KVN between parents and children “This wonderful world”

KVN in kindergarten for children and parents


  1. To develop children's interest in learning about the world around them.
  2. Promote the emotional rapprochement of all participants in the game, strengthening mutual understanding and trust between children and parents.

Preliminary work:

Introduce children to fairy tales:

  1. "Kolobok"
  2. "At the behest of the pike."
  3. "Little Red Riding Hood".
  4. "Cockroach."
  5. "Prostokvashino"
  6. "The Adventures of Pinocchio".
  7. "Dunno and his friends."
  8. "Thumbelina."
  9. "Masha and the Bear".
  10. "Carlson."
  11. "Princess Frog".
  12. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."


  • Emblems for teams; music;
  • musical songs and poems from fairy tales;
  • kolobok, fox, wolf masks;
  • tambourine;
  • costume for Baba Yaga;
  • cut pictures;
  • schemes for fairy tales;
  • chips;
  • magnets;
  • prizes (or pie);
  • team motto and greeting.


Children and parents play: the “Merry” team and the “Resourceful” team.

Parents and children enter the hall accompanied by fairy-tale music, forming a circle.

Presenter-1: What kind of round dance is this?

Presenter-2: This is a round dance of fairy tales. A fairy tale walks through the forest. A fairy tale leads by the hand.

Presenter-1: The fairy-tale round dance will spin you around and make you friends with the heroes. Have fun, don't be bored, play with us.

Together: One, two, three, four, five, We begin to play.

Presenter 2: We are pleased to welcome participants, fans and guests of our game. Today we have gathered for a holiday of resourcefulness and intelligence, competition and mutual assistance - KVN.

— What is KVN? - a question for the players. — Answer: This is the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.”

Presenter-1: Today two teams will meet: “Cheerful” (built on one side near the window) and “Resourceful” (on the opposite side near the wall).

In the hall, each team has a support group, and if the team finds it difficult to complete the task, the support group can help and earn a point for their team - let's check the readiness of the support group - clap their hands.

The competition will be judged by a jury and members of the jury are invited to sit at the judge's table.


So let's begin!

Team "Jolly" presents the captain and motto... Team "Resourceful" presents the captain and motto...

I. We begin the warm-up: the warm-up is carried out by the team captains.

First, the captain of the “Merry” team shows dance movements to music for the members of the “Resourceful” team, who must repeat all the movements as if in a mirror. Then the warm-up participants change roles. (After the warm-up, as well as after each subsequent task, the jury announces the results).


II. And now each team must show its ingenuity

Questions for teams:

"Cheerful" "Resourceful"

1. Who loved jam more than anything in the world? (Carlson)1. What was the name of Gena's crocodile friend?

2. What was the name of Winnie the Pooh's friend?2. Who gave the talking log to Papa Carlo?

3. What is the name of the postman from the village of Prostokvashino?3. What was the name of the girl with blue hair?

4. Why did the wolf run faster than Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother’s house?4. Which of the three little pigs was not afraid of the wolf? Why?

5. Can we say that the mouse pulled out a turnip? And who pulled it out?5. What color is the bun's hair?

Questions for parents:

6. — Veterinary services with travel to any part of the world (Doctor Aibolit from the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky). — A travel company organizes trips along a milk river with sour banks (r.n. fairy tale “Geese and Swans”).

7. Name the heroes of popular children's works whose names begin with these letters: - A. B. K. (Alice in Wonderland; Pinocchio; Carlson) - N. B. E. (Dunno; Snow White; Emelya)


III. With your ingenuity everything is in order, you can start “Fairy Tale Trouble”

We are from a fairy tale - you know us, If you remember, you will guess! If you don’t remember, well then... You’ll read the fairy tale again!

You will solve riddles about fairy-tale characters at a fast pace, whose team will give the most correct answers from the eight riddles offered. For each correct answer, the team captain receives a chip, and then the team captains will hand over all the chips to the jury.

1. He rolled away from home along an unfamiliar road... Did you recognize him, my friend? This is the most naughty, Talking, simple-minded and ruddy…. (gingerbread man)

2. The girl is sleeping and doesn’t yet know what awaits her in this fairy tale: A toad will steal her in the morning. A shameless mole will hide her in a hole... But that’s enough, do you need a hint? Who is that girl? Whose fairy tale is this? (“Thumbelina” by H.H. Andersen)

3. He doesn't know anything, you all know him. Answer me without hiding, What is his name? (Dunno)

4. With his wooden sharp nose he climbs everywhere without asking. He even made a hole in the picture with his Nose…. (Pinocchio)

5. An arrow fell straight into the swamp. The princess lived in this swamp. What was the princess's name, tell me in my ear. I know you remember... (Frog Princess)

6. A girl is sitting in Kozin with Mishka behind her. Without knowing it, he carries her home. Well, did you guess the riddle? Then answer quickly! The title of this book is... (Masha and the Bear)

7. He always lives above everyone else: He has a house on the roof. If you go to bed quickly, you can chat with him. Will fly to you in your dream, Alive, cheerful... (Carlson)

8. “Guys, guys, let's live together! There is no need to swear and there is no need to be angry, After all, even a blade of grass feels pain!” — The cat sings good-naturedly... (Leopold)

Presenter-1: Dynamic pause.

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, we invite you to play the game:

“Kolobok, fox, wolf” (masks, tambourine) or any game you wish.

IY. We continue KVN and offer a competition for captains

(team captains compete, they can take one assistant each, they are offered questions and three answer options)

"Cheerful" "Resourceful"

1. What was the name of the cat from the fairy tales about Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino?

a) Murzik b) Poloskin c) Matroskin

1. What book will Papa Carlo buy Buratino?

a) Primer b) Fairy tales c) ABC

2. On whom did the moon fall in K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach”?

a) On a hedgehog) On an elephant) On a hippopotamus

2. What is the name of the short man from the flower city who boasted that he knew everything and could do everything?

a) Ivanushka the Fool b) Pinocchio c) Dunno

3. Who says these words:

“My mirror is my light! Tell me and report the whole truth: Am I the sweetest, the most ruddy and the fairest in the world?

a) Alyonushkab) Tsaritsav) Malvina

3. Who knew such magic words: “At the behest of a pike, at my will...?”

a) Ivan the Tsarevich b) Ivan the Fool c) Emelya


Y. A fairy tale can be read, listened to, watched, or modeled.

Today we decided to make a surprise for you and hid fairy-tale characters for each team behind geometric shapes, i.e. encrypted. Your task is to guess what fairy tale we hid from you?

(Models of fairy tales: “The Three Bears” and “The Three Little Pigs.”)

Dynamic pause.

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, you and I will play the “Raffle Game”

(Everyone stands in a circle, squat down, hands on the floor, head down; raising his head, each player says his name; then we all say the words together: “We don’t know how to play this game!” )

At this moment, Baba Yaga flies in on a broom and says: “Why are you sitting here?” I played a great prank on you. Oh, I love doing all sorts of nasty things. Well, okay, if you guess my tricks, then I will become kind and give you a gift. And I have prepared riddles for you and songs from my favorite fairy tales.

Listen here: Team “Merry” - learn the fairy tale by the beginning... (At the behest of the pike...) Team "Resourceful" - learn the fairy tale by the ending... ("Masha and the Bear"). I also prepared songs (excerpts from fairy tale songs at the request of the presenters).

Baba Yaga: -You’ve guessed all my tricks, I’ll have to make a gift for you, get up as comfortably as possible, and we’ll sing and dance my favorite ditties together. (It sounds like ditties from the cartoon “..Stretch the accordion fur...”)

Baba Yaga: - It’s good and fun with you, but it’s time for me to go home to the forest! Farewell. Baba Yaga leaves.

Presenter: - Yes, there are no fairy tales without miracles!


A fairy tale, a fairy tale, a joke, It’s not a joke to tell it, So that the fairy tale at first sounds like a little river, So that by the end, neither old nor young, Doesn’t fall asleep from it.

YI. The competition is called: “Collect and find out which fairy tale this item is from.”

(Large format cut-out pictures are collected on the floor: “Golden Key”; “Pot of Butter and Pie”)

Presenter: - And now, while the jury is summing up the final results, we will ask the parents to bake a delicious pie for everyone! (There is a musical break “Bake a pie.”)

At the end, everyone dances together to the song “Birthday Cake.”

— The jury announces the winner!

Host: Our KVN has come to an end. We can say with confidence that friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won!

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