Dominant lesson on musical creativity for the preparatory group “Flower Girl”

Classification of musical classes according to their content

Marina Balyasova

Classification of musical classes according to their content

The next basis for classifying musical activities is its content . In this regard, a musical lesson can be typical , or traditional, dominant, thematic, complex, integrated.

A typical (or traditional)
musical lesson includes all types of musical activity of children (perception, performance, creativity)
and implies their sequential alternation.
The structure of a music lesson may vary .
A dominant musical activity is an activity in which one type of musical activity . Or an activity aimed at developing any one musical ability - a sense of rhythm, modal sense, pitch hearing, etc. In the latter case, it can include different types of musical activity , but under one condition - each of them is aimed at improving the child’s dominant ability .

A thematic music lesson is determined by the presence of a specific theme, which is cross-cutting for all types of musical activities for children . Depending on the topic, classes are divided into thematic ones (for example, “Nature in music "

“Seasons in
music ,

Music of my people ) and
musical thematic ones . The main thing in thematic classes is to show the visual possibilities of music in conveying phenomena of the surrounding world. In music-themed classes, the formulation of the topic is associated with the expressive means of music , with musical instruments , with the names and works of composers. Such classes are also called story music classes . They are united not only by one theme, but also by one storyline (for example, “Fairy Tale in
Music ,
“Winter Stories and Fables”
The integrity of the musical lesson in this case is achieved by the logic of the development of the chosen topic, which combines the content and types of musical activity of children .
Complex musical classes are based on the interaction of various types of art - music , painting, literature, theater, architecture, etc. Their goal is to combine different types of artistic activities of children ( musical , visual, theatrical, artistic speech, productive). Enrich children's understanding of the specifics of various types of art and the features of expressive means. About the relationship of the arts.

Preparation for complex classes is labor-intensive , it requires coordinated actions from the teacher, music director , senior teacher, and specialists. Such classes approximately once a month frontally and, as a rule, starting from the middle group.

An integrated lesson is characterized by the presence of mutual influence and interpenetration (integration)
of the content of different educational areas of the Program, different types of activities, different types of art, working to reveal, first of all, an idea or theme, a phenomenon, an image.

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