How to make a vegetable garden on a windowsill: plants for beginners and design ideas

Master class on decorating a vegetable garden on a window in the kindergarten “Dachka in Romashkovo”

This spring, according to tradition, our kindergarten held the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” competition.
They suggested an unusual topic - “The plot of my dreams.”

Since our group is called “Romashka,” our children from the preparatory group and I decided to call our garden plot “Dachka in Romashkovo.” We presented our dream dacha like this.

They built a two-story mansion (they took boxes as a basis, covered them with brick-like wallpaper, glued the windows, covered the roof with self-adhesive paper, made balcony railings from ceiling tiles and decorated the railings with trim made from egg cartons, and the foundation was made from shells).

In the vegetable garden area, a design approach was used: the arrangement of the beds and paving slabs is in the shape of the sun.

In the recreation area, flower beds were laid out, a gazebo was built, and a path made of shells was laid out.

We wanted trees to appear on our summer cottage, and we presented them in this form. To do this, we placed birch branches in the vase in advance so that they would produce leaves. The trunk was made from a paper cone, and a bottle of water was placed inside to prevent the branches from withering.

We paid great attention to creating the composition, and at the same time tried to present the variety of seedlings.

And this is our mini-laboratory. The children and I planted onions and observed their growth, and when they grew, we cut the greens and all ate them together with pleasure.

We observed the germination of bean and pea seeds (in cups). We watched the weather. We made notes in observation diaries.

We selected didactic games and coloring books for the children according to the topic, and held discussions on the topic. Then we planted our seedlings in the garden bed and watched the plants grow. At the end of summer we harvested beets, carrots, zucchini, peppers, but the fruits of our labor were shown to other kids, since our students had already become schoolchildren. I am sure that the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of such work will not pass without a trace.

How to make a vegetable garden on a windowsill: plants for beginners and design ideas

The dream of a year-round summer cottage is more than real; make garden beds right in your apartment - on the kitchen window.

You can build a beautiful vegetable garden on your windowsill with your own hands at any time of the year - the main thing is to choose the right plants. If you want to admire greenery all year round, consider combinations of crops, ripening order and regularly add new seedlings. Find out what is best to plant at home and how to beautifully decorate a mini-garden in the kitchen.

  1. Equipment for growing indoor vegetables and herbs
  2. What can you grow in a garden on a windowsill?
      Fresh herbs all year round
  3. Vegetables for decoration and salads
  4. Unusual crops for indoor growing
  5. A children's garden is an interesting way to teach a child to work
  6. How to increase vegetable yields and speed up the growth of greenery
  7. Ideas for original design of a vegetable garden on a window

Equipment for growing indoor vegetables and herbs

First of all, think about containers for planting plants. It all depends on what you want to get - a decorative mini-vegetable garden for decoration or just a harvest. For the first option, come up with a design based on the photos suggested in the section below. For the second, almost any container is suitable:

  • ceramic or plastic pots of various configurations;
  • containers for seedlings (for annuals you can even take peat ones);
  • plastic bowls;
  • glass jars;
  • ceramic mugs;
  • deep trays (for greens);
  • all kinds of packaging;
  • disposable tableware.

For fast-growing greens, you can use short-lived containers, but for plants that will grow for a long time, choose high-quality containers. If the pot is ugly or old, look at the options and ideas for decorating the pots with your own hands.

To care for garden pets on the windowsill, buy a spray bottle for spraying plants, a small watering can, and scissors for trimming fruits and herbs.

If the arrangement will be decorative, look for kits for caring for potted crops, including miniature spades, rakes and other tools. Such equipment will decorate a toy mini-dacha.

To create greenhouse conditions that increase and accelerate seed germination, use plastic caps or bags.

What can you grow in a garden on a windowsill?

Small plants with a compact root system can be grown in window beds. These are tomatoes and cucumbers of certain varieties, sweet and hot peppers, herbs and some other vegetables and fruits. If you don’t want a vegetable garden, make an exotic garden of dwarf lemons and tangerines. If you have no space at all, create a mini-garden in a pot.

Fresh herbs all year round

Greens for growing in an apartment all year round can be bought in specialized stores. Carefully study the label: ripening period, sowing and care features.

The simplest greens for an indoor mini-vegetable garden are watercress . This is a spicy herb of a delicate green, bluish or yellowish hue. The taste of young leaves, depending on the variety, is similar to mustard, radish or horseradish. Watercress is rich in vitamins, invigorates and strengthens the immune system. Young shoots are eaten. The seeds germinate quickly, and after a couple of weeks you can harvest them by cutting them with scissors.

Dill is a traditional green. For growing dill on a windowsill, abundantly leafed varieties that do not throw away the umbrella for a long time are suitable. It is better to choose mid-ripening species, since early ripening ones lose their attractiveness faster.

Parsley is the favorite and most sought after spice in the kitchen. In the garden on the kitchen windowsill you can grow almost all types of leaf parsley with your own hands. Curly, low varieties look beautiful.

Basil attracts with its strong spicy aroma and original taste. Low-growing and decorative varieties, for example, “osmin”, “marquise”, “dwarf”, are suitable for growing on the window. They grow quickly and look neat.

onions on the windowsill in early childhood, using a jar of water. This method cannot be called decorative; moreover, the jars take up a lot of space. For growing in pots from seed, look for fast-maturing varieties. Chives are good to eat, they are beautiful, have a delicate aroma and quickly please you with the result.

Mint fills the room with a soothing aroma, and its leaves are added to tea and various dishes. Mint is a perennial plant; once you plant it, you don’t have to think about planting again for a long time. For a bush to look beautiful, it needs to be shaped correctly. Compact varieties for growing in pots: pennyroyal, pearl, ceremony.

To make your garden on your windowsill useful, learn how to grow sorrel, rosemary, savory, and lemon balm in winter. Feel free to plant oregano, cilantro, thyme, and stevia.

Vegetables for decoration and salads

You shouldn’t count on a rich harvest of vegetables for homemade preparations. But the miniature fruits are pleasing to the eye and ideal for table decoration.

Cucumbers are a classic of the dacha genre. Self-pollinating hybrids are the best varieties of cucumbers for growing on a windowsill, otherwise you will have to pollinate the flowers by hand. If your windows face north, look for shade-loving views. For an apartment garden we recommend:

  • “Rytov’s room”;
  • early ripening "Masha f1";
  • “Prestige f1” with long-lasting yield;
  • “balcony”, suitable for loggias and balconies.

Cucumbers love space, so choose a free container - one seedling needs about five liters of volume. Cucumbers need light and warmth; it is especially important to neutralize the lack of natural phenomena in winter.

To beautifully arrange a vegetable garden on a windowsill, it is important to form the bush correctly, providing high support. Be sure to pinch the vine and remove the tendrils so that the plant does not waste energy on them and bears fruit faster.

Tomatoes are an ideal plant for a mini-garden in an apartment. To grow tomatoes on a windowsill, look for dwarf varieties with small fruits. Tomatoes collected in bunches look beautiful. Suitable varieties:

  • “minibel” about 30 cm high;
  • precocious “balcony miracle”;
  • fragrant “balcony red” “micro bonsai”, growing only up to 15 cm;
  • easy to care for "Pinocchio".

Place pots of tomatoes on lighted windows, use additional lighting so that the photoperiod is 13-16 hours a day. Avoid drafts and watering with cold water. It takes a long time to grow from seeds; it’s easier to buy ready-made seedlings.

Pepper is a favorite of “window gardeners.” On windowsills, as in ordinary gardens, sweet and bitter varieties of pepper are grown. Breeders have developed small varieties that are ideal for the kitchen and do not require complex care. Among them there are fruit and ornamental species with fruits of different shapes and shades.

This crop is easy to grow from seeds even for a beginner - we have detailed instructions on growing indoor peppers, take them into account.

Unusual crops for indoor growing

What else can you grow on the windowsill in winter, spring, summer and autumn to enjoy and decorate your home?

  • Ginger is easy to obtain from the root - place it in warm water for several hours for buds to germinate. Plant it in a pot
  • Strawberries of decorative hanging varieties bear fruit in the apartment even in winter. It is important not to forget to pollinate flowers with your own hands.
  • Strawberries are not so easy to grow in a window, but strawberry plantations grow very beautifully.
  • Radishes are characterized by rapid germination, love coolness and regular watering.
  • Mushrooms in an apartment can also be grown on the windowsill; oyster mushrooms are ideal for such a garden.

A children's garden is an interesting way to teach a child to work

To distract your child from the computer, build a mini-dacha with him on the window in his room or kitchen.

To make a children's garden on the windowsill for beginners, which the child will later do independently, choose pets that do not require complex care and a lot of time. Ideally, plants should:

  • grow quickly, otherwise the baby will get tired of waiting for results;
  • it is easy to tolerate the lack of watering - the child may forget about care, but will be very upset if the pets dry out;
  • To be beautiful and interesting in development, it is good if a son or daughter can observe the various cycles of ripening - from germination to flowering and harvesting.

Don't plant too many plants, focus on decoration. For kids, you can come up with a little fairy tale with a hut and characters who will take part in caring for and harvesting the harvest.

The most childish plant is watercress; its rapid germination inspires further experiments. Children really like small tomatoes and citrus fruits with mini fruits. It is better to avoid hot pepper so that the temptation to taste the harvest does not end in tears.

How to increase vegetable yields and speed up the growth of greenery

In order for vegetables and herbs grown on the windowsill to feel like they are in the beds of a full-fledged garden, you need to create all the necessary conditions for them.

  1. Try to provide a separate container for each type of plant. Different crops have their own requirements for soil, watering, and free space for roots.
  2. Good soil - do not skimp on soil and do not collect soil in the park or city flower beds. Buy a package of soil in a store; such soil has everything necessary for the development of crops. To grow annuals, you don’t even have to resort to fertilizer.
  3. Ensure good drainage - excess moisture harms roots just as much as drought.
  4. To make the seedlings germinate faster, pre-soak and germinate the seedlings. After planting in moist soil, cover with a plastic cap. Look for a detailed germination diagram on the seed package.
  5. Additional lighting is an important point in the winter season, when daylight hours cannot provide plants with the required amount of light. For illumination, it is best to use special phytolamps that emit the light spectrum necessary for photosynthesis. If there are none, make LED lighting - it is economical and not dangerous for delicate leaves.
  6. Spraying with water is an important part of success. The air in the room, and especially on the window above the radiator, is dry, so regularly create artificial precipitation for your green pets.

Ideas for original design of a vegetable garden on a window

Most plants like it in the kitchen - it's warm and humid all year round. Pots are always in front of your eyes, which means you won’t forget about caring for them.

Of course, you can simply grow herbs and vegetables in ordinary flower pots, the taste and benefits will not change in any way, but why not turn a mini-garden into a fairy tale by playing with the composition in an interesting way.

Drawing ideas for decorating a vegetable garden on a windowsill in the photo, do not be afraid to add your own additions and highlights to the design. You can first draw a diagram, indicating on it the arrangement of crops and decorative elements - a fence, a house, benches, stairs, animal figures.

When creating mini-beds, do not forget to take into account the possibility of the proximity of different crops. For example, cucumbers and tomatoes require different air humidity, so you should not grow them in close proximity.

To place more containers on the window, use racks, shelves and hanging shelves. They are convenient for low-growing specimens and greenery.

A miniature vegetable garden decorates the kitchen in winter and summer, and organic greens can be added to soups and salads. It is very convenient when you need just a few parsley leaves for broth or a mint leaf for tea.

This hobby is very exciting and does not take much time, like a real dacha or a decorative vegetable garden on a personal plot. If you are interested in decorating the composition, the kitchen will become more comfortable, and guests will have something to show.

Mini-garden on the windowsill

Sections: Technology

Blizzards are playing out in the yard, and in the group, on the windowsill, spring is taking place. A mini-garden appeared here, bringing joy to everyone in the kindergarten, young and old. Window beds are not famous for their abundance, but for the possibility of live communication with plants. Anyone who starts such a vegetable garden will certainly become interested in experimentation and eco-design. In general, a mini-garden is a fun and useful activity.

I arranged the winter garden with great creativity: I designed it in the form of a farm, decorated it with suitable buildings and decorative accessories. A miller works at the mill, the housewife manages the garden, a scarecrow guards the crops, butterflies, birds and bees delight the eye. In honor of these workers, I named my mini-vegetable garden “Bee”.

The windowsill is a great place for growing a small home garden. The process of growing fresh herbs on a window is simple and requires almost no material costs, but it is so much fun and beneficial. You can grow a significant range of crops on windows: greens, legumes, root vegetables that bloom right on the window (carrots, beets, potatoes), aromatic herbs.

Why do you need a vegetable garden on the window? When garlic, onions, cucumbers, and lemon live on the window, their variety of colors pleases and relieves stress. In addition, they not only warm the soul, but are also good for health. If garlic grows indoors, you will forget what the flu is.

Growing vegetables in kindergarten is also beneficial because it develops curiosity and observation in children, helping them to better understand the life of plants. Methods for observing plants should be selected taking into account the age of children and their individual characteristics. Growing something from a seed will be interesting even for the smallest children; you can even measure the sprouts every day with a ruler and record the data obtained in a specially designed book for observations.

How to arrange a vegetable garden on a windowsill? What might this require? First of all, the desire to do all this! And also:

  • Containers.
  • Priming.
  • Watering can, spray bottle, scoops of different sizes.
  • Aprons, gloves.
  • Seeds.
  • Decor items and a little imagination.

Currently, aromatherapy is very popular, I propose to arrange a fragrant bed on the windowsill, on which you can easily grow:

Green onions. It is better to plant it in the ground. This way the onions will produce crops all winter. If you decide to follow your grandmother’s experience and set up a “water” garden, change the water once a day. This way the onions will not rot and will not give off an unpleasant odor.

Dill. Fragrant herb is a spice known to everyone. Dill requires sun and warmth. Once a week you need to loosen the soil. Goes well with parsley.

Parsley. This young lady tolerates cold well and loves humidity very much. Grows on a windowsill in winter, provided it gets enough sunlight.

Your windowsill will be perfectly decorated with decorative parsley (curly).

Basil. This excellent seasoning grows quietly on the windowsill and does not require any special care. Decorative basil will look luxurious on the windows; purple plants are the most fragrant. For asthmatics, basil makes breathing easier, and for those who eat it regularly, it protects them from stress.

Arugula. Popular salad herb. It sprouts almost instantly, and after 20 days you can eat. It loves the sun very much, so it requires artificial lighting.

Rosemary. Amazing seasoning. It grows in a flowerpot for years; only in the summer, if possible, plant it in the garden. The fragrant bush is very useful and is used as a seasoning.

Mint. My favorite aromatic herb. Do you know how delicious it is to drink mint tea with lemon in winter? Water this bush regularly and a calming aroma will settle in your group.

A collection of seeds, collected in a decorated box, helps introduce children to the variety of seeds and vegetable crops. The collection is available for children, they act with the seeds as they wish (look at, smell, sow, water and observe).

Well-groomed vegetable crops in neat dishes look elegant and go well with most decorative indoor plants. They decorate the room and can provide aesthetic pleasure.

Each of us strives to create a pleasant environment around us, filling it with our favorite aromas. To do this, you can use what nature itself provides: flowers, herbs, spices, seeds. I use what I managed to grow myself: herbs, dried flowers, plant seeds.

All plants have magical properties, have positive energy and cleanse rooms from harmful influences. Since ancient times, the tradition of sewing herbs into fabric has been passed down to give clothes and linen a pleasant aroma and protect them from bad influences. Later, to prevent dry plants from scattering, they began to sew fabric bags in which various herbs were mixed. The aromatic bags are called sachets; they can have different shapes (heart, bag, fruit, pillows).

Nowadays, the sachet serves as a source of freshness and decoration for the home, office, and car.

DIY sachets can act as herbal amulets.

How to plant a vegetable garden on a windowsill with your children

Basically, you can plant anything. But before we start planting, let's decide what is required (the list was compiled based on the results of a survey of several preschoolers - both girls and boys).

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