Rules of behavior in public transport: etiquette

The behavior of children in transport is very often discussed. Some children climb up onto the seat with their feet, interfere with other passengers, stain their clothes, and scream. This naturally annoys other passengers. Of course, you need to be a little more tolerant of children, but this does not mean that children should not follow the rules of etiquette.

Not only adults, but also children should know and observe how to behave in transport. This needs to be explained to the child, told. Before the age of 7, everything that parents do is the only right thing. It is mom and dad who create negative or positive habits and form rules. Let's try to figure out how a well-mannered person should behave.

What should a child know?

Parents should not forget: someday the child will have to resort to public transport on his own.
It needs to be prepared in advance. It's not difficult at all. All that is necessary is to stop dragging your child around with you, no matter what, without paying attention, without explaining anything. You need to tell your child more often how to behave when traveling, how to get on and off the bus correctly. Explain that you can’t push people in transport, stand at the entrance, be sure to take off your backpack, give up seats to disabled people, elderly people, and some other rules that are easy to remember. The best way to learn them is through personal example.

As such, there is no legally established list of rules of etiquette and behavior in public transport for schoolchildren on transport. The behavior of passengers of different ages when traveling by transport is established by the “Rules of Travel on Public Transport” and the rules of the road. They legally describe the rights available to passengers and the responsibilities that everyone must strictly observe. In addition to them, there have always been unwritten rules of etiquette when traveling.

The main rules of behavior can be combined into several simple reminders that will help the child and parent master the main points of safe and moral behavior of schoolchildren in public transport.

Rules for exiting public transport.

Well, we finally got there, it seemed like we could breathe easy. But it was not there. Etiquette says that a man should shake hands with a woman from a vehicle. Of course, a three-year-old toddler cannot do this due to his small age, but an older child, 6–7 years old, can easily do this. How nice it is when a boy shakes his mother's hand on the way out. He automatically feels like an adult, independent. He enjoys taking care of anyone. We need to seize the moment! Because it will be more difficult for older people. And the mother will be very pleased that her son is growing up so gallant and caring.

In conclusion, we can say that our children come to us as a blank slate, and what happens to them next is up to the parents. By teaching how to follow basic rules of behavior in transport, parents thereby provide themselves with a rear. After all, as we know, what goes around comes around. And of course, it is impossible to teach a child one thing in words and another in deeds. Therefore, it would be a good idea for adults to familiarize themselves with these rules.

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Safety regulations

Rules of safe behavior must be followed in all situations. They were invented in order to preserve the health of a person who uses a bus, tram, train or plane. They apply to both adults and children, especially schoolchildren, who can independently use various transport services without parental accompaniment. Let's look at the main ones.

Memo: Rules for boarding and disembarking

  • It is necessary to wait for the vehicle only at a specially equipped stopping point (stop);
  • You should approach the entrance doors of a bus or train only after a complete stop; it is forbidden to jump into open doors while moving;
  • If you notice that a bus or trolleybus is crowded, it is better to wait for the next one;
  • Before entering a bus or other vehicle, you must let all exiting passengers pass;
  • You should enter slowly, respecting the order, without trying to get ahead of everyone;
  • After boarding, do not stop at the very entrance (unless you have to get off at the nearest stop), calmly walk to the middle, leaving space for those who enter after;
  • There is no need to try to get off the bus or trolleybus first - it is best to wait until the main crowd of passengers leaves;
  • It is advisable to cross the street after disembarking after the vehicle has left the stop;
  • When boarding a tram, you must always go around it from the front, a bus or trolleybus - from the back.

Rules of behavior in nature for preschoolers

Memo: Rules for safe behavior on the road

When traveling, you should always behave with dignity and adhere to some safety rules and etiquette.

Main safety rules:

  • You must not make noise, push, or cause other inconvenience to passengers;
  • The transportation of flammable, flammable substances and sharp objects is prohibited in any transport. Large items (bags, backpacks) are best placed where they will not interfere with other passengers;
  • The driver must not be distracted while he is working;
  • It is necessary to hold on to special belts and handrails;
  • In transport, it is better to stand facing to the side in the direction of travel or half-turn. You should not stop near the doors, much less lean out of the windows while moving or the doors when starting to move;
  • Pets are transported in special cages and carriers; dogs are muzzled.

Memo: Rules of behavior on the bus (trolleybus) during the trip

When traveling on any transport, you must be polite to other passengers and follow the following rules:

  • When entering, you need to take off your bags and backpacks so as not to touch other passengers or get them dirty;
  • On the bus they don’t shake the snow off their clothes or the raindrops;
  • According to generally accepted rules of behavior when boarding any transport, the first to enter are always the elderly, pregnant women, and the disabled. It is to them that schoolchildren must yield. The same must be done when leaving a public vehicle;
  • It is advisable to prepare for the exit in advance (especially if there are a lot of passengers). Ask those in front: “Are you getting off at the stop?” Apologizing, ask permission to pass, and not push, silently making a way for yourself with your elbows;
  • In the cabin it is necessary to give up seats to the elderly, women with small children, with heavy bags, and the disabled;
  • In transport you should not push, try not to step on feet, do not lean your elbows on the person who is nearby, do not push him;
  • In the cabin of a bus, trolleybus, tram they do not talk very loudly, do not lean out of the window, do not disturb passengers when exiting or entering;
  • It is necessary to pay for the trip and, if necessary, show the coupon or ticket to the controller, the conductor, after the trip, the ticket is thrown into the trash bin;
  • If you use a travel document, you need to keep it ready when boarding so as not to waste the conductor’s time and not cause inconvenience to other passengers when searching for it;
  • If it’s uncomfortable to hold on in a crowded cabin, and you’re holding flowers or a cake, then don’t be shy and ask passengers to hold them;
  • It is not customary to look closely at passengers, lean on them, or look into the phone or book of the person sitting or standing next to them;
  • You cannot be rude to other passengers. If a remark is made about something, you should take note of it and try to improve;
  • You cannot dirty the seats, climb on them with your feet, paint them, eat ice cream, cakes, comb your hair, clean your nails, laugh loudly, talk, discuss problems publicly, and much more.

Safe behavior of the child at home, in the apartment and in the entrance

Rules of conduct in the air

From the age of two, children on planes already have 20 kg of free baggage. This is a nice bonus when flying. To get to the plane, you need to take a bus, which will take everyone to the boarding point. There is no general check of the presence of those present, since usually a group of preschoolers is not carried on airplanes.

Children on a plane

General safety rules do not differ from the rules for traveling on a bus or trolleybus, except for the point where you need to turn off electronic equipment.

Familiarization with the norms of behavior on the road from an early age teaches kindergarteners to treat dangerous areas of the street responsibly. With the help of games, students learn to pay attention to road signs. Also, from an early age, children are taught etiquette and politeness.

General standards of behavior for transport

Standards of behavior in public transport are observed regardless of its type. The rules of conduct for schoolchildren and adults are the same.

At the entrance

You should approach the doors of the vehicle after it has stopped.

Disembarking passengers are allowed through before boarding. On the street, the backpack is removed from the back in advance. When entering, they respect the queue, do not rush and do not jostle.

Elderly people, disabled people, and pregnant women need help getting into the cabin. In semi-low-floor buses and trolleybuses, the listed categories of persons enter the door where there are no steps.

After boarding, they go to the middle of the cabin to free up space for other passengers. If you need to get off at the next stop, stand close to the doors. After paying for the fare, the ticket is kept until the end of the trip and is presented to the controller upon request.

While driving

The following rules of conduct on buses and other public transport must be observed:

  1. Do not walk around the salon unless necessary. To prevent injury, you need to hold on to the handrails and stand with your face in the direction of travel. Placement half-sided or sideways is allowed. It is undesirable to turn your back to the driver's seat, as you can injure it if you stop suddenly.
  2. Do not stick your head or hands out of the window.
  3. Don't talk loudly. Often, some passengers discuss their own or other people’s problems on the phone for a long time. With this behavior they show disrespect for the people who are forced to witness the conversation.
  4. Listen to music on headphones.
  5. Do not place things in the aisle.
  6. Do not distract the driver. Notify the driver about the stop in advance.
  7. Do not stain the seats, floor or people sitting next to you with ice cream or other products.
  8. Do not lean your back on the doors, as they may open.
  9. In a crowded minibus, hand over money for a ticket without getting up from your seat.

Exit order

Moving towards the exit of the bus, hold on to the handrails.

In a crowded cabin, it is unacceptable to walk, pushing aside the passengers in front. You need to politely ask whether they are getting off at the next stop (if the answer is negative, ask people to skip or change places).

When exiting, they continue to hold onto the handrails. If a disabled person or an elderly person comes down next, they extend their hand to him. The same rule applies to the situation when a man accompanies a woman on a trip, regardless of her age.

Evacuation in case of emergency

In case of fire, the salon is quickly evacuated through doors and windows. If the bus has overturned or the doors are locked, you can use the escape hatches. When there is smoke, breathe through a sleeve or a damp cloth.

When evacuating from a tram or trolleybus, you should be careful: metal parts may be live due to fire damage to the wire insulation. Therefore, it is forbidden to touch metal elements and fill them with water. They get out of the car, if possible without touching the steps, helping other people leave the vehicle.

In the event of a fire or accident, there is a risk of fuel tanks exploding. Therefore, after evacuating people, it is necessary to move away from the dangerous object to the maximum distance.

To whom do they give up their seats?

In public transport, seats are given up to people with disabilities, small children, pregnant women, and the elderly. There are special signs located near the front seats or in the middle of the cabin indicating that seats are provided to the listed categories.

According to etiquette, it is customary for a man to give way to a woman, but a girl can vacate a chair for an elderly man.

Teenagers and preschoolers should be told that they need to give up their seats to older people and people with disabilities.

Basic preventive rules

  • While waiting for the bus, stand in a well-lit area near other people.
  • Avoid deserted stops at night.
  • If you are driving late, sit next to the driver, closer to the aisle, so that it is inconvenient for someone to sit next to you. If, despite this, a suspicious stranger tries to sit next to you, let him go to the window or change seats.
  • Do not lean against doors and, if possible, avoid riding on steps and in aisles.
  • Don't leave your things unattended.
  • If a bully enters the salon, do not meet his eyes.
  • When traveling by train, sit in the carriage with the most passengers, closest to the police call station.
  • Don't stand in the vestibule.
  • Try not to stay in a carriage with a drunk company.

Pedestrians and passengers in cases of emergency need to remember a number of rules:

— boarding and disembarking is carried out only after the transport has completely stopped;

- do not strive to be in the front row, especially when waiting at bus stops;

— in transport, take seats away from exits and aisles;

— ensure yourself a stable position in the cabin; when you stand, hold on to the handrail. The best point of support is the handrail above your head;

- stand facing the direction of travel, so you can always see the danger in advance and, what is also important, in the event of an unexpected collision or braking you will not fall on your back (this is especially dangerous);

- do not place luggage on the floor in the aisle - it will interfere with other passengers;

— do not move around the cabin while driving. If necessary, find intermediate support points;

— the only condition that optimally guarantees safety during braking or a collision is a stable, fixed position;

- if you still fall as a result of a push or braking - group yourself, cover your head with your hands;

- think about the possibility of providing yourself with an emergency exit - study the procedure for using an emergency exit, using the bus hatch or carriage windows;

— when using modern transport, it is necessary to remember that in case of accidents the area of ​​transport power plants is especially dangerous; engines of fuel tanks, conductive elements; in case of an accident, stay away from these areas;

— motor vehicles are a fire hazard, so even in the event of a minor accident, it is necessary, after getting out of the bus or car, to move 10-15 m away from them as quickly as possible, in order to avoid death from a possible explosion or fire. Electric vehicles are dangerous due to the possibility of electric shock; when exiting, you must jump out of them without touching the ground and the vehicle at the same time.

Urban transport

- this is the metro, bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi.


- the most common type of transport.

If an accident occurs and the doors are jammed, get out through the windows, first breaking out the glass with any available objects. When a bus overturns, ventilation hatches can be used as emergency exits. In case of flooding (falling into a river), try to maintain composure at all costs, do not try to leave the cabin immediately, because the oncoming flow of water will not allow you to do this. Once the cabin is filled with water, it will be easier to leave.

Trolleybus, tram -

least dangerous modes of transport. But electric traction creates the possibility of electric shock. In such situations, sitting seats are the safest, and it is recommended to leave the cabin only by jumping to prevent electric shock.

If a fire occurs in the interior of a tram (trolleybus), extinguish it only with carbon dioxide, powder fire extinguisher or sand.

The passenger must comply with the following rules:

1. If any emergency occurs, first of all act as directed by the driver.

2. Do not get out of the car when the driver turns the switch.

3. Do not jump into a tram (trolleybus) while it is moving.


Exit the tram (trolleybus) carefully so as not to get hit by moving vehicles. The tram passage should be bypassed in front, and the trolleybus - behind

5. When passing near the doors, beware of bruising your hands from the doors of the rolling stock.

6. Do not lean out of windows for fear of being hit by moving vehicles or any obstacles.

7. When a tram (trolleybus) approaches a stop, do not approach it less than 0.5 m, so as not to be hit by its protruding parts and accidentally get under the wheels.

8. Do not touch handles and door control mechanisms unless necessary.

9. It is prohibited to approach a tram (trolleybus) that has emergency stop signs posted.

10. It is prohibited to talk to the driver while driving.

11. When moving, you need to hold onto the handrails securely.


An extreme situation can arise in any mechanism.

The passenger must:

  • Have a printed bus ticket and the ID card for which the ticket was purchased.
  • Keep your ticket throughout your trip and be prepared to present your ticket and documents to the ticket inspector.
  • Carry with you documents that provide travel benefits for the child (birth certificate or stamp in the parent’s passport). If the flight is international, you must have a visa and migration documents necessary to cross the border. The passenger is obliged to independently find out information about the rules of entry into the country from the relevant services.
  • Follow the rules for the carriage of baggage, hand luggage and animals established by the carrier. A passenger can carry free hand luggage, the total dimensions of which do not exceed 120 cm (length, width and height), a stroller for a child, skis in a case and a sled. You can carry two pieces of luggage in the luggage compartment for a fee. The total dimensions of a suitcase or bag (length, width, height) should not exceed 180 cm. Baggage must be paid for at the bus station ticket office before boarding the bus. The possibility of transporting a pet, as well as baggage transportation rates, must be clarified in advance with the carrier. To do this, call the bus company at the phone number indicated on the ticket.
  • Take a seat on the bus according to your ticket, unless the bus has open seating.
  • Enter and leave the bus only after it has completely stopped.
  • Inform the bus driver or bus station attendant about forgotten or ownerless things without touching them, as well as about burning, smoke and a burning smell in the cabin.
  • Handle the bus equipment with care (do not damage the upholstery, do not write on it, etc.). The passenger is financially responsible for damage caused to the vehicle and is obliged to compensate the carrier.

How to log in?

Boarding a vehicle, being an extremely simple procedure, still presupposes certain rules of decency. Knowing them will help you avoid a scandal at a bus stop.

  • You should not try to board the vehicle as soon as it arrives. It makes more sense to first let out passengers who want to get out. It is worth observing the queue, but even if one has not been formed, you should not push, trying to get inside the vehicle as quickly as possible.
  • For a long time, it was considered an unconditional rule of good manners for schoolchildren to help pensioners and pregnant women board the bus. However, today it is recommended to first ask whether this is appropriate. A person may be independent enough to enter the salon without outside help, but someone else's touch or the very fact of being perceived by strangers as helpless can offend.
  • Schoolchildren often carry a heavy briefcase or bag with them. If such a part is worn on the shoulders, when landing it is better to remove it and hold it in your hands.

The passenger is prohibited from:

  • Use alcoholic beverages and/or drugs while traveling; board a bus while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Smoking in the bus cabin and toilets.
  • Disturb public order, insult other passengers, use foul language, cause damage to other people's property.
  • Place your belongings on adjacent seats, leave bags in the aisle, at the entrance and exit, including emergency ones.
  • Drive in dirty clothes, carry foul-smelling and dirty objects that can dirty the cabin and other passengers.
  • Take toxic, explosive, flammable substances on a trip, carry weapons and knives without covers.
  • Open windows without the driver's permission and lean out of them.
  • Distract the driver while driving the bus.

Flight etiquette

In the culture of aviation transport, everything is somewhat different: the standards of what to do are not clearly established in order to avoid emergencies. So, let's explain everything in order:

  • Without the escort of airport employees, access to the aircraft location is prohibited.
  • You cannot board an aircraft without permission or enter the cockpit.
  • Getting up from your seats during takeoff, landing, or moving on the ground is prohibited.

Before takeoff, everyone must fasten their seat belt after taking their seat. Then it is extremely important to listen to the rules of behavior in the salon, as well as in case of an emergency.

It is especially important to remember the order in which life-saving appliances are activated. As with all types of transport, noise, shouting, and loud conversations are not welcome.

Where to go regarding rights violations

There are unforeseen cases when the driver does not react in any way to a report of an injury and continues driving. According to the law, this unprofessional behavior can be equated to the situation of leaving the scene of an accident (Part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation): “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on August 2, 2019) . and additional., entered into force on September 1, 2019) This is subject to arrest for up to 15 days or deprivation of rights for a period of 1–1.5 years.

Of course, in this case it will not be possible to call the police to the scene of the incident. Therefore, parents need to find information about the insurance company in the transport (write it down or take a photograph), the driver’s last name, vehicle number, telephone numbers and names of witnesses. Again, you should save the ticket and go to a medical facility so that the child’s injuries can be recorded.

Next, the parents submit an application to the insurance company with the available documents for compensation not only for health damage, but also for moral compensation.

How to behave in an emergency

If the bus gets into an emergency situation (accident, fire), try to remain calm and quickly leave the bus. If the doors are blocked, break the windows or open an emergency exit (roof hatch or window) as instructed. Help those who cannot do it on their own get out.

If while driving you notice signs of fire, fumes, or smoke in the cabin, immediately notify the driver. In case of fire, cover your face with a cloth, preferably moistened with water, and breathe through it. If there is a fire extinguisher in the cabin, use it to put out the fire.

Once you get out, move some distance away from the bus. Call an ambulance and try to provide first aid to the victims.

If the bus falls into the water, try to hold your breath and swim out through the windows or doors.

If the bus gets stuck or breaks down on the train tracks, try to get off the bus as quickly as possible, even if there are no oncoming trains in sight. Do not board the bus until it has left the tracks.

The unified dispatch number for all rescue services is 112 (from a mobile phone).

Ground urban transport

Safety of people on the bus

While waiting at a public transport stop, do not get too close to the roadway. Take your time. Don't run ahead and try to jump on the bus while it's moving. It’s better to wait for the next one than to end up in the emergency room with a fracture. You should also go out carefully, slowly and without pushing anyone. A person may slip on the running board and fall under the wheels or suffer a leg injury.

In the salon, be vigilant and watch your belongings. The bag should not be behind you or below you. Hang it on your shoulder and press it in front, clasping it with your hand. Be sure to use handrails. If you find an ownerless item, notify the conductor or driver.

Underground transport (metro)

Descent to the metro

The metro is one of the most convenient means of transportation in densely populated cities. However, dangers can lurk there too.

  • Before the train arrives, stay away from the edge of the platform. Approach the doors when the carriage has finally stopped.
  • If there is a crowd, use other metro lines to ensure your own safety.
  • If a person falls on the rails, do not rush to his aid. The correct thing to do would be to send several passengers to a metro employee to report the situation, and one person should stand at the edge of the platform and use a bright object to signal the driver to brake.
  • If the person who has fallen cannot quickly get out on his own, but is able to move, he should be told that the safest option is to lie straight, face down, between the rails. You should remain motionless until the train departs.
  • While on the escalator, do not be distracted, do not try to run along it or jump over the steps. You should hold on to the handrail tightly.

If an explosion or accident occurs in the tunnel, listen to the driver’s recommendations. Before leaving the car, you need to wait until the tension is removed from the contact rail. If there is smoke, cover your breathing organs with a handkerchief, napkin or scarf. Beware of the metal parts of the carriage; it is better not to touch them. The driver must indicate the direction in which to move to exit the tunnel. If there is no danger to life, then it is better to wait for help from rescuers.

Railway transport

Train with passenger cars

When ensuring safety in public transport such as a train, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is better to buy seats in cars located in the center of the train rather than in the “head” or “tail”. This is explained by the fact that the central part of the train will be least likely to be damaged in a collision.
  2. Give preference to places that are located opposite to the movement of the train.
  3. Find out in advance where emergency exits are located. Usually there are 2 of them per car.
  4. If your fellow travelers look suspicious or do not inspire confidence in you, it is better not to turn off the light in the compartment and try not to fall asleep.
  5. When traveling in a coupe, never leave the door half open. This will give other passengers unnecessary information.
  6. Keep all important documents and valuables close to you at all times. When you go to bed, place them under your pillow.
  7. Do not drink alcohol in the company of unfamiliar people. This dulls vigilance.

Actions in case of a railway accident

It is prohibited while the vehicle is moving to try to open the doors of the carriage, stand on the steps or lean out of open windows.

  1. The stop valve should only be used in very serious situations. If this occurs, it is not recommended to stop the train in places where it will be difficult to evacuate people (tunnel, bridge).
  2. Your luggage should not contain flammable items, toxic or chemical substances.
  3. If you smell burning or strange smoke, you should immediately inform the conductor about it.

When braking sharply, firmly grasp the handrails and rest your feet on the seat or wall to stabilize your body. It is better to lie down on the floor of the cabin. After waiting out one blow, you should not change position; subsequent blows, stronger ones, are possible. Only when it becomes clear that the train has finally stopped can you get up.

It is necessary to immediately leave the train cabin, because there is a high risk of fire. If you decide to leave the car through the emergency window, then do it on the left side, i.e. where there are no railway tracks.

At what age is free travel possible?

Let's consider Part 1 of Article 21 of the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport”:


Please note that free travel for children is only possible if they are traveling with an adult

2. Children under 7 years of age can be transported free of charge in urban and suburban traffic, and in any number. Those. a passenger can take 5 or 10 children with him and all of them will travel for free. However, children are not provided with separate seating in this case.

3. When traveling intercity, you can. In this case, a separate seating area is also not provided.

How can the inspector determine the age of the child?

Part 3 of Article 21 of the Federal Law:

Thus, the passenger must independently confirm the age of the child, for which he should take a birth certificate with him.

If the inspector has doubts about the age of the baby, he will ask to present the specified document. If the passenger does not have the document, then the fare will have to be paid in full.

In what cases must a child’s travel be paid for?

Part 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law:

So, if transporting children without providing separate seats is prohibited, then the following fare payment rules apply:

In this case, each child must be allocated a separate seat.

In what cases does a child need a separate seat?

In this case, the question arises about in what cases it is prohibited to transport a child without allocating a separate seat. The Motor Transport Charter does not provide references to specific regulatory documents, so you will have to find them.

Let's turn to clause 5.1 of the traffic rules:

Since the child is a passenger of public transport, during transportation he must be fastened with a seat belt. The belts themselves are installed only on the seating areas. Thus, it turns out that if the bus design provides seat belts, then the child needs a separate seat. Accordingly, you should pay half the price for travel.

Which buses must be equipped with seat belts?

Let us turn to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles”. Appendix No. 2:

Let us remind you that classes III and B include buses designed to transport exclusively seated passengers.

In addition, a separate requirement applies to intercity buses. Appendix No. 8 to the Technical Regulations:

Those. All buses used in intercity traffic must be equipped with seat belts.

Thus, it turns out that if a bus only allows for seated passengers, then this bus must be equipped with belts. If there are belts on the bus, then passengers, including children, must be fastened with them. Accordingly, each child needs a separate seat with a belt and parents will have to pay for this seat.

Please note that if there are no seat belts on the bus, but the passenger is still required to pay for a separate seat for a child, then I recommend finding out on what basis such a requirement is being made. If you cannot get any clear answer, then you should write a complaint against the carrier

Resolution No. 1196 of September 13, 2021: On amendments to the Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus

Fines for passengers in 2021

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for 2 options for fines for passengers:

  • Article 12.29, part 1 – warning or 500 rubles. Imposed for any violation of the rules that did not interfere with other road users. For example, such a fine threatens a passenger who does not wear a seat belt.
  • Article 12.30 part 1 – 1,000 rubles. Imposed if the passenger interferes with the movement of vehicles. For example, he was not convinced that there were no cars and opened the car door from the side of the roadway.

This concludes the review of the rules for passengers.



Child on a bus and trolleybus

Rules for the safety of children on public transport (bus, trolleybus) can be combined into the following simple guide:

  • Before boarding, you need to wait until people wishing to leave the vehicle get off. To do this, the passage is cleared.
  • There is no need to linger at the door - people are walking behind, and the child must remember this.
  • You should not smear the seat or other objects with your feet - your feet should always be tilted downwards.
  • They don't eat on transport. This is especially true for cakes, ice cream, pies, etc. Limit your consumption of drinks - during the trip you can be harmful to your health.
  • Noise is not the best travel companion. Explain to your child that shouting and talking loudly is prohibited.
  • Show how to hold on to the handrails to avoid falling. The support must be maintained until the vehicle stops. Then you can release the handrail to get out. During the exit, it is also recommended to hold on.

As already noted, up to the age of 7, in transport, the parent holds the child in his arms. There are several such places on trolleybuses and buses. The quantity may depend on the capacity of the transport. As a rule, the first two are intended for disabled people, passengers with children, elderly people and pregnant women. They are located behind the driver.

Don’t forget to teach your child to treat other people politely and to give way to representatives of the categories of citizens listed above.

Where should seat belts be? All buses that transport passengers intercity are equipped with seat belts.

Should a child seat be provided for infants? Similar to the rule described above, an accompanying rule has been introduced. In accordance with it, buses that provide intercity transportation services (a route of more than 50 km are considered as such) must have separate seats for transporting passengers aged 0 to 12 years. Child restraints look like special seats equipped with seat belts.

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