Card index “Morning circle” card index (senior group)

Summary of the morning circle for children of senior preschool age Topic: “How to live and not quarrel”

Summary of the morning circle for children of senior preschool age

Topic: “How to live and not quarrel”


expansion of ideas about “forgiveness” as one of the most important spiritual and moral values ​​of a person

Software tasks:


-Teach to see the moral side of perceived events and actions, to understand their essence;

-Teach the ability to manage your emotional state in critical situations;


-Develop the ability to understand others and the ability to forgive;

-Develop friendliness, the ability to forgive, be tolerant of the shortcomings of comrades, rejoice in the successes of other people;



- Fostering a humane attitude towards each other;

-Developing the ability to understand others and the ability to forgive.

Methods and techniques: Verbal

(conversation “how can I change the world for the better?”)
Practical (
game “hello, friend!”)


Bell, “Magic” glasses, rugs.


Call signs for collection:

"Ringing of a bell"

Me, your friend and you are my friend.

We all sat together in a circle.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

Circle organization:

Children and adults sit in a circle on chairs


Educator: Morning greeting “Hello, Heaven!”

Hello, Sun! (Raise your hands up)

Hello Earth! (Make a large circle with your hands above your head)

Hello, planet Earth! (Smoothly lower your hands to the carpet)

Hello, our big family!

(Describe a large circle above your head, all the guys join hands and raise them up)

Communication game:

A game:

"Hello Friend!"

All participants stand in a common circle and are counted on the 1st. 2nd. The 1st stand in the inner circle, with their backs to each other. 2nd numbers to the outside, facing the 1st. (You can put boys in a circle opposite girls). This is how pairs are formed. (Communicate with each other using words and gestures). Hello, friend! – (handshake), How are you? - (tapping on each other's shoulder). Where have you been? – (bend towards each other’s ear). I missed! - (knock on both shoulders). Here you are! - (open their arms, spread them apart) How glad I am! — (they hug, patting each other on the back).

Then the second numbers move to the right or left, and again the pairs communicate.

The game continues until the participants return to their previous pairs.


“How can I change the world for the better?”

Children sit in a circle. The teacher shows the “Magic” glasses: “Whoever puts them on will see only the good in other people,

even something that is not always immediately noticeable. Each of you will try on glasses and look at the others.” Children take turns putting on glasses and calling out each other’s strengths.


“And now we will put on our glasses again and look at the world with different eyes. What would you like to change in the world to make it a better place? (children answer)

This all helps us see something good in others.

Methodological development "Morning Circle"

Methodological development of conducting a morning circle in kindergarten

Developed by teachers of the Municipal Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 15 of the Traktorozavodsky District of Volgograd” Kusmartseva S.V., Zaitseva E.G. 2019-2020


The morning circle (group gathering or morning gathering) is a routine moment, which is a form of organizing the educational process during the joint activities of adults and children, which is held immediately after breakfast.

Most preschoolers (especially younger ones) have a painful experience when they arrive at kindergarten: they are woken up early, torn away from home and their favorite toys, that is, the baby is offended by everyone.

The main goal of the morning circle is to create a positive emotional mood and instill in the child confidence that he will feel good among his peers, and the day promises to be interesting and eventful.

In addition, the group circle:

  • develops a tolerant attitude towards people;
  • forms primary ideas about the concepts of norms and rules of behavior in society;
  • allows children to feel their importance, confidence that they are accepted among their peers for who they are.


The morning circle solves a number of educational problems:

  • Creates conditions for communication between children and adults:
  • Develops communication skills and the ability to plan one’s own activities. Children gain experience in understanding the emotional state of other people.
  • Works on developing cultural communication skills. When kids come to the group, they receive compliments on their new clothes, hairpins, hairstyles, etc. Gradually, children learn to behave the same way with adults: a teacher, a nanny.
  • Teaches how to construct reasoned statements and defend your point of view. An adult shows children an example of the correct construction of a statement, as well as the norms for conducting discussions.
  • Develops the ability to isolate interesting events from one’s experience, as well as to describe them concisely, consistently and logically.
  • Forms the skill of collective work, that is, the ability to distribute responsibilities, roles, and develop rules of behavior.

Current morning circle tasks for different age groups

Learn to make choices and decisions (I want to draw, play).

Learn to set a goal (I will build a house).

Learn to speak in sentences.

Learn to distinguish and name the characteristics of objects (color, shape, size, spatial position).

Learn to establish and maintain relationships with different people (younger, peers, elders, adults).

  • Initiate a conversation, get involved in it and maintain communication (let's together..., I want to say..., I think that...).
  • Turn to the source of knowledge (I learned this from a book, from a TV show).
  • Declare your ideas, knowledge (I know that polar bears...).
  • Accept different social roles and act in accordance with them in the context of the situation (I play doctor, I...).
  • Manage your behavior and methods of communication (I understand that mom is tired, I will play quietly).
  • Compare objects (there are 5 pebbles and 3 cones; the river is wide and the stream is narrow).
  • Analyze actions and actions, predict the results of actions and actions (if I do this, then...).
  • Resolve conflict situations (ask, say what you don’t like...).
  • Ensure comfortable and constructive participation of all children in general conversation, play, and planning.
  • Establish and maintain a cultural framework (help children master culturally and situationally appropriate styles of behavior and communication, a culture of dialogue and monologue).

Quote from:

Call sign "Dudochka".

  • The pipe sings loudly, calling the children into the circle.


  • Hello, blue sky (Look up), Hello, dear sun (Hands up), Hello, Mother Earth (Bow), Hello, you (Shake hands), And hello, me (Hands to chest)!

At the end of the text with movements, children, holding hands, say the words:

  • We are glad that we came to kindergarten. Good day to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Game-training. V.: Children, imagine that we are vegetables in the garden (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). There had been no rain for a long time, and the vegetables withered: first the heads drooped, then the leaves, and then the entire stem bent to the ground. (Children on the count of 1 lower their heads, 2 - drop their arms along the body, 3 - squat down). Suddenly it began to rain and the vegetables began to come to life. (Children repeat the exercise in reverse order.) A conversation similar to the “three questions” (I would like to know “who plants vegetables”, “how to care for vegetables”, “what kind of preparations does my mother make”). (The guys take turns speaking, passing the attribute of the week to each other - an autumn leaf).

  • What time of year is it now?
  • What ripens in the garden beds in the fall?
  • What vegetables do you know?
  • What vegetables do you like?
  • What does mom make from vegetables?

Didactic game "Let's plant vegetables in the garden." Typesetting canvas and thematic pictures are used. Children name the vegetable and “plant” it in the “bed.” Didactic game “Divide vegetables and fruits into baskets.” Purpose: Classification. Finger gymnastics “Zinochka’s basket.”

  • Little girl Zinochka has vegetables in her basket: Here is a pot-bellied zucchini I put on a side, Pepper and carrots I cleverly placed, Tomato and cucumber. Our Zina is great! (Children make their palms into a “basket.” Bend their fingers, starting with the thumb. Show the thumb.)

Imagination game based on commentary. V.: A warm ray fell to the ground and warmed a seed in the ground. A sprout emerged from the seed. A beautiful flower grew from the sprout. The flower basks in the sun, exposing each of its petals to warmth and light, turning its head after the sun. (Children squat down, lower their head and arms; raise their head, straighten their body, raise their arms to the sides - the flower has bloomed; head leans back slightly, slowly turns to follow the sun. Facial expressions: eyes half-closed, smile, facial muscles relaxed). Working with a calendar (date, month, day of the week). Presentation by the teacher of the organization of the day.

The truck brought toys

Call sign "Rattle".

  • Ding-dong, dili-dili, they bought us rattles. Marina, Tanya and Vova have rattles, And it rings from all sides: dili-dili-dili-don.


  • In our group, every day we do exercises, do exercises strictly in order: Everyone sat down, stood up together, turned their heads, stretched, turned and smiled at each other!

Game-training. V: A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. It's so good that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy. What do we wish today to Katya, Seryozha, Sasha, ... (lists all the children, reminds them of the good deeds they did the day before). What can you wish for me? Riddles about toys. Didactic game "Guess what's in the bag." Goal: to improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. Children guess by touch which toy they take out and say how they can play with it. Interview “My favorite toy.” Finger gymnastics.

  • I play with toys (Hands in front of me, clench and unclench the fingers of both hands): I throw you a ball (Stretch your arms forward - “throw the ball”). I assemble a pyramid (straight hands, palms down, are alternately placed on top of each other several times). I roll the truck everywhere (Move the right hand in front of you with a slightly open hand - “roll the car”).

Outdoor game “Find the toy house.” Goal: to strengthen the ability to put toys back in place. The children close their eyes, the teacher places different toys on the floor, and the kids take the toys to their places on a signal. Working with a calendar (date, month, day of the week). Presentation by the teacher of the organization of the day.

The house we live in

Call sign “Picture - House”.

  • This is such a beautiful house, We live in this house. One, two, three, four - We live in a new apartment!


  • Get up as soon as the sun rises (Hands up), And quietly the beam will stretch out its hand to you from the window (Hands forward). You quickly put your palm up (Render your palms up to the sun), Let your mother see you both dressed and wearing shoes (Run your palms over your face, bend over and touch your shoes), May your day be cheerful and ringing (Spread your arms wide to the sides).

Finger gymnastics “Home”.

  • The house is standing (They fold their palms into a “house” over their heads), There is a lock hanging on the door (They close their palms into a “lock”). There is a table behind the doors (Cover the fist of the left hand with the right palm), There is a picket fence around the house (Hands in front of you, fingers spread). "Knock-Knock!" - open the door (Knock on palm with fist), “Come in, I’m not evil!” (Arms to the sides, palms up).

Interview “What kind of house do you have?”

  • Why does a person need a house?
  • How do you help your mom and grandma keep the house tidy?
  • Who cleans up your toys?
  • Who lives at home with you? (Who do you live with?).
  • What kind words do you say to your loved ones?
  • How do you take care of your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa?

Didactic game “Help Katya put things in order” (arrange items according to their intended purpose: dishes on the table, toys on the shelf, clothes in the closet). Purpose: grouping items according to purpose. Outdoor game “Look for your home.” Children are located in a “house” (on gymnastic benches or chairs). The teacher invites them to go to the meadow to admire the flowers and look at the butterflies. At the signal “Hurry to the house, it’s raining,” the kids run to take a place in the “house” (any place). Working with a calendar (date, month, day of the week). Presentation by the teacher of the organization of the day...>

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Card index of morning gatherings for senior preschool age (fragment)

The call sign for morning gathering is the ringing of a bell.

Organization of a circle. Children sit on personalized pillows.

Greetings. V.: Good morning, (child’s name)! I'm glad you're with us today.

News. Q: What are the summer months called? How many days are there in June, July, August? Each summer month, like all months of the year, has its own name in the folk calendar. Let me remind you that the folk calendar is an annual circle of customs and rituals, omens, and natural phenomena fixed by month. June is the first month of summer. It got the name multicolor because meadow and field plants bloom in June. July is the hottest month of summer. Its ancient name is Lipets, since the linden blossoms at this time. There is even such a sign: “The linden tree has bloomed - the hottest time of the year has begun.” All the trees have already faded, and the linden trees are just gathering. That’s why the linden tree is called the “queen of summer.” The linden tree slowly nurses each of its flowers. And for good reason: while everything around was blooming, the bees were busy. And now the bees are freer, paying all their attention to the linden tree. The nectar in linden flowers is extremely tasty and healthy. The bees try so hard to collect it that they even fly at night. And what kind of honey you get! Linden honey is considered one of the best and healthiest. There was a time when people in Rus' did not know sugar, and if they wanted to enjoy something sweet, they ate fruits and honey. We drank linden tea with linden honey. How healthy is linden honey! It cures colds better than many medicines. August is the last month of summer. The turn to autumn was popularly called the dawn lightning, as bright, cold dawns become frequent. (Demonstration of illustrations for each month).

Information exchange. Q: What time of year is it now? What month is it? What's the weather like? Tell me, what signs of summer do you know?

Dynamic pause.

Problem situations. Q: How do you think such sayings and proverbs can be explained: “In the summer dawn meets dawn.” (Long daylight hours). “In June the sun is high, and from morning to evening it is far away.”

Games on the topic. Outdoor game "Mowers". Three drivers are chosen - mowers, the rest of the players are flowers. Each playing child receives a colored ribbon representing a flower: a yellow ribbon is a dandelion, a white ribbon is a chamomile, and a blue ribbon is a cornflower. Ribbons are attached to the back of children's belts. The drivers agree in advance who will pick which flower. The players pronounce the text and imitate the movement: the flowers, standing still, sway, move their leaf-like hands, and grow. The mowers make energetic movements with their arms to the side and forward and walk between the flowers across the field.

Providing the right to choose an activity center.


Vegetables fruits

  1. The call sign for morning gathering is the ringing of a bell.
  2. Organization of a circle. Children sit on personalized pillows.
  3. Greeting on behalf of vegetables and fruits “Hello! Malinka..."
  4. News. V.: Vegetables and other healthy foods contain a large amount of vitamins, and each vitamin has its own name and is of great importance for the body.
      vitamin A is very important for vision;
  5. Vitamin B helps the heart function well;
  6. vitamin D makes our arms and legs strong;
  7. Vitamin C strengthens the entire body and makes a person healthier. (The teacher hangs up pictures). But raw vegetables contain the most vitamins.
  8. Information exchange. V: Look in the basket. What two groups can what is contained in it be divided into? (Vegetables and fruits). What do we call vegetables? What vegetables do you know? What do we call fruit? What fruits do you know? Name your favorite fruit. Do you know where it grows - on a tree branch. Why are vegetables and fruits healthy? What are vitamins? Vitamins are useful substances that we need to improve our health.
  9. Dynamic pause. Physical education minute.
      Drink tomato juice (Walk in place), Eat carrots (Hands to shoulders, arms up). All the guys will be (Hands on the waist, bending to the side) Strong and agile (Hands on the waist, squats). Flu, sore throat, scarlet fever (Hands on the belt, jumping) - Vitamins will drive everything away (Walking in place).
  10. Problem situations.
      What names of vitamins do you know?
  11. What foods contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C?
  12. What are these vitamins for?
  13. Do you think vegetables and fruits should be washed before eating raw? Why?
  14. Didactic games on the topic:
      "Let's reap the harvest"
  15. "Our garden"
  16. “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.”
  17. Granting the right to choose an activity center...>



  1. Call signs for morning gathering. Speech:
      Our circle has gathered, smile quickly, my friend. Hand to a friend, hand to a friend, We transfer heat in a circle.
  2. Organization of a circle. Children sit on personalized pillows.
  3. Greeting: passing a flag.
  4. News. V.: Guys, often when we go outside in the evening, we raise our eyes up and try to see what is there in space. The cosmic world is very wide and diverse. Sometimes in the evening we can see in the sky many stars that seem small to us. In fact, stars are huge celestial bodies, similar to the Sun, and they have their own planets around them. Who knows what planet you and I live on? (Earth). The Earth revolves around a huge ball of fire - the Sun. Other planets also revolve around this ball: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus.
  5. Information exchange. Calendar: today is April 12 - space day, what day of the week is it today? Repeat the spring months.
  6. Dynamic pause. Physical education minute.
      To fly into space, you need to be able to do a lot. Be healthy, don’t be lazy, do well in school. And we will do exercises every day - we are not lazy! Turn left, right and come back again, crouch, jump and run, run, run. And then walk more and more quietly, and then sit down again.
  7. Problem situations. Poem by Y. Akim “Earth”.
      There is one garden planet in this cold space. Only here the forests are noisy, calling migrating birds. Only on it alone do lilies of the valley bloom in the green grass, And dragonflies only here look into the river in surprise... Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other one like it!
  8. Q: Why do we need to protect our planet - Earth?
  9. Games on the topic. Exercise "The fourth wheel"
      Sun, sleep, sunny, sunshine.
  10. Space, shaggy, astronaut, cosmic.
  11. Planet, plan, planetary, planetarium.
  12. Providing the right to choose an activity center.

Stages of the morning circle and methods of conducting them

The teacher needs to constantly replenish his methodological repertoire with new and meaningful techniques for conducting morning assembly. Kids like some of them more, others less. This is how the traditions of the morning circle appear. But in order to choose effective methodological techniques for conducting a morning meeting, you need to understand what stages it consists of.

  1. Greeting (1–3 minutes).
  2. Game (2–5 minutes).
  3. Exchange of news (2–10 minutes).
  4. Making a daily plan (5–12 minutes).

Sometimes even a simple toy, when carrying out familiar types of work, brings the necessary novelty to the traditional morning routine.


An alternative form can be wishes (for example, the guys not only say hello, but also wish what the day should be like for those gathered), compliments (after the greeting, the kid says 2-3 compliments to his comrades).

One of the traditions is the beginning of the morning circle in the form of call signs.

For notification you can choose:

  • music;
  • bell sounds (this call sign is well suited for older children, as it teaches them to perceive the school bell as a signal to concentrate on work);
  • chant (can be combined with movements; rhymes need to be updated periodically).

Joining hands under a chant sets the guys up for a friendly pastime together

Many methodologists believe that the chant itself as a call sign is ineffective, since it sets the mood for work only when it is pronounced very loudly, in chorus, which is very difficult to implement, because the children are not yet in the mood for joint activities. Therefore, it is recommended to combine this technique with music or the ringing of a bell.

Examples of chants for morning gathering

Let's hug you, And let's rise above the ground, Let's unite the warmth of hearts And become one sun!

Good morning! Happy new day! Happy new sun outside the window! Good morning! Start your day well!

Our friendship is strong, we are proud of it! We study together, play together, relax together! Well, if someone suddenly gets into trouble, there is no reason to be upset, we will always help everyone! If someone is happy, we rejoice together! Because in our group everyone is caring and friendly!

Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! Hello, free breeze! Hello, little oak tree! We live in the same region - I greet you all! Hello sun! Hello sky! Hello, my whole Earth! We woke up very early and welcome you!

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A game

The children choose games from the proposed list or organize them themselves. If conditions exist, children listen to music and possibly sing at this time.

A preschooler will try to reduce any type of activity to a game, since it is in this game that he acquires the necessary skills and abilities.

Fun in junior and middle groups can be:

  • finger (for example, “House”, “Cat and Mouse”, etc.);
  • verbal (“Find the rhyme”, “Complete the sentence”, etc.);
  • fantasy games (for example, “Revitalizing objects” in the older group can be represented by the narration of a fairy tale or story on behalf of the main character);
  • chain games (we take a toy, and the subsequent task - say hello, tell the news - occurs on behalf of the character).

In older groups, the game can be carried out in the form of training on various topics.

For example, you can discuss the prospects for the coming day in a bad mood and in a good one. Most of the games in the morning circle for children of senior preschool age are in the nature of psycho-gymnastics, that is, a method of socializing children through emotional reactions, often even in the absence of speech accompaniment.

The psychological characteristics of age are such that younger children prefer interaction with toys at this stage, while older children strive to organize games in mini-groups and pairs.

Middle, senior

"Listen to the silence"

Development of speech, imagination, ability to focus on the task at hand.

The teacher invites the children to sit in silence for 1-2 minutes. During this time they should try to hear as many sounds as possible and then talk about them. For example: “I heard a sparrow chirping,” “I heard cars rustling.”


"Nose, nose, mouth"

Training to coordinate actions with words, listen and hear instructions, develop reaction speed.

The presenter says: “Nose, nose, nose, nose, mouth.” At the first words, he touches his nose with his hand, and then instead of his mouth he touches another part of his head. Children sitting near the teacher should do everything not as they hear, but as they see, that is, as the leader does.

"Show your mood"

Development of speech, emotional sphere of children, artistic abilities.

This game can be played in different ways. For example, invite some children to show with facial expressions and gestures what their mood is now, and others to guess it. Option: give one child a picture with a “mood” drawn, he tries to reproduce it on his face, and the rest guess what mood he is depicting.

Games for the morning circle

- samples of finger games

Each game must be practiced for 3–4 days

Children eagerly transform into heroes of finger fun

When conducting finger games, it is important to make sure that all children can clearly see the model, that is, the adult showing the exercise.

Game situations

This day in the group begins with drawing smiles:

  • mom's lipstick on the glass,
  • paints on balloons, paper plates and cups.

In the activity centers, children are encouraged to find the most amazing smile (for this you will need photographs of smiling people, animals, a camera for a photo shoot, mirrors for practice). At the music center, you can listen to an audio recording of a song or learn it on your own or together with the music director. The focus of the theater/book is to put on a fun show. The center of the game is to organize your favorite games with music.

Re-registration day

The day has come when you need to count everything that is in the group room:

  • toys,
  • balls in the pool,
  • markers in boxes.

During the group meeting, this work will be planned and distributed among the participants. At the end of the day, the most diligent accountants are awarded diplomas.

The day when everything is reversed

Children are encouraged to work on confusion and also:

  • listen to “Confusion” by K. Chukovsky in audio recording or live reading;
  • unravel “the most tangled tangle” (for this, any bases with holes, laces, braid or ribbons are used);
  • tangle it again so that other children have something to untangle.

During a group gathering, educators can offer games with balls, word games-flip-flops, and in the activity centers for children there will be labyrinths, tangrams, and tasks for intelligence.

Quote from:

Examples of game situations for group gatherings

Exchange of news

This is usually the most favorite stage for babies. Children voice and discuss (in older groups) everything new that they heard and saw the day before. As a rule, the exchange of facts occurs in the form of a child’s monologue - a reaction to an adult’s question.

For children of the first junior group (and sometimes the second), it is appropriate to exchange news in question-and-answer form, that is, in the form of an interview, where the responses of children who are just learning to speak will be short. Examples of questions:

  • What's the weather like outside?
  • What time of year is it now?
  • What month, day of week, date?
  • How many days are left until the next holiday? What kind of event will this be?
  • Who did you meet when approaching the kindergarten? The answer to the question is expected to be: “Janitor.”
  • Which of the children in our group did not come to kindergarten today?
  • How many girls/boys are there in the group today?

At this stage, in the middle and senior groups, the teacher is required to pay special attention to organizing the exchange of news, since all the kids will want to share “what no one but me knows yet.” To solve this difficult problem, the teacher can invite the children to decide for themselves how many people and whom exactly they will listen to today, or stipulate that only girls/boys tell their news on this day, etc. In general, this stage allows:

  • practice the ability to conduct dialogue and discussion;
  • enrich and activate your vocabulary;
  • develop a friendly attitude towards peers and adults.

This is interesting. The teacher must ensure that once a week each of the children is able to tell their news.

News is presented in accordance with the rules of the four “don’ts”:

  • We do not regulate (you cannot require children to have only one long or two short messages);
  • we do not select (the principle “only good information” is not suitable);
  • we don’t pull it out (the phrases “why are you silent?” or “we haven’t heard the news from Petya and Dima yet” are unacceptable);
  • We do not prohibit (there are no forbidden topics).

So, the morning gathering consists of 4 stages, which are allotted up to half an hour (in junior groups - up to 15 minutes, in middle groups - up to 20, in senior groups - up to 30).

Each time period requires the use of characteristic techniques. Visual aids (pictures, slides, toys) are an effective way to interest children in working towards achieving their goals.

Comparing approaches to organizing and conducting morning gatherings, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • in younger groups, news is included in the planning stage of activities;
  • when working with younger preschoolers, most of the morning circle is voiced by the teacher, and the children repeat after him (this form of work is due to the fact that at the age of 2-3 years, many children do not yet speak and formulate their thoughts quite clearly);

The younger the children, the more the teacher needs to say, since kids need to read the speech pattern

  • in the middle group, news and planning take place in question-and-answer form - the teacher “guides” the children to the necessary verbal reactions;
  • in the older group, games take on the character of psycho-gymnastics;
  • in the preparatory group there is an analytical approach to each of the stages (children explain this or that choice, their assessment).

Examples of morning circle for different age groups

Greetings. (Children are sitting on the carpet). Someone is sitting in our little corner and squeaking quietly. (Mouse). (Children listen and guess).

Game with a mouse. The little mouse is lost. We need to find my mother and call her as soon as possible. (Children are looking for a mouse in pictures of animals.)

Acquaintance. We found the mother mouse, the little mouse calmed down. It's time to get acquainted. (Children tell the mouse their names).

Game with a wind-up mouse. The mouse met you, and now he wants to play, and quickly run away from you. (Children catch up with the wind-up mouse).

Game with color pictures “Find a house for little mice.” The colored mice ran across the clearing and lost their holes. (Children put mice in houses by color).

Construction of a “House for a Mouse”. The mouse has a hole in the field. And in our group he has nowhere to live. Let's build him a house. (Children build a house for a mouse using a construction set).

Outdoor game "Cat and Mouse". The mouse not only loves to play with little mice, but also to run away from the cat. (Children run around the palace. When they hear the word “cat” they run to hide in the “house”).

Game "Show me your chair." The mouse is tired of playing, He wants to rest. Who wants to show the mouse his chair? (Children find their chairs from the pictures and show the mouse).

Word game: “What are we going to play?” The mouse wants to know what we will play. (Children take turns showing and telling what they will play on their own). The mouse will sit on an empty chair and look at you. Enough for our toys to get bored. Come on guys, hurry up and play. (The children disperse into the group to play.)

Quote from:

Koverneva N., mini-preschool teacher, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan.

Second youngest

  1. Greetings. I’ll wake up, hurry up, get ready for kindergarten quickly, There are books and toys and favorite girlfriends in the group.
  2. Game "Smile". A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. It's so good that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy.
  3. Finger gymnastics. My little finger, where have you been? With Nameless I cooked cabbage soup, And with Middle I ate porridge, and with Index I sang. And Bolshoi met me and treated me to candy.
  4. Discussion: What is the name of our group? Why do we need a bedroom? Locker room? Dressing room? Gaming? What are we doing in these rooms? What's in the bedroom etc?
  5. Screening of the painting “In Kindergarten”. Who do you see in the picture? Do you think this is a bedroom? What is the name of this room?

Quote from: https://.ru/files/utriennii-krugh-dlia-2-mladshiei-ghruppy.html

Zarubina N., teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 31”, Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.


  1. The bell is ringing. One, two, three, four, five - stand in a circle to play. Guys, a new day has come. It's time for morning gathering. I'm glad to see you all.
  2. Speech. On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend, a very friendly general circle. Hold hands tightly, And smile at each other! I suggest singing the “Good morning” song! (Sing the song “Good morning” with elements of self-massage).
  3. Greetings. Now, guys, let's greet each other (standing in a circle, children greet each other in different ways).
  4. Communication game “I am a man.” The players stand in pairs facing each other. I am a man and you are a man. I have a nose and you have a nose. I have scarlet cheeks, and you have scarlet cheeks. My lips are sweet, and your lips are sweet. You and I are friends, we love each other. (Children perform movements according to the text, touching their own face, and then the partner’s face, at the end they shake hands and hug). Guys, sit on the carpet, as comfortable as you like.
  5. Information exchange. Guys, let's count how many boys and girls are present today. We will denote boys with blue cars, and girls with red cars. (Lay out blue and red cars on the board). Who is there more today? Less? Who is not with us today? Why do you think these kids didn’t come to kindergarten? How can we find out what's wrong with them? (Children's answers). Guys, today is the second day of the week. What is it called? What day of the week was yesterday? What day of the week will it be tomorrow? What time of year is it now? Tell me the signs of autumn.
  6. News. Now it's time to share the news. What interesting happened to you? (The girls share the news today).
  7. Guys, I want to remind you that the theme of our week is “Transport of our city.” I suggest playing the game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.” But since our topic is devoted to transport, all the movements that we will show must be related to transport. Do you agree? (Using a counting rhyme, they select a driver and show various movements: driving a car, flying on a plane, traveling by train, etc.)…>

Quote from:

Chekoeva S., music director of MKDOU No. 10, Beslan, Republic of North Ossetia.


(To the music of G. Savelyev’s “Big Round Dance,” the children, together with the teacher, sit in a circle on pillows). Greetings. V: Let's greet each other.

  • I love my kindergarten, It’s full of kids, Maybe a hundred, maybe two hundred, It’s good when we’re together! Everything is in place? Is everyone here? They turned, looked back, and smiled at each other...>

<…V.: Guys, Albina is a little sad in the morning. Let's give Albina a good mood. How can I do that? (Children's answers: smile, wish something good). Let's bake her a “Jolly Pie”. Psycho-gymnastics “Funny Pie”.

  • If suddenly someone feels very sad for some reason, And you don’t know what to do? How to cheer him up? (Children convey sadness with facial expressions and intonation, shrug their shoulders) We will take a glass of laughs, loud laughter from the baskets, a spoonful of scattered laughter, and a little giggle. Stir them with fun, roll them into subtle humor, roll them all in jokes, bake them in hot jokes. Whoever tries a piece will definitely want to laugh! (Further in the text they imitate making a pie and laugh merrily)…>

V.: We haven’t seen each other the whole evening and night. Who would like to share their news? (Children's statements). Guys, remember what topic we worked on last week? (“My Beslan”). What did you enjoy doing most on this topic? What do you remember? (Children's statements).

Meshkova M., teacher of preschool educational institution No. 4 “Zvezdochka”, Shushenskoye village, Krasnoyarsk region.


V.: Guys, a new day has come. It's time for morning gathering. I'm glad to see everyone today. Let's rub our palms, feel the warmth of our hands, and pass it on to our comrades. (The teacher shows through his actions how to convey his warmth. After this, the children repeat the teacher’s actions). Guys, I’m in a joyful mood today, and I’m very interested to know in what mood you came to kindergarten. (Children take their photo and place it in the selected pocket on the “Mood Corner” stand). Guys, today everyone is in a joyful mood, and so that it does not disappear, I suggest playing any game. (The children suggested several games and chose the game “Arms and Legs”). Let's remember the rules of the game. One clap is a command to the hands. They need to be raised or lowered. Two claps are a command to the legs. You need to stand up or sit down. Guys, we have a beautiful “Star of the Week”. Let's think about whose photo we will put in the pocket. But first, let's remember the rules:

  • there is no need to offer yourself;
  • You must explain your choice;
  • You need to choose the “Star of the Week” from the heart and soul, without receiving any benefit.

Children make and explain their choices. Place a photo of the child in the pocket of the “Star of the Week” stand. V.: Guys, we haven’t seen you all day. During this time, many interesting events happened. Yesterday I saw a little kitten. He meowed so loudly, probably because he was hungry. I treated him to sausage. What news do you have? Who wants to talk about their events? Let's first tell the news of girls whose names begin with the sound "L". (Children share their news). Educator: Guys, our morning gathering is over. I hope we had fun!

Quote from:

The morning circle is an important routine moment that unites children with common emotional impressions and a positive attitude towards the coming day. These factors contribute to closer contact between the teacher and all the students in the group, as well as with parents, who can evaluate the effectiveness of the group meeting by how eagerly the child goes to kindergarten. Thus, the correct methodologically competent organization of the morning circle helps to charge both children and adults with a positive attitude towards life.

About several games that can be used to conclude the daily morning circle

Big circle - small circle

Children join hands and stand in a circle. They need, without breaking their hands, to try to make the largest circle, then the smallest. This is repeated several times.


Material: a ball of beautiful, not very thin threads.

“Once upon a time, there lived weavers. They mastered the art of weaving - they wove magnificent carpets from threads. These were kind people. Every time a customer needed to weave a carpet, they thought of their wishes. And if the weaver had pure thoughts and good intentions, the carpet would come out especially beautiful.”

I want to weave together with you a carpet of friendship or acquaintance. I have a magic ball in my hands. I suggest wrapping a thread around your finger, saying your name and telling about yourself - how old you are, what you like to do. Then pass the ball to one of the group members. The one who receives the ball wraps his finger with thread and also tells about himself, throws the ball further.

It is important that all group members weave the carpet. After the carpet is woven, you can get up from your seats, walk a little in a circle together, raising and lowering the carpet, admiring it. the leader can draw attention to the fact that now the group is a single whole, that everyone is important and significant in the circle, that only with the participation of all group members could such a beautiful pattern be created. Then the carpet can be rolled up, starting with the statements of the last participant.

Magical animal

Children stand in a tight circle, hold hands and imagine that they are all together one big strong and kind animal. The presenter asks to listen to each other’s breathing and try to breathe the same way, as if one large animal is breathing.

We are very happy

All group members are asked to state their name. After this, the presenter suggests singing the following words: “We are very glad that ... (names the child sitting next to him, for example, Masha) is with us.”

Then all participants pick up these simple words and call the children by name in order.

After every third name called, all group members say the following words, clapping their hands: “We are all together. We are all close!!!"

And again they continue the circle with the words: “We are very happy...”

Massage in a circle

“Sit in a circle on the floor so that your hands touch the shoulders of the person sitting in front of you. Place your hands on his shoulders and gently stroke them, as if kneading dough, your hands are gentle, gentle, and together with your hands, transfer your tenderness to the shoulders of the other. Imagine that you have brushes with paints in your hands and you can paint the shoulders and back with paint.

Do it. Paint your neighbor's back with a magic brush, and now brush it over his back as if you were rolling cars...

Now turn in the other direction, do the same massage on your neighbor’s shoulders…. Thank each other: you can hug, pat on the shoulder, shake hands, or simply say “thank you.”

Voices of animals

We invite the children to stand in a circle. The leader goes around the children in order and whispers in their ears the name of one of the animals - cat, dog, cow, goose.

“Now each of you is turning into the animal whose name I told you. For example. The cat begins to meow, the dog begins to bark, the goose begins to cackle, and the cow begins to moo. Your task is to form four teams to name the animals.”

Modification of the “Fold the picture” exercise. To complete this exercise, you need several pictures of paired animals, cut into 3-4 parts. Children are divided into groups of 3–6 people. Each group member receives a piece of his picture. The group needs to put together a picture, that is, each member of the group needs to depict their own piece so that they get a whole animal.

Rain in the jungle

This is a game that requires the ability to interact in a team and listen to others.

We invite the children to sit close to each other. “I want to invite you to visit the jungle. For this now I need your help. We will listen with you and at the same time make the sounds of the jungle. I suggest listening carefully and sounding out the words with movements. Which I will speak. It is important to start in order and for everyone to join in gradually. The child sitting next to him, on the right hand of the leader, begins the movement, and the one sitting on the left hand finishes it.

So, we represent the phrase “light breeze” by rubbing our palms against each other. “The first rare drops of rain began to fall,” we click our fingers. “It began to rain heavily” - clapping hands. “Strong thunder struck” - we stomp our feet. Let's see what we can do."

A light breeze blew in the jungle (the children rustled their palms).

Rare first drops of rain fell in the jungle (children snap their fingers).

And it began to rain heavily (children clap their hands), and now strong thunder struck (children stomp their feet).

The heavy rain has stopped, only rare drops of rain can be heard (the children snap their fingers), and a light breeze (the children rustle their palms). And then the jungle became completely quiet.

Car wash

Stand in a column one at a time, one behind the other. Place your feet wider so that your child can fit between them. One of you starts: he gets down on all fours - this is a car in a car wash. And all the other children are parts of a large machine that washes cars. As the car passes under your feet, you can massage and scrub its back. Do it carefully and gently to avoid scratches on the car. Everyone will help the car leave the car wash on the street clean and beautiful.

May it always be...

The presenter says that one little boy came up with the following words: “May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be mother, may there always be me!” After this, the presenter invites everyone to come up with their most cherished “let.” All the children will shout in chorus: “Let it always be...”, and one of the children adds his wish, then the same is done for all the children in the group.

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