“Creative storytelling of a familiar fairy tale with the addition of new characters” Summary of educational activities for speech development

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Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. Creative storytelling, inventing a fairy tale.

OO Communication.

Developer: Svetlana Nikolaevna Ustinova, teacher at the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "CRR-kindergarten "Druzhba" ", the city of Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region.



  • Learn to invent and retell a fairy tale consistently, emotionally, logically, using models.

Create conditions for:

  • improving the ability to correctly construct complex sentences, correctly ask questions, and come up with fairy tales of different content
  • manifestations of communication skills, a sense of self-confidence. Expand children's active and passive vocabulary.


Create conditions for:

  • development of abilities, interests and motivation of activities (through the brownie Kuzya)
  • development of creative imagination, initiative in composing fairy tales.

Educational: Instill in children a culture of behavior during class (listen to other children carefully, without interrupting, respect the statements of others). Create conditions for nurturing the ability to be surprised, rejoice, and admire the invented fairy tales of comrades.

Progress of the lesson.

- Guys, today I came to kindergarten not alone, but with my brownie Kuzya. He lives in my apartment and every evening before bed he tells me fairy tales. Would you like to meet him? (Yes)

- Kuzya, where are you?

- I'm here, I'm coming, I'm coming. Hello, kids, mischievous and naughty girls!

- Kuzenka, our children are obedient and inquisitive, nice and diligent, the smartest and kindest.

“I love people like that, so I brought with me a chest in which fairy tales live.” Children, do you like fairy tales? Wonderful! I’ll tell you riddles now, if you guess them, you’ll find out what fairy tales live in my chest. (He makes a wish, opens the chest, begins to cry.)

- What happened, Kuzya?

“I don’t have a single fairy tale left in my chest.”

- Don’t be sad, we will help your grief, the children will come up with many new fairy tales for you. (Kuzya is seated).

- Guys, let's remember what parts a fairy tale consists of? (Begin, middle, ending).

- What words does it begin with? (Once upon a time; in a certain kingdom, in a certain state...)

- What words does it end with? (I was there, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my lips, but it didn’t get into my mouth; the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for a good fellow...)

— There are positive and negative heroes in a fairy tale. Name the positive ones - (Cinderella, Malvina...), the negative ones - (Baba Yaga, the snake Gorynovich...)

- Who do you like more, the one who does bad or the one who does good?

— Children, will the fairy tale work if there are only positive heroes or only negative ones? (No, because good always triumphs over evil.)

- That’s right, a fairy tale won’t turn out to be interesting if there is no evil gray wolf, a good Fairy... Children, miracles always happen in fairy tales, what kind? (There is witchcraft, magical objects, miracles happen.)

- Well done! Now let’s rest a little (physical education):

“Pinocchio stretched, once bent over, twice bent over. He spread his arms to the sides - apparently he couldn’t find the key,

To get that key, you have to stand on your toes.”

- Guys, today we will be storytellers. And these models will help you come up with a fairy tale.

Let's remember what this model means (I show, children tell).

- Children, you need to choose the characters of the fairy tale yourself and, based on the supporting pictures, come up with a fairy tale with a happy ending. Fairy tales should be different, not similar to each other. Whoever comes up with a more interesting idea will appreciate Kuzya. So, who is the bravest, who is ready to tell us a fairy tale? (Children talk).

- Kuzenka, whose fairy tale did you like best?

- Thank you, children, for the fairy tales. You all tried, that’s why the fairy tales turned out interesting. I will put your fairy tales in a chest and tell them to other children.

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Creative storytelling in kindergarten

Creative storytelling

is a type of creative artistic activity that requires a stock of ideas, knowledge and sufficient speech culture. Its characteristic feature is that it is based on the material of imagination, requiring a creative transformation of the experience gained.

Under creative storytelling

we understand speech activity, the result of which is a story invented by children with independently created new images, situations, actions, with a naturally developing plot, a logically constructed and defined vocabulary form that corresponds to the content.

Children's creative storytelling is considered as a type of activity that captures the child's personality as a whole: it requires the active work of imagination, thinking, speech, observation, volitional efforts, and the participation of positive emotions.

L. S. Vygotsky, K. N. Kornilov, S. L. Rubinstein, A. V. Zaporozhets consider creative imagination as a complex mental process inextricably linked with the life experience of a child. Creative imagination in preschool childhood has the greatest plasticity and is most easily amenable to pedagogical influence.

The opportunity to develop creative speech activity arises in older preschool age

, when children have a sufficiently large stock of knowledge about the world around them, which can become the content of verbal creativity. Children master complex forms of coherent speech and vocabulary. They have the opportunity to act according to plan. The imagination turns from reproductive, mechanically reproducing reality into creative.

Verbal creativity

- the most complex type of creative activity of a child.
There is an element of creativity in any children's story. Therefore, the term “creative stories”
is a conventional name for stories that children come up with themselves.

Features of creative storytelling

are that the child must independently come up with content (plot, imaginary characters), based on the topic and his past experience, and put it into the form of a coherent narrative. It also requires the ability to come up with a plot, a course of events, a climax and a denouement. An equally difficult task is to convey your idea accurately, expressively and entertainingly. Creative storytelling is to some extent akin to real literary creativity. The child is required to be able to select individual facts from existing knowledge, introduce an element of fantasy into them and compose a creative story.

The basis of verbal creativity, notes O.S. Ushakova, is the perception of works of fiction, oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, phraseological units) in the unity of content and artistic form.

Verbal creativity of children

in various forms

- in writing stories, fairy tales, descriptions;

- in writing poems, riddles, fables;

- in word creation (creation of new words - new formations).

In the formation of children's artistic creativity

A. Vetlugina identified
three stages

At the first stage

is . The role of the teacher is to organize life observations that influence children's creativity. The child must be taught to visualize the surroundings (perception acquires an aesthetic coloring). Art plays a special role in enriching perception. Works of art help a child to feel more keenly the beauty in life and contribute to the emergence of artistic images in his creativity.

Second phase

the actual process of children's creativity
, when an idea arises, a search for artistic means begins. The process of children's creativity is not very developed in time. The emergence of a child’s idea is successful if a mindset for a new activity is created (let’s come up with a story). The presence of a plan encourages children to search for means of its implementation: searching for composition, highlighting the actions of heroes, choosing words, epithets. Creative tasks are of great importance here.

At the third stage

new products
appear . The child is interested in its quality and strives to complete it, experiencing aesthetic pleasure. Therefore, an analysis of the results of creativity by adults and their interest are necessary. Analysis is also necessary for the formation of artistic taste.

Knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation of children's verbal creativity makes it possible to determine the pedagogical conditions necessary for teaching children creative storytelling


1. One of the conditions for children’s success in creative activities is the constant enrichment of children’s experience with impressions from life

. This work can have a different nature depending on the specific task: excursions, observing the work of adults, looking at paintings, albums, illustrations in books and magazines, reading books.

2. Another important condition for successful teaching of creative storytelling is considered to be the enrichment and activation of vocabulary.

3. Creative storytelling is a productive type of activity; its end result should be a coherent, logically consistent story. Therefore, one of the conditions is the ability of children to tell a coherent story, master the structure of a coherent statement, and know the composition of the narrative and description.

Children learn these skills at previous age stages by reproducing literary texts, writing descriptions of toys and paintings, and inventing stories based on them.

4. Another condition is the children’s correct understanding of the “invent” task.

, i.e. create something new, talk about something that didn’t actually happen, or the child didn’t see it himself, but “invented it” (although in the experience of others a similar fact could exist).

Speech and educational tasks for teaching children creative storytelling

Speech tasks


1. Teach children to independently, purposefully compose a story, observing its compositional integrity and artistic expressiveness.

2. Develop creative productivity.

3. Learn to improve a new version of the story.

4. To develop interest in creative storytelling in gaming activities.

5. Develop value judgments about the quality of storytelling, both of your own and of your comrades.

Educational tasks


Cultivate a positive attitude towards the stories of comrades, the ability to listen to them carefully, paying attention to the construction of the essay and the performance of expressive means of language.

Requirements for children's storytelling


1. It must be independent, this means that the story is compiled without leading questions, the plot of the story is not borrowed from the story of the teacher and friends.

2. Purposefulness - the ability to subordinate everything to the content, the general plan, without unnecessary detail and enumeration.

3. Beginning, development of the plot, climax, ending, skillful description of the scene of action, nature, portrait of the hero, his mood.

4. The indicator of oral speech of children 5-6 years old is the ability to come up with several versions of their own story or by analogy with what they read.

In the methodology of speech development, there is no strict classification of creative stories, but the following types


- stories of a realistic nature;

- fairy tales;

- descriptions of nature.

Start training

creative storytelling is better
by inventing stories of a realistic nature
(“How Misha lost his mitten”, “Gifts for Mom on March 8”).

It is not recommended to start

from inventing fairy tales
, since the features of this genre lie in unusual, sometimes fantastic situations, which can lead to false fantasy.

The most difficult

The task is
to create descriptive texts about nature
, since it is difficult for a child to express his attitude towards nature in a coherent text. To express his experiences related to nature, he needs to master a large number of generalized concepts and, to a greater extent, be able to synthesize.

Types of activities to teach children creative storytelling

E. P. Korobkova identifies 7 types of occupations


1. Coming up with a continuation and completion of the story proposed by the teacher.

2. Coming up with a story or fairy tale according to the teacher’s plan, compiled by the children.

3. Coming up with a story or fairy tale on a topic proposed by the teacher, without a plan.

4. Coming up with a story or fairy tale on a independently chosen topic.

5. Descriptive stories about nature, for example, “My favorite season”, “Winter and summer in the forest”, “Spring meeting”.

6. Children come up with stories similar to those read in two versions: replace the characters, maintaining the plot, or replace the plot, replacing the heroes.

7. Inventing tall tales.

L. Voroshnina identifies three types of activities for children 6-7 years old


1. Writing stories or fairy tales on a topic proposed by the teacher, and as a complication of this type - independent choice of topic.

2. An essay based on a literary model in 2 versions.

3. Compiling a story based on a landscape painting.

Teaching Techniques

Creative storytelling depends on children's skills, learning objectives, and type of story.

In the older group

As a preparatory stage, you can use the simplest technique of telling children together with the teacher about the issues. A topic is proposed, questions are asked, to which the children come up with an answer as they pose them. At the end, a story is compiled from the best answers. Essentially, the teacher “composes” together with the children.

In the pre-school group

the tasks of teaching creative storytelling become more complex (the ability to clearly build a storyline, use communication tools, understand the structural organization of the text).

All types of creative stories and different teaching methods with gradual complication are used.

Features of the use of teaching techniques depending on the type of story.


The easiest thing is considered
to be coming up with a continuation and completion of the story
. The teacher gives a sample that contains the plot and determines the path for the development of the plot. The beginning of the story should interest children, introduce them to the main character and his character, and the setting in which the action takes place.

Example of an activity: Children coming up with the end of the story “How Dad and Vanya went to the forest”


The teacher offers the children the beginning of a story, which talks about how the boy Vanya went to the forest with his dad: “Dad promised to take Vanya to the forest. Vanya was looking forward to this day. On Sunday, dad woke up Vanya early, and they went into the forest...” Children, imagine what the boy saw in the forest, and finish the story yourself. There is no need to repeat the stories of your comrades. Let everyone come up with their own idea.

Vova (6 years 5 months). Let me?

Teacher. Speak.

Vova. When they came to the forest, the boy saw a large clearing. Many beautiful flowers grew in the clearing: daisies, bells, buttercups, and where the sun shone more, strawberries grew there. The boy picked a basket full of strawberries for his mother and a large bouquet of flowers. And then she and dad caught butterflies. The butterflies were very beautiful: red, yellow and with different spots. Then they went home.

Zina (6 years 7 months). In the forest, the boy saw many trees: birch, fir, aspen. In the forest the sun shone less because large trees grew and did not let in the sun. There were a lot of mushrooms growing under the trees: white mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms. Dad and boy quickly picked up a full basket of mushrooms. Dad told the boy to listen to the noise of the trees and how well the birds sing. Vanya stood and watched as the birds fluttered from tree to tree and sang their songs. Late in the evening the father and the boy returned home.

2. Additional questions

, according to L.A. Penyevskaya, are one of the methods of actively guiding creative storytelling, making it easier for the child to solve a creative problem, affecting the coherence and expressiveness of speech.

A plan in the form of questions helps to focus children's attention on the consistency and completeness of the development of the plot. For a plan, it is advisable to use 3-4 questions; a larger number of them leads to excessive detail of actions and descriptions, which can inhibit the independence of a child’s plan. During the storytelling process, questions are asked very carefully. You can ask what happened to the hero that the child forgot to tell about. You can suggest a description of the hero, his characteristics, or how to end the story.

Example of an activity: Children coming up with a story on the topic “How Seryozha helped Natasha.”

Teaching method: instructions in the form of questions

Teacher. Children, now each of you will come up with a story about how the boy Seryozha helped Natasha, who got into trouble while out for a walk. Think about when this happened. Where did Natasha play? What happened to her? How did Seryozha help her in trouble?

What can happen during a walk? Maybe Natasha lost her mitten, or she fell into a snowdrift, or her balloon flew away, or maybe she met a large unfamiliar dog? You can think of it in different ways.

10 people were called to the lesson; everyone gave a coherent story that was interesting in content; the children did not repeat each other’s stories. Here are some of the children’s stories.

Valerik. It was summer. Natasha took the puppy and went for a walk with him in the yard. The puppy was running and fell into broken glass and cut his paw. Natasha began to cry. Seryozha asked: “Why are you crying?” Natasha: “My puppy cut his paw.” Seryozha brought a bandage and bandaged the puppy’s paw.

Tanya. It was in winter. Seryozha and Natasha took a sled with them and began to ride down the hill. They went and fell. Seryozha quickly stood up, and Natasha hurt her hand. Seryozha says: “Natasha, don’t cry! My hand will stop hurting." He picked Natasha up, shook off the snow from his coat, and they began to ride together.

3. More complex technique

storytelling based on the plot proposed by the teacher.
For example, the teacher reminds that March 8 is coming soon. All children will congratulate their mothers and give them gifts. He further reports: “Today we will learn to come up with a story about how Tanya and Seryozha prepared a gift for their mother for this day. Let's call the story: “A gift to mom.” We will record the best stories."

The teacher set a learning task for the children, motivated it, suggested a theme, a plot, and named the main characters. Children must come up with content, formalize it verbally in the form of a narrative, and arrange events in a certain sequence. At the end of this lesson, you can draw greeting cards for mothers.

4. Coming up with a story on a self-selected topic

the most difficult task.
The use of this technique is possible if children have basic knowledge about the structure of the narrative and means of intratextual communication, as well as the ability to title their story.

The teacher advises what you can come up with a story about (about an interesting incident that happened to a boy or girl, about the friendship of animals, about a hare and a wolf). Invites the child to come up with a name for the future story and make a plan (“First, tell me what your story will be called, and briefly, what you will talk about first, what you will talk about in the middle, and what you will talk about at the end. After that, you will tell everything.”)

5. Learning the ability to invent fairy tales

begins with the introduction
of fantasy elements into realistic plots.
For example, the teacher begins the story “Andryusha’s Dream”: “Dad gave the boy Andryusha a bicycle “Eaglet”. The baby liked it so much that he even dreamed about it at night. Andryusha dreamed that he went traveling on his bicycle.” Where Andryusha went and what he saw there, the children must come up with an idea. This sample in the form of the beginning of a story can be supplemented with explanations: “Something unusual can happen in a dream. Andryusha could go to different cities and even countries, see something interesting or funny.”

Fairy tales at first

It’s better to limit it
to stories about animals
: “What happened to the hedgehog in the forest”, “The Adventures of the Wolf”, “The Wolf and the Hare”.

It is easier for a child to come up with a fairy tale about animals, since observation and love for animals give him the opportunity to mentally imagine them in different conditions. But a certain level of knowledge about the habits of animals and their appearance is required. Therefore, learning the ability to invent fairy tales about animals is accompanied by looking at toys, paintings, and watching filmstrips.

Reading and telling short stories and fairy tales to children

helps to draw their attention to the form and structure of the work, to emphasize the interesting fact revealed in it. This has a positive effect on the quality of children's stories and fairy tales.

Development of children's verbal creativity under the influence of Russian folk tales

happens in stages.

At the first stage

In the speech activity of preschoolers,
the stock of well-known fairy tales is activated
in order to assimilate their content, images and plots.

At the second stage

under the guidance of the teacher,
an analysis of the scheme for constructing a fairy-tale narrative and plot development
(repetition, chain composition, traditional beginning and ending) is carried out. Children are encouraged to use these elements in their own writing.

The teacher turns to methods of joint creativity

: chooses a topic, names the characters - the heroes of the future fairy tale, advises the plan, begins the fairy tale, helps with questions, suggests the development of the plot.

At the third stage

independent development of fairy-tale storytelling
is activated : children are invited to come up with a fairy tale based on ready-made themes, plot, characters; choose your own theme, plot, characters

Example of an activity: Inventing a continuation of a fairy tale.

Lesson content

: develop children’s imagination, teach them to come up with a short fairy tale, tell it coherently, consistently.

Progress of the lesson


Teacher. Children, today we will come up with a fairy tale. The fairy tale is called “How the bear lost his boots and how he found them.” I came up with the beginning of the fairy tale, and you, children, will come up with a continuation. Listen to the beginning of the fairy tale “How the bear lost his boots and how he found them.”

There lived a mother bear and a bear cub in the forest. Mishka was very curious and a big prankster. But the bear still loved him. She gave him red boots. The bear really liked the boots, he ran everywhere in them and didn’t even want to take off the boots when he went to bed.

One day the bear left, and the bear wanted to swim in the river. He took a bath, but lost his boots.

But how he lost and how he later found the boots, you children, figure it out yourself. Misha could take them off and forget where he put them; and the boots could have been carried away by a magpie. Maybe someone helped him look for boots.

Here are some options for continuing the tale

invented by children:

Alyosha. The bear climbed into the water wearing boots. And the boots floated down the river. The bear didn’t even notice, but when he got out, he noticed: there were no boots! He decided to find boots. And he jumped back into the river. I searched for a long time. Then I saw something red in the river. He swam closer and saw his boots. He took them out and put them on. He was very happy and went home.

Zhenya. The bear went for a swim. He took off his boots and climbed into the water. While he was bathing, a fox crept up, grabbed his boots and carried him away. The bear got out and saw: there were no boots. He went to look for them. He walked and walked, got tired and asked the fox to rest in her hole. There he saw his boots. I took them away and went home.

These stories have a logically convincing plot resolution. It is valuable that the children did not repeat each other; each came up with the end of the fairy tale in their own way. This is the result of instructions from the teacher, who did not limit himself to the task of figuring out how the little bear lost and found his boots, but also suggested several possible options.

The most difficult type of children's essays
description of nature
. Considered effective

This is the sequence of learning to describe nature:

1. Enriching children's ideas and impressions about nature in the process of observation, learning the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature.

2. Deepening children's impressions of nature by looking at artistic paintings and comparing the beauty of what is depicted with living reality.

3. Teaching children to describe natural objects by representation.

4. Learning the ability to describe nature, generalize one’s knowledge, impressions gained during observations, looking at paintings, listening to works of art.

Help for children is provided by a model teacher


Let's give an example: “I really like autumn. I like to look at and collect yellow leaves of maple and birch, red leaves of sedge, and light green leaves of willow and poplar. And when the wind blows, I like how the leaves fall from the trees, circle in the air, and then quietly fall to the ground. And when you walk on the ground, on such a carpet of autumn leaves, you can hear it gently rustling.”


Children's verbal creativity is not limited to stories and fairy tales.
Children also compose poems, riddles, fables, and counting rhymes.
Popular and ubiquitous among children are counting rhymes - short rhyming poems that children use to identify leaders or assign roles.

Compiling a fairy tale (preparatory group)

Educator: Guys, have we finished composing the fairy tale? What else do we need to do?

Children answer questions (come up with the end of a fairy tale, find out how it all ends)

Educator: And now we will try to come up with the end of the fairy tale, relying on hints - diagrams. I'll post clues and you can guess what they mean. And only then will we open the last page.

The teacher posts picture tips.

- What do you think the first clue means? Is it possible to take home a stray animal and pet it on the street without adults? Where did the owners take the kitten first? Has Murka become friends with the kitten? Does he like living in a house with his owners? How did you understand this?

Children answer questions.

Educator: Let's look at the picture.

Were we right? Can you say that the kitten is sad or feels bad?

Children: No.

Educator: Who wants to tell the end of the fairy tale?

The child tells the end of the fairy tale.

Educator: I think it would be interesting to listen to the whole fairy tale. Who wants? I am sure that you will succeed, and if you find it difficult, then the hint pictures and the guys will help you.

The child tells the story in full.

Educator: The kitten loves to play. And you?

Warm up.

The teacher shows schematic cards; children must complete the exercises shown on the cards.

If you see a picture of a boy, then only boys perform it. If you see a picture of a girl, then only girls do it. Well, if there is a picture of a little man, then they do everything. The last picture is of the guys holding hands.

Educator: Well done, guys! You were very attentive, and I saw how hard you tried.

Standing in a circle:

— Guys, if you take a pet home, you need to be responsible for it. This is a domestic animal, which means it is very difficult for it to live without a person. Every day, homeless animals die on the street: some from cold and hunger; someone is under the wheels of a car. Look after, love, take care of your pet!


Did you like solving riddles - diagrams?

- What did we want to compose and come up with today?

— What helped us cope with the task?

—Who can you tell this tale to?

—Are you happy with yourself today?

I'm very pleased with you. Thank you very much for your work. I want you to have such a kitten. If you liked everything today and are still in a good mood, you will draw a cheerful face for the kitten. If you were bored, then you will draw a sad face for the kitten.

Expected result:

The children composed a fairy tale based on a set of pictures with a sequentially developing plot. A schematic model was used as a plan. They can explain the figurative expression “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” Show respect and compassion for pets. They can tell a fairy tale to their loved ones.

Essays-stories from the imagination. Teaching Techniques

To teach children creative storytelling, you need to clearly explain to them what the word “make up” means. The following tools will help:

  • comparison of fictitious and real stories of children on the same topic;
  • introducing an invented detail or situation into a story from personal experience.

Creative storytelling in kindergarten includes methods that help develop imagination:

  • Before completing the task, the teacher offers different options for the events of one story, then the children, based on the proposed situations, come up with their own.
  • Children complete the story that the teacher begins to tell; at the same time, the proposed situation should be “open” to various endings.
  • The characters in the story are given a voice - direct speech is included.
  • The story is told in relation to the author's face - a boy or a girl.

By developing a child’s speech, adults thereby develop his thinking.

So that children can understand the meaning of the story that they need to tell, the teacher helps them navigate the system of relationships that have developed in it:

  • location (where does it take place?);
  • time (when?);
  • characters' goals (why are they doing anything?);
  • order of events (what comes next?);
  • analysis of causes and consequences (why does one thing lead to another?).

When the content becomes clear, the teacher invites the children to come up with a story according to a given pattern or plan.

A sample story is understood as a generalized description of an object or event that is accessible to children. Sometimes a “partial” sample is enough: when the beginning and end of the story are suggested. This technique is used to reinforce storytelling skills, as well as to show possible creative options.

The plan usually consists of two or three leading questions that determine the content of the story and the sequence of events. A plan helps solve a creative problem by providing food for imagination and thinking.

Creative storytelling in the preparatory group can also rely on modeling. A diagram is used as a model, which reflects the structure of the selected object and notes its most important qualities.

Most often, a circle consisting of three parts is used as a model: the beginning of the story, the main part and the conclusion. The model can be used to demonstrate the structure of the text proposed for the story, and subsequently as a visual aid when composing your own story.

Summary of the lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Telling from the imagination”


Teaching a child to tell means forming his coherent speech. This task is part of the general task of speech development in preschool age. Teaching a child to tell stories, i.e. independent coherent and consistent presentation of his thoughts, we help him find the exact words and phrases, construct sentences correctly, logically connect them with each other, observe the norms of sound and word pronunciation. In other words, we improve all aspects of the child’s speech - lexical, grammatical, phonemic.

In the pre-school group, a new type of learning for children is creative storytelling classes based on a proposed plot. Storytelling based on the plot enhances interest in storytelling in general and prepares them for literary and verbal creativity, which they will encounter at school.

Topic: 1. Inventing a fairy tale based on the proposed plot “The Adventures of the Hare”

2. Words - definitions and words denoting actions

Program content:

1) Continue to teach children to distinguish between literary genres.

2) Teach children to invent a fairy tale based on the proposed plot. Learn on your own, come up with a plot, the course of an event, a denouement, describe the place and time of action, observing the logic of plot development, actively using the accumulated knowledge of the presentation. Activate the imagination; activate adjective verbs in speech. Deepen interest in speech activity.

Progress of the lesson : - Guys, you have already learned to distinguish between different literary sentences, you already know what a story, a poem is, what a fairy tale is or why a work is called a fable, etc. “I’ll now read you an excerpt from a work familiar to everyone.” Listen to him carefully (I’m reading). -What did I read to you? Is it a fairy tale or a story, a poem or something else? (I’m reading an excerpt from V. Oseeva’s work “The Magic Word”) (children’s answers) - I include part of the work in the recording (an excerpt from a fairy tale). - What did you hear - a story or a fairy tale, or a poem? Why do you think so? What is a fairy tale? — I’m reading an excerpt from Chukovsky’s work “Confusion”

- What did you hear now - a poem, a fairy tale or a fable? What are fables? - Now guess who this riddle is about:

What kind of forest animal stood up,

like a post under a pine tree, And stands among the grass, Ears larger than head!

- That's right, this riddle is about a hare.

- Think and say what words can answer the question:

What hare? (smart, white, gray, long-eared, oblique, fluffy, cowardly, fleet-footed, careful, smart, etc.) - And when he runs away from the wolf. how can you say about him? What is he doing? (Rushes, rushes) - Today you will come up with a fairy tale about a hare. - Let's remember and say what a fairy tale is? — The fairy tale that you will come up with is called “The Adventures of the Hare.” Think about what your hare's name will be. Where and with whom the hare could live, what could happen to him, what time of year it was, what the hare could do, where he could go, and how his adventure ended. Do not forget to use in your fairy tales those interesting words about the hare that you have already named. Your fairy tales should be different, different beginnings and endings. A fairy tale must be told expressively, loudly, so that you can hear the heroes of your fairy tale talking - then the fairy tale will be interesting to listen to.

(2-3 minutes to think about it).

Children's stories (5-6 people). After each story, give an assessment, involve children in the assessment: “What did you like, what did you remember in the fairy tale? How does Yura tell the tale?

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