Card index. “Riddles about dangerous objects” card index (senior group)

Riddles about school, students, first graders and a bell with answers

Children love to guess school riddles about lessons, first-graders and students, the bell and the educational process itself. After all, funny rhymes create a pleasant impression of lessons and knowledge.

It is through such folk art that one can instill in children a love for school and a desire to gain new knowledge. After all, school is not only boring lessons, but also a lot of interesting things: new friends and girlfriends, fun breaks, playing football in the schoolyard, competitions and relay races, holidays and concerts. So, let's start guessing riddles about the school, students and first-graders.

Large, spacious, bright house. There are a lot of good guys there. They write and read beautifully. Children draw and count. (School)
Everyone has been to this establishment. Losers, geniuses received marks. Artists, singers, and artillerymen studied here. I go here, and you, my friends. (School)
At this time we take a break from lessons, watch cartoons and walk in the yard. Well, then we come back again, to replenish what we already know. (Holidays)
During the holidays it gets bored, It’s quiet and calm, Afterwards it greets schoolchildren with a day of open doors. (school)
If you went to school, you acquired a new status. There was a child, there was a preschooler, and now you are called... (Schoolchild)
Every year the school opens its door. She welcomes all children with warmth. The new settlers are moving in. Do you know what they are called? (First graders)
The students are ordered to sit down. Then get up and leave. At school he tells many people, Because he calls, calls, calls. (Call)
Guys, the bad student is the one who doesn’t keep a diary and doesn’t go to class, but plays ball instead of school. Tell me what to call him, Who likes to skip school? (Truant)
He only studies for straight A's, He always knows what he has to say. He doesn’t know laziness, he’s ready for lessons. Tell me guys, who is he? (Excellent student)
He only studies for “fours” and “fives.” All children should follow him as an example. “A’s” decorate his diary. Tell me guys, who is that student? (Excellent student)
The lesson was going on, but he was silent - Apparently, he was waiting for a change. As soon as the lesson ended, it rang loudly... (bell)
It’s a September, autumn day. It’s a holiday at school today. Boy-... (first grader) absent-minded with excitement
He is a help to the teacher, He orders strictly: Now sit down and study, Now get up, go away, Gets ready for the lesson, Teacher's friend... (Bell)
So that we could read, Write letters in copybooks, Bring us to study in the first class... (Grade)
One question and three answers, it’s not at all difficult to write. We choose the correct answer, Then we get marks. (Test)
In the morning he comes to school, in the afternoon he goes to basketball club, He tries to study, and not be at all lazy. He will do an exercise, learn a poem, talk out loud about drops, and later collect his briefcase. (Student)
On this day, in a cheerful crowd, We walk together to school, To learn a lot, Don’t yawn in class. (September 1)
Everyone has been to this establishment. Losers, geniuses received marks. Artists, singers, and artillerymen studied here. This is where I go, and this is where my friends are. (School)
The school opened its doors and let in new residents. Who guys knows what they are called? (First graders)
I am smart and cheerful, I am the happiest, I am going to school today Together with my dear mother. (First grader)
It’s a September, autumn day. It’s a holiday at school today. Boy-... (first grader) absentminded from excitement
The first-grader is seven years old. There is a satchel behind your shoulders, And in your hands there is a large bouquet, There is a blush on your cheeks. What holiday date is this? Who can tell me guys? (September 1)
Here the teacher during recess is looking for our cool magazine, Here the teacher is sure to rest if he is tired. There is no entry for schoolchildren here, only to the teachers' council. (Teacher's room)
There is a lawn at our school, and there are goats and horses on it. We've been tumbling here for exactly forty-five minutes. At school there are horses and a lawn!? What a miracle, guess what! (Gym)
We perform here on stage, Holidays take place here, we play KVN here, we sing different songs. (Assembly Hall)
I attend classes and always keep a diary. I call myself a Schoolboy or... (Student)

Riddles for school about teachers

He teaches you how to add letters, count, how to grow flowers and catch butterflies, how to look at everything and remember everything, and how to love your homeland with everything that is dear to you. (Teacher)
With white chalk and a pointer, He teaches us a lesson! And our beloved... (teacher) tells it well.
He teaches children at school. Strict, but forgives everything. Helps you become smarter, He explains everything. (teacher)
The teacher will solve any problem and easily distinguish a circle from a square, and count a long example in his mind. What kind of teacher is he, tell me? (Mathematic teacher)
With white chalk and a pointer, He teaches us a lesson! And our beloved tells it well... (Teacher)
This teacher owns a computer, he can work on it, he knows how to calculate. He will compile a program and burn it to a floppy disk. What kind of teacher is he, do you children know? (IT-teacher)
He gives us knowledge, gives us marks, receives recognition from us all the time, Mentor, leader, Our Beloved... (teacher)
He will instantly hear a mistake in a speech, He reads a lot and writes competently, He would write any dictation with an A. What kind of teacher is he, try to tell me? (Teacher of Russian language)
As soon as the bell rings, he comes to class. He will tell us about the earth, about peace, happiness, about goodness. About letters, numbers and words, About rivers, oceans, seas. About sentences, cases, Lakes, waterfalls, cities. (Teacher)
In the teacher’s closet there are a lot of brushes, albums, easels and different paints. He could have been an artist himself. What kind of teacher is he, tell me? (Drawing teacher)
He comes to school early, He will tell everyone about Angola, India, Iran, China, You study, remember. (Geography teacher)
He will instantly hear a mistake in a speech, He reads a lot and writes competently, He would write any dictation with an A. What kind of teacher is he, try to tell me? (Teacher of Russian language)
With the teacher we are always interested: He will tell you about rivers and all the cities, He will find any continent on the map. Did you recognize him, student? (Teacher of the surrounding world)
He recites poetry by heart, He knows everything about the lives of writers, Anyone can compose a story for us. What kind of teacher is this, class? (Reading teacher)
She will get books for us, she will give us any story. Where each book stands, It will show and explain. Of course, this is not a pharmacist, but our school one... (librarian)
The bell rang loudly and the lesson began in the classroom. The student and the parent know - Will teach the lesson... (Teacher)
He writes and draws with chalk And fights with mistakes, Teaches you to think and reflect. What's his name guys? (Teacher)
He has a lot of knowledge, he gives it to his children. A permanent resident of the City of Knowledge - Bears the proud name... (Teacher)
He is not in charge at school, he has his own office. He knows all the students and is ready to help and punish. (Director)
He will teach you to count, write, and will help you become educated and literate. You never get bored with him, because he can tell you a lot of interesting things. Who is this, answer me, does anyone know, children? (Teacher)
He will tell you the secrets of the perimeter, and how to calculate the diameter. He will give you a scheme for solving examples, and will also dictate the conditions of the problem, and you will write them down in your notebook. (mathematic teacher)
The teacher does not write - the teacher creates, He glues and makes the whole lesson. The craft turned out quite beautiful. What kind of teacher is he, tell me? (Labor teacher)
He has a lot of knowledge, he gives it to his children. City of Knowledge permanent resident - Bears the proud name .. (teacher)
Every day he meets children, teaches Mathematics and letters and many other sciences in lessons. (teacher)
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