What should be in the fire safety corner in kindergarten

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool teachers must instill in their pupils the skills of safe handling of fire and its sources. The fire safety corner in kindergarten is designed to: introduce the child to the concept of fire in a playful way; warn about the danger that threatens a person when confronted with smoke and open fire; familiarize yourself with the rules for safe handling of matches and household appliances; show how to prevent danger; tell what measures need to be taken in the event of an emergency; to whom and how to report a fire. Designing stands is a useful creative process that will help instill in a child a culture of handling household fire sources.

The need to know the rules of behavior in case of fire in kindergarten

A fire is an emergency situation during which people’s property, their health and life may be damaged.

Note! The danger of fire threatens a person regardless of age, therefore, from early childhood, parents, educators and teachers should tell children about the rules of behavior in the event of the uncontrolled spread of fire.

Example of a fire safety corner

What should a preschooler do if there is a fire alarm?

A fire alarm should not take a child by surprise. Every kindergarten student and secondary school student must clearly know how to behave in the event of an emergency and what actions to take.

What your child needs to know:

  • a plan for exiting the preschool educational institution into the open air;
  • rules of conduct (strictly follow the teacher’s instructions, do not panic, do not try to jump from windows, do not hide from flames indoors, call for help);
  • if the room is smoky, put a cotton-gauze bandage on your face or cover your breathing organs with a damp cloth;
  • in an organized manner, two people move towards the exit as close to the floor as possible, since below the concentration of harmful substances in the air is lower;
  • participate in roll call.

These measures will help preserve health and life.

How to leave the premises in an orderly manner

Photo report on the topic “Fire safety of preschool children at home and in kindergarten”

A lot of attention is paid to fire safety issues for children in kindergarten. Thematic weeks, educational events, and planned training sessions are always held. Kindergarten teachers competently tell and teach children the rules of behavior to prevent fires and during a critical situation, which can save lives.

Carrying out such events is very important, so maximum attention must be drawn to it. To interest the children, it is best to present the material in the form of posters and illustrations.

In our garden, children are shown additional educational cartoons on the rules of action in case of fire, and classes are also held during which children can clearly see and try on fire protection equipment.

Fire safety rules for children

-A child should know from early childhood that matches are not toys. Even a small spark can cause a large fire.

-You cannot take or plug in electrical appliances without permission and adult supervision.

-Before leaving home, it is important to check that all appliances and the stove are turned off.

-It is important to teach your child the rules of behavior in the kitchen, to explain that a gas stove poses a great danger and children should not turn it on.

The main causes of fires.

Before talking with the guys about the rules of conduct during a fire, you need to tell them about the reasons why a fire might start.

There must be an understanding that a fire occurs not only from matches due to the fault of children, but also due to circumstances independent of a person. These include:

Incorrect operation of electrical appliances.

Using broken sockets.

Reckless lighting of fire.

Electrical appliances left connected.

Careless handling of fireworks and firecrackers.

Tell the children that most often the cause of a fire is the inattention and carelessness of people. This is a larger number of all fires and fires.

Children need to be given fire safety classes more often so that behavioral skills are learned and automated.

In our garden, fire safety classes are taught by the deputy head of safety.

When children clearly see a person in a fireman’s uniform, they can examine it and try it on. This gives them a feeling of security. They will not be afraid and will be able to behave correctly during a fire alarm.

Rules of conduct in a critical situation

It is important not only to constantly repeat how to handle fire-hazardous things, but also to explain how to behave correctly in the event of a fire. A fire can start due to situations independent of a person. Precise behavior in a critical situation can save lives.

What to do if the child is alone.

The child should know that putting out a fire is the job of adults. The child should not take any action to extinguish the fire. You need to teach your child to dial 01 on the phone to notify about a fire.

Teaching children correct behavior includes learning the basic rules of what to do in case of fire:

You can't panic and hide before the fire...

First of all, dial 01, provide your name and exact address.

Tell your neighbors about what happened.

Do not try to extinguish the fire yourself, immediately leave the fire site, covering your nose with a damp cloth.

If it is not possible to leave the apartment, you need to run out onto the balcony, close the door tightly and call an adult for help.

It is strictly forbidden to use the elevator during a fire.

Reminder for children in case of fire

Regularly include lessons about fire safety in the lesson plan in kindergartens, but also provide visual aids that should be placed in front of children’s eyes so that they can visually see the rules of behavior in case of fire every day.

The reminder can be made in the form of a poster or stand.

Fire safety rules for children are an important element of educational cognitive activity in kindergarten

. His life may depend on how a child learns the material and is able to use it in a critical situation in practice.

General rules for stand design

A standard size has been developed for the stand: 490 x 770 mm, but it can vary. The main requirement is good perception of information. Pictures should be clear and bright, and easy-to-read text and diagrams should be presented on a contrasting background. Important information needs to be conveyed in simple language, divided into blocks of attention.

Stand example

Modern means of attracting attention: infographics, flip books

Thanks to the properties of visual memory, the child will reliably learn information on the topic of fire.

Classes on cognitive development in preparatory groups

A fire safety corner in a preschool institution may include:

  • texts and images illustrating the risks when using matches, household electrical appliances, sockets;
  • possible consequences of careless handling;
  • procedure for action in the event of an emergency;
  • description of the activities of firefighters;
  • telephone numbers to call in case of an emergency;
  • themed toys: fire trucks, rescue figures, fire extinguishers;
  • pop-up books whose characters show correct and dangerous examples of handling electrical appliances in everyday life;
  • other materials to familiarize your child with safety rules.

Note! Important information is quickly and clearly perceived and assimilated by the child thanks to the use of infographic elements. It transmits data through images, tables, diagrams.

Another example of a fire corner

Actions in case of fire in pictures

Illustrations, supplemented with text, will help to clearly tell preschoolers about the main causes of fires.

Among them:

  • careless actions;
  • game with matches;
  • included electrical appliances and gas stoves;
  • use of pyrotechnics.

The preschooler must learn the rules of behavior if the fire begins to spread:

  • dial the fire department phone number 01 and call rescuers;
  • extinguish minor fires with a blanket;
  • get out of the building and close the door behind you, and if this is not possible, go out onto the balcony and breathe through a damp cloth.

In a separate block you should use pictures that show what is not allowed:

  • fill electrical appliances with water;
  • hide in the back of the room;
  • use the elevator and stairs if there is smoke.

Poster "Fighting Fire"

Methods for presenting material to pictures on fire safety for children

Always try to involve kids in the learning process as much as possible. Do not reduce the lesson to a dry listing of some facts. Act out a skit, write a story and read a fairy tale, use educational games.

For example, come up with a story about how the boys Sasha and Volodya went into the forest, how one did not want to light a fire, but the second laughed at him. As the squirrels and the hedgehog warned them, but they did not listen. Let your kids complete the story, let them say what they would do in the children’s place.

Tell us about how the fire caught fire in the house of Denis’s older brother and the girl Vika. How the girl wanted to hide behind the closet, but her brother said what to do, said what would be the right thing to do. My brother learned the information at school and knows where to call in case of a fire. Do your children know?

Accompany each image with such information, and the learning process for children will be very effective.

What should be in the fire safety corner

The corner should include a poster with thematic graphic and text information, toys and toy fire extinguishing equipment for acting out fire extinguishing scenes and electrical appliances with children.

Action plan in case of fire

The action plan should illustrate safe ways to exit the premises in an emergency.


  • arrows indicate the direction of movement to the exits;
  • emergency exits;
  • main and alternate routes;
  • The locations of fire protection equipment, first aid kits, fire alarm buttons, and de-energization points are marked.

Output designations

Poster about primary fire extinguishing agents

On a poster dedicated to primary fire extinguishing means, their images should be placed:

  • fire shield and its contents;
  • fire extinguishers, their types and rules of use;
  • box with sand + shovel;
  • container with water and buckets;
  • fiberglass for extinguishing minor fires;
  • hose for connection to the tap.

Traffic rules quests for preparatory groups and preschool children

Rules for working with a fire extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is designed to eliminate small fires when a fire has just started.

The fire safety corner should include:

  • a poster on the rules for using this device;
  • image of a fire extinguisher, its components with signatures of each element;
  • rules for the location of the device;
  • preparation for use and application.

Each stage should be illustrated and accompanied by text information.

For your information! To start the device, you need to break the seal and pull the pin. Then position the sprayer in the direction of the source of fire and press the lever.


  • should be extinguished from the windward side;
  • on an open surface, the jet should be directed towards the base of the flame, and in niches - upward;
  • It is most effective to work in a group and use several fire extinguishers;
  • Do not bend the hose;
  • when extinguishing an electrical installation, you do not need to bring the powder device closer than 1 m to the combustion source;
  • It is recommended to simmer at intervals of 5 seconds;
  • When working with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not touch the socket due to the risk of frostbite on your hands.

Fire extinguisher and its use

Preschool evacuation plan

The kindergarten evacuation plan must be presented on a poster in the form of a diagram of all kindergarten premises. At the bottom of the stand you should indicate the numbers of rescue services and information that should be provided to firefighters (address of the institution, location of the fire, your last name). All symbols and their meaning must be in the form of icons.

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