Quizzes for schoolchildren. Topic: trees and shrubs

Intellectual quiz game for preschoolers 4-5 years old

Intellectual quiz game “Do you know trees?” for children of middle preschool age.

Author: Teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 3 of Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg Oksana Vasilievna Maslova. Description: This intellectual quiz game was created as a product of the project activity “Trees are our friends” for children of middle preschool age using mimio interactive technologies. The material can be useful not only for teachers who have the opportunity to work with mimio projects, but can also be adapted for conducting a quiz or OOD without the use of interactive equipment. Goal: To clarify and expand children’s understanding of trees as living objects of nature. Objectives: - Improve the skill of solving riddles, answer the question in a complete sentence, explain your choice. — To consolidate ideas about trees, leaves, fruits; the ability to distinguish and name them. — To consolidate ideas about the life of trees in different seasons. — Develop attention, memory, thinking, dialogical speech. — Improve the skill of selecting definitions for a given object, forming adjectives from nouns. — To cultivate an emotional attitude towards all living things, the ability to see the beauty of nature. Integration of educational areas: Cognition, speech development, physical development. Preliminary work: Review of illustrated and didactic material on the topic. Examination of leaves, fruits, bark of various trees. Observations of trees on the kindergarten playground. Targeted walks to the garden of the Academy of Arts. Conversation “Trees are our friends.” Reading fiction with environmental content on the topic. Materials: Laptop, mimio interactive whiteboard;
a project created by a teacher using mimio interactive technologies on electronic media; basket with pine cones. Progress:
Educator: Guys, look at the screen, Lesovichok came to visit us today.

Say hello to him. Lesovichok wants to tell you a riddle. The answer will tell you what our quiz game is about today. In spring and summer We saw him dressed, And in the fall all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. (Tree) That's right, it's a tree. The little forest boy wants to play with you and see if you know trees. Guess riddles about trees and show the answer. If you show the answer correctly, the tree will grow
before your eyes.
Want to? Then listen! The leaf looks like a palm, beautiful and comely in autumn. Everyone is in love with a tree Because it is... (Maple)

Russian beauty Stands in a clearing Wearing a green blouse and a white sundress. (Birch) A giant lives in our park, But he doesn’t scare anyone at all. And whoever comes to visit in the fall, he treats everyone with acorns. (Oak) Decorates the forest in winter, Red clusters on the branches. Not an alder or an aspen, but a beauty (Rowan) It’s not difficult to guess her. Just be careful! - She’s all covered in needles, But not the hedgehog - (Christmas tree) My needles are longer than those of the Christmas tree. I'm growing very straight in height. (Pine)

Children show the answer using a stylus; if the answer is correct, the picture enlarges. Educator: Well done, guys, you showed all the answers correctly! Let's remember what trees there were riddles about. Look at the screen. Children remember the names of the trees, and appear
in turn.
Educator: Let's describe these trees to Lesovich. What kind of birch? Children: Curly, slender, tender, white. What oak? Children: Mighty, strong, persistent. What kind of maple? Children: Beautiful, carved, colorful. What kind of rowan? Children: Thin, elegant, beautiful. What kind of spruce? Children: Green, prickly, fluffy. Educator: Well done, guys, you know a lot of beautiful words. Do you remember what time of year it is now? Children: Autumn. What happens to trees in autumn? Children: The leaves turn yellow, red and fall off. Educator: That's right! Let's turn into autumn leaves. You turn into maple leaves (chooses 2-3 children), what kind of leaves are you? Children: Maple. You turn into birch leaves, what kind of leaves are you? Children: Birch. You turn into oak leaves, what kind of leaves are you? Children: Oak. Coordination of speech with movement: Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves are flying.
They circle along the path and fall under their feet. Children perform movements and sit on chairs.
Educator: Guys, Lesovichok wants to play the game “What’s extra?” with you. What do you want? Then look carefully at the screen. If you correctly show the extra item and explain your choice, it will disappear.
On the screen there is oak, pine, mushroom, birch.
Children: An extra mushroom because it is not a tree. On the screen there is a rowan tree, a fir tree, a violet, a maple. Children: There is an extra violet because it is a flower, and all other objects are trees. On the screen - oak, palm, birch, pine.

Children: There is an extra palm tree because it grows only in hot countries, but does not grow in our forests. Children point to an extra object using a stylus; if they answer correctly, it disappears.

Educator: Well done!!! Can you determine which tree these leaves and fruits come from?

If you can, Lesovichok will show you whether you are right and the tree will appear
next to its “children.”
next to the fruit when touched with a stylus .

Clever girls!
Today you showed yourself to be real tree experts! Look what a gift Lesovichok gave us. What's in the basket? That's right, pine cones. Let's recharge our batteries with these gifts of nature. Take one cone at a time and repeat after me. Palm massage. You pine cones, Give all the children Strength and health.
Dexterity, beauty, Joy and fun, Intelligence and kindness! Children repeat the text and massage movements after the teacher. Well done! Place the pine cones in a basket and take them with you to the group. It's time for Lesovich to return to the forest. Let's say "Goodbye" to both him and the trees!

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Quiz about trees and shrubs.

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Quiz about trees and shrubs.

Quiz: “Trees and shrubs”

■ What can you tell from the rings in a tree trunk? Age.

■ What protects the inside of the tree? Bark


■ From the flowers of which deciduous tree do bees make the most delicious honey? Linden.

■ Which tree is called the tree of lazy people? Coconut. Its fruits, when ripe, fall to the ground on their own.

■ Which tree's leaves never change color and turn green in the fall? alder leaves


■ From which tree wood do we get rayon, rayon, smokeless gunpowder, celluloid, violins, pianos and paper? Spruce.

■ Which plant has catkins with affectionate, gentle names - rings, guns, paws? Willow


■ Which plant is known to us from its winter branches? It is not evergreen, but has buds. Alder.

■ Which tree has a white trunk? At the birch tree.

■ Which tree, like birch, produces sweet sap? Maple.

■ Which trees have red leaves in the fall? Rowan, aspen, maple leaves.

■ Which tree’s wood is very strong and resistant to rotting, and the tree sheds its needles in the winter? Larch.

■ What kind of wood did the Egyptians provide for the dead? Figs


■ What type of wood did the American Indians use to make boats? From birch.

■ Which tree species occupies the largest area in the forests of our country? Pine, spruce, birch.

■Flour or cereal can be obtained from the seeds of this tree. You can cook porridge or bake flat cakes. You can make coffee. What kind of tree is this? What are its seeds called? Oak and acorns.

■ Which tree's wood is used in shipbuilding? Pine.

■ Resin, rosin, turpentine, sealing wax, and vanillin are obtained from this plant. But it is also a valuable source of vitamins. Indicate what the vitamin is prepared from? Pine. Made from pine needles.

■ Which tree has the longest needles? In North American swamp pine.

■ Which trees provide food for birds? Rowan, bird cherry.

■ Why do foresters sometimes call birch “the good nanny of spruce”? Young fir trees “burn” from the sun, and in the birch forest they rise quickly. Birch trees scatter light and thus seem to protect spruce trees from the scorching rays of the sun.

■ The wood of which tree is very dense, heavy, hard, durable. Is it used for the production of some machine parts and artistic products? Iron tree.

■ Does the tree grow in winter? No, it freezes.

Blitz “Visiting the Trees”

■ A plant with a hard, thick trunk and crown . Tree.

■ Wood clothing. Bark.

■ The tree is a symbol of Russia. Birch.

■ A tree that no one scares, but it trembles. Aspen.

■ The wood from which pianos are made. Spruce.

■ Wood from which matches are made. Pine


■ The honey plant is... Linden.

■ The tree that turns yellow first. Birch.

■ Deciduous shrub growing in squares and parks, shooting seeds from pods. Acacia.

■ Reaches upward from the acorn. Oak.

■ Its leaves look like children's hands. Maple.

■ Short needles grow like a brush. At the Christmas tree.

■ A tree with spherical bright fruits that live until winter. Rowan.

■ The tree that blooms last of the year. Linden


■ In late summer, this plant produces tasty, edible hazelnuts. Hazel.

■ Spiky, branchy tree. Spruce.

■ Pine nuts and pine seeds ripen in it. Cone.

■ Willow tree. Rakita.

■ A plant whose leaves were used to make wreaths for awarding Olympians. Laurel.

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