Poems about traffic lights - a selection of poems about traffic rules

Short poems and quatrains about traffic lights for children

Our friend, the traffic light, has been helping children for a long time. He will explain the traffic rules to children without stress.


Color green - Come in! Yellow - Wait a little. Well, if it’s red – Stop, my friend! Dangerous!


The traffic light is shining red for us - Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous. Yellow and red are suddenly lit - We are standing, waiting for green. Do not immediately cross the green signal. Turn your head left and right before doing this: Make sure that there are no rushing cars on the left or right, and then walk calmly. Everyone will understand: you have become big.


Three multi-colored circles: RED light - WAIT, and YELLOW light - STOP, my friend, GREEN light - GO! The traffic light gives advice on how to cross the road. A pedestrian in this matter cannot find a better friend!


For order on the road, HE has been installed for a long time: Remarkably tall... What is this? - TRAFFIC LIGHT!

Blinks a RED eye - STOP! FREEZE like a sentry! YELLOW light warns: don’t step on the road! AND GREEN - DIE! The path is clear ahead!


Listen and remember And always follow them. The RED light came on, Stop, baby, there is no way through. Look, the YELLOW light is on. Get ready, he says. And the light turned on GREEN. Come in, my scientist friend. Remember the rules of movement Like the multiplication table!


A traffic light has three eyes. Well, remember them, my friend, Walk the streets so that soon you can do it on your own. That red eye... Be afraid of it! When it burns, there is no way. Flashing yellow - get ready! Green light - go!


He stands at the Striped intersection, like in a sailor suit. The children were surprised at once: “Why does he have three eyes?” Red – stop all movement. Yellow is our respect. And the green light will light up, you can continue on your way. It has been called for a long time. Very simply - traffic light.


Fast cars are rushing. Rotating tires rub the asphalt. We need to go to kindergarten. How to cross the road? It has been helping for a long time, this is to make a traffic light: The yellow eye will light up - The transition is closed for you! The green light turns on - the pedestrian strives forward. Where the red light is on, the path is closed to all cars.


“The most important one on the road,” my friends told me, “he has different eyes, one leg, and you can’t joke with him.” I was a little scared, hearing this conversation, but when I saw it, I guessed, It’s just a traffic light.

Find the warning lights

This game also requires a schematic representation of a traffic light with separate colored circles. But the task is more complicated, intended for the middle group: preschoolers select the signal lights themselves, focusing on the teacher’s leading questions.

Tell the students that there is a problem on the road: cars cannot move because the traffic lights are out of order. Ask the children to help the drivers, return the signals to their place.

During the game, ask the players one by one:

  • what color is the signal;
  • where it is located - at the top, in the center, at the bottom;
  • which means.

If the child finds it difficult to answer, ask the same question to the next player.

Poems about traffic lights by famous poets

If the light turns red, it means it is dangerous to move. The green light says: “Come on, the way is open!” Yellow light - warning: Wait for the signal to move. S. Mikhalkov


The traffic light has three colors. They are clear to the driver: Red light - no passage, Yellow - be ready to go, And green light - go!

S. Marshak


Stop, car! Stop, motor! Brake quickly, Driver! The red eye looks point blank - This is a strict traffic light. He looks menacing, lets me go further... The driver waited for a while, looked out the window again. The traffic light this time showed a green eye, winked and said: “You can go, the way is open!”

M. Plyatskovsky


He has three eyes, three on each side, and although he has never looked at them all at once, he needs all the eyes. He's been hanging here for a long time And he's staring at everyone. What is this? (Traffic light)

Z. Mostovoy


Where there is a noisy intersection, Where there are too many cars to count, Crossing is not so easy, If you don’t know the rules.

Let the children firmly remember: The one who walks across the street only when the light is green does the right thing!

N. Sorokin


A rather strange citizen is walking down the street. They give him good advice: “The traffic light is red.” There is no way to go. There's no way to go now!

- I don't care about red lights! The citizen said in response. He walks across the street, not where the sign “Crossing” is, Throwing roughly as he goes: “Where I want, I’ll cross there!”

The driver looks with all his eyes: The gap is ahead! Hurry up and hit the brakes - have mercy on me!..

What if the driver said: “I don’t care about the traffic lights!” - And how did you start driving? Would the guard leave his post? Would the tram run the way you wanted? Would everyone walk as best they could?

Yes... where the street was, Where you were used to walking, Incredible things would happen in an instant!

Signals, screams and you know: The car is heading straight towards the tram, The tram ran into the car, The car crashed into a shop window...

But no: there is a traffic policeman standing on the pavement, There is a three-eyed traffic light, And the driver knows the rules.

O. Bedarev


It’s easy to explain, whether you’re young or old: The pavement is for transport, The sidewalk is for you!

Walk across the street, pedestrian, where the sign shows you the “crossing”!

The traffic light is red! The path is dangerous - there is no passage! And if the yellow light is on, He says “get ready.”

Green flashed ahead - The way is clear, cross.

Where you need to cross the street, remember the simple rule: Look to the left first, look to the right later!

It’s stupid to think: “Somehow I’ll pass the tram track!” Never forget that the tram is faster than you!

V. Timofeev


To help you pass the dangerous path, We burn day and night, Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light - We are three brothers, We have been shining for a long time On the road for all the guys.

We are three wonderful colors, You often see us, But sometimes you don’t listen to our advice.

The strictest is red light. If it's on fire: Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone.

So that you can cross calmly, listen to our advice: Wait! You will soon see a yellow light in the middle.

And behind him, a green light will flash ahead, He will say: - There are no obstacles, Go boldly on the path.

If you follow the traffic lights without arguing, you will get home and to school, Of course, very soon.

A. Northern


Traffic lights, traffic lights - Red, yellow and green... Three cheerful lights on all the streets are burning Red, yellow and green - Leaves of ash and maple trees, As if to help the traffic lights, Also hanging on the fences. What is there ahead - the path is closed? Or is it on the way - the leaf is burning? Red light or aspen? Yellow light or willow? Autumn has confused all the light signals!

I. Zagraevskaya


HE HAS only three eyes, but not all are open at once. If the red eye is open, it means he is angry - He does not give permission to move forward! Opens a yellow eye - Be careful now - Wait for the green color near the eye. And I saw it - right away you can go and go! And bon voyage!

T. Goette

DIY toy traffic light for a child

Hello, dear readers. Today I want to tell you how I made a toy traffic light for my son. There will be a diagram, a sketch for Arduino, a step-by-step photo report of how everything was assembled, and at the end a gif with a demonstration of the work.


The story of the creation of this traffic light began like this. One fine day, my wife brought the child from kindergarten in tears. It turns out that the father of one of the boys made a traffic light, and the boy brought this traffic light to kindergarten, my child wanted to play with it, but they didn’t let him (maybe they did, but in his opinion, not enough). The traffic light turned out to be cool, my wife took a photo of it on her mobile phone, here’s the photo:

As a result, my little one says: “Daddy, do the same for me.” What remains for me, a small child asks, so I have to do it, especially since it was interesting to make such a toy myself.

Scheme and sketch

I decided to make a slightly different traffic light, it will be for cars and for pedestrians. The traffic light will, of course, be controlled by a microcontroller, in this case an Arduino Pro Micro (you can use any other Arduino board). The scheme is incredibly simple:

The first three LEDs are red, yellow and green for cars, the rest are red and green for pedestrians.
Sketch for a microcontroller Found on the Internet, with my minor edits int car_red = 2; // connection pin 2, red for cars int car_yellow = 3; // connection pin 3, yellow for cars int car_green = 4; // connection pin 4, green for cars int people_red = 5; // connection pin 5, red for pedestrians int people_green = 6; // connection pin 6, green for pedestrians void setup() { pinMode(car_red, OUTPUT); pinMode(car_yellow, OUTPUT); pinMode(car_green, OUTPUT); pinMode(people_red, OUTPUT); pinMode(people_green, OUTPUT); } void loop() { Car (LOW, HIGH, LOW); // yellow lights up for cars delay(2000); Car (HIGH, LOW, LOW); // lights up red for cars delay(100); People (LOW, HIGH); // lights up green for pedestrians delay(3000); for (int x=0; x<10; x++) { // green flashes for pedestrians People (LOW, HIGH); delay(250); People (LOW, LOW); delay(250); } People (HIGH, LOW); // lights up red for pedestrians delay(500); Car (HIGH, HIGH, LOW); // red and yellow lights up for cars delay(2000); Car (LOW, LOW, HIGH); // lights up green for cars delay(12000); for (int x=0; x<10; x++) { // green flashes for cars Car (LOW, LOW, HIGH);; delay(250); Car (LOW, LOW, LOW); delay(250); } } void Car (byte red, byte yellow, byte green) { digitalWrite(car_red, red); digitalWrite(car_yellow, yellow); digitalWrite(car_green, green); } void People (byte red, byte green) { digitalWrite(people_red, red); digitalWrite(people_green, green); }

I assembled the circuit on a breadboard, everything works as it should:

LEDs were bought here, an Arduino Pro Micro board was bought here, Soviet MLT resistors were found in the bins. We need to do the most difficult thing - the body.


I had light diffusers from a broken Chinese spotlight:

Based on the size of the light diffusers, I estimated the size of the future traffic light. I decided to make the body from sheet foam PVC 4 mm thick, the kind used in outdoor advertising, the material is light and quite durable. In Illustrator I sketched out the elements of the body of the future traffic light:

Maybe someone will need it, a link to cutting out a traffic light is here.
Since I don’t have a CNC yet, I’ll have to cut everything out manually. I printed the housing layout on self-adhesive paper and pasted it onto a PVC sheet:

We take a knife and cut it out; foamed PVC is cut quite easily:

Let's try to assemble the details of the traffic light:

We drill holes and try on light diffusers, and then figure out what size and shape we need to make the visors:

Using cyanoacrylate and soda, we glue the body, fill the cracks with soda and saturate it with glue:

First we clean it with 100th, then 240th, and finally 360th sandpaper, the body takes on this form:

We do the same with the base of the future traffic light:

I made a traffic light stand from a polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 20 mm:

Let's try on the parts together, sorry for the mess on the table:

I decided to cut the visors for the traffic lights from a plastic bottle, clean them before painting:

We prime, paint and varnish:

We glue the LEDs and install the light diffusers in place:

The power supply for the toy will be a 16340 lithium-ion battery; using well-known technology, we make a “holder” for it:

Looking ahead, I will say that the maximum consumption of the circuit when the red and yellow lights are on at the same time is about 50 mA. The battery will last for a long time, however, you can always take it out and charge it.

We assemble the rest of the circuit on the breadboard:

Test run:

I made a gif to visually demonstrate how a traffic light works; the glow time of each color can, of course, be changed by editing the sketch:

This is how the toy turned out, the child is very happy and dad is pleased.

Happy crafts everyone, thanks for your attention.

Traffic light

To conduct the game “Traffic Light” in the older group, make preparations: divide the landscape sheets in half, on one half depict a traffic light with incorrectly located lights, on the other - a device with empty circles instead of signals. Separately cut out circles of 3 colors.

The players' task is to identify the incorrect placement of lights. On the neighboring device you need to display the light signals correctly, arranging the circles accordingly.

Build a traffic light

The didactic game “Assemble a traffic light” reinforces the idea of ​​the purpose of a road device, develops attentiveness and thinking abilities. For the lesson, prepare images of traffic lights - one per player, and circles made of cardboard in 3 colors. Randomly cut each circle into 4 parts.

Tell the students that the traffic lights are broken and need to be fixed. Children fold circles according to colors and order of arrangement. At the end of the work, the students tell what each traffic light means.

Taxi drivers

This is an active game that reinforces ideas about the rules of the road, improves motor activity, and develops the skill of collective action and interaction with friends. For the lesson you need hoops and cardboard circles in 3 colors. Roads and pedestrian crossings must be marked on the playground.

The children are divided into pairs: one is a taxi driver, the other is a passenger. Each pair stands in a hoop, one child holds it with his right hand, the second with his left: this will be a car. Other children become pedestrians and traffic lights, while others receive 3 signal circles.

The game begins: taxi drivers and passengers run along the paths, pedestrians walk along the crossings, the rest show signal lights. Players' actions must be consistent with traffic signals. If necessary, the teacher gives hints and corrects the students’ movements.

Pick up the signal light

The game is competitive, 3 preschoolers play. Prepare for the lesson images of traffic lights, in which two lights are colored, and instead of the third there is an empty circle. You also need cardboard circles in 3 colors.

Place the images in front of the players. Ask them to remember what color the unpainted signal circle should be. Children remember, choose a cut out circle, and apply it to an unpainted traffic light. The player who makes the most correct moves and completes the task faster than his comrades wins.

The game for the preparatory group can be complicated by turning the cut out circles upside down. Players take turns taking circles, turning them over, calling a color, and seeing if the color suits their traffic light. If yes, they put it on the corresponding signal light; if not, they put it aside and pass the move to a comrade.

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