Summary of English lessons for children of senior preschool age

Magical forest

To develop the English language and increase interest in it, you can play such an exciting game with your baby. Of course, preliminary preparation will be required, but the result is worth it, because in one lesson it is possible to remember and systematize all the knowledge acquired.

First, mom sets up a game situation: “Today we will go on a journey to a magical forest where mysterious living creatures live, they will ask you to complete various tasks. It will be interesting and fun!” Then he plays selected music.

  1. The first step is to approach the magical forest. Circles painted in various colors familiar to the child are placed on the floor, at a distance of about a step from each other. The baby’s task is to walk along this path, naming the colors. If he gets lost, he will have to start all over again. If a color is stubbornly not remembered, there is no need to torment the child; it is permissible to give a hint. Still, the game should bring joy, not disappointment.
  2. The second step is to open the door. We walked along the magic path to the entrance to the mysterious forest, now all that remains is to open the door. For fun, mom can prepare a regular lock and key in advance to make the image more visual. But the lock is not just opened with a key, you must first count from 1 to 10 words in English (or name 5 animals, plants, fruits, depending on what you studied with the baby).
  3. Step three. Meeting the local inhabitants. It turned out that in our magical forest there live amazing animals that look similar to those familiar to us, but are slightly different (illustrations of a green cat, a blue fox, and so on are prepared in advance). You need to greet them using English greetings familiar to the child. To make it fun, mom says that you need to communicate with each of the inhabitants in a special way, for example, with a cat - on one leg, with a fox - standing on your tiptoes. Thus, the child first takes the required position, then greets the animal: Hello, Hi, Good morning.
  4. Step four. A short story about yourself. The inhabitants of the mysterious forest ask the child to tell something about himself using English. The baby says his name, how old he is, and shares any other information that he is able to voice.
  5. Step five. Answers on questions. Fairy-tale creatures ask questions or offer to perform some task (for example, list in English everything that the child sees in a red room, or name all the pieces of furniture or transport familiar to him). The main thing is to formulate tasks in such a way that the child has every chance of successfully completing them.
  6. Step six. Parting. The child again takes the required position (stands on one leg when communicating with the cat, etc.), says Bye, Good bye). After this, his mother gives him a small gift for his efforts, and the game is considered over.

Sweets or toys can be used as a prize. You should not give clothes or something useful - the child will not appreciate it and will be disappointed.

Fun English lessons for children are a great way to prepare them for school and have fun. Using various games and interesting exercises, you can achieve much greater success than with boring cramming. The main rules are to practice regularly, in a good mood, using a variety of game forms.

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