Formation of self-care skills for children in the senior group

Diagnostics of the results of labor activity in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

The diagnostic card helps the teacher evaluate the results of working with children and sum up the results for the six months. In addition, with the help of this document, the teacher systematizes information and determines what each child has achieved and what he cannot cope with.

The diagnostic card records all types of work activities of senior group students.

Table: example of a diagnostic card

AuthorSavina P.I.
Development indicatorsActions and tasksPositive result (the child copes with the task)Negative result (child fails to complete the task)
MotivationHave a desire to participate in work activities
Gain the skill of taking a proactive approach to business
Views of adults' workDesire to provide all possible assistance to adults
Attitude to workDesire to learn about future professions
Respect for other people's work
Careful attitude towards the results of your work
The working processCareful handling of materials
Use the most productive work methods
Finish what you started
TeamworkFriendliness and ability to work in a team
Develop communication skills
MandatoryCompetently evaluate the results of work
Have the habit of taking orders responsibly
Labor in natureAppreciate and respect nature and its gifts
Have basic plant care skills
Know how to plant seeds
Self-serviceBe able to take care of your appearance
Correct your hairstyle and hair
Manual laborKnow how to glue cardboard and paper
Strengthen skills in working with scissors
DutyPossess basic table setting skills
Develop independence
Household workKnow how to wash things
Making the bed after sleep

Labor activity is the most important aspect of preschoolers’ education. Children develop the skills necessary for future life in society. The teacher should try to help and guide the child, and instill a love of work. The main thing is not to do all the work for the pupils and allow them to express themselves so that they can fully develop their abilities and potential.

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