“Club hour - as an effective means of socialization in preschool educational institutions”

Pedagogical technology "Club hour"

Alena Bogacheva

Pedagogical technology "Club hour"


One of the main tasks of education that any teacher sets for himself is the socialization of pupils. This process is long, probably lasts a lifetime, but kindergarten is at its origins. It is here that children learn to make friends, play, begin to feel like members of a large children's team, and here the foundations of children's patriotic feelings are formed. The effectiveness of our children’s self-realization at school and in later life depends on how successfully the task of socialization is solved.

Introduction of new technologies for the socialization of children in preschool institutions. such technologies for the development of self-regulation of behavior in preschool children - Club Hour

The pedagogical technology
Club Hour is that children can move around the entire kindergarten building for one hour, observing certain rules of behavior.

For the successful implementation of this technology there is a great desire and participation of the entire teaching staff in order to lay the foundations of a full-fledged socially successful personality during preschool childhood

The purpose of " Club Hour " technology

— positive socialization of the child in a preschool setting

Objectives of " Club Hour "


instilling in children independence and responsibility for their actions;

spatial orientation training;

nurturing friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others;

promote the manifestation of initiative in caring for others, be grateful for help and signs of attention;

developing the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results;

strengthening children’s skills to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided;

the development of children’s desires to express their attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this;

teaching children how to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts;

encouraging the child’s attempts to consciously share various impressions the teacher

acquiring one's own life experience (meaning formations)

experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation.

Types of " Club Hour "



- when children move freely throughout the kindergarten
(indoors or outdoors)
and independently organize multi-age communication based on interests;


- which are included in the situation of the month.
For example, in the “Space”
, this is a drawing competition on asphalt on space themes, building a spaceship,


- when the basis of K.Ch. is the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities, i.e., for example, in the gym there are outdoor games, in the music hall there is a performance, in one group they bake pies, in another they sew dresses for dolls, etc.

Conducting " Club Hour "

is preceded by a lot of preparatory work, primarily among parents and
teachers . Parents at the meeting are warned in advance that this event will be held in the preschool organization. They are informed about how this will affect children and how their safety will be ensured. Parents are given the opportunity to conduct master classes during
Club Hour , as well as propose their own new topics, etc.

Educators and specialists preliminarily discuss and determine:

1. The theme of Club Hours

, K. Ch.’s long-term thematic plan for the six months.

2. Determine the frequency and duration of exercise training, usually once a week at the beginning of the program and 2-3 times a week thereafter. One of the main conditions for conducting a K.Ch. is its duration, namely at least 1 hour, because otherwise the children do not have time to develop their own life experience.

3. Determine the rules of behavior for children during Club Hour

4. Organizational aspects of conducting a competition are being developed.

5. Determine the order in which the K.Ch program begins. How many groups will participate in the first K.Ch., which groups, how to prepare children for the first K.Ch.

Determine the rules of behavior for children during Club Hour

Say "hello"

when you enter another group.

If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave.

Don't take toys from other children if they took it first.

Help conduct a lesson if it is suitable during the CC

Speak calmly.

Walk calmly.

Return to the group when the bell rings.

If you don’t want to go to other groups, you can stay in your group or return to it if you’re tired.

Organizational aspects of conducting a competition are being developed:

All kindergarten employees are notified of the time and day of the event. During the " Club Hour "

, the entrance doors to the garden are closed. Employees are at their workplaces and go about their daily business, waiting for the children to arrive. If possible, they communicate with the children, show them, tell them what they usually do here, and offer the children to help them. To achieve this, various activities are prepared in advance for visiting children.

Teachers determine the signal for the end of K.Ch., for example, the ringing of a bell, when the person in charge passes through all floors (groups), giving a sign to the children that it is time to return to their groups.

Determine the order in which the K.Ch program begins. How many groups will participate in the first K.Ch., which groups, how to prepare children for the first K.Ch.

Preliminary work is also carried out with children of the senior and preparatory groups:

· Firstly, a discussion is organized “What is Club Hour

, why is it needed, what will we do during the K.Ch. and who would like to go to it?”

· Secondly, we discuss what groups there are in kindergarten. Age of children in these groups and on which floor (wing)

they are.

· Thirdly, it is determined what kind of premises are available in the kindergarten. What are they called, who works there, what they do and what benefits they bring.

· Fourthly, a plan is issued (a map of what is happening where, if it is “thematic”

K. Ch.

Immediately before the first K.Ch., the children discuss all the rules; they are briefly repeated before each K.Ch. Then instructions are given: “Children, you can move around the entire building for one hour, observing the rules of behavior. And at the ringing of the bell you return to the group.”

After completing the K.Ch., all children participating, each in their own group, with a teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet. A candle is lit and meditative music is turned on. The discussion begins. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interrupt each other and speak in turns, patiently waiting until their turn comes.

-Where was the child?

- What did he remember?

— Does the child want to go there again and why?

— Did he plan to go somewhere before K. Ch.? Were you able to do this, if not, why?

— Did you manage to follow the rules, if not, then why?

The teacher records the problems that arise in children in the process of CC and discusses them with children and parents (at a suitable time, finding ways to solve them in joint activities.

After each K.Ch. at the pedagogical council, educators , teachers and staff exchange opinions on:

- what did the children do when they came to his territory, what was special in the children’s behavior?

- how did children who remained in their group react when guests came to them (a question for teachers,

— did the children follow the rules, and what prevented them from complying with them, were there any conflicts.

— what tasks need to be solved at the upcoming competition


In general, regular C.C. once a week, already within 5 months, will allow us to record the following changes in children:

They will recognize most of the kindergarten children, begin to treat them more friendly, and begin to communicate their needs in more detail and openly not only to their teachers, but also to other kindergarten employees.

To summarize the above, it is important to note that with the help of such technologies, within the framework of socialization, the child’s idea of ​​his immediate society is formed, that is, belonging to one or another group of people, etc.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Pedagogical article “Club hour as an effective technology for the positive socialization of preschool children”


  • Kulyaeva Irina Gennadievna
  • Gulko Victoria Viktorovna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 102" Ryazan, 2020


One of the main tasks of education that any teacher sets for himself is the socialization of pupils. Children's socialization (in pedagogy) is the process of formation and development of personality, occurring under the influence of educational and educational activities.

This process is long, probably lasts a lifetime, but kindergarten is at its origins. It is here that children learn to make friends, play, begin to feel like members of a large children's team, and here the foundations of children's patriotic feelings are formed. The effectiveness of our children’s self-realization at school and in later life depends on how successfully the task of socialization is solved.

We want to talk about the pedagogical technology for the socialization of preschoolers - “Club Hour” .

“Club hour” is a technology based on the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities.

This technology for the socialization of a child in a preschool educational institution was developed by employees of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences) (in particular, senior researcher Natalya Petrovna Grishaeva).

The pedagogical technology “Club Hour” is that children can move around the entire building (or area) of the kindergarten for one hour, observing certain rules of behavior, and return to the group when the bell rings.

This technology has been successfully used in gardens for more than 15 years. It does not require lengthy and complex retraining of teachers, the purchase of additional equipment or investment of funds. The main thing is the great desire of the teaching staff to lay the foundations of a full-fledged socially successful personality during preschool childhood.

The purpose of the “Club Hour” is to create conditions for active communication of children with peers and adults in preschool settings.

The main objectives of the “Club Hour”:

  • instill independence and responsibility in children
  • teach children to navigate in space
  • cultivate friendly relations between children of different ages, respectful attitude towards others
  • develop the ability to plan your actions and evaluate their results
  • teach children to politely express their request and thank them for the service provided
  • develop the desire to express one’s attitude towards the environment, independently find various speech means for this
  • develop the ability to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts
  • encourage the child’s attempts to consciously share various experiences with teachers and other children
  • help to gain life experience (meaning formations, experiences necessary for self-determination and self-regulation).

Club hour participants

Children of middle and senior preschool age, teachers and parents take part in the club hour.

Algorithm for holding the “Club Hour” :

Stage 1 – preparatory;

Stage 2 – practical;

Stage 3 – reflective-evaluative.

Resource support for “Club Hour” :

  • plans
  • boxes, baskets, bags, etc.
  • red mugs
  • soft music.

“Club Hour” can be distinguished :

  • free.

Children move freely throughout the entire territory of the kindergarten (indoors or outdoors) and independently organize communication of different ages based on interests without the help of adults;

  • thematic

In this case, "Club hours" are included in the situation of the month. For example, in the situation of the month “Space” , a drawing competition on asphalt, building a spaceship, a “Cosmonaut” , etc. can be organized;

  • active

This type of “Club Hour” is based on the child’s self-determination in choosing various types of activities. For example, in the physical education hall there are outdoor games, in the music hall there is a performance, in one group they are “baking pies” , in another they are making crafts, etc.;

  • creative

Children of the pre-school group themselves organize all the activities at the “Club Hour” for all children.

  • quest

Children, individually or in teams, search for some thing or object according to a pattern; solve any problem.

  • museum

Children in the “situation of the month” collect museum exhibits from themselves, and then at the end of the month they conduct excursions for other visiting children.

Preliminary work

The holding of the “Club Hour” is preceded by a lot of preparatory work, especially among teachers. And secondly among parents.

Educators and specialists preliminarily discuss and determine:

  1. The theme of “Club Hours” , a long-term thematic plan for the six months. This is necessary, since “Club Hour” can be carried out in various forms: as an educational activity in the morning, as an activity in interest groups in the evening, as one of the forms of organizing a walk or leisure time.
  2. Frequency and duration of “Club Hour” . Activities typically take place once a week at the beginning of the program and 2-3 times a week thereafter. One of the main conditions for holding a “Club Hour” is its duration, namely at least 1 hour, since otherwise children do not have time to gain their own life experience;
  3. Rules of conduct for children during Club Hour :
  • “Say “hello” and “goodbye” when you enter another group.”
  • “If you took a toy to play, put it back when you leave”
  • “Don’t take toys from other children if they took it first.”
  • “Help conduct a class if it takes place during Club Hour.”
  • "Speak calmly"
  • "Walk calmly"
  • “Return to the group when the bell rings”
  • “If you don’t want to go to other groups, you can stay in your group or return to it if you’re tired.”

4) Organizational aspects of the “Club Hour” .

All kindergarten employees are warned about the day and time of the event. The event goes like this. The entrance doors to the garden are closed. Employees are at their workplaces and go about their daily business, waiting for the children to arrive. If possible, they communicate with guests, show and talk about their activities. Children are also encouraged to help employees with their work. To achieve this, various activities are prepared in advance for visiting children. At the end of the “Club Hour”, the person in charge passes through all floors (groups, for example, with a bell, giving a signal that it is time to return to the groups;

5) The procedure for starting the Club Hour .

The preschool educational institution team determines how many groups and which ones will participate in the first event, how to prepare children for the first “Club Hour” .

Parents can also actively participate in Club Hour . At the parent meeting, they are warned in advance that this event will be held in the preschool organization. They are informed about how this will affect children and how their safety will be ensured. Parents are given the opportunity to conduct master classes during the “Club Hour” , as well as propose their own new topics, etc.

Preliminary work with children:

  1. a discussion is organized during which preschoolers learn what Club Hour , what they will do during this event and who would like to go to it;
  2. it is discussed what groups there are in the kindergarten, the age of the children in these groups and on what floor (wing) they are located;
  3. it explains what rooms there are in the kindergarten, what they are called, who works there, what they do and what benefits they bring;
  4. a plan is issued (a map of what is happening and where, depending on what type of “Club Hour” is planned - thematic, activity or creative);
  5. penalties are established for non-compliance with the rules.

Holding a club hour

After the rules of the “Club Hour” have been agreed upon and the plan and diagrams have been distributed, the children wait for the bell to ring and begin to move.

At the signal of the bell, children leave the group, move freely around the premises, enter any places that are interesting to them, marked with a conventional image, where educational activities are organized for them.

Each child visits the places he wants, taking into account the allotted time. Different types of activities are organized in different premises of the preschool educational institution. Preschoolers choose their own interests. Their choice is limited only by time. And at the ringing of the bell you return to the group.”

For example, in the middle group, children will be happy to play the role of a doctor, salesman, fireman, visiting KidZania . For the older group, you can organize sports games with non-standard equipment. Children of the preparatory group can get an unforgettable experience of drawing on water using the Ebru .

During the “Club Hour”, you can introduce such technology as “Children Volunteers” . Children of preparatory and senior groups will be happy to play role-playing games with the kids, learn songs, and show fairy tales. Help the teacher dress the kids for a walk.


After the end of the “Club Hour ,” all participating children, each in their own group, with a teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet. A candle (electronic) is lit, meditative music is turned on, a discussion begins - a reflective circle. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interrupt each other and patiently wait for their turn to speak.

The following questions are discussed:

-Where was the child?

- What do you remember?

— Do you want to go there again and why?

— Did you manage to follow the rules, if not, then why?

The teacher records the problems that children have during the “Club Hour” and discusses them with the children. And subsequently with parents (at the appropriate time, finding ways to solve them in joint activities).

Not all children can follow the rules; for this, the “Red Circles” . During Club Hour is given three red mugs, which he puts in a special bag. Any adult can take the mugs if the child does not follow the rules of conduct during Club Hour . During reflection at the end of the event, the child places the mugs in front of him; if he lacks one or two mugs, he will have to tell who took them from him and why. if one club is taken away from a child, he immediately goes to his group, but does not miss the next “Club Hour” . If two or three mugs are taken away, then the child misses the next “Club Hour” .

After each event at the pedagogical council, educators, teachers and staff exchange opinions on:

  • what the children did when they came to his territory, what was special in the children’s behavior
  • How did children who remained in their group react when guests came to them?
  • did the children follow the rules, and what prevented them from complying with them, were there any conflicts; — what tasks need to be solved at the next “Club Hour” .

This technology allows us to record the following expected results in children:

  • children become more open and free in communication with children of other age groups and teachers
  • master the norms and rules of communication with each other and with adults
  • children will learn to work collectively and enjoy it
  • preschoolers will become more responsive to each other
  • shy preschoolers will become more active and bold in communication, hyperactive ones will become balanced and reasonable
  • learn to self-regulate their behavior
  • learn to self-assess their actions
  • parents will gradually change their skeptical attitude towards kindergarten, will actively interact with teachers, and offer their ideas for the next club hour.

Thus, with the help of the “Club Hour” , teachers create an atmosphere in which preschoolers learn to communicate, establish friendly relationships with peers and interact with adults.

The photo shows examples of activities with children during Club Hour .

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Organization and holding of the “Hour of Free Creativity” in kindergarten

Tatyana Khon

Organization and holding of the “Hour of Free Creativity” in kindergarten

Organization and holding of Hour of Free Creativity

kindergarten .
Creative activity as a personality quality manifests itself already in early childhood , when the child persistently seeks and independently uses a variety of means and ways to achieve a goal. We all know that there are two types of children's activity : the child's own activity and activity stimulated by an adult.

The child himself, his internal states, determines his own activity. In this process, the preschooler acts as an individual, the creator of his own activities.

With activity that is stimulated by an adult, the child receives results predetermined by the adult, who shows and tells what and how to do, and organizes his activity .

The more successfully various forms of interaction between a child and an adult develop, the more meaningful the preschooler’s own activity becomes. The problem of developing activity and independence is directly related to providing children with freedom to choose activities .

In our kindergarten, we decided to create situations of free choice , which, on the one hand, will allow us to identify the artistic and creative interests and abilities of children, and on the other hand, will contribute to their further development.

This is how we came up with the idea of ​​giving preschoolers a free choice of the type of artistic and creative activity during Hour of Free Creativity

The bark's tasks were:

identifying potential! every child;

improving artistic and aesthetic skills, enriching the experience of creative activity ;

formation and development of spiritual qualities of the individual, artistic and aesthetic thinking

development of the qualities of a creative personality : curiosity, cognitive activity, intellectual potential, desire for improvement.

To develop the creative activity of preschoolers, the following types of artistic and productive activities were chosen: modeling origami from polymer clay, non-traditional types of drawing, paper-plastic, as well as designing from natural materials.

To ensure that free creativity not only enriches children, but also brings them joy and pleasure, the structure of Hour of Free Creativity

After bedtime, preschoolers are encouraged to participate in creative activities based on their interests.
At the beginning of Hour of Free Creativity

a general gathering is announced (3-5 minutes, during which the teacher and children discuss what they will do. Having learned the topic of the meeting, the children get acquainted with the samples. (for example, the last one was the topic “birds”) Seeing that the same one can be created from different materials image with varying degrees of similarity, the child develops perception, more complete and varied ideas about the objects of the surrounding world are formed. Children choose activities based on their interests, taking a ticket to one or another
creativity , they go to do what they love. Everyone knows that interest is the basis of freedom choice of activity : An activity chosen by a child of his own free will is performed with a high emotional uplift, it is easier for him to demonstrate his abilities.At
each creative station, children are given freedom to choose materials and tools, methods of performing a particular task, pace of activity, etc. Duration artistic and creative activity for preschoolers is 25-30 minutes (depending on the age group.

Each child, when involved in activities, gains creative experience and satisfies his interests in a certain type of artistic creativity . As a result of the work, a real product that is attractive to children appears (a toy, a souvenir, a gift for mom)


Experience shows that during activities, some children give preference to different types of artistic productive activities, but most children limit themselves to one type they like.

The “Hour of Free Creativity ends

final gathering (5–7 minutes, during which preschoolers learn to demonstrate the results of their
creativity Children can take all the works created by children during an hour of free creativity (this makes them very happy)
or leave them in the
creativity corner in the group (although such cases can be counted on one hand)

Thus, this type of cultural practice, on the one hand, allows us to identify the artistic and creative interests of children , and on the other, contributes to the further development of the creative abilities of our students.

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