Long-term plan for developing cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group

Long-term plan for developing cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group


1 Long-term plan for the education of cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group Educators: Tsidik E.A., Kovaleva N.F. Regime processes Contents of skills Methodological techniques September hold the fork with your thumb and middle fingers, holding it on top with your index finger. Conversation “Let's remember how to eat properly”; Russian folk tale "Zhikharka". Straightening the bed, dressing and undressing independently in a certain sequence, carefully folding and hanging clothes on a chair before going to bed. washing: soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wipe dry with a towel. Learn to dry and clean your clothes and shoes, strengthen the ability to straighten your bed October Learn to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand. correctly place your things in the closet, strengthen the ability to tie shoelaces, fasten sandals. wash your face, wipe dry with an individual towel. Straighten the bed: fold the bedspread neatly, straighten the blanket. Poem "Masharasteryasha" "Who puts the clothes correctly and quickly." Reading: I. Ishchuk “My palms” “How to straighten the bed.” Russian folk tale “The Three Bears” Reading by N. Litvinov “The Kingdom of Cutlery”. Conversation “Every thing has its place.” Reading an excerpt from the poem “He’s so absent-minded” “Let’s tell the kids how to wash themselves.” Children reading nursery rhymes by heart: “Water, water...” Reading by S. Mikhalkov “I myself.”

2 Straightening the bed Dressing and undressing November using a fork. dress and undress in a certain sequence, use different types of fasteners. Wash yourself properly and use a handkerchief in a timely manner. making the bed, the ability to carefully cover the bed with a blanket. December eats the second course, holding the knife in his right hand and the fork in his left hand. neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair, dress in a certain sequence. proper washing, using an individual towel. dry and clean your clothes, wipe your shoes “We’ll tell the kids how to use a fork correctly” Reading I. Bursov “Galoshes”, S. Mikhalkov “I Myself”. Exercise “Who will put the clothes correctly and quickly.” Reading K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” (excerpts). “Who will make the bed correctly and quickly.” Conversation “How to properly eat a second course.” Exercise “How we can put things in order.” Uspensky “Destruction” Reading A. Barto, P. Barto “The Dirty Girl”. Conversation “How to take care of your clothes.” January there is a second course. use a napkin to read Dragunsky’s story “The Secret Becomes Revealed”

3 necessities. Teach children to independently maintain cleanliness and order in their closet. wash quickly and correctly. wash, wipe, clean your shoes. Learn to sew on torn buttons. Take part in changing bed linen. February: Use a knife and fork at dinner, and a napkin as needed. To independently maintain cleanliness and order in your closet, wipe yourself dry only with your own towel, taking it from the cabinet and unfolding it on your palms. dry and clean your clothes, wash, wipe, clean your shoes. put a clean pillowcase on the pillow and spread a sheet. Conversation “How we put things in order in our wardrobe” Game-dramatization based on the work of A. Barto, P. Barto “The Dirty Girl”. Reading by D. Krupskaya “Cleanliness” Reading the English folk song “Robin Bobin Barabek” Game competition “Let’s put things in order in the lockers.” Reading an excerpt from K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr” “Long live fragrant soap.” “Let’s help the junior teacher change the bed linen.” March: Use cutlery correctly; eat the second course with a knife and fork. Conversation “Why the second course is not eaten with a spoon.” Reading Russian nursery rhymes: “Little bunny is a coward”, “Grandfather wanted to cook his ear”, turn the clothes taken off Reading M. Zoshchenko “Stupid Story” on the front side, carefully put on the shoes Conversation “Our microbes”

4 making the bed making the bed wash quickly and carefully, be sure to wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet. Form the habit of taking care of your appearance. take part in changing bed linen. April eat the second course with a knife and fork, without moving them from hand to hand, eat with your mouth closed. fold clothes carefully before going to bed, turn sleeves inside out, straighten clothes. Reinforce the rules for washing and maintaining order in the washroom. Continue to form the habit of monitoring your appearance, remind your comrades about problems in their appearance. Learn to take part in changing bed linen: put on a clean pillowcase, and with the help of an adult, put the duvet cover on the blanket. enemies" Conversation "Cleanliness is the key to health" Conversation "Food culture is a serious matter", B. Zakhodera "Pussy Woe" Game-competition "Whose chair is the neatest", repetition of nursery rhymes on the topic Reading E. Vinokurov "Bathing children" "How to help a friend" . May children eat with their mouths closed and chew food silently. children to maintain order in their wardrobes, strengthen the ability to use different types of fasteners on shoes and N. Gernet and D. Harms “Very, very tasty pie” “Who has order in the closet”

5 tucking tucking clothes, tying shoelaces. wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet and as needed. Form the habit of reminding your friends about problems in their appearance, show a desire to help them, and improve the ability to sew up clothes that are torn at the seams. change the bed: lay out a clean sheet, put on a pillowcase and duvet cover. June Use cutlery correctly when eating, keep the cutlery above the plate. Children help their friends get dressed: fasten a button, straighten a collar. Strengthen and improve the habit of keeping your body clean. Constantly monitor your appearance and troubleshoot problems. Conversation “Clean hands, healthy children” Reading an excerpt from V. Mayakovsky’s work “What is good and what is bad” Productive activity: sewing doll linen. Reading Permyak’s story “How Masha became big” Role-playing game “Kindergarten” Reading “Jam” by O. Grigoriev. Reading S. Mikhalkov “Everything by myself.” Reading T. Kozhomberdiev “It’s all the same.” “Who is the neatest” by E. Uspensky “If I were a girl” July, while eating, keep the cutlery above the plate, at the end of the meal, put it on the edge of the plate, and not on the table. neatly hang things in the closet and fold them on a chair. Role-playing game "Cafe". I. Tokmakova “Plim” (2 quatrains) Reading by Y. Akim “Neumeika”.

6 refueling refueling Consolidate and improve acquired skills, cultivate the habit of keeping your body clean. Learn to sew on loose loops. Make the bed completely after sleep. August To consolidate and improve the skills of eating culturally, using cutlery and napkins correctly. quickly dress and undress, maintain order in the closet, help comrades. wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet and as needed. Constantly monitor your appearance, help your comrades troubleshoot problems with their appearance, and take part in changing bed linen. “Whose towel is clean has washed himself correctly.” Showing, reminding, indicating, recalling and naming familiar works on the topic. Role-playing games: “We are at a birthday party”, “Cafe”. Game competition “Who is the fastest”, “Who is the neatest”. Reminder, reading an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s poem “Moidodyr” Productive activity: repairing doll clothes.

Long-term plan for cultural and hygienic skills of middle group children

Compiled by Ovchinnikova T.V.

Teacher of the 1st qualification category

1st weekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: Learn to wash yourself, wash your hands with soap before eating, when dirty, after using the toilet.
2nd weekSelf-service. Program content: Continue to instill in children neatness and the habit of taking care of their appearance. A) Reading an excerpt from K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief.” B) D/game “Dress Masha for a walk.”
3rd weekCultural food skills. Program content: Improve the skills of careful eating: Take food a little at a time, chew it well, eat quietly. A) Introduce the film - the fairy tale “Chunya”.
4th weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: Continue to teach children to be friendly with adults and peers, to say hello and goodbye. Address the junior teacher, teacher, manager, medical worker and other kindergarten employees by name and patronymic. A) Reading a poem by N. Gerner; memorization. "Song about a polite little siskin"
1st weekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: Learn to wash your hands correctly: do not splash water, wipe your hands dry. A) Learning nursery rhymes. “I washed my face from the tap early this morning.” “Clean water washes Vova’s face, Tanya’s face, and Antoshka’s fingers.”
2nd weekSelf-service. Program content: Teach children to use a comb and handkerchief. A) Story-role-playing game “Barbershop”
3 - weekCultural food skills. Program content: Teach children to properly use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife), napkin, and rinse their mouth after eating. A) Telling riddles: 1. Three little pigs with one tail (Fork) 2. I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon) 3. Whether it’s soup or potatoes, for lunch you need (Spoon) 4. If sharpened, everything is easy to cut - bread, potatoes, beets, fish, apples and butter (Knife).
4 - weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: Teach children to thank adults and peers for the help provided, politely express their request: do not interfere in the conversation of elders, do not interrupt the speaker. A) Didactic game “To the land of polite words”
1 WeekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: Strengthen the ability to use a towel, hang it in its place. Teach children how to brush their teeth correctly. A) Reading of N. Naydenov’s poem “Our Towels.” B) Conversation “Teeth pain” (caries)
2 - weekSelf-service. Program content: Strengthen the skills of dressing and undressing. A) Telling a riddle. Who are we? On a clear day we sit at home. It’s raining – we have work to do: stomp and make noise through the swamps. (Rubber boots)
3 -weekCultural food skills. Program content: Continue to strengthen sitting calmly at the table, maintaining the correct posture. A) Learn the nursery rhyme “We have a lot of kids, they all sit on chairs and eat butter porridge.”
4 - weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: Develop the ability to treat toys and things with care, use them for their intended purpose, put them back in place, notice a broken toy, ask an adult to fix it. A) Manual labor in the book corner (repair of the album book.). B) Nursery rhyme “Now let’s get down to business, put away the toys together.”

1 WeekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: Teach children how to use toilet paper correctly, tear off as much as needed. And don’t forget to wash your hands with soap after using the toilet. A) Reading the work of K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.
2 - weekSelf-service. Program content: Teach children to tidy their bed after sleep, lay the pillow evenly, and carefully cover it with a blanket. A) Repeat the nursery rhymes “Early to bed,” “Time to sleep,” “Everyone is sleeping.” B) Reading the work of G. Ladonetsikov “The Doll and Katya”.
3rd weekCultural food skills. Program content: Continue to teach children to eat carefully and use a napkin after eating. After lunch, give thanks. A) Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”.
4 - weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: Teach children to respect and care for the work of adults. Instill the desire to willingly carry out instructions or requests from an adult. A) Conversation “My parents’ profession” (with children). B) Reading the work of I. Tokmakova “Who to be?”
1 WeekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: Pay attention to good hand washing. A) Reading the work “Girly Girl.” B) Repeat nursery rhymes and proverbs.
2 - weekSelf-service. Program content: Continue teaching children to fold neatly before bed. A) Didactic game “Put the doll Masha to sleep.”
3 -weekCultural food skills. Program content: Pay attention to how children treat bread (repeat to them that they should not crumble the bread or throw it on the floor.) A) Learn the proverb “When there is no bread.” B) Didactic game “Treat your friends”
4 - weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: To teach to follow basic rules in the dressing room and washroom. A) One, two, three, four, five, we’re going for a walk. (Memorize a proverb - a nursery rhyme.)
1 WeekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: Repeat the hand washing sequence with the children. Cultivate neatness in children. A) Didactic game “Let’s teach Masha how to wash her hands correctly.”
2 - weekSelf-service. Program content: Teach children to help each other (get dressed, tie scarves, shoelaces, fasten buttons). A) Conduct the lesson “Let’s get dressed for a walk.” B) Reading the work of O. Krieger “For a Walk”.
3 -weekCultural food skills. Program content: Continue teaching children to use forks. When leaving the table, quietly push your chair back and thank the adult. A) Didactic game “Seat the guests at a table.”
4 -weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: Teach children to behave in accordance with the rules of conduct in public places: behave with restraint, not attract undue attention, speak quietly.
1 WeekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules (sequence) of hand washing, knowledge of their own towels. A) Repeat proverbs and sayings.
2 - weekSelf-service. Program content: Teach children to rinse their mouths after eating (after lunch), and take care of their nails.
3 -weekCultural food skills. Program content: Pay attention to how clean the table is, cultivate neatness. A) Reading the poem “I put the cutlery for everyone, I poured soup for you.”
4 - weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: Observe the basic rules of behavior on the street: behave calmly, do not shout, do not disturb others. A) Reading the poem by E. Blaginin “Let’s sit in silence.”
1 WeekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: Continue to teach children to keep their clothes neat (shirt tucked into shorts, sandals fastened). A) Reading the work of V. Mayakovsky “What is good..” B) Nursery rhymes, poems.
2 - weekSelf-service. Program content: Teach children to play in corners together, after playing, put toys back in their place. Tidy up your corners.
3 -weekCultural food skills. Program content: Strengthen the skills of cultural behavior at the table, do not put your elbows on the table, drink and eat quietly, chew food with your mouth closed. A) Learn the nursery rhyme “Delicious porridge.”
4 - weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: Continue to teach children to greet adults first. Maintain order and cleanliness in the group. A) Didactic game “The Best Housewife”. B) Nursery rhymes: 1. Olenka knows that she took the luggage back to its place. 2. Who is our good guy? Who is our handsomest? Vovochka is good! Vovochka is handsome!
1 WeekPersonal hygiene skills. Program content: Test children's knowledge about personal hygiene items and their purpose. A) Show of the puppet theater “Moidodyr”.
2 - weekSelf-service. Program content: Teach children to take care of their appearance and maintain order in the group. A) Demonstration of the game - exercises “Every thing has its place.”
3 -weekCultural food skills. Program content: Continue to teach children how to use cutlery (teach how to hold a fork correctly). A) Lesson “Set the table for dinner.” B) Riddles.
4 - weekDeveloping cultural behavior skills. Program content: Continue to teach children to politely make requests to others and thank them for the service provided. A) repetition of nursery rhymes. B) Reading the work “Everything is Alright” by O. Serdobolsky.

Instilling cultural and hygienic skills in the senior group at preschool educational institutions

Dear Colleagues! My name is Svetlana Viktorovna Popryadukhina, I want to share my experience of working in a preschool educational institution on the topic “Instilling cultural and hygienic skills in children of the senior group.” This topic is relevant. We carry out our work in three areas:

1. Organization of a developmental environment in the group.

2. Organized educational activities with children.

3. Interaction with children's families.

A child spends most of his life in kindergarten. Therefore, special attention is paid to organizing the developmental environment in the group. To instill cultural and hygienic skills in children, we created zones: “We are on duty”, “Hygienic corner” with individual feeders for combs. “Hairdresser” and “Mood Corner” where children comb their hair after sleep and play role-playing and other games. In the book corner we have books, including literature on instilling cultural and hygienic skills. The guys look at and discuss with interest various situations related to CGN.

To learn through play, we use games with a doll: “Our Katya has woken up,” “Let’s dress Katya for a walk,” “Bathing the doll Katya.” Plot-role-playing games: “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Family”. Games with puzzles "Moidodyr".

- Schemes - models of the sequence of stages of dressing and undressing, rules of behavior at the table, good manners.

— Didactic exercise “Who has a tidy closet.”

During the implementation of the program for the education of cultural and hygienic skills, we use the following educational technologies: health-saving

— Sleeping in the summer with open transoms;

— Gymnastics after sleep;

— “Dry massage with a mitten”;

— Walking along health paths;

- Outdoor games.

We implemented projects to educate cultural and hygienic skills: “Long live scented soap and fluffy towels!” and “Food Culture.” We conducted classes on “Microbes and Viruses”, “Edible and Inedible Mushrooms”, and drew pictures on the topic “Beautiful Towel”. In the education of cultural and hygienic skills, the unity of the requirements of educators and parents is important. The parents of our group listen to our advice. At parent meetings we hold discussions on “Clothing for the season”, introduce the results of children’s development, and work together with parents to improve the health of pupils. Information for parents is located in the reception area: the corner “To you, parents”, “Aibolit” - which contains information on instilling cultural and hygienic skills in children. Thus, the integrated use of all available means and joint targeted work with parents, relying on new technologies, increase the effectiveness of educational work.

Cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group/card file (secondary group) on the topic

Cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group

Nutrition Dressing and undressing Washing


— Strengthen the ability to eat a main dish and salad with a fork, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, without crushing them in advance.

— Improve children’s ability to behave at the table: keep their back straight, do not put their elbows on the table, break off small pieces of bread as necessary, chew food with their mouth closed, etc.

— Improve children’s ability to quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence.

— Strengthen children’s ability to properly place their things in the closet.

— Strengthen children’s ability to neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before bed.

washing skills in children : soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your towel, hang it up.

— Strengthen skills in using a personal comb.

— Teach children to use a handkerchief, unfolding it as needed.


— Improve children’s ability to behave at the table: keep their back straight, do not put their elbows on the table, break off small pieces of bread as necessary, chew food with their mouth closed, etc.

— Strengthen the ability to eat a second course, a casserole, with a fork, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, without crushing them in advance.

— Improve children’s ability to use a napkin as needed.

— Train children’s ability to use all types of fasteners.

— To teach children to recognize their things and not confuse them with the clothes of other children.

- Help children notice if their clothes are out of order and seek help from adults.

washing skills in children : soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your towel, hang it up.


— Get into the habit of rinsing your mouth after eating.

— Strengthen children’s ability to use a napkin as needed.

— To develop children’s ability to verbally express their request.

— Strengthen in children the skills of politely asking for help, thanking for the help provided.

— Strengthen children’s ability to put on shoes correctly.

— To develop in children the ability to behave correctly in the washroom: do not make noise, do not push, do not splash water.

— Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing.

— Strengthen children’s ability

— Strengthen children’s ability to use their own towel by unrolling it, wiping first their face, then their hands, and hanging it by the loop on a hook.


— Strengthen the ability to eat a main dish and salad with a fork, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, without crushing them in advance.

— Chew food with your mouth closed, use a napkin as needed.

— Teach children to follow basic rules of behavior in the locker room: do not run, do not knock on locker doors.

— Continue to teach children to follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten: wipe their feet when entering the room, hold onto the railings on the stairs.

— Strengthen children’s skills in tidying up their appearance independently or with the help of an adult: pulling up tights and socks, straightening a shirt, tucking in clothes, etc.

— To develop in children the ability to behave correctly in the washroom: do not make noise, do not push, do not splash water.

— Strengthen children’s ability to use their own towel by unrolling it, wiping first their face, then their hands, and hanging it by the loop on a hook.

— Teach children to turn away when coughing or sneezing, or to cover their mouths with a handkerchief or hand, from others.


— To develop the ability to eat different types of food without changing the position of the spoon or fork in the hand, but only slightly turning the hand inward or outward.

— Improve children’s ability to use a napkin as needed.

— Teach children to notice disorder in their clothes and take care of their appearance.

— Improve children’s ability to maintain order in their closet.

— Improve children’s ability to turn their things inside out on their own.

— Strengthen children’s ability to use an individual comb.

— Teach children to turn away from others when coughing or sneezing, and to cover their mouths with a handkerchief or hand.

— Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing.


— Improve children’s ability to behave at the table: keep their back straight, do not put their elbows on the table, break off small pieces of bread as necessary, chew food with their mouth closed, etc. — Develop the ability to eat different types of food without changing position spoons or forks in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand in or out.

— Strengthen children’s ability to recognize their clothes and not confuse them with the clothes of other children.

— Strengthen children’s skills in cleaning and maintaining order in their locker.

— Strengthen skills in maintaining a neat appearance.

— Teach children to turn away from others when coughing or sneezing, and to cover their mouths with a handkerchief or hand.

— Strengthen children’s ability to use their own towel by unrolling it, wiping first their face, then their hands, and hanging it by the loop on a hook.


— Strengthen the ability to eat main courses and casseroles with a fork, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, and do not crush them in advance.

— Improve children’s ability to use a napkin as needed.

— Improve children’s skills acquired throughout the year, quickly and accurately perform the necessary actions.

— Practice lacing shoes, with the help of adults, tie the laces.

— Practice using different types of fasteners: buttons, zippers, Velcro.

— Improve skills of neatness and neatness, strengthen the ability to put their clothes in order, and help each other.

— Strengthen children’s ability to use a handkerchief correctly: unfold, release the nose, alternately pinching one nostril, roll the handkerchief with the used part inward.

— Strengthen children’s ability to roll up their sleeves before washing.


— Strengthen the ability to use a napkin as needed.

— Improve children’s skills acquired throughout the year, quickly and accurately perform the necessary actions.

— Practice lacing shoes, with the help of adults, tie the laces.

— Practice using different types of fasteners: buttons, zippers, Velcro.

washing skills in children : soap your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash your face, wipe dry with your towel, hang it up.

— Improve children’s ability to behave at the table: keep their back straight, do not put their elbows on the table, break off small pieces of bread as necessary, chew food with their mouth closed, etc.


-Improve the ability to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork or spoon in the hand, but only slightly turning the hand inward or outward.

— Improve children’s ability to use a napkin as needed.

— To teach children to notice disorder in their clothes and to monitor their appearance.

— Strengthen children’s skills in cleaning and maintaining order in their locker.

— Improve the skills of neatness and neatness, strengthen the ability to put clothes in order.

— Strengthen children’s ability to use an individual comb.

— Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing and wash their hands after using the toilet.

June July August.

Pay attention to training those skills that have received little attention.

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