Plan for working with parents in the preparatory group



Shevergina Maria Ionovna

teacher MBDOU kindergarten No. 60 “Teremok”, Mytishchi

Peshkareva Larisa Fedorovna

teacher MBDOU kindergarten No. 60 “Teremok”, Mytishchi

Long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory group for 2021-2022.





Shevergina M.I.

Peshkareva L.F.

event title
Purpose of
the event
September1. Organized parent meeting “The role of the family in raising children.”
2. Conversation with parents “Children’s clothing in different seasons.”

3.Consultation for parents “Beware of poisonous mushrooms.”

4.Consultation “Everything about the development of children’s speech.”

5. Folder “Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age.”

6. Questioning parents Topic: “What kind of parent are you?”

Introducing parents to the Federal State Educational Standard and the importance of family in raising children.
Psychological and pedagogical education of parents on issues of child speech development.

Familiarizing parents with the rules for collecting mushrooms and the dangers of eating them.

Formation of a unified approach to nutrition rules in kindergarten and at home.

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Conversations on the adaptation of newly enrolled children, updating group equipment and the site.Educators.
Psychologist. Educators.


Educators. Parents.

October1. Consultation “Game as a means of educating a preschooler.”
2. Conversation “Road safety. Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?

3. Pedagogical comprehensive education “What do you need to know about your child?”

4. Crafts competition for parents and children “Queen Pumpkin”.

5.Consultation for parents “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”

6. Autumn holiday for children and parents “Golden Autumn”.

7.Consultation for parents “The role of the father in raising a child.”

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children.
Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching children traffic rules in kindergarten and at home.

Improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents.

Activation of parents in the work of the kindergarten group, development of positive relationships between preschool employees and parents.

Provide parents with information on children's speech development.

Involve parents in joint creativity with their children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children.

Changing the position of fathers in relation to issues of education. Activation of fathers' educational skills. Introducing positive family education experiences.

Conversation “Joint work of a child and an adult.”
Conversation “Children’s clothing in the group and on the street.”

Individual conversations with parents about the need to vaccinate against influenza and ARVI.

Educators. Parents.

Educators. Parents.

Teacher speech therapist.


Musical director.


November1. Consultation for parents “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing.”
2.Consultation for parents:

"How to organize children's games at home using entertaining

mathematical material."

3. Folder for parents “Help children remember fire safety rules.”

4.Leisure dedicated to Mother's Day.

5. Making a photo newspaper “My mother is no better in the world!”

6.Booklet for parents “Aggressive child: how to help him?”

Recommendations for parents on preparing their child for school.
To introduce parents of pupils to mathematical games that promote the development of creative thinking, which will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Combining the efforts of teachers and parents to introduce children to the basics of fire safety.

Nurturing children's love for their mother, expanding ideas about women's professions, and introducing parents to the life of the kindergarten.

Involve parents in joint creative activities with their children.

Involving parents in recommendations for interacting with an aggressive child.

Individual conversations with parents.Educators.

Musical director.


December1.Individual consultation “Formation of independence in children 6–7 years old for successful learning at school.”
2. Consultation “Flu. Prevention measures. Symptoms of this disease."

4. Christmas tree decorations competition.

5. Photo collage “Our New Year”.

6.Consultation for parents “How and why to read fairy tales to children”

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents on issues of nurturing independence in children.
Familiarization of parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers at home and in kindergarten conditions.

Develop creativity in parents, encourage parents and children to spend time together.

Involve parents in joint creative activities with their children.

To help parents understand the role of Russian folk tales in the upbringing and development of a child.

Conversation “The health of the child is in our hands.”Educators.
Teachers, nurse.


January1. Questionnaire “Are you ready to send your child to school?”
2. Consultation for parents “Hardening is one of the forms of preventing colds in children.”

3. Folder-moving “Teach with us.”

4. Master class with parents “How to prepare a child’s hand for writing.”

5. Pedagogical comprehensive education “Methods that increase the cognitive activity of preschoolers.”

6.Memo for parents “Tell your children more often...”

Find out parents' opinions on a given topic. To help parents understand their educational role in the family, their position in communicating with children in preparation for school.
Help parents choose hardening procedures for their child.

Involve parents in learning songs and poems with their children.

Pedagogical education for parents on preparing the child’s hand for writing.

Individual conversations with parents on issues of maintaining the child’s health.Educators.
February1. Exhibition of children's drawings “Our Defenders”.
2. Leisure “School of a young fighter.”

3.Consultation for parents “Mathematics in a child’s everyday life.”

4. Consultation for parents “Formation of independence in children 6–7 years old for successful learning at school.”

5. Exhibition of drawings “Dad, Mom, I – a friendly family.”

6. Wall newspaper “Russian troops”.

Identification and analysis of information about what role fathers and grandfathers play in raising children.
Invite parents to participate in leisure activities dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents on issues of nurturing independence in children.

Identifying questions of concern to parents on the topic: “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family.”

Joint production of wall newspapers for the group, the formation of patriotic feelings

Individual conversations with dads: “Who do you consider most important in raising a child?”
Conversation “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family.”
Educators. Parents.
Educators. Parents. In. in physics culture.

Music supervisor.


Educators. Parents.

March1.Environmental project “Paper Boom”.
2.Creative works of children for March 8 “Mom is my sunshine.”

3.Memo for parents “Safe steps on the path to road safety.”

4.Consultation for parents “How to prevent vitamin deficiency in the spring.”

5.Consultation for parents: “Memo for parents of future first-graders.”

6. Thematic exhibition “Attention street!” (books, teaching aids, games).

Implementation of the project with the involvement of parents. Collection of waste paper.
Demonstration of children's creative abilities, developed skills and abilities.

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Familiarizing parents with information regarding their child’s readiness for school.

Familiarization with the requirements of the educational and training program in preschool educational institutions on traffic rules.

Consultation “The ABCs of Traffic”.Educators. Parents.

Educators. Parents.

April1. Parent meeting on the topic: “Soon to school.”
2.Memo for parents “Psychological readiness for school.”

3.Consultation for parents “Crisis of 7 years”.

4. Exhibition of creative works “Great Space”, dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

5.Consultation for parents “Discipline. Limits of Permissibility."

6.Promotion “Bird Day”

(Making feeders)

Introduce parents of students to the types of school readiness.
Introducing parents to the objectives of the education and training program.

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Implementation of a unified educational approach to issues of children’s knowledge of the world around them.

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents,

theoretical assistance to parents in raising children.

Attracting the attention of parents to environmental education issues. Cultivate love and respect for

nature, in particular birds, the desire to help them in winter.

Memo for parentsEducators. Parents.
May1. Stand design
"No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten…".

2.Consultation for parents “The authority of parents and its influence on development

child's personality."

3.Consultation for parents “Productive ways of parenting: encouragement or punishment?”

4. Labor landing. Parents' participation in cleaning and landscaping the site.

5. Graduation. Matinee for children and parents.

6.Information “Transition to summer operating mode.”

Develop patriotic feelings in children.
Drawing the attention of parents to the influence of their authority on the development of the child’s personality. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Contribute to the formation of the group team.

Demonstration of developed skills and knowledge of children. Development of interaction between children, parents and preschool employees.

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children.

Consultation “School is serious!”
Consultation “All about computer games.”
Educators. Parents.
Educators. Parents. Preschool employees.


Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

Summary of the parent meeting in the preparatory group “Development of creative abilities in children” Summary of the parent meeting in the preparatory group “Development of creative abilities in children”

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