Formation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in young children.

Formation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in young children.

“Formation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in young children”

Pedagogical project on the formation

cultural and hygienic skills and skills

self-care for young children


Author: Alieva A.V.


Life in the twenty-first century confronts us with many new problems, among which the most pressing is the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children. This problem is especially acute in the educational field, where any practical work aimed at improving the health of children should produce tangible results.

Research by scientists has established that human health only partly, 7-8%, depends on the success of healthcare and more than 50% depends on our lifestyle. To be healthy and live a full life, you need to master the art of maintaining and strengthening health. This art should be given as much attention as possible in kindergarten. We must constantly remember that now there are few ideally healthy children, there are practically none. Great importance in protecting and strengthening the health of a child belongs to his hygienic training and education. Hygiene education is part of general education, and hygiene skills are an integral part of cultural behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hairstyle, clothes, shoes clean are dictated not only by hygiene requirements, but also by the norms of human relations. When forming cultural and hygienic skills, there is not a simple assimilation of rules and norms of behavior, but an extremely important process of socialization, humanizing the child, “entering” him into the world of adults.


It is well known that human health begins in childhood. The child’s body is very plastic, it is much more sensitive to environmental influences than the adult’s body; and on what these influences are - favorable or not - depends on how his health will turn out.

“Children’s health is the wealth of the nation.” This thesis does not lose its relevance at all times. It is in preschool age that it is very important to instill in a child the habit of cleanliness, neatness, and order. During these years, children can master all basic cultural and hygienic skills, learn to understand their importance, and perform them easily, quickly and correctly. The educational field of health requires us to form healthy lifestyle habits in children, which always come first.

The main task is to develop the simplest skills of neatness and self-service, to lay the foundation of a hygienic culture.

Working with children in the 1st junior group of kindergarten, I noticed that most children who returned to kindergarten from home lack basic self-care and personal hygiene skills: children do not know how to wash themselves, dress and undress, or objectively assess the characteristics of their body . From the first days the child entered the group, I began working with parents. It turned out that 60% of parents do not attach serious importance to instilling independence in their children and, considering them too young, try to do everything for them themselves.

Others, understanding the importance of fostering independence in a child’s development, still show impatience and do for the child what he can handle himself. They explain this by saying that in the morning they rush to work, and in the evening they are tired, and the slowness of the children irritates them. In order for parents to understand the importance of fostering independence, I organized a series of consultations, individual conversations, during which I explained to parents that the family is the first society where the child’s character, his moral qualities, habits, and vital skills are formed.

Thus, the problem of educating KGN is quite acute. That is why I decided to work in depth on the topic “Formation of cultural and hygienic skills.” In the same direction, I solve no less important tasks in forming initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle and in preserving and strengthening the health of children, physical and mental.


Formation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in young children.

Project objectives:

  1. Develop cultural and hygienic skills, form the simplest skills of behavior while eating and washing.
  2. Form the habit of taking care of your appearance, the ability to properly use soap, wash your hands and face; wipe dry after washing, use a comb and a handkerchief;
  3. Develop table behavior skills: use a spoon and napkin correctly; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk at the table, do not talk with your mouth full;
  4. To form initial ideas about the value of health, that health begins with cleanliness of the body, that cleanliness, beauty, and health are inseparable concepts;
  5. To develop the need for hygiene and neatness in everyday life;
  6. Actively involve parents in maintaining and developing personal hygiene skills at home.

Project participants

: teachers, children, parents.


Expected outcome of the project for children:

Mastering cultural, hygienic and self-service skills by young children:

  • Children dress and undress independently in a certain sequence.
  • Demonstrate neatness skills and take care of their appearance (they notice a mess in their clothes, fix it on their own or with a little help from adults)
  • Use individual objects (handkerchief, napkin, comb)
  • Use tablespoons and teaspoons correctly; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full.
  • Use soap correctly, wash your hands and face carefully; wipe dry after washing.
  • On their own or after a reminder from an adult, they follow the basic rules of behavior when eating and washing.

Expected outcome of the project for parents:

  • Increasing knowledge to ensure successful development of children.
  • Receiving advice on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.
  • Strengthening connections between kindergarten and family.
  • Changing the position of parents regarding their health and the health of their children.

Project type

: long-term, gaming.

Project implementation timeframe

: September 2021 – May 2021

During the implementation of the project, it is planned to use elements of the following educational technologies:

  • health-saving (problem-based games, communicative games; dynamic pauses, outdoor games, finger gymnastics);
  • personality-oriented (games, activities, exercises, observations, imaginative role-playing games)
  • socio-game (dramatization games, games with rules, method of creating problem situations)

During the implementation of the project, the following methods and means


  • personal example of kindergarten workers and parents;
  • use of fiction, folklore;
  • model diagrams (sequence of stages for individual operating moments);
  • ensuring a clean environment;
  • compliance with the rules of etiquette;
  • psychological culture of relationships
  • Game situations;
  • Problem situations;
  • Didactic games and exercises;
  • Conversation;
  • Reading;
  • Cognitive activity;
  • Algorithms.
  • Individual conversations;
  • Consultations;
  • Questionnaire;
  • Parent meetings.


Stage 1. Analytical

: determining the level of knowledge in the field of cultural and hygienic skills in young children through observations and conversations; drawing up a work plan; development of project content, study of literature, selection of works of art, nursery rhymes, riddles, word games on this topic.

Stage 2. Practical

: Implementation of a plan for working with children; joint educational work with children and parents to solve assigned problems.

Stage 3. Final

: Summing up the work on the project; parent survey; project presentation.

Stage 1 – analytical
Activities of a teacher Children's activities
Watches the children. Conducts diagnostics. Organizes a subject-development environment. Selects literature, games, illustrations. Look at the illustrations. Runs errands. They are playing.
Stage 2 – practical
Introduces a game situation and formulates a problem: Organizes games and conversations. Reads fiction. Provides assistance to children in realizing their plans. Attracts parents. They get used to the game situation and try to find ways to solve the problem. With the help of the teacher, objects are selected - substitutes, materials for playing, experimenting, books for viewing. Repeat the actions and words of familiar poems after the teacher.
Stage 3 - final
Activities of a teacher Children's activities
Describes and analyzes the work on the project. Presents notes, plans and other materials. Conducts diagnostics. They tell short poems and nursery rhymes about washing, accompanying the actions with text, and answer questions. They recognize the processes of washing and dressing in pictures, correctly name these processes, and experience positive feelings in connection with the performance of hygiene procedures. They help each other, show independence in washing, dressing, and feeding. They look at their clean face in the mirror. Play plot-display games.
  1. A long-term plan for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in young children.
1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing "Long live scented soap"

Goal: Reinforce the sequence of hand washing (familiarity with the washing algorithm)

"Three golden rules of hand washing":

a) before meals

b) after the toilet

c) after a walk

Goal: To learn the “Three Golden Rules”, expand and activate the vocabulary: soap, soap foam, lathered, washed away, soap dish, water - clean, warm, cold.

D/I “Let’s wash the doll Katya”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about proper washing of hands and face, to give an understanding that towels have different purposes: for hands, feet, body.

Looking at the illustration “Mom bathes the baby.”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items: soap, towel, warm water.

Nutrition "Healthy and harmful products"

Goal: To provide knowledge about healthy and harmful foods, what you can eat a lot and what you can eat in limited quantities.

"Table Rules"

Goal: Reinforce the rules of behavior at the table: eat carefully, use a spoon, napkin

"Rules of behavior at the table."

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge that people sit at the table with a straight back, their legs stand next to the chair

Situation “We are getting ready for lunch”

Purpose: to introduce the names of tableware, their shape, color;

explain to children the sequence of arranging utensils for lunch

Dressing “What are clothes for?”

Goal: To enrich children’s knowledge about clothing, to introduce them to the dressing algorithm and to reinforce the dressing sequence.

Game situation “Travel with the doll Katya.” Getting to know the locker room.

Purpose: familiarization with the locker room equipment (lockers, bench, large mirror on the wall, shelf for shoes), its purpose and ways of using it by the child;

"Order in the lockers."

Purpose: To introduce the concept of “things in a pile”, to give an idea that the lockers should also be in order.

D/I “Let’s dress the Katya doll for a walk.”

Goal: To consolidate the dressing sequence, to expand children’s understanding of the need to dress warmly.

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing D/I “What kind of water.”

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the properties of water, to expand vocabulary: warm, cold, clean, dirty, soapy, transparent.

D/I “How we bathed Piggy.”

Purpose: To give an idea that being dirty is bad; for bathing you need to use warm water, soap, a washcloth, and a towel.

"Auntie Toothbrush."

Purpose: To introduce children to a toothbrush, what is it for?

"Soapy gloves."

Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to properly soap your hands (until “soapy lambs”), rinse well, and wipe your hands dry.

Nutrition Nursery rhyme “Deep, not shallow.”

Deep and not shallow ships in plates. Onion, red carrot, parsley, potatoes and a little grains. Here the boat floats and hits you right in the mouth.

Goal: To introduce children to a new nursery rhyme, to reinforce the ability to hold and use a spoon correctly.

“We’ll cook porridge and feed Vanya.”

Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to correctly hold a spoon in your right hand, eat carefully and silently.

D/I “Feeding the dolls Katya and Vova.”

Goal: To develop stable attention, the ability to manipulate cutlery: a spoon.

D/I "Forks and Spoons".

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to use a spoon, to introduce them to a fork and its purpose, to compare the differences in using a spoon and a fork.

Dressing Riddles about clothes.

Purpose: To fix the names of clothes and their parts (collar, sleeve, pocket, etc.)

D/I “Doll Katya shows her outfit.”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about clothing and develop dressing skills.

D/I “Let’s dress the doll for a walk.”

Purpose: To introduce the names and types of shoes: slippers, warm boots, felt boots, rubber boots, etc., to consolidate the dressing algorithm

Situation “The Katya doll fell and stained her dress.”

Goal: To be able to find a solution to a problem, to develop the ability to sympathize with a person who finds himself in a difficult situation.

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing Reading the fairy tale “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky.

Goal: To cultivate the desire to independently monitor the cleanliness of your body and perform the washing process correctly.

D/I “Fluffy towel”.

Goal: To develop the ability to properly use a towel and wipe your hands dry

D/I “Clean children”.

Goal: To cultivate a desire to be clean and tidy, to activate speech, attention, and the ability to name as many hygiene items as possible.

Nursery rhyme “Water, water.”

Water, water, Wash my face - So that my eyes sparkle, So that my cheeks glow, So that my mouth laughs, So that my teeth bite

Goal: To introduce children to the nursery rhyme, to activate speech, to cultivate behavior in the toilet room (no pushing, splashing, or soaping your eyes).

Nutrition Game “Let's give tea to Anya doll”

Purpose: to teach children to give tea to a doll (later other toys: a bear, a bunny, etc.)

develop the ability to consistently perform actions, name objects and actions with them;

develop an affectionate, caring attitude towards the doll.

“The magic word is “thank you.”

One of my friends loves to eat, but after saying “thank you” he forgets. Why should you, friends, be like him? And to mothers and grandmothers and cooks, and to those who brought the treat to you, say the magic word “thank you”, show your gratitude for your work.

Goal: To form a culture of behavior at the table using artistic expression.

The artistic word is a reminder before eating.

It’s not in vain that we remain silent while eating; chewing and talking is very dangerous: no one will understand your speech anyway, what if the food goes down the wrong throat? One of my friends was chatting, having fun, sighed awkwardly and choked on a piece of food.

Goal: To form a culture of behavior at the table using artistic expression.

D/I “Beautiful napkins for the three little pigs.”

Goal: Continue to develop the ability to use napkins.

Dressing “We woke up and stretched”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to dress after sleep in the correct order, develop self-care skills, put on socks correctly, and, with the help of a teacher, turn clothes inside out

D/I “The boy Dima and the girl Nina are going for a walk.”

Goal: To enrich knowledge about items of clothing, to distinguish between clothes for boys and girls.

D/I “Let’s wash the doll’s dress.”

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​how to care for clothes, to cultivate neatness and neatness.

Poem by E. Blagina

“Like our Irka.”

Like our Irka, she has a hole in her stockings! Why, why, is there a hole in the stockings? Because our Irka doesn’t want to darn. Like our Natka has darning on her heel! Why, why, darn on the heel? Because Natka doesn’t want to be a slob.

Goal: To cultivate the desire to be neat and tidy.

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing D/I “What do I wash with?”

Goal: To clarify children’s ideas about washing items: washcloth, toothpaste, soap, etc., to be able to navigate which product (item) is needed at different times.

D/I “How Piggy went to wash himself.”

Goal: To strengthen washing skills, the ability to roll up sleeves, properly soap hands, and wipe dry.

Learning nursery rhymes.

The hen brought some water from the well and the whole crowd of kids ran to wash themselves.

Goal: To introduce children to a new nursery rhyme and make them want to wash their hands.

D/I “What a towel.”

Purpose: To give an idea that there are different types of towels: terry, personal, foot, kitchen, to expand vocabulary.

Nutrition Nursery rhyme “Buckwheat Porridge”.

Buckwheat porridge, where was it cooked? - It was boiled in the oven, she insisted that the children eat it, they praised the porridge, and divided it among everyone. The geese on the path, the chickens in the basket, the tits in the window got a spoonful. There was enough spoon for the dog and the cat, and the kids ate the last crumbs!

Goal: Encourage children to eat all the porridge and introduce them to a new nursery rhyme.

Didactic game “Let’s give the doll tea”

Purpose: to introduce the names of items from a tea set; practice proper table setting for tea drinking (sequence of arrangement of cutlery for tea drinking).

D/I “Piggy at the table”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to eat carefully, separating small pieces from the dish, and chew food with a closed mouth.

Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”

Goal: To consolidate table manners and pay attention to the behavior of fairy tale characters.

Dressing Conversation “My clothes.”

Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to undress in the correct sequence before going to bed, and carefully hang things on the high chair.

"Friendly sandals."

Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to put on shoes correctly: right sandal on the right foot, left sandal on the left foot.

D/I “Doll Masha woke up.”

Goal: To consolidate the names of clothes, develop the ability to act with objects, and dress in the correct order.

D/I “Masha is a slob.”

Goal: To learn to notice disorder in clothes, to monitor your appearance.

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing Artistic word.

If you try to look at your hands through a microscope, you will see hordes of harmful microbes there. They are causative agents of harmful diseases; shaking them off your hands is still useless. There is a simple remedy for these microbes: they are killed by soap and water. Please remember, before eating, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Goal: To consolidate hand washing skills using artistic expression.

D/I “Let’s wash the doll.”

Goal: To strengthen the ability to properly wash your hands and face: soap, rinse, squeeze out the water, wipe dry with a towel.

Learning a nursery rhyme: “Clean water.”

Clean water

Washing Vova's face

Tanya - palms,

Fingers - Antoshka.

Goal: To create in children the need and habit of hygiene procedures.

The poem is a joke

V. Orlov


Small flies and big flies wash their eyes and ears with their paws.

Clean, washed, In the morning, at dawn, They have a fun breakfast in the trash can.

Goal: To introduce children to a new poem, to cultivate a desire to maintain body hygiene, and to bring joy.

Nutrition A tour of the kitchen.

Purpose: familiarization with the names of kitchen utensils, clarification and consolidation of the purpose of kitchen utensils; give children an idea of ​​the profession of a cook;

develop observation skills; develop respect for the work of adults

D/I “Gift for Mishka – a new cup.”

Goal: To enrich children's knowledge about the purpose of a cup and its parts (bottom, walls, handle).

"Our dishes"

Goal: To help children master the concept of “dishes”, to practice the ability to classify objects according to one (two) characteristics (color, shape, purpose).

Observation “The nanny washes the dishes.”

Goal: To contribute to the formation of children’s understanding of the work process, to evoke good feelings towards the person who cares about children.

Dressing Didactic game “Choose clothes for the dolls”

Goal: Learn to name items of clothing, differentiate clothes for boys and girls, and consistently dress a doll.

Examination of the illustrations of “Hat”.

Purpose: To clarify the name of the items of clothing (hat), what parts it may consist of, what types of hats there are (winter hats, Panama hats, etc.)

Examination of the illustrations “Winter clothes”.

Purpose: To clarify the names of clothing items (fur coats, jackets, coats, etc.), what parts outerwear consists of.

D/I “Doll Katya is coming to visit.”

Goal: To create in children the need to be neat, to cultivate a desire to dress with taste.

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing Repeat the nursery rhyme “Clean Water” (see January week 3).

Goal: To create a mood in children to perform cultural and hygienic procedures, to develop speech and memory.

“Okay, okay, wash your little ones with soap.”

Goal: To develop the ability to independently perform washing processes without disturbing peers.

D/I “Wash your hands for your daughter.”

Goal: To consolidate the washing algorithm, to promote the formation of an increasingly sustainable interest in performing hygienic procedures.

"My towel."

Goal: To continue to reinforce in children the understanding that they can only dry themselves with their own, individual towel

Nutrition Game situation “Katya the doll is having lunch”

Goal: To consolidate children's understanding of the use of utensils. Encourage children to remember and name familiar words and compose simple sentences. Develop children's speech and memory.

D/I "Katino's treat".

Goal: Expand children's understanding of healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, natural juices), consider models or pictures depicting fruits.

Fairy tale "Three Bears".

Goal: To reinforce the rules of behavior at the table, to be able to analyze the behavior of the main character (heroine).

Conversation “Cutlery”.

Purpose: Remind children of the rules for using cutlery, clarify in what cases a small spoon is used.

Dressing D/I “Top, top - boot.”

Goal: To strengthen in children the ability to distinguish and name different shoes, their purpose (boots, shoes, felt boots, shoes, etc.)

Story game “Let’s iron Katya’s dress.”

Goal: To continue to develop in children the idea of ​​the need to take care of their clothes and have a neat appearance.

Examination of the painting “Children on a walk.”

Goal: To pay attention to the features of winter clothes, what they are (warm, winter, beautiful), to activate children’s speech.

D/I “Choose clothes for the dolls.”

Goal: To consolidate the dressing algorithm, the names of items of clothing, to differentiate clothes for boys and girls.

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing Conversation “Save water.”

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the need to save water by turning off the tap well after washing.

“Early in the morning, at dawn, kittens wash themselves.” Examination of illustrations to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”.

Goal: To enrich children’s knowledge about hygiene, to make it clear that everyone must follow cultural and hygienic rules.

D/I “Wash the doll’s hands.”

Goal: To encourage children to follow the “three golden rules of hand washing” - after a walk, after using the toilet and before eating.

Reading the poem “Boy Petya.”

Boy Petya got up late

It's hard to wake up

He didn't wash his face

He's a mess, isn't he?

Goal: To train children in the ability to analyze children’s behavior, is it possible to behave this way, why?

Nutrition D/I “Preparing dinner for the dolls.”

Purpose: To exercise the ability to distinguish between products (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits), to consolidate the skills of differentiation according to the purpose of tableware.

Story game "Birthday".

Goal: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at a party, at the table, to activate speech, to be able to congratulate the birthday person, to come up with wishes.

Instructions for duty officers.

“Teach Cheburashka to set the table.”

Goal: To consolidate duty skills, practice proper table setting and naming tableware.

Examination of the plot picture “Children are having lunch” and the poster “Inappropriate behavior at the table.”

Purpose: To exercise the ability to analyze the behavior of children, in which illustration do children follow the rules of behavior at the table, in which one do they not, why?

Dressing Nursery rhyme

"One two three four five".

One two three four five

We are going for a walk. We tied a striped scarf for Katya.

Well, let Petenka get on his feet

We put on boots.

For the kids to play

We took a walk around the site.

Goal: Create an emotional mood for dressing for a walk, strengthen self-care skills.

Conversation “What does it mean to be neat?”

Purpose: To fix the names of clothes, shoes, methods of caring for appearance, what is this for?

"My locker."

Goal: To strengthen the ability to fold your things neatly, to maintain the order of clothing in the closet: shoes at the bottom, outerwear on a hook, tights, sweaters, hats on the shelves.

Didactic game “Kolya visiting children”

Purpose: examining the boy’s clothes (trousers, shirt, socks, boots): name the items of clothing and their most striking features.

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing Story game "Doctor Chistyulkin".

Goal: To form a special attitude towards following the rules of personal hygiene, to activate children’s vocabulary (soap, toothbrush, water, towel).

"Washing with cold water."

Goal: To expand children's understanding of the benefits of washing with cold water, as a hardening process, and why it is useful.

D/I “What does a doll need for bathing.”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge of the necessary items for carrying out water hygiene procedures.

D/I “Let’s show Katya the doll how we can wash and dry ourselves.”

Goal: To consolidate the acquired cultural and hygienic skills, to arouse interest in the washing process.

Nutrition Story game "Little Housewives".

Goal: To consolidate the names of products, the ability to set a table, and to cultivate a culture of behavior in the game.

“What do we eat for lunch?”

Purpose: To draw the attention of children that lunch consists of several dishes

Profession "Cook".

Goal: To enrich children’s knowledge about professions, to cultivate respect for the work of adults.

Situation: “We are getting ready for lunch.”

Goal: To consolidate the skills of preparing for lunch (washing, drying hands), the correct use of cutlery, and careful handling of them.

Dressing Situational game "Piggy got into a puddle."

Goal: To draw children’s attention to the culture of behavior on the street in the spring, to cultivate neatness.

Situation “What if I wet my clothes?”

Goal: To consolidate the skills of politely asking for help, to be able to determine the need to dry clothes, and to thank for help.

"Clothes in spring"

Goal: To exercise the ability to analyze and compare winter and spring clothes, what are the similarities and differences.

“Let’s wash the handkerchiefs.”

Goal: To reinforce ideas about the need to care for personal belongings, to instill hard work and accuracy.

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Washing Reading the poem by S. Mikhalkov “A letter to all children on one very important matter.”

Goal: To create a mood in children to follow hygiene rules, to introduce children to a new work of art.

Watching the cartoon "Moidodyr".

Goal: To strengthen children’s desire to observe the rules of personal hygiene, support their love of water procedures, and bring joy.

Conversation “Cleanliness is the same as beauty”

Goal: To consolidate cultural, hygienic and self-service skills in children, develop the basics of social interaction, and cultivate a culture of friendly relations in the children's team.

Reading the poem by A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”

Goal: To evoke an emotional response to the girl’s behavior, to activate children’s speech, to find out what the girl was wrong about and how she should have behaved.

Nutrition Conversation “Your favorite dish in kindergarten.”

Goal: To develop the ability to express one’s taste preferences, to activate speech and memory.

The riddle "Amanita".

White dots on red

Poisonous mushroom, dangerous.

There's no point in talking here

Don’t pick... (fly agaric).

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the world around them, to make it clear that they should not pick anything on the street or eat it.

Game "Let's feed the doll Katya lunch"

Purpose: to teach children to pour soup from a saucepan with a ladle;

teach to feed the doll with a spoon from a deep plate, put the second dish (pasta sticks, cutlet mugs, etc.) into a shallow plate, give it compote;

Story game “Tea for dolls”

Goal: to consolidate the skills of using a cup - hold the cup by the handle;

enrich play activities - teach dolls to drink tea from a cup;

consolidate knowledge of the “tea ceremony”: boil water, brew tea, pour boiling water and tea leaves into a cup.

Dressing Travel game “Our locker room”.

Purpose: To fix the names of the locker room equipment, its purpose, and the order of things in it.

Reading the story by M. Zoshchenko “Stupid Story”

Goal: To introduce children to a new literary work, to reinforce in children the desire to be neat, tidy, and take care of their things.

D/I “How can I help a friend.”

Goal: Strengthen the habit of taking care of your appearance, remind your comrades about problems in their appearance, and show a desire to help them.

Conversation: “My favorite clothes.”

Goal: To train children in the ability to talk about themselves, their preferences in clothing, remember the seasons, who was dressed how.

  1. Interaction with parents.
September Questioning parents

Conversations with parents on the topics: “Children’s clothing in the group and on the street! ", "Labeling of clothes", "We live according to the regime! "

October Consultation “Features of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children 2-3 years old”

Sharing experiences between parents “How I put my child to sleep.”

November Consultation “The role of folklore in the formation of cultural

hygiene skills in young children"

Consultation “How to get your child interested in daily dental hygiene?”

December Folder moving: “The importance of cultural hygiene skills in the life of your child”

Conversation: “Teaching children proper behavior at the table.”

Photo exhibition: “How I help my mother”

January Consultation “Development of self-care skills and CGN in young children (2 – 3 years)”

Request to parents: watch the film “Moidodyr” with your children

February Consultation: “How to teach a child to wash his hands (get dressed)”

Design of the photo exhibition “We love, we love washing our faces in the mornings and evenings!”

March Conversation: “How to instill and nurture independence in children”

Design of the album “Culturally - hygienic skills at home.”

April Consultation “What items should a child have at home to develop cultural and hygienic skills”

Folder - moving in the health corner “Clothing for the season”

Conversation: We teach children at home to dress in the correct order when going out.

May Questioning of parents “What self-care skills have children acquired by the end of the year”, comparison of the results of questionnaire No. 1

Monitoring the development of CGN.


In the 2nd junior group, continue work on developing cultural and hygienic skills. To give children a general understanding of health as a value that needs to be constantly taken care of, to teach them how to take care of their health and take care of it. Give children knowledge about vitamins, their benefits for human health, and the content of certain vitamins in vegetables, fruits and berries.


The level of knowledge in the field of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age can be determined through observations and conversations.

Table 1. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the 1st junior group at the beginning of the school year


child's last name

Development of hand washing and personal hygiene skills Development of neat eating skills Development of self-service skills when dressing and undressing Level of formation

Table 2. Development of cultural and hygienic skills in children

1 junior group at the end of the school year


child's last name

Development of hand washing and personal hygiene skills Development of neat eating skills Development of self-service skills when dressing and undressing Level of formation

1. Hand washing and personal hygiene skills include the ability to: - Wash your face and hands; -Roll up your sleeves; - Take soap, lather until foam appears and rinse off the soap; - Wipe your hands dry; -Use a comb; -Use a handkerchief.

  1. Tidy eating skills include the ability to:

-Proper use of tablespoons, teaspoons, and napkins; -Do not crumble the bread; - Chew food with your mouth closed; - Do not talk with your mouth full; -Quietly leave the table after finishing the meal; - Thank you.

3. Self-care skills when dressing and undressing include the ability to:

-Unfasten the buttons, lock; -Take off your dress (shirt, shorts); -Hang carefully; -Take off your shoes; -Put on in reverse order.

If the child correctly performs all the actions included in the skill, then for:

  • The child receives a “3” for a correctly performed action;
  • action performed with minor inaccuracies - “2”;
  • inability to perform an action - “1”.

Criteria for assessing the level of development of cultural and hygienic skills in young children

level short average high
points 0 – 27 points 28 – 40 points
  1. – 51 points

The result of the level of formation of cultural and hygienic skills in young children

short average high
Beginning of the year 25 % 75% 0%
The end of the year 6% 63% 31%

To implement this project, the preschool educational institution has all the necessary conditions:

Human resources: teachers, teacher assistants, nurse.

Material conditions: group premises, dressing rooms, washrooms.

Educational and methodological resources: manuals, didactic material, card index of games, action algorithms.

Technical conditions: tape recorder, TV.

Information resources: computer, Internet access.


Based on the work done, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • The creation of a subject-development environment contributed to the development of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in children;
  • The systematic use of games and exercises to develop cultural, hygienic and self-care skills contributed to the development of independence;
  • The interaction between teachers and parents contributed to increasing parents’ interest in this problem and their active participation in the work of developing cultural, hygienic and self-care skills in children.
  1. Vasilyeva M.A. Education and training program in kindergarten - M.: Mozaika - Synthesis, 2007.
  2. Golitsina I. S. Long-term planning in kindergarten. Second junior group. Implementation of FGT in preschool educational institutions. - Scriptorium - 2010.
  3. Bogina T. L. Protecting the health of children in preschool institutions. Publishing house "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2006
  4. Krylova N.I. Health-saving space in preschool educational institutions. Volgograd: Uchitel Publishing House, 2009.
  5. Konina E. Yu. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children. Game set. - Iris Press, 2007.


How to teach a child to use a spoon?

One of the first self-care skills that a baby can learn is the ability to use a spoon independently. At about the age of 1 year, the child develops a desire to perform instrumental actions (for example, digging sand with a shovel). This moment is perfect for giving your baby a spoon. Here are some tips on how to teach your child to feed himself:

  • Eat with your baby. Sit next to her and show her how to use a spoon. Soon the child will begin to repeat after you.
  • Surely, at first the baby will not be able to bring the spoon to his mouth. If the child does not mind, hold the baby's hand and guide it.
  • To make it easier for your child, use a special curved baby spoon.
  • If your baby tries to hold a spoon, but quickly loses interest, don’t insist. Over time, the number of “independent spoons” will increase.

The main conditions for successfully teaching a child to use a spoon are a positive attitude and patience of parents. You should not put pressure on your child if he refuses to eat on his own. The time will come when he himself will try to take the spoon from you.

Teaching a child to wash his hands independently

After a year, you can teach your baby to wash his hands on his own. Children usually love water procedures, so this skill is formed quite quickly. Show your child how to soap his hands and how to rinse them. If necessary, help your child do this more carefully. Let the baby have his own towel available so he can dry his hands.

How to teach your child to clean up after themselves?

The age from 2 to 4 years is the ideal time to teach a child to be neat and tidy. During this period, children are usually real conservatives: children's need for constancy and predictability in the world becomes more acute than ever.

Early teaching of order to a child will help to avoid problems with the development of independence and responsibility in older preschool age.

Introduce a rule: take a new toy only after the child puts away the things with which he has already played enough. Cleaning should not be a punishment for the baby; let it become a natural end to the game for him. Don't force your baby to clean if he's naughty. Offer your help or even do it for him. Sooner or later, the baby will definitely begin to imitate you.

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