Modern technologies of labor education and training of preschool children

The essence and methods of labor education

Definition 1
Labor education of preschool children is the process of purposefully forming in preschool children a conscious attitude and inclination to work as one of the basic needs of life, as well as the habit of working through the inclusion of children in active work.

There are a number of pedagogical methods for introducing preschoolers to work:

  • development of labor activity in children of senior preschool age L.I. Saygusheva;
  • the child’s entry into real labor relations M.V. Krukhlet;
  • development of individuality of older preschoolers in the work of Yu.A. Michurina.



The formation of self-service labor skills is closely interconnected with the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and affects their improvement. The algorithm will help the teacher in working on a long-term plan, in thinking through the sequence and choosing specific forms and methods of work for a more complete and timely formation of all self-service labor skills in children of each age group.

ON A NOTE. Didactic games for kindergarten at low prices from a specialized store for teachers “Kindergarten” -

The child’s entry into real work relationships

When analyzing the above-mentioned technologies of labor education of preschool children, special attention should be paid to the technology of labor relations of M.V. Krukhlet.

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The peculiarity of this pedagogical technology is associated with the process of designing the pedagogical process, which is aimed at the holistic development of the child as a subject of activity, creating the necessary conditions for the manifestation of his potential abilities and capabilities, his awareness of the importance of work as he enters the modern world, as well as the creation of labor ties with adults close to him.

The construction of a methodology based on the interrelation of means of labor education determines the steps to familiarize children with the peculiarities of the modern world in the process of various labor activities of the children themselves.

  • The first step in introducing a child to work is the formation of knowledge about the work of adults: in the younger group - through observation of the activities of adults; in the middle - through familiarization with the work of preschool employees; in the older years - through getting to know the parents’ professions, their interests and hobbies at home.
  • The second step is related to mastering work skills and methods of self-control and self-esteem. In the younger group - through self-service processes; in the middle - through the development of feasible processes of household labor; in the older years, you can teach children how to clean with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth, prepare sandwiches, etc.
  • The third step involves the child entering into real work relationships with close adults. To do this, a special environment must be created in preschool groups that takes into account the age and individual gender interests and inclinations of the pupils.

“The use of modern technologies in the labor education of preschool children”

Elena Dunaeva

“The use of modern technologies in the labor education of preschool children”

At preschool age, the formation of basic types of activity, including labor, . Therefore, labor education of preschool children is one of the leading directions in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. At present, the place of labor in the pedagogical process of kindergarten has been determined, and its content has been developed.

Work is the most important means of education . In the process of labor , the child’s personality is formed and collective relationships are formed. The entire process of raising children in kindergarten can and should be organized so that they learn to understand the benefits and necessity of work for themselves and for the team. Treating work with love and seeing joy in it is a necessary condition for the manifestation of a person’s creativity and talents. Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work must be creative, because it is creative work that makes a person spiritually rich and develops him physically.

Scientific validity.

The meaning of work has been studied by many teachers and psychologists, from the Middle Ages to the present. Alisher Navoi, a poet and thinker, said a phrase that is relevant to this day: “ Labor adorns a person , thanks to work , a person improves.”

The importance of labor as a factor in the development of a child’s personality is also reflected in the history of domestic pedagogy of labor .

The great teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “ Work becomes a great educator when it enters the spiritual life of our students , gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops inquisitiveness and curiosity, gives rise to the exciting joy of overcoming difficulties , discovers more and more new beauty in the world around us.” , awakens the first civic feeling - the feeling of the creator of material wealth, without which human life is impossible.”

Before the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the pattern was a tendency to increase time for training rather than for education . Many aspects of an educational nature stood aside, including labor education , which is especially relevant today. This has led to the fact that, as children grow up, they become deaf to the needs of the people around them, arrogant, lazy, and show weakness in certain situations.

If we turn to FGT, then Labor

was a relatively new educational field and raised many questions among teachers.

Of course, labor activity is an important component of preschool education , but in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education it is not allocated as a separate educational area. The presence of labor activity in preschool education is not recognized by everyone, since the result of “real”
labor should be a certain product, which preschoolers, due to their age, are simply unable to produce. That is, work is , first of all, the activity of adults. However, due to the peculiarities of the development of our society, labor activity (
labor education ) has become part of education.
Note that in most countries the term
labor in relation to
preschoolers , although they participate in caring for plants, get acquainted with different professions, and acquire self-care skills.
Issues of labor education of preschool children at the present stage are relevant for preschool education in general . Modern parents of preschoolers pay great attention to the mental education of their children , preparing them for school and do not always attach importance to labor education in the development of the child .

The goal of labor education for preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the formation of a child’s positive attitude towards work and it is realized through solving the following tasks:

• Teaching children labor skills and their further improvement;

Instilling in children an interest in work , hard work , responsibility, and independence;

• Familiarization with the work of adults , instilling respect for the worker and the results of his work , the desire to provide all possible assistance;

• Formation of relationships and acquisition of social experience of interaction ( education of socially oriented motives for work , skills to work in a team and for a team).

I believe that in order for a child to want to work , the necessary conditions must be created:

— creating an emotionally positive environment during the work ;

— selection of materials and equipment for work ;

— creating motivation for work ;

— systematic inclusion of each child in labor as a partner ;

- creation of a working atmosphere , constant employment, desire

to useful deeds;

— taking into account the workload, health status, interests, and abilities of the child;

— rewards in the process and based on the results of work .

According to its content, the work of preschool children is divided into four types:

• self-service,

• household work ,

labor in nature,

• manual and artistic labor .

Self-care is the work of a child aimed at serving himself (dressing and undressing, eating, cultural and hygienic procedures)


Household work is the second type of labor that a child of preschool age is able to master .

Labor in nature is distinguished as a special type . The content of such work is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the site, etc.

Manual and artistic labor - by its purpose, is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person.

the relevance of experience in solving the problems of labor education of preschoolers in the following:

1. Decrease in children's interest in work .

Adults want to do everything themselves - faster, better, more accurately. They do not think about the fact that if a child is constantly denied the desire to do something himself (button a button, tie shoelaces, set the table, water flowers, help), then soon such desires will not appear in the child.

2. Lack of desire among older preschoolers to participate in everyday work activities .

Often, teachers in older groups , organizing the joint work activities of children , do most of the work themselves. And children only receive individual tasks - bring, serve, help, hold, which, naturally, does not arouse their interest in the work process .

At the same time, the teacher needs to instill in preschoolers a positive attitude towards work , develop the desire to learn, become independent, skillful, able to cope with emerging difficulties and provide help and support to others if necessary, help the child in independently acquiring his own experience, develop his desires and needs in obtaining labor skills and abilities .

3. A low level of development of labor activity by the end of preschool age is observed in the absence of planning and systematicity in the organization of children’s work or the participation of children in work from time to time .

4. In the practice of family education an authoritarian model of work , which is expressed in the following: the threat of punishment for a bad attitude to work , punishment with work for bad behavior , dissatisfaction with the child’s inability.

Positive results can be achieved provided that the actions of teachers and families are coordinated. Involving parents in joint work activities in kindergarten (planting flowers, participating in the “Clean Lot”

) their interested participation in
the educational process is necessary for the successful development of the child.
Taking into account and taking into account the difficulties that arise in the process of education , I determined the goal of my work - to develop a sustainable and positive attitude towards work using modern technologies .

In order to achieve positive results in the labor education of children, the following tasks were set:

– Conduct an analysis of methodological literature on this topic;

– Create a developmental environment in the group to maintain interest in work ;

– Test modern technologies in the labor education of children ;

— Involve parents in joint work activities .

Novelty (innovativeness)

represented teaching experience.

The novelty of the experience lies in the study and application of modern technologies :

the use of information technology in introducing children to labor;

use of fairy tale therapy;

— development and use of operational schemes for work activities ;

- introduction of a hero-character ( old man Trudovik )


Experience technology.

I started working in this direction from a young age .

For younger preschoolers, all this is only in the initial stages. At this stage, the leading role belongs to the adult. He sets a goal for children and helps them realize it.

To implement this stage, I identified a number of main tasks:

1. Involve children in work activities .

2. Support children's desire to help adults .

Starting from the age , she paid special attention to the development of self-care skills in children . Children carry out basic work assignments , accustoming them to systematic work , which forms the habit of neatness and neatness (the ability to serve themselves, achieving thorough performance of necessary actions, independence).

In the work of children of primary preschool age, a connection with play is clearly revealed. Included game situations in educational activities : “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”

“Let’s set the table”
“Let’s comb the doll”
illustrations with a dressing algorithm, etc. By mastering methods of action by imitation, the child begins to achieve results in elementary activities
(hanging a towel on a hook, fastening a button, etc.)
The ability to understand the purpose of one’s actions and the connection between the goal and the result is gradually formed. Such awareness is a kind of discovery by the child of personal possibilities. It encourages children to act independently ( “I myself”
work helps to strengthen children’s interest in this type of activity, the desire to do everything themselves, to show interest and initiative.
In the 2nd junior group, the children a desire for feasible work . Here we can distinguish labor in nature as a special type of labor . With the help of adults, children water indoor plants, plant bulbs, and sow flower seeds for seedlings. They take part in harvesting from their garden and feed wintering birds. Show interest in the life of plants and animals. The teacher organizes observations of animals and at the same time tries to maintain the interest of the kids. Together with an adult and under his guidance, the child cares for living objects. Working in nature has a beneficial effect not only on the development of labor skills , but also on the education of moral feelings , and lays the foundations of environmental education. The responsibilities of children of senior preschool age are much broader . And this is understandable. The child already knows more, knows more, can use schemes for planting plants and how to care for them. Labor in nature most often has a delayed result: they sowed seeds and only after some time were able to observe the result in the form of seedlings, and then fruits. This feature helps to cultivate endurance and patience.

While caring for animals and growing plants, the child always deals with living objects. Therefore, special caution, careful attitude, and responsibility are needed. This type of work gives children the opportunity to bring joy to other people (treat them with grown fruits, give flowers)


Labor in nature has its own characteristics. One of the conditions is proper organization of work . A widespread form of working with children is game-activity. Working together with the children, I set a task, outlined what kind of result they would get, showed the necessary techniques as needed (watering, loosening the soil, wiping leaves, spraying plants, gave information, I do all this as the work progresses. The most acceptable forms, which I have successfully used in my work - individual and group assignments. The result of this work can be a material product (vegetables grown by a child, a plant planted by him, etc.)

This brings child labor closer to the productive labor of adults .
Starting from middle age, she introduced children to the work of adults , forming in them an idea of ​​the social significance of work . A number of problems were identified that I need to solve:

1. Develop a long-term work plan to familiarize children with the work of adults ;

2. Continue to introduce children to professions .

2. Expand children's understanding of adult work .

3. Foster respect for working people , cultivate the need to work .

4. Cultivate a desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone else, the desire to be useful to others, and to enjoy the results of collective work .

We prepare the child so that in due time - no matter how distant it may seem to us - he can boldly enter into an independent life. This means that we want the child to:

— understood that labor and work occupy a very important place in people’s lives, that work is , in fact, the basis of life;

- respected everyone who works and appreciated the fruits of their labor ;

— would get acquainted with what different jobs can be, what people of different professions do, with the help of what tools and machines and what is the result;

- was ready to work himself ;

— would learn to work , mastering the necessary skills.

In child labor, the connection with play is clearly revealed. labor in nature : they contain imaginary labor operations (washing clothes for dolls, cooking, washing doll dishes, repairing books for a children's library). games show that they, on their own initiative, imitate the work of adults . But not only this, the meaning of the game is exhausted, in which the child, in role-playing actions, reflects the work of adults .

While playing role-playing games with children, I noticed that children strive to imitate adults and willingly take on the roles of a doctor, salesman, teacher, rescuer and other professions familiar to them. Taking on the role of an adult, they become imbued with an emotional attitude towards the actions being performed: they worry about the patient, they pay attention to passengers. They experience emotional uplift, excitement, joy, their feelings correspond to the feelings of a worker, although they are not associated with labor efforts .

When familiarizing yourself with the work of adults, it is very important to be gradual in expanding the information. Various means are possible here. For example, illustrative and painting material, the album “All works are good”

, helped in familiarization with professions;
didactic games such as “Match a Pair”
“Play in the Profession”
“Who Needs What for Work”
children’s about the tools needed in work ; an exhibition of photographs of parents on the theme “Who to be?”
— formed a positive attitude towards
the work of parents ; stories about professions, conversations, reading fiction, observing adults at work , excursions (shop, hairdresser, pharmacy)
where some
pupils ’ parents work - all this deepened, expanded and consolidated the children’s . To get children , I developed presentation material (
using infrared technology ) to familiarize
children with the work of adults .
The children developed a positive attitude towards work , they began to understand the meaning of work and see its results.

If work is initially intended for life support, for taking care of oneself, then household work has a social orientation. The household work that I planned in middle age is varied in content. This is work , both in the group and in the kindergarten area. When teaching children to work indoors , I planned the following types of work : putting things in order in the group room (cleaning toys, washroom (washing cups, hanging towels)

and bedroom
(cleaning health paths)
The most successful forms of work are assignments, duty, team work . In addition, it was also important here to teach children to use helping objects (rags, buckets, brooms, dustpans, watering cans, etc.)

Work on the site also includes the work of putting things in order, and sometimes children get involved in this work on their own. And I saw the result of the work over all the past years. Some of the most common types of household work on the site : putting things in order on the veranda (in spring, summer, and fall they swept the floor with a broom, in winter they cleared snow with shovels; in the fall they cleaned up leaves, in the summer they dug up sand and collected garbage). When setting the task for the children, I sought to understand the usefulness of the task they would now be doing. Motives may be different, and it was important to interest the child so that he would do this task with desire. The group created a work activity , where, together with the children, they noted on a daily basis who, where and when was on duty; at the end of duty, they discussed with the children the quality of the work performed and assessed the result. Sometimes I encountered such a problem as reluctance to complete an assignment. Children just want to take a walk without bothering themselves with any activities.

In organizing my work activities, I was helped by diagrams of the action algorithm and the character of the old man - Trudovik . The scheme teaches children independence in work activities and the ability to think logically. The character helps in choosing a work assignment (takes out a card with the type of labor , summing up the results of labor (trick for the most hardworking )


The most favorable and effective material in the labor education of children are fairy tales and their characters. For this purpose, card indexes of fairy tales and works of writers on this topic were created. Thus, in the fairy tale by V. F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”

The needlewoman is contrasted with Lenivitsa.
Although these images are somewhat conventional, children understand the meaning of the fairy tale: work is rewarded , and laziness is punished. The poetic image of a worker evokes admiration among children and encourages imitation. The image of the caring, attentive doctor Aibolit, a worker, was shown to the children by K.I. Chukovsky. The poet shows the doctor's behavior in extreme situations, when he has to overcome various obstacles on the way to his goal. The doctor cannot abandon his goal, fulfilling his duty to sick animals. It is necessary to take into account some requirements for the selection of works about people's work : they cannot be limited only to a story about labor actions , it is necessary to reveal, based on specific facts, their attitude to work , the collective nature of work , friendly, well-coordinated work, mutual assistance and the best features of the personal qualities of workers . It is precisely such works that will have the strongest impact on the moral sphere of students , will arouse the desire to be like them, to show similar qualities in their own work .
Working with older children, I began to develop in them a desire to engage in manual labor .

Manual labor , by its purpose, is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the production of crafts from natural and waste materials, paper, cardboard, fabric, and cereals. This work contributes to the development of imagination and creative abilities; develops small arm muscles, promotes endurance , perseverance, and the ability to finish what you start. with the results of their work by creating gifts for them.

When organizing activities to teach children manual labor, the following conditions are met:

1) age and individual characteristics of children ;

2) gender education ;

3) practical application of the craft;

4) demonstration of crafts, exhibition of children's works.

In working with children, I used the most effective methods and techniques: creating interest, using artistic language and musical accompaniment, reminding safety rules when working with scissors and a needle, examining diagrams with an algorithm for the sequence of work, showing with explanation, dynamic pause, practical activities children , ICT.

In order to maintain interest in making crafts, I created certain conditions in my group: I equipped a “Manual Labor

, where each type of material
(waste, natural)
is stored in a separate box, she made albums, schemes for performing creative work, and selected the necessary tools for independent creativity.

In the preparatory group for school, I paid special attention to sewing, since practice shows that children who have done embroidery master writing techniques . In order for a child to learn to hold a pen correctly, training is needed, and for this, working with materials such as scissors, a needle, and buttons is ideal. In the process of embroidery, accuracy and consistency of hand movements, dexterity of finger movements, accuracy, attentiveness, creativity, and thinking are formed.

The main goal in working with the family of a preschooler is to achieve unity in the child’s labor education . The first task of the teacher is to convince parents that success in education is possible only if there is unity in the approach to solving the problems of labor education , requirements, and creating sufficient conditions for introducing children to work . The goals of raising children in kindergarten and in the family are the same: both the teacher and the parents want to see the child hardworking labor skills , respecting people’s work , showing respect for the results of labor , and helping adults in the family.

Using various forms of working with parents helped me achieve good results

— participation in the “Clean Site”


— production of equipment for organizing work activities (stretchers, shovels, buckets)


— sewing aprons for work ;

— production of attributes for role-playing games ( “Barbershop”


— organization of joint creative exhibitions and competitions for children and parents “Wonders of Autumn”

“Parade of Christmas Trees”
“Bird Feeder”
“Mom’s Hands Know No Boredom”

— making snow structures on the kindergarten site;

— design of the photo stand “Who to be”


— design of folders – transfers and memos “Teach children to work

«Labor education in the family»

- organization of Father Frost's workshop.

Thus, work activity is one of the important factors in personal development . By getting involved in the labor process , a child radically changes his entire understanding of himself and the world around him. The child's self-esteem changes. It changes under the influence of success in work , which in turn changes the child’s authority in kindergarten. New types of thinking are formed in work In the process of labor , the child gains skills in work, communication, and cooperation , which improves the child’s adaptation in society. I believe that my children learned to work , respect any type of work activity , became acquainted with the simplest, but most characteristic features of professions, and acquired work skills that will be developed at school and will help them in later life.

The use of modern forms of work in the labor education of preschool children improves and complements traditional ones. They meet the requirements of modernity and modernization of preschool education .

Excerpt from the text


Relevance of the research topic. At the end of the 80s, educational institutions began to free themselves from strict ideological and administrative control. At the same time, crisis phenomena affected the state of the education system, in particular, this was expressed in the devaluation of the tasks and practices of education. Society at the turn of the millennium was faced with a number of social problems in the development of the younger generation: insufficient preparedness for independent life; lack of readiness for hard work and responsibility for choosing the means to achieve the goal; the commitment of a certain part of young people to an “easy life” and dependency; exposure to the influence of the propaganda of the cult of force and violence carried out by the media.

The possibility and feasibility of labor education in preschool institutions also remains debatable. V.A. Petrovsky objects to the very term “labor education,” proposing to replace it with the terms “business education” or “education in business.” However, for our research, the position linking labor education with personality development, based on the child’s feelings, which is expressed in the studies of R.S., is essential. Bure, M.V. Krulecht, TL. Kulikova, V.I. Loginova, A.D. Shatova and others.

Considering preschool age as the basic stage in the formation of personal qualities, the concept of lifelong education defines the essence of a new approach to preschool education based on the principles of variable content, developmental pedagogy, and a preschooler’s knowledge of the world through activities that interest him.

A mechanism has been developed to regulate the quality of preschool education, a state standard - criteria for assessing the activities of preschool institutions; conceptual foundations of preschool education. At the same time, the concept draws attention to the development of personal qualities necessary for the further development of personality: curiosity, initiative, communication, creative imagination, arbitrariness. However, the task of labor education is not put forward in the concept. Meanwhile, a number of indicators of hard work (awareness of the goal of activity and perseverance in achieving it; willingness to complete the work begun; manifestation of an emotionally positive attitude towards work; adequate assessment of the results of activity; accuracy, diligence, careful attitude to the means and products of labor) are most successfully formed in preschool and primary school age (R.S. Bure, G.N. Godina, M.V. Krulekht, V.I. Loginova, T.A. Markova, V.G. Nechaeva, D.V. Sergeeva, etc. .).

Their lack of formation at this age stage becomes an obstacle to educational and cognitive activity and subsequent adaptation to independent work.

The importance of labor as a factor in the development of a child’s personality is reflected in the history of Russian pedagogy: the works of P.P. Blonsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, ST. Shatsky and others.

The theoretical justification for the labor education of youth with practical recommendations is covered in the works of P.R. Atutova, A.A. Akhmatova, S.Ya. Batysheva, K.N. Katkhanova, V.A. Polyakova and others.

In the works of leading psychologists, the problem of personality and the importance of activity in the process of its formation received a clearer solution (B.G. Ananyev, A.G. Asmolov, L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A. V. Zaporozhets, V.T. Kudryavtsev, A.N. Leontyev, A.V. Petrovsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).

To date, the place of labor in the pedagogical process of kindergarten has been determined, its content has been developed (E.I. Korzakova, V.G. Nechaeva, E.I. Radina, etc.); forms of organization of children in labor are highlighted (Z.N. Borisova, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova); the process of forming a positive attitude towards the work of adults is studied (V.I. Glotova, V.I. Loginova, YaZ. Neverovich, A.G. Tulegenova, M.V. Krulekht, etc.), the features of labor education of preschool children in the family are considered (D O. Dzintere, L.V. Zagik, T.A. Markova), the influence of work on the development of moral and volitional qualities of children, their relationships is studied (R.S. Bure, G.N. Godina, A.D. Shatova and etc.).

Thus, scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of the problem of identifying the signs and components of hard work in preschool children. However, the problem of organizing labor education for preschool children has not yet been sufficiently developed.

An analysis of the experience of labor education has revealed positive trends: forms and methods for organizing various work activities and games have been developed, conditions are being created for the development of mental and creative abilities. At the same time, not all preschool institutions provide interaction between an adult and a child at the level of co-creation, cooperation in play, work and cognitive activities. Work is an episodic and secondary component of the life of children in preschool educational institutions. There are difficulties in selecting objects of labor activity, the scope of work of preschool children is limited. Neither educators, teachers, nor parents have a sufficiently complete understanding of the essence of hard work. Labor education of preschool children has not yet become a leading direction in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Purpose of the study: to determine the features of the organization of labor education for children of senior preschool age in a preschool educational institution based on modern technologies.

Object of study: labor education in a preschool institution.

Subject of research: modern technologies of labor education and training of preschool children.

Research objectives:

1. Analyze the state of the problem under consideration in theory and practice.

2. Determine the content, methods and forms of labor education in preschool educational institutions.

3. Test modern technologies for labor education and training of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, ensuring the effectiveness of labor education for children of senior preschool age.

4. Develop tools for carrying out pedagogical diagnostics of the dynamics of the formation of hard work in children 6-7 years old in various types of activities: play, work, learning.

Research hypothesis: labor education for children of senior preschool age is carried out successfully if:

  • educational activities (games, work, activities) are constantly being improved on the basis of enriching its goals, expanding the scope of application of labor skills of preschool children, complicating its content and forms, and using ethnic traditions of developing hard work;
  • the content and forms of various types of work take into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, correspond to the personal interests of children six to seven years old and their needs for self-realization, communication, approval, and initiative;
  • pedagogical conditions have been developed aimed at preschoolers mastering labor skills and morally valuable motivation for work;
  • children are ensured that they master techniques, tools, and methods of work in various types of work, during games and activities.

The methodological basis of the study is the theory of child development in conditions of joint activities with other children (R.S. Bure, L.S. Vygotsky, R.I. Zhukovskaya, A.V. Zaporozhets, Ya.L. Kolominsky, D.V. Mendzheritskaya , V.S. Mukhina, V.G. Nechaeva, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin, N.N. Poddyakov, S.L. Novoselova), concepts of foreign systems of preschool education and care (E.Yu. Protasova, L. A. Paramonova, T.V. Furyaeva), synergetic approach to the educational process (M.M. Bakhtin, I. Prigozhy, N.L. Selivanova, I. Stengers, G. Haken, M. Haideger, Yu.V. Sharonin and etc.).

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that a series of manual labor classes and labor training lessons have been developed in preschool educational institutions with children of senior preschool age.

Research base. The study was conducted on the basis of municipal educational institutions preschool educational institutions No. 17 and No. 34 in Almetyevsk RT.

Work structure. This work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

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HOUSEHOLD WORK: Tasks and content of work in groups

1st junior group

1. Teach children to maintain order in the playroom and, at the end of the games, to place the play material in its place.

2. Involve children in performing simple labor activities. Together with an adult and under his supervision, place bread bins (without bread) and napkin holders on the table before eating.

2nd junior group

1. Encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks - prepare materials for classes (brushes, modeling boards, etc.); After playing, put away toys and building materials

2. Teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten

3. Encourage to provide assistance to adults, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work.

4. In the second half of the year, begin to develop in children the skills necessary for serving in the dining room: helping to set the table for dinner (laying out spoons and forks, arranging bread bins, plates, cups, etc.).

Middle group

1. Teach children to maintain order in the group and in the kindergarten area: put away building materials, help the teacher, glue books and boxes.

2. Teach children to independently perform the duties of a canteen attendant: carefully arrange bread bins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Senior group

1. Teach children to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe toys and teaching aids, wash toys and building materials, repair books and toys.

2. To develop the ability to clean up the kindergarten area: sweep and clear paths of debris, snow in winter, water sand in the sandbox

3. Teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of the dining room attendants, to set the table, to clear away the dishes after meals.

4. Learn to independently lay out materials for classes prepared by the teacher, put them away, wash brushes, paint sockets, palettes, wipe tables

Preparatory group

1. Continue to teach children to constantly and promptly maintain order in the group and on the site: wipe toys and aids, wash toys, building materials, repair books and toys together with the teacher.

2. Continue to teach how to independently clean up the kindergarten area: sweep and clear paths of debris, snow in winter, water sand in the sandbox.

3. Learn to make your own bed after sleep

4. Accustom children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of dining room attendants: setting the table in full, distributing second and third (berries, fruits) courses, clearing away dishes after meals, sweeping the floor

5. Learn to independently lay out materials for classes prepared by the teacher, put them away, wash brushes, paint sockets, and wipe tables.

By the end of the year, children can: organize their workspace and put it in order after classes are over.


The work of developing household skills in children is interconnected with the formation of the child’s general culture: setting the table correctly, cleaning the table, maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and area. Mastering labor and household operations makes a child independent and ready for adult life.

ON A NOTE. Role-playing costumes for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for teachers “Kindergarten” -

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