Project for middle group children “Amazing Sand”

project “Game activity with kinetic sand”

Currently, kinetic sand, thanks to its remarkable qualities, has become one of the most popular and desirable toys for preschool children. Most of the sand (according to its composition) is natural quartz sand, and the smallest part is silicone polymer. It is plastic, like plasticine, has a certain viscosity, can hold its shape, and various prints and patterns clearly remain on it. Sand does not spill, does not stick to hands or clothes. To the touch, the sand is cool, pleasant, soft, fluffy, and when touched it evokes a feeling of comfort and relaxation. After playing, it is convenient to assemble, fold, and store even for a long time.

Kinetic sand is an innovative developmental material for creative games, exercises, and activities. “Living” sand has shades of all colors of the rainbow, is very bright and attractive, forms an idea of ​​​​sensory standards, develops aesthetic perception, evokes a desire to engage in creativity: sculpt, draw, build, make prints, extrude shapes, i.e., it involves in the educational process .

The preschooler develops a cognitive interest, develops initiative, independence, purposefulness, perseverance, imagination, the child takes great pleasure in the development of the plot of a creative game (makes fences for hens and chicks so that the fox and wolf do not carry them away; builds unusual houses for cartoon Smeshariki, so that they have fun living in the town; prepares food for pets: fish for the cat, carrots for the rabbit, a bone for the dog, vegetable salad for the pig, so that everyone is well-fed; bakes culinary products for dolls’ birthdays: cakes, Easter cakes, cookies, bagels , decorating them with decorative material so that the dolls enjoy the tasty treat.

Games and exercises with kinetic sand help to effectively develop a child’s manual intelligence, fine motor skills, and form communication skills with other children.


The problem is that younger preschoolers 3–4 years old have insufficiently developed fine motor skills, tactile sensations and figurative perception, coherent and dialogic speech; the communication skills of cooperation in communicating with peers, necessary for the successful completion of the educational process, have not been developed.

The use of a unique tool - kinetic sand in play activities promotes the development of small muscles of the hands, tactile sensitivity, sensorimotor functions, creative activity provides the highest result of the harmonious formation of the child’s personality, stabilization of the emotional state (manifestation of bright positive emotions and new impressions, formation of friendly relationships).

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