New Year's party in the preparatory group “Miracles for the New Year”

Scenario for New Year 2021 in kindergarten

The New Year 2021 scenario in kindergarten will help organize a bright, cheerful holiday, and it’s best to plan it ahead of time in order to turn the New Year’s celebration into an unforgettable and magical event.

Examples of scripts for children of different preschool ages

Scenario for a New Year's party for the little ones

Snow Maiden : The snowstorm has covered the road, You can’t pass, you can’t pass! But all roads, all paths are open to the Snow Maiden! I was in a hurry to see you, friends, because you can’t be late. Here on our Christmas tree there is a festive outfit, and the children’s eyes are sparkling with joy. Happy New Year to you, friends! I invite you to play with the Christmas tree. Hold hands together and stand near the Christmas tree! Our Christmas tree is standing, It’s all lit up with lights, And the heels will click, And the lights will go out.

(Children stomp, lights go out)

Now look - all the lights have gone out. Clap, clap, say: “Our Christmas tree is on fire!”

(Children clap and lights light up)

Next comes the song “Little Christmas Tree”

After a round dance with a song, the children go through and sit on chairs. The presenter notices a mitten lying under the tree and picks it up.

Presenter : Oh, look, guys, what’s under the Christmas tree. Mitten... Who was dancing at the Christmas tree and lost his mitten?

(Fox runs out from behind the Christmas tree)

Fox : I was dancing near the Christmas tree, I lost my mitten!

Snow Maiden : Get the mitten, don’t lose it again! Come on, kids, let's play with Chanterelle!

Chanterelle : We will sing and dance, dance near the Christmas tree. Come on, clap together - the dance will be more fun!

Dance "Warming"

Chanterelle : And now it’s time for me to say goodbye to you

(The fox leaves)

Snow Maiden : I love frost and wind, And snowstorms in winter. Silver snowflakes, fly together in a round dance! And the fluffy Christmas tree will bloom with lights. Hey, snowflakes fly, make all the guys happy.

Dance of Snowflakes

Snow Maiden : Santa Claus must appear to have fun with us. He's been gone for a long time. Did something happen? I’ll wave my magic wand, and from the forbidden thicket the good Santa Claus comes to us! We need to invite grandpa to celebrate the New Year with us. Guys, let's all call Grandfather Frost together.

The name is Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden : Here he comes, a welcome guest, all overgrown with a beard, and cheerful and ruddy. Our beloved Santa Claus.

Grandfather Frost comes out to beautiful magical music.

Santa Claus : Hey, I'm coming, I'm coming! Hello, children, I’m very cheerful today and I’m friends with the guys, I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone’s cold. I was in a hurry, guys, to you, My little friends! Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy. Come on, guys, quickly join the round dance, We will celebrate the New Year with songs, dances and fun!

Snow Maiden : Grandfather Frost, we sang and even danced with the guys, but on this wonderful holiday, we didn’t play at all.

Santa Claus : Eh, guys, it doesn’t matter, I’ll play with you.

Game "Santa Claus - rosy cheeks"

Santa Claus : Our Christmas tree is shining, It is shining very brightly, So the time has come to distribute gifts. Snow Maiden, quickly run and bring us gifts.

Snow Maiden : Now I, my friends, will bring gifts.

He takes out a bag of gifts on a sled. Gift distribution

Santa Claus : Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye, to get ready for the journey. Well, next year, I’ll visit you again

Snow Maiden : We go away, we have to go, Goodbye, kids! Happy New Year, Be happy always!

Scenario for New Year's party for senior groups

Of course , the New Year's holiday scenario for the little ones should be different from the scenario intended for older children.

Junior kindergarten groupMiddle kindergarten groupSenior kindergarten group
The New Year's holiday for the little ones should be held with the obligatory presence of adults, parents and educators. The children need to create a feeling of fairy tale and magic. The children themselves recite poems, sing songs and, of course, receive gifts. The script for the little ones should not be too intense and long. An example of the distribution of characters in the New Year's Carousel holiday scenario:
  • children are snowflakes
  • bunnies;
  • adults - Santa Claus
  • Snow Maiden
  • Leading
  • Hare
  • Bear
Children of middle preschool age are more widely included in the holiday activities. They not only sing and dance, read poetry, but are also the characters in the performance, although not yet personified. Example - the characters in the script for the holiday “Visiting Umka”:
  • adults - leaders
  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden
  • Snowman
  • Big
  • Ursa
  • Umka;
  • children - bear cubs
  • stars
  • magpies
In the older group, the holiday is staged with the expectation that some of the children play the roles of personified characters, while the rest are fabulous “extras.”Example – characters in the scenario for the “Wonderful Chest” holiday:
  • adults - leaders
  • Father Frost
  • Snow Maiden
  • Snowman;
  • children – Fox
  • Hare
  • Boar
  • Bear
  • firecrackers
  • squirrels
  • snowflakes
  • magpies
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