Card index of theatrical games and exercises in the middle group

Dramatization. Notes on dramatization games for the middle group

Scenario for dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok” in the middle group. Open demonstration of organized educational activities on speech development through theatrical activities in the middle group. Dramatization of a fairy tale : “Teremok”
Educational areas:
“Speech development”
“Cognitive development”
, “Physical.

Publication “Summary of an integrated lesson in a middle group with elements. » Objectives: To promote the acquisition of plastic modeling skills. Strengthening sculpting techniques: the ability to connect the ends of a column by pressing them against each other, twisting. To update children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, to consolidate counting within 5, and the ability to relate.

Card index of dramatization games with children of primary preschool age Purpose: To develop children's interest in dramatization games; contribute to the formation of children’s ability to reflect some game actions and imitate the actions of characters, convey simple emotional states of characters, using at least one means of expressiveness -.

Abstract of the educational activity in the middle group "Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "The Fox with a rolling pin" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 283 "Golden Key" Abstract of the educational activity on the development of speech with the inclusion of theatrical activities in the middle group Topic: "Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "The Fox" with a rolling pin” Completed by the teacher.

Article “Dramatization game with children of primary preschool age. » Goal: To develop children’s interest in games – dramatizations; contribute to the formation of children’s ability to reflect some game actions and imitate the actions of characters, convey simple emotional states of characters, using at least one means of expressiveness -.

ECD for familiarization with fiction in the middle group “Reading and dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”

Abstract of the GCD for familiarization with fiction in the middle group “Reading and dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit” Goal: developing children’s interest in children’s fiction through solving problems from educational areas “Speech.


Summary of the game - dramatization of "Teremok" in the middle group.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 107 “Firefly”


games - dramatization "Teremok"

in the middle group.

Completed by the teacher:

Chernetsova S. Yu.

Ulyanovsk, 2021


: Creating favorable conditions for creative activity in children through theatrical activities.


1. Cognitive development: teach children to dramatize a familiar work, coordinate the words and actions of a character, continue to introduce the basics of theatrical activity.

2. Speech development: teach children to pronounce words clearly and distinctly, develop intonation expressiveness, promote the development of dialogic speech, develop memory, visual and auditory attention, imaginative thinking, imagination.

3. Physical development: develop the ability to convey the characteristic movements and motor characteristics of characters.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development: develop artistic abilities, musical abilities, dance movements, the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of characters.

5. Socio-communicative development: cultivate politeness, confidence, friendly relations, empathy for each other, encourage interaction with partners.

Integration of educational areas:

cognitive development, speech, social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic, physical.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading the fairy tale “Teremok”.

2. Playing out the plot of a fairy tale in the round dance game “Teremok”.

3. Telling a fairy tale by role.

4. Dramatization of a fairy tale using various types of theater.

5. Examination of illustrations for a fairy tale.

6. Carrying out the didactic game “Collect a fairy tale using a chain of pictures “Teremok”.

7. Individual work to fulfill the role, actions in accordance with the text.


: house - mansion, table, chairs for heroes, broom, dishes, cast iron, wooden spoon, flowers in pots, watering can, cloth, balalaika, costumes, masks, refreshments.

Planned results

: Formation of interest in theater in children, development of a culture of speech, emotionality, love for Russian folk tales.


Ved: Children, look how many guests came to our performance today. Let's all say hello (children say hello). And now, dear artists, let us take our seats, our fairy tale begins.

Ved: Everyone in the world loves fairy tales, adults and children love them,

Fairy tales teach us kindness and hard work,

They say how to live so that everyone around you can be friends.

The kindergarten will show us Teremok in a new way.

There is a tower-house in a field, it is not low, not high, not high.

No one lives in the tower, no one invites you to visit.

How to dramatize fairy tales in secondary groups of preschool educational institutions

Dramatization is one of the important areas of work in kindergarten. This type of activity not only develops communication skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the overall development of boys and girls. They begin their acquaintance with the world of theater with finger puppets, when an adult shows skits, and then children act them out on their own. Starting from the middle group, the teacher dramatizes folk tales with the participation of several kindergarten students.

The importance of dramatization in preschool education

Speech development is an important component that influences the harmonious development of personality. Correct speech is not only the basis for successful literacy acquisition, but also socialization in society. And the theatricalization of fairy tales in the middle group is an effective way of forming it.

For preschool children, the leading type of activity is play. Therefore, all the knowledge they gain during the game is absorbed more effectively. Children do not need to be forced to study: they themselves will be happy to participate in such an educational process. Dramatization has a positive effect on:

Important! Dramatizing a fairy tale in the middle group helps to develop a “linguistic sense.” During the production and performance, children can improvise and use proverbs and sayings in coherent speech. All this contributes to the further successful mastery of the linguistic norms of the native language.

Staging children's fairy tales has a positive effect on the emotional and volitional sphere. Children become less inhibited, cease to be afraid of public speaking, and make contact more easily. Dramatization teaches children to better understand the emotions of people around them. This is especially important for those who have speech impairments because they find it difficult to understand the emotional state of other people.

Another of the main goals of children's theatrical activities is to introduce the preschooler to the artistic style and features of folk culture. Therefore, educators most often choose Russian folk tales or famous works of children's writers for production.

Lesson in kindergarten

Several types of dramatization are used in preschool activities:

You need to start getting acquainted with the world of theater by staging simple scenes, gradually moving on to more complex ones, for example, improvisation. Theatrical activities can be implemented both within the group and at the preschool level at festive events.

Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale “Rukavichka” in the middle group.

Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale “Rukavichka” in the middle group.

Educator: Shalaeva O.L.

Musical director: Tiranova E.P.
to develop children’s interest in theatrical activities, enrich the emotional sphere, and develop communication abilities.
- develop coherent speech;
— enrich active vocabulary, develop memory; — improve the ability to combine words and actions; - learn to control voice strength and timbre; - promote the formation of clear, bright, intonationally expressive speech; Preliminary work:
- reading the Russian folk tale “The Mitten”;
— distribution of roles; — learning roles and automation of delivered sounds; — decoration, preparation of attributes; - selection of musical accompaniment. Characters:
Mouse Bunny Fox Wolf Boar Bear Dog Old Man
(All roles are played by children)
In the foreground is a model of a mitten.
In the background is a forest (several artificial Christmas trees). Music sounds along with the words of the narrator.
- A fairy tale, a joke fairy tale, telling it is not a joke.
And so that the fairy tale at first, like a small river, gurgles.

So that young and old are always happy to listen to her.

Open your ears, open your eyes,

To find yourself in an interesting fairy tale.

Hello, golden sun! (raise your hands up)

Hello, blue sky! (raise your arms up and to the sides)

Hello, free breeze, (swinging raised arms left and right)

Hello, little oak tree! (put your hands down)

We live in the same region - (spread your arms to the sides)

I greet you all! (stretch your arms forward)


Lyuli-lyuli, tili-tili! The hares walked on the water, And from the river, like with ladles, They scooped up water with their ears, And then they carried it home. The noodle dough was kneaded. They hung it on our ears - It was a lot of fun!


But more interesting miracles happen in the forests!
This is a small fairy tale about animals and a mitten. An old man comes out from behind the Christmas trees, walks past a mitten (decoration) and drops a real mitten.

An old man was walking through the forest, he lost his mitten - a new mitten, warm, downy.

The old man leaves. (A mouse appears from behind the Christmas trees and music sounds for the mouse to come out).
I’m sitting under a bush and trembling from the cold. The mitten is a mink! I’ll run to her from the hill - This is a new mink, Warm, downy!

( Runs behind his mitten.)
A bunny was jumping along the edge of the forest, His ears were frozen.
(A bunny runs out from behind the Christmas trees and music sounds for the bunny to come out).

And where can I go now, Where can the unfortunate man warm himself?
The bunny runs up to the mitten.


Who is inside - an animal or a bird?
Is there anyone wearing this mitten? The mouse looks out of the mitten. Mouse:
This is the Scratch Mouse!
Let me go, little girl!
Bunny is very cold, Runaway Bunny! Mouse:
There's enough room for both of us.
It’s softer here than on the bed - The mitten is new, warm, downy! (The Mouse and the Bunny hide in a mitten. The Fox appears from behind the trees, music is played for the Fox to come out).


Oh, save me, Santa Claus bit the fox on the nose, runs after her - his tail is shaking from the cold!


Answer the fox, Who is huddling in the mitten? A mouse peeks out of a mitten.


I'm the Scratching Mouse, the Long-Tailed Little Mouse!
The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten. Bunny:
I'm a little runaway bunny, a little bunny in my mitten!
Have pity on the fox and put it in your mitten!
There's enough room for the three of us here.
It’s softer here than on the bed - The mitten is new, warm, downy! (The Bunny and the Fox hide in a mitten. The Wolf appears from behind the trees, music is played for the wolf to come out). Narrator:
He howled at the moon at night and caught a cold.
The wolf howls.
The gray wolf sneezes loudly - tooth does not hit tooth.
(The wolf sneezes and chatters his teeth).

Hey, honest forest people, who, tell me, lives here?


I'm the Scratching Mouse, the Long-Tailed Little Mouse!
The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten. Bunny:
I'm a little runaway bunny, a little bunny in my mitten!
(The bunny hides, the fox peeps out of her mitten). Fox:
I am a fluffy Fox, a little sister in my mitten!
You let me live, I will guard you!
There's enough room for four here.
It’s softer here than on the bed - The mitten is new, warm, downy! (The wolf and the fox hide in a mitten. The Boar appears from behind the trees, music is played for the wolf to come out). Boar:
Oink! The barrel is completely frozen, the tail and snout are freezing! This mitten is by the way!

(Mouse peeks out of the mitten).
There's not enough space here for you!
I’ll fit in somehow!
(The Mouse and the Boar hide in the mitten. The Fox looks out of the mitten). Chanterelle:
It's cramped here! Well, it's just creepy!

(The fox again hides in the mitten. The Bear comes out from behind the trees (music sounds for the bear to come out). Narrator:
The clubfooted bear is freezing. His nose is freezing and his paws are freezing.
The bear rubs his nose. Bear:
I don’t have a den! What’s here in the middle of the road? Mitten will do! Who, tell me, lives in it?

(Mouse peeks out of the mitten).
I’m the Scratching Mouse, the Long-Tailed Norushka!
(The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten). Bunny:
I'm a little runaway bunny, a little bunny in my mitten!
(The bunny hides, the fox peeps out of her mitten). Fox:
I am a fluffy Fox, a little sister in my mitten!
(The fox hides, the Wolf peeks out of his mitten). Wolf:
The top still lives here, a warm gray barrel!
(The wolf hides, the Boar peeks out from the mitten). Boar:
Well, I’m a tusker boar, I’m stuck with my mitten!
There are too many of you here. Shall I climb in with you guys?
(conciliatory): Yes, I will somehow!
(Boar and Bear hide in a mitten. Fox looks out of it). Chanterelle:
There’s nowhere to sneeze here!
(The Fox hides in her mitten again. The Mouse looks out of it.) Mouse
(angrily): Fat, and there you go!
(The mouse hides in a mitten.) Narrator:
Then the grandfather missed the loss - he ordered the Dog to run back and find the Mitten!
(A Dog appears from behind the trees and runs towards the mitten, music sounds). Dog:
Woof-woof-woof! So here she is! You can see it from a mile away! Hey, you animals or birds, quickly throw yourself out of the mitten! If I find anyone in it, I will bark very loudly. Immediately the grandfather will come with a gun and take away the Mitten!

Animals jump out of the mitten one by one and hide behind the Christmas trees. The dog runs after them and barks. The old man comes out, picks up his mitten and leaves the stage with the dog.


The animals were very frightened, they scattered, they hid in all directions, and they lost their new warm and downy mittens forever!


Fairy tales for dramatization in the middle group

Children of this age group are characterized by their desire for socialization. They are more actively involved in role-playing games, trying on various roles (social and heroes of famous fairy tales).

Note! In middle preschool age, children become more attentive; they can already perceive not only poetic works, but also short Russian folk works.

What performances can be shown in the middle group?

"Zayushkina's hut"

The role of the leader is the teacher himself or, if desired, the child. The main characters of this tale are:

The teacher must prepare the appropriate props in advance. These are masks with animal ears (bear cub, dog and other heroes) or their image. This is also the bast zayushkina and the ice fox hut. Before the start of the production, the teacher reads a fairy tale to the children, introducing them not only to its content, but also to how to convey the character of the characters using facial expressions and intonation.

The teacher explains to the children the meaning of outdated and unfamiliar words so that the students understand the content of the work. During the discussion of the fairy tale, he asks leading questions about the characters' personalities so that they can convey them during the dramatization. For example, the fox is cunning, the hare is kind, modest, the rooster is brave, and so on for all the characters.

The fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” is associated with the lexical themes “Seasons”, “Domestic and wild animals”. During the dramatization, children learn to form possessive adjectives: hare, bunny's hut, fox.


Another popular fairy tale that is in the middle school card index. The leader is an adult or a child. Fairy tale heroes:

The peculiarity of this fairy tale is that the characters have few words, so children need to use more facial expressions and gestures to convey the characters of their characters. The teacher can make a path with plants, mushrooms, and berries along which Kolobok will roll.

This tale is related to the lexical themes “Wild and Domestic Animals”, “Family”. You can also discuss rules of behavior with students.

Note! This work can also be chosen for an improvisation game. For example, invite children to come up with lines for Grandmother and Grandfather. Or other animals from which Kolobok rolled away.

Theatrical activities in kindergarten

"Fly Tsokotukha"

This work is popular with children and is often chosen to be staged because it is in the form of a poem. The characters' phrases are easier to remember, which is why this Russian fairy tale is often chosen for classes in the middle group. The role of the presenter can be divided into several children, because the text is large, or you can choose an excerpt for dramatization.

The whole group can be involved in the staging of “Flies-Tsokotukha”. Children need to portray characters without words using facial expressions, gestures, and movements. The main roles are Mukha-Tsokotukha and Komarik.

This work is also suitable for an improvised script if the level of speech development of children allows them to independently come up with phrases for their characters. This tale can also be used for a logori lesson.

To stage this fairy tale, you should try to prepare a house in which the heroes will live. The teacher can do this independently or approach the children with this request. This will make the children even more willing to take part in theatrical activities.

Children play the roles of a Mouse, a Frog, a Bunny, a Fox, a Wolf Cub and a Bear. When dramatizing, children can add onomatopoeic complexes to words to make the characters’ speech even more expressive.

Note! “Teremok” is best suited for practicing the prosodic side of speech, namely the pitch and strength of the voice.


This fairy tale is also introduced to children in middle preschool age. You can choose a child or use props in the role of Turnip. The main characters are Grandmother, Grandfather, Granddaughter, Bug (dog), Cat and Mouse.

The peculiarity of this tale is that the characters have practically no words. Therefore, children can improvise. For example, a child playing the “cat” role can say “Meow,” Bug can bark, and Mouse can squeak. For human characters, the teacher asks the children to come up with short phrases.

Important! This fairy tale is also suitable for working with non-speaking children, because onomatopoeia is one of the main directions in working with this category of people. Only in this case there is no need to invite children to come up with phrases on their own.

All of the listed works are suitable for working with children of middle preschool age because they are small in volume; characters speak in simple phrases, their character must be conveyed through facial expressions and gestures. The lexical topics covered are appropriate for the children's age, so they will be able to understand what the fairy tale was about.

After reading, the teacher conducts a brief analysis of the work with the children. He asks questions about what the plot was about, which of the characters is positive and which is negative, why they think so, and other similar questions. Children understand the characters better and will be able to convey them better.

During such a conversation, children learn to express their opinions, which has a positive effect on the quality of coherent speech. The vocabulary is enriched and clarified, sentences become more grammatically correct.

Children dramatize the fairy tale "Teremok"

Staging a fairy tale in the middle group in kindergarten

Staging “Toys in the Hut”, in the middle group

Olga Ivanovna Ignatievskaya, Educator, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 3 “Forget-Me-Not”, Moscow Region, Protvino Goal: to develop children’s theatrical abilities. Objectives : develop children's speech, develop children's creative abilities, cultivate interest in fairy-tale characters. Fairy tale by YA THAI HOST. Today toys will come to us for the holiday. They want to invite you guys to visit them. The house moves out. CHILD. Toys live in this hut. Whose call you press is the one you will visit. Let's press the first bell (presses the button). In the first room - Parsley in a bright red cap, a well-known toy, with a rattle in his hand. Petrushka comes out. PARSLEY. Hey guys, come over! Look at Petrushka! I dance, I sing, Listen to my song! Petrushka sings a song
(music by G. Fried) or recites or dances.
Children clap their hands. The presenter seats Petrushka among the children. The child presses the second bell. Doctor Aibolit comes out. AIBOLIT. Hello kids. What hurts? SEVERAL CHILDREN (from the spot). Nothing hurts, nothing, no one. AIBOLIT. Maybe I need aspirin, maybe lubricate it with iodine? SEVERAL CHILDREN (from the spot). Better give me vitamins, treat me with honey! Aibolit takes boxes of pills out of his pockets and puts them on the table. The children thank you. The presenter seats Aibolit among the children. The child presses the third bell. The Bear comes out with a large jar of honey and bows. BEAR. No, it's not bad for neighbors to live next to a teddy bear! He is flexible, obedient, clubfooted, good-natured... He will bring you a jar of honey at any time of the year. Eat, eat, guys. I have a rich supply... The children thank me. The presenter seats the Bear among the children. The child presses the fourth bell. Matryoshka dolls of different heights appear, each holding a cup on a saucer. The nesting dolls are lined up in front of the house. FIRST MATRYOSHKA. Three nesting dolls, three toys, Three rosy girlfriends. SECOND. In silk scarves, Floral aprons. THIRD. As soon as the guys come to us, Our Moti is right there. To the music, the nesting dolls walk towards the table one after another in small steps, holding a cup in front of them. They spin around and stop behind the table. Place the cups on the table. FOURTH. We are treating you to tea, drink, pour, pour, drink, drink, pour, don’t be sorry, not as a bite, but as a side, so it’s tasty, so it’s sweet. HOST (seating nesting dolls among the children). Children, the nesting dolls treated you to tea, Doctor Aibolit - vitamins, Mishka - sweet honey. Petrushka amused you. Let's tell them all - thank you! The children thank you. Teachers come out of the house with beautifully decorated trays with gifts on them and hand them out to the children. LEADING. Thanks to the entire Soviet country for a fun children's holiday. Long live the October holiday! Hooray! All the children shout “Hurray!” and they leave the hall to the music. Note. Children of four years old can play the role of toys if they cope with it without much difficulty. You can learn this fairy tale with children five or six years old and show it to the kids at a matinee.

We recommend watching:

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Tips for implementing theatrical games

To conduct the lesson, it is necessary to draw up a note in which all goals and objectives will be written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. A number of conditions must also be met for the implementation of theatrical activities:

Children not only like to listen to fairy tales, but also to feel like they are in the shoes of the characters. Of course, not everyone wants to take on the role of negative characters. Therefore, the teacher must explain to the child why playing a wolf or a fox is just as interesting as playing good heroes. Theatrical games are an opportunity not only to correct speech development, but also to make a child sociable and introduce him to the world of theater.


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