
creativity , handicrafts of one’s mothers and strengthening family ties.
April "Easter Egg"

- papier mache

To help reveal the secrets of using waste material to make various forms; act together with children, plan activities, discuss plans, share responsibilities.

May Easter gingerbread To promote the development of interest in children and parents in this type of folk art and decorative art, such as modeling from salt dough; developing practical skills in decorating puff pastry products.

Questionnaire for parents

on artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children

Goal: To identify ideas on the problem of artistic and aesthetic development by preschoolers . To determine the degree of awareness of parents about the role played by artistic and aesthetic development in the upbringing of a preschooler .

Dear parents!

Please answer the questions provided in the questionnaire. Your sincere answers will help to study the problem in more depth and outline ways to improve the pedagogical process of our group .

1. At what age do you think the targeted artistic and aesthetic development of a child is necessary?

2. What types of children's productive activities are most interesting to your child? Do you consider it mandatory to attend in preschool age : drawing, modeling, appliqué, artistic work, design. ?

3. Does your child often draw, sculpt, design, or make appliqué?

4. Does your child often pay attention to “beauty”

the surrounding world (nature, beautiful little things in everyday life, etc.?

5. How does a child usually behave when he notices something beautiful?

6. How does your child’s desire for beauty manifest itself?

7. Does your child ask questions about art? Does he ask you to explain some words (for example, what is art, landscape, sculpture, etc.)

8. Does your child ask to buy new paints, pencils, plasticine, markers ?

9. When your child brings work from kindergarten, who does he try to show it to, how does his desire or unwillingness to show his work manifest itself?

10. Are you involved in any artistic activity or craft?

11. Do you involve your child in your activities, and in what form? 12. Name the difficulties that arise in the process (drawing, sculpting, appliqué or design)

your child?

13. Are you ready to take part in any events organized in kindergarten in the direction of the artistic and aesthetic development of children (joint with children, making costumes, drawings in creative competitions ? Which ones?

14. Formulate your wishes to preschool teachers in terms of organizing, conducting, and content of work on the artistic and aesthetic development of children?

Help and analysis on parent surveys

20 parents took part in the survey; parents were asked to answer 14 questions.

Conclusions: As a result of the survey, it was revealed that parents are generally aware of what artistic and aesthetic development is.

66.7% of parents know what it is.

13.3% of parents find it difficult to answer this question.

To the question “Wishes to teachers in terms of organization, content of work on the artistic and aesthetic development of children.” Most parents responded by holding more master classes with their children .

53% are ready to participate in preschool educational institutions’ events on artistic and aesthetic activities, the rest find it difficult to answer.

100% of parents expressed a desire to learn more new and educational things about artistic and productive activities and identified questions that interested them.

Thus, the results of the survey showed that, in general, many parents are aware of what artistic and aesthetic development is.

The survey helped determine the forms of educational work on this issue: master classes , consultations, individual conversations.

Family creative workshop as a means of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

 The article examines the content of a family creative workshop as a modern form of involving parents of students in joint activities with children and teachers.

How childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” parents have a priority right to educate and raise children over all other persons. Thus, according to the federal state educational standard of preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education), in order to implement the educational program in the preschool educational institution, an educational environment must be created that will ensure, among other things, the openness of preschool education, create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities. One of the main principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is the personal developmental and humanistic nature of interaction between parents (legal representatives), teachers and other employees of preschool educational institutions and children. One of the main tasks of preschool education: providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education of children. Therefore, the search and implementation of effective forms of involving parents in the life of a preschool educational organization have become priority areas of activity for the teaching staff of MDOU d/s No. 18. We began to look for new modern forms of interaction with parents that would not only take into account the current needs of children and parents, but also make parents by their assistants.

Many questions arose:

– How to attract families to participate in the life of a group or kindergarten?

– How to make sure that both children, teachers, and parents themselves enjoy this process?

One of these forms in MDOU d/s No. 18 was the organization of a creative workshop with the participation of teachers, students and their parents.

The idea arose of creating a family creative workshop called “The Magic Box”. At meetings where parents communicate with their children, teachers and each other, and also receive the necessary knowledge and skills in the upbringing and development of children. Joint creativity forms trusting relationships between children and parents and has a positive impact on the child’s development. The creative process stimulates the child, develops communication skills, children's passive and active vocabulary, and the child's creative potential is revealed. In addition, joint creative activity is an interesting and exciting pastime. Organized joint creative activity is the inclusion of the parent in the child’s activity. This is a situation in which a child, faced with a certain difficulty, has the opportunity to turn to a parent for help. And the parent gets the opportunity to do the work together with the child. As a result of joint creative activity and common interests, the child and parent reach mutual understanding and become closer to each other.

Why a family creative workshop? The very creative atmosphere of the meetings encourages parents to open up, share their knowledge, skills and learn from others, as well as get to know their child, his abilities and opportunities to be proud of him.

What can serve for such rapprochement? Only the child himself. The co-creation of parent and child, their close communication in a creative atmosphere where their talents are revealed, where they learn from each other, provide an opportunity to look at the relationship with their child in a new way. This type of activity is very significant for the child. All children experience a lack of communication with mom and dad; it is very important for them to play, make crafts, draw, and create together with their parents. Indeed, in the process of such activities, children learn new things much faster, and most importantly, they feel moral support, become more self-confident and independent.

The main goal of the creative workshop in kindergarten is to strengthen child-parent relationships through the organization of joint creative activities.

The creative workshop in kindergarten is aimed at solving the following problems:

1. Expand the ideas of parents of pupils about creative activity.

2. Formation of an interested attitude towards the process and result of joint activities in a creative workshop.

3. Development of parent-child relationships based on joint activities.

4. Development of the emotional sphere of children. Teaches children to rejoice in the successes of other children (joy when giving handmade crafts).

5. Development of the creative union of parents (legal representatives) and the child, their close communication, where the children’s talents are revealed, the need to participate in the upbringing of the child together with the preschool educational institution.

Meetings in the family creative workshop are held once a month, according to the thematic plan. Ideas for each new workshop are suggested by parents. They turned out to be very interesting and varied.

The following workshop topics were proposed.

Plan of the creative workshop “Magic Chest” for the 2016-2017 academic year

Educational areas Topic of the meeting Full name of the head Time

carrying out



“We made feeders and opened a canteen for the birds.” G.E. Zhukova

A.Zh. Zhumasheva

"Let's play" AND I. Isaeva

T.A. Smirnova

Making postcards “Congratulations to the Veteran” Additional education teacher

N.N. Budarenko


“The family is rich in talents”

Musical director

N.B. Lamteva

Choreographer O.N. Batychek

Artistic and aesthetic


"New Year's Tree Opening Day" N.S. Fedorov

L.N. Ryabova

“Skillful hands know no boredom” M.S. Polishchuk

T.V. Queen

“Dear egg for Christ’s Day” S.V. Boklina

E.V. Saprykina



"Mages and Wizards"

(conducting experiments and research)

T.V. Kozyreva

Yu.I. Kharitonov



“Learning to speak beautifully” Teacher speech therapist

E.P. Tolpeeva

Physical development “What does it cost us to build a house?”

(do-it-yourself sports equipment)

Gordienko I.Yu. November

Let us use a concrete example to show the work of creative workshops. 1 week before the meeting, an information space is prepared in the group: an invitation to a meeting in the workshop “We made feeders, opened a canteen for the birds” is posted. The poster is hung similarly in the lobby of preschool educational institution No. 18. As a rule, each meeting in a creative workshop requires preliminary preparation (teachers conducting conversations with children, preparing a speech together with parents, preparing material). An indispensable condition for organizing a creative workshop in MDOU d/s No. 18 is the creation of a positive atmosphere when children and parents feel relaxed, comfortable and free. The presence of parents (legal representatives) at creative workshops helps the child feel confident and see them as equal partners and accomplices.

Making a bird feeder is a great activity for all ages, as there are so many different materials available for decorating homemade feeders. Making feeders in our workshop was not only a creative activity for children and adults, but also an opportunity for children to become better acquainted with wintering birds. The children showed mercy, compassion for wintering birds, a desire to do good deeds, and love for nature. How much talent, invention and imagination the parents and their children showed. We had a great time doing something good for the birds.

The festival entitled “The Family is Rich in Talents” was held in February 2021. Families presented their creativity in different genres: choreography, vocals, arts and crafts. All participating families of pupils turned into creative family groups where they presented their talent and skills. Each performance is a whole story: it is the skill and unique ideas of the parents, the painstaking work in preparation for the festival, the excitement of the performers. For all participants, this concert program became a debut, and, admittedly, a successful one. The name of the festival, “A Family Rich in Talents,” has clearly acquired a broader meaning - now it is a constellation of big stars and little stars - parents and young talents just starting their creative path. All participating families were awarded diplomas and gifts for their participation in the family creativity festival.

“The family is rich in talents”

In December 2021, a workshop on making a Christmas tree was held. The vernissage of New Year trees was held under the slogan: “Let's protect the green beauty!” Workshop participants presented their vision of the main New Year's beauty. Thanks to the skillful hands of children and parents, we created an exhibition of crafts.

These forest beauties decorated the kindergarten hall.

It can already be noted that we became very close after our meetings in the workshop. During meetings, the atmosphere is friendly, creative, everyone rejoices at their successes and the successes of others.

The experience of MDOU kindergarten No. 18 “Korablik” shows that the “creative workshop” is the most productive and active form of cooperation between parents, teachers and children. Thus, a family creative workshop, as one of the forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and parents, helps not only to establish emotional contact with parents, improve child-parent relationships based on substantive joint activities, but also to lay the preconditions for the formation of moral norms and habits. As a result of such meetings, the parents became friends and began to communicate with each other. Our creative workshops help adults discover the possibilities of their children and see them as equal partners. We still have many interesting family meetings ahead as part of creative workshops. We plan to further improve forms of interaction with families, taking into account their social interests and needs.


  1. Babaeva T.I., Rimashevskaya L.S. “How to develop relationships and cooperation of preschoolers in kindergarten. Game situations, games, sketches: textbook. – method. allowance." – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Childhood - PRESS”, 2012.
  2. Davydova O. I., Mayer A. A., Bogoslovets L. G. Projects in working with the family. Toolkit. – M.: TC Sfera, 2012. – 128 p.
  3. Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education in the practice of preschool educational organizations / comp. N.V. Nishcheva. – St. Petersburg: LLC “Childhood – Press”, 2014.
  4. Kirillova Yu. V. Game interaction between parents and children of early and preschool age in preschool educational institutions - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2016.
  5. Konovalenko S.V. “Development of constructive activity in preschool children” - St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing House “Childhood - PRESS”, 2012.
  6. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


Educator German Galina Petrovna South-Eastern Department of the Moscow Region and NSO Kindergarten "Solnyshko" GBOU secondary school village. Alekseevka m. Alekseevsky Samara region

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Kindergarten Solnyshko " Since December 2017, Alekseevka has been a pilot site for testing the “Mosaic” of the educational complex “Mosaic Park” .

In accordance with the Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” , Federal State Educational Standards for Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155, parents have a priority right to educate and raise children over all by other persons.

During the implementation of the “Mosaic” of the educational complex “Mosaic Park”, teachers of the “Solnyshko” used and introduced various forms of work with families.

The most successfully and effectively implemented form of work was the “Creative Workshop” .

The purpose of the “Creative Workshop” :

  1. Involving parents in the educational process.
  2. Expand the ideas of parents of pupils about creative activity, increasing their competence.
  3. Development of parent-child relationships based on joint activities.
  4. Development of the creative union of parents (legal representatives) and the child, their close communication, where the children’s talents are revealed, the need to participate in the upbringing of the child together with the preschool educational institution.


  1. Promote the unity of the child-parent team and the team of teachers.
  2. Development of creative abilities of children and parents.
  3. Development of the emotional sphere in children.

Meetings in the “Creative Workshop” were held once a month. First, master classes for children and parents were shown by the group’s teachers. Further, as the meetings were held, parents also joined in the master classes and began to share their knowledge and creative experience with each other.

The following master classes were held: “Travyanchik” , where children, together with their parents and teachers, participated in experimental activities on germinating wheat seeds. “Do it yourself paper” master class , children and parents made an environmentally friendly product - paper from napkins and water, then they made beautiful paintings and gave them to each other. The master class “Wine weaving” was conducted by the parent Pavlenko A.V., where, in the course of creative activity, they talked about the ancient craft of wicker weaving. Children, parents and teachers wove baskets from willow branches, gradually learning the technology of preparing vines for making baskets.

The master class “Do-It-Yourself Spoon Theatre” by parent S.A. Nikolaeva, where children, parents, and teachers participated in making the theater and participated in theatrical activities with the children. “Drawing with Salt” and “Drawing with Crumpled Paper” master classes . “Magic Mat” master class, children learned about working with paper using the techniques of cutting and rolling paper.

The creative workshop “Visiting Santa Claus” , where parents and children decorated the group with paper crafts using the “pull-out” and made a “Christmas wreath” .

One of the cycles of our creative workshop was “Meetings at the kindergarten site” . Parents, together with children and teachers, took part in creating a developmental environment in the kindergarten area: they created a “Bird Canteen” in the style of wooden architecture, wove bird feeders from vines, decorated a flower garden and took part in the “Plant a Flower - Give Tenderness!” . In the winter, we took part in building a slide together with the children, which contributed to a healthy lifestyle for the children.

Thus, a creative workshop, as one of the forms of interaction between a kindergarten and a family, helps not only to establish emotional contact with parents, improve child-parent relationships based on joint creative activity, but also to become a kind of club for children, parents and teachers.


  • Babaeva T.I., Rimashevskaya L.S. “How to develop relationships and cooperation of preschoolers in kindergarten. Game situations, games, sketches: textbook. – method. allowance" . – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Childhood - PRESS” , 2017.
  • Davydova O. I., Mayer A. A., Bogoslovets L. G. Projects in working with the family. Toolkit. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2021. – 128 p.
  • Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education into the practice of preschool educational organizations / comp. N.V. Nishcheva. – St. Petersburg: LLC “Childhood – Press” , 2014.
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education .
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