Fairy tales for 3 year olds with illustrations

Do you like reading short fairy tales for children ? But this is very beneficial for those who do not really like to read or tell fairy tales. After all, a short fairy tale for children takes very little time, but conveys the plot of the fairy tale almost completely! Well, fairy tale lovers, we invite you to our page Short fairy tales for children. This is especially for you!!!

When fairy-tale heroes come to life, they become much more convincing than real prototypes.

We invite you to the World of Fairy Tales and Adventures. This castle is very high. A beautiful princess was sitting on the roof. and near her feet the Serpent Gorynych wriggled and slid down the wall.

Bluebeard hugged the horn of the castle with his hands, and wild grapes climbed up his back. Koschey the Immortal supported with his head the balcony on which the mermaids were hanging. View of the castle windows. like the eyes of a fat-headed dragon. And near the entrance, bulging, gray wolves sat, and the entrance itself gave the impression of an open pasture of some huge monster. Everything looked so scary and funny at the same time.

And funny things are never scary!

Short fairy tales for children are small, funny, scary, kind, instructive stories from a collection of fairy tales. This is a fairy tale, only shortened.

Benefits of reading fairy tales

A bedtime story read by a parent is a powerful stimulus for the development of a child, and provides a wide range of opportunities for the child in the following areas:

  • imagination;
  • fantasy;
  • creative thinking;
  • speech skills;
  • emotional development;
  • the ability to find a way out of problematic situations.

Unlike cartoons, a fairy tale does not present the child with ready-made images and a world invented by the artist, but invites him to think, think through and imagine what is not in the illustrations.

Simply put, we read to children at night and unleash their creativity at the same time. The next step is children’s first attempts at being an author and artist, but that will come later. And now such familiar and at the same time amazing short bedtime stories are coming to the aid of parents.

Book: “Fairy tales for the little ones”

The most important things are contained in simple things - in fairy tales. The wisdom of folk art helps children learn about the world, behave correctly, be kind, love... A good book of fairy tales is something that a child should definitely read with their parents. And if the book has beautiful illustrations, then you can’t find a better gift! THE THREE LITTLE PIGS English folk tale Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They are tired of sitting at home with mom and dad. And when summer came, they left home to wander around the world, but never returned. All summer they ran through the fields and forests, played and had fun. But when autumn came, the piglets immediately became depressed. Because the fun times were over and it was time to get down to business so as not to perish from cold and hunger. The laziest of the pigs said: “I will build myself a house in one day!” And he built a house of straw. - Is this a house? - his brothers were surprised. - Blow on it and it will fall apart. “And you don’t even have that!” the lazy pig was offended. Then the second little pig got hold of boards and nails and in two days put together a wooden house for himself: “This is a real house!” “No,” said the third, smartest pig, this is not a real house. In a real house, even a wolf is not scary! And he began to slowly, brick by brick, lay out his house. And the pig brothers played and laughed all day long: “HEY, brother!” Isn't it time for you to rest? But the smart little pig kept building and building. First - the walls, then - the roof, and then the stove with the chimney. “Now,” he said, “you can rest.” He climbed into his house and locked the door tightly. And in the morning he noticed traces of a huge wolf near the house and immediately raised the alarm: “Beware!” Wolf! Wolf! Before the piglets had time to climb into their houses, a huge, terrible wolf appeared. He glared at the thatched house and clicked his teeth: “Good morning!” The piglet was silent. Then the wolf came even closer and licked his lips: “Come out, let’s talk!” “No, thank you,” answered the piglet, “I’d rather sit at home,” and he trembled so much that the straw house shook. - Ah well! - the wolf growled. - Well, then hold on! and he blew so hard on the thatched house that it fell apart. But the piglet was not at a loss. He jumped out from under the straw and rushed like an arrow towards the wooden house. - Stop! “Don’t move!” the wolf barked and set off in pursuit. But the pig had already darted into the wooden house, and the door slammed behind him. Then the wolf took more air into his chest and blew so hard on the wooden house that it fell apart like a straw house. And yet the wolf miscalculated again. The smartest piglet was already waiting for the brothers on the threshold of his house, and the piglets - one, two, three! — they jumped into the open door, which immediately slammed behind them. - I’ll eat you anyway! - the wolf screamed, swallowing drool. And let's blow on the house. Blown, blew, blew, blew... But the house didn’t move! Then the wolf ran away and hit the house with its head. But it was not there! The wolf bounced off the house like a ball. At this point the wolf went completely mad. He climbed the ladder onto the roof and crept up to the pipe. But the smart pig immediately guessed the wolf’s trick and commanded the brothers: “Hurry up and light the fire in the hearth!” Meanwhile, the wolf stood by the chimney and wondered: how could he get down into the stove? I thought and thought, but never came up with anything. He jumped into the stove and flew into the fire! His tail began to crackle. But that was not all! - Beat him. Strike! - shouted the smartest pig. And the three piglets pounced on the wolf howling in pain and beat him until he rushed off into the forest, waving his burnt tail. And the piglets had a real celebration. All day long they danced in their yard and sang a song: “Tra-la-la, tra-la-la!” The wolf ran away forever! Tra-la-la, tra-la-la! Will never return! From that day on, the brothers of the smart pig also became wiser and got to work so much that very soon two more, exactly the same, appeared next to the brick house. And when one day the wolf looked out of the forest and saw not one, but three brick chimneys at once, his tail hurt so much that he ran away. Forever!

The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats Russian folk tale Once upon a time there lived a goat. And she had seven kids. Six are white, and the seventh kid is black. They lived amicably and cheerfully in a small, beautiful house and loved each other very much. One day a goat got ready to go to the market and said: “Wait for me at home, little goats, and don’t open the door to anyone.” A gray wolf wanders in our forest. His paws are huge, his claws are sharp, and his voice is rough and angry! If you open it, he will eat you! As soon as she left the house, the wolf was right there. Quietly he crept up to the door and howled in his terrible voice: “Hey, little goats!” It's me, your mother, who has come! Open it, unlock it! But the kids immediately guessed who was behind the door and answered in unison: “You are no mother!” Our mother's voice is gentle and sweet like honey. And yours is rude and angry. You are a wolf - that's who you are! Go away! We will never open the door for you! Then the wolf ran to the pastry chef and said: - Pastry chef! Give me the sweetest pie with honey. Otherwise I'll eat you! The pastry chef got scared and gave the wolf the sweetest pie with honey. The wolf swallowed the pie, returned to the goat’s house and sang in a voice as sweet as honey: “Hey, little goats!” It's me, your mother, who has come! Open it, unlock it! And the white kids believed. But the black wolf didn’t believe the wolf even through the door: “Show us your leg, mom!” . Here the wolf, without hesitation, brought his terrible paw with claws to the window. And the kids, when they saw her, shouted in unison: “Go away, cunning wolf!” Our mother’s leg is white, with a hoof, and yours is black, with claws! Then the wolf ran to the miller and said: “Miller-miller!” Give me some white flour, or I'll eat you! The miller got scared and gave the wolf flour. And the wolf wet his paw in water, rolled it in flour, returned to the house and sang: “It’s me, your mother, who came from the market!” Open it, unlock it! - Show us your leg, mom! - the kids shouted. “Well,” thought the wolf, “this time you will believe me.” ..” And he brought a white paw sprinkled with flour to the window. And the kids believed. They opened the door, and there was a wolf on the threshold! Terrible-terrible! Huge teeth, huge claws! He opened his mouth and rushed at the kids. And the kids ran away out of fear and hid in all directions. One - under the table, another - under the bed, the third - in the buffet, the fourth - in the oven, the fifth - in the barrel, the sixth - in the basket! But the wolf found them all and swallowed them all. But he did not find the seventh, the black kid. Because the black kid hid in the pendulum clock. The wolf did not believe that the kid could climb into the clock. The goat has returned from the market. She approached the house and sang tenderly and affectionately: “Hey, little goats!” It's me, your mother, who has come! Open it, unlock it! He looks and the door is open. She rushed into the house, and it was empty. The goat began to cry and guessed that the wolf had eaten her children. Suddenly the clock door opened slightly and a black kid jumped out. He clung to his mother and also cried: “The gray wolf deceived us - he swallowed us all!” I'm the only one left! A goat and her little goat went out into the street, and there was no one around. They stand and grieve. Suddenly they hear someone snoring. And THIS is a wolf snoring by the river. Sleeps after a hearty lunch. “Well, just wait, villain,” said the goat. - You are cunning, and I am even more cunning. And the little goat sent home: “Bring me a needle, thread and scissors.” The goat took the scissors and ripped open the wolf's belly. And all six kids jumped out of the belly. Alive and unharmed. That was joy! “Now,” said the goat, “bring me, little goats, heavy stones.” Until the wolf woke up. The kids brought heavy stones, and the goat stuffed them into the wolf’s belly and sewed it up. The wolf woke up, but couldn’t get up. And he groaned and grumbled: “How heavy these kids are!” And he was terribly thirsty - his mouth was dry. He barely made it to the river. But as soon as he leaned towards the water, a goat flew at him from behind and hit him with its horns: “Here you go, wolf!” Get it! The wolf fell into the river and sank along with the stones. And the goat and the kids returned home, and again they lived happily and amicably, as before.

THE FOX AND THE CRANE Russian folk tale Once upon a time there lived a Fox and a Crane. The fox is in the forest, and the crane is in the swamp. The Fox and the Crane once met and became friends. One day the Fox decided to invite the Crane to visit. - Come, Zhuravushka, to my place for lunch tomorrow. “I’ll definitely come,” the Crane was delighted at the invitation. The Fox had been preparing all morning to receive her friend as a good hostess should. I cleaned the house, placed the plates on the table, and made my favorite semolina porridge. She sat down and began to wait for the guest. The crane arrived on time. The fox was delighted and began to fuss. He seats the guest at the table, pours porridge into plates, and says: “Eat, Zhuravushka, don’t be shy.” The porridge is delicious! My lovely. "Knock Knock! Knock Knock!" - the Crane knocks with its long beak. - “Knock, knock!” But he’s trying in vain - not a drop got into the Crane’s mouth. The Crane was offended, but did not show it. “Thank you,” he says, “Lisonka, for the treat.” I'm fed up. It's time to go home. I'm looking forward to seeing you for lunch tomorrow. The next day the Fox came to the Crane. The Crane's house was not decorated as beautifully as the Fox's. The crane said embarrassedly: “I live in a swamp.” My house is much simpler than yours. But I prepared an excellent meal! The soup turned out delicious, aromatic, with fragrant grass and crayfish. The Crane put two jugs - one for the Fox, the other for himself. - Eat, Foxy, don’t be shy! The Fox pokes his nose into the narrow neck of the jug, but cannot pull out either the crayfish or the fragrant grass. And the Crane, know its long beak, launches into the jug, crayfish, and catches the grass. The Crane finished his soup and asked: “Are you full, Fox?” Did you enjoy lunch? - I'm full, I'm full! - the Fox barked angrily and - get out of the crane house. That's where the friendship between the Fox and the Crane ended.


The jumping Dragonfly sang red summer; I didn’t have time to look back as winter rolled into my eyes. The pure field has died; There are no more bright days, as under every leaf of her the table and the house were ready. Everything has passed: with the cold winter, Need, hunger comes; The dragonfly no longer sings; And who would think it would be good to sing on a hungry stomach! The angry one is depressed, she crawls towards the Ant: “Don’t leave me, dear godfather! Let me gather my strength and feed and warm me until the spring days!” - “Gossip, this is strange to me: Did you work in the summer?” - Ant tells her. “Was it before that, my dear? In our soft ants there are songs, playfulness every hour, so that my head is turned.” - “Oh, so you ...” - “I sang the whole summer without a soul.” - “Did you sing everything? This is the thing: So come and dance!”

Brothers Grimm THE HARE AND THE HEDGEHOG There lived an old hedgehog in the forest. And he had two sons. Two twin brothers. The sons loved apples, and their father loved turnips. And one day one of the brothers went to the garden to get a turnip to treat his father. He walked, walked, walked, walked... The road to the garden was long, but the hedgehog’s legs were short. Finally he got to the garden, and a hare from the cabbage patch met him - hop and jump! He put his hands on his hips and said: “Hello, hedgehog!” And I've been here for a long time! You walk like a turtle. How do you run? “And I run faster than a hare,” answered the cunning hedgehog, who walked very slowly, but thought very quickly. - Faster than a hare? - The 3rd one started laughing. - Look at your legs and mine! - And he proudly stuck out his long leg in front of the hedgehog. - Let it be known to you that my grandfather was once the fastest hare in our forest! And he received a gold coin as a reward for this. And I run even faster. Let's bet this gold coin that I will beat you! The hedgehog replied: “I agree.” We'll meet tomorrow morning where the field begins. And let's see which of us is faster. The hare became even more cheerful. “Go to the field right now,” he advised. You'll get there by morning. And the hedgehog returned home, told his brother about everything, and the next day both hedgehogs went to the place of the competition. One of them remained at the end of the field, and the second came to its beginning, where the hare was already jumping with impatience. - Well? - the hare winked. - Did you run? “Let’s run,” answered the hedgehog. - One two Three! - the hare commanded and rushed like an arrow across the field. But when he rushed to the end, he saw a hedgehog there. “I’ve been here for a long time,” said the hedgehog, chuckling. The hare struggled to catch his breath: “Let’s try again!” - Let's! - the hedgehog agreed. - Run! And I'm following you. I'm in no hurry. J and the hare galloped like mad to the beginning of the field, where the hedgehog had been waiting for him for a long time. - You're late again! - he said to the hare. - You walk fast, but you run like a turtle! So the hare ran across the field - back and forth, back and forth. Until he fell exhausted to the ground. And then the hedgehog - Let it be known to you, dear hare, that my grandfather was once the fastest hedgehog in the forest. And one day he overtook your grandfather, for which he received a large apple as a reward, which he ate. And I want to receive the gold coin that you promised me. The hare almost cried out of shame: “What a shame!” What a humiliation! And what would my grandfather say now? I disgraced him! The hedgehog replied: “Don’t worry, hare.” You ran faster than your grandfather. And I ran faster than my grandfather. Nothing to do. The hare brought a gold coin and gave it to the hedgehog. That day there was a big celebration in the hedgehogs' house. The twin brothers danced until the morning, taking turns waving a gold coin. And their father took an old accordion out of the chest and played all night long. Fortunately, the hare never found out about the hedgehogs’ cunning trick.

WHY DOES THE BEAR HAVE A SHORT TAIL Based on the fairy tales of the peoples of Europe A fisherman was taking fish to the market on a sleigh in a large basket. I caught it and carried it. A lot of fish. He rides and sings songs. The fox didn’t want to catch fish, but...he still wanted to eat! She ran after the sleigh, but only with caution. The fish is so big, so tasty. But the fisherman is even bigger, and his whip is terrible and long. Yes, very tasty fish! The fox overcame his fear, jumped to the sleigh, grabbed the basket - and stole it. The fisherman didn’t notice anything. As soon as the fox opened his mouth and sharpened his teeth to try the fish, suddenly the bear came out of the forest: “Where did you get such a tasty fish, red one?” Yes, so much! From where, from where. . . “I caught it,” the fox answered without blinking. The bear didn’t believe it: “Well, yes!” How did I catch it - the lake has been under ice for a month now. The fox was not taken aback: “By God, I’m not lying!” I caught it with my tail. The hole broke through, the tail dropped, the fish grabbed the tail, I pulled the tail, grabbed the fish with my paw! Time after time, time after time. . . Usta-ala-a! And at that time the tails of bears were long, thick and fluffy. I touched the bear’s tail and thought: “I’ll catch more fish with mine.” Just don't forget. So, the fish grabs it, I pull it, then grab it with my paw! And I’ll be full.” He thanked the fox for his science and went to the lake. And the ice is thick - the bear chiseled at it for a long time, knocking off all its paws. Finally he made a hole, lowered his tail, and began to wait. I sat and sat. . . Until the evening. The sky is getting darker, the weather is getting colder. . . Finally it seemed to the bear that someone was grabbing his tail! He's tail is twitching! And during the day the ice hole was covered with ice, and the tail was frozen from the jerk. . . came off! The clubfoot was left without a fish and without a tail. Since then, all bears have a short tail, straight to the stump. And they really don’t like little fox sisters!

H.K. Anderson The Ugly Duckling In a small village, on a farm, a mother duck was hatching her ducklings. She had been sitting on the eggs for a long time and, of course, was very happy when one fine day six beautiful ducklings hatched from the eggs. The duck helped them get out of the eggshell and only then discovered the seventh, largest egg in the nest. “It’s a strange thing,” she was surprised, “I remember exactly that I laid six eggs... Meanwhile, the seventh egg also burst, and the duck was even more surprised. A lanky, awkward duckling looked out of the egg, not at all like its brothers. “And who is he like that? - the duck lamented. “The feathers are gray, the legs are dark, the neck is long... Is this really my son?” What can I say! The gray duckling was indeed not handsome. True, he ate more than his brothers and grew faster than them. And he swam anywhere! What's the point? Nobody wanted to play with him - he was so clumsy and awkward. And everyone laughed at him. Even a rooster once pecked him: - What a hulk! Ko-ko-ko! And the geese hissed: “Sh... sh... what kind of bird is this?” You won’t understand...sh...sh! And only one mother duck sometimes consoled him: “My poor son!” Why are you not like everyone else? Such pity made the duckling feel even worse. He hid in the bushes and quietly cried there, forgotten by everyone: “No one loves me, no one pities me. Everyone just wants to get rid of me.” And then one day, at dawn, when everyone was fast asleep, he ran away from the farm. “Are there really no gray ducklings like me anywhere else? - he thought on the way. “This can’t be!” Very soon he reached the lake where the ducks were swimming and began asking them: had they ever met gray ducklings like him? But the ducks only shook their heads contemptuously in response: “We have never met anyone as ugly as you.” There is nothing to do, the duckling went further to the neighboring POND, where he met two BIG ganders, BUT they only scared him: - Run away from here before the hunters shoot you! The duckling was no longer happy that he ran away from the farm. Finally, after long wanderings, he found himself at the house of an old peasant woman, who mistook him for a lost gosling. “This is probably a little goose,” decided the little-sighted old woman. “Over time, she will grow up and lay eggs for me.” In the meantime, I’ll put her in a cage.” But the duckling never laid a single egg. And the hen that lived with the old woman sternly warned him: “If you don’t lay eggs, they’ll wring your neck and boil you in a pot, so you know!” “Or they’ll fry,” the cat purred dreamily, adding fuel to the fire. “Then I’ll have your bones.” Meanwhile, the old woman kept feeding and feeding the duckling. “If it’s not a goose, but a goose,” she grumbled, “then we need to quickly fatten it up for the holiday.” Nice job! The poor duckling completely lost his appetite from fear. Still, he was lucky. One day the old woman forgot to lock the cage, and the duckling ran until it found itself in dense thickets of reeds on the shore of the pond. “Since no one loves me, I’ll live here alone,” he decided. “And there’s enough food for me.” What is true is true - there was plenty of food. But how bad it is to live alone. One day at dawn he saw in the sky a flock of white birds with long flexible necks, yellow beaks and large wings. - Oh, how beautiful they are! - exclaimed the duckling. - And how I would like to become as beautiful as them! At least for one day! Then winter came and the pond froze. I had to leave my safe shelter and go in search of food. But what can you find under the snow? Very soon the duckling was exhausted and would certainly have frozen among the snowdrifts if not for a peasant passing by. - Poor thing! He can barely breathe. “I’ll take it to my children, they’ll come out with it,” the kind man felt sorry for the duckling. By spring the duckling had gained strength and grown a lot. “Now you can be released,” said the peasant and took his pet to the pond. And the duckling saw his reflection in the water and couldn’t believe his eyes: “Is it really me?!” A beautiful snow-white swan looked at him from the water... A flock of swans that had returned from the south swam nearby. They surrounded him on all sides: “Where have you been so far?” We've never seen you! -Where was I? — The young swan looked around at its relatives and did not answer. He was too happy to remember his suffering now. Bowing his head, he swam majestically across the mirror-like water and heard the children on the shore of the pond shouting in admiration: “Look!” Look! Another swan has arrived! The most beautiful of all!

I. A. Krylov THE CROW AND THE FOX How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future, And the flatterer will always find a corner in the heart. Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow; Crow perched on a spruce tree, she was about to have breakfast, she was thinking, and she had cheese in her mouth. To that misfortune, the Fox ran close by; All of a sudden. The cheese spirit stopped the Fox: The Fox sees the cheese, The Fox is captivated by the cheese. The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe; She twirls her tail, doesn’t take her eyes off Crow, and says so sweetly, barely breathing: “My dear, how beautiful!” What a neck, what eyes! Telling fairy tales, really! What feathers! What a sock! And, truly, there must be an angelic voice! Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister, With such beauty, you are a master at singing, - After all, you would be our king bird! The praise of the Prophet made her head spin, The joy took her breath away from her goiter, And in response to Lisitsyn’s friendly words, the Crow croaked at the top of her crow’s throat: The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.

H. C. Andersen Thumbelina Once upon a time there lived one woman. She didn’t have children, but she so wanted to have a child. And in the end she turned to the witch for advice. “So be it, I will help you,” said the sorceress. - Take this barley grain and plant it in a flower pot. Returning home, the woman planted a seed in a pot, and the next day a wonderful flower grew in the pot. He was so handsome that the woman kissed him. At that same moment, the flower blossomed, and the woman gasped in admiration, because inside, among the petals, sat a tiny girl, no more than an inch tall. That's why they called her Thumbelina. At night she slept in a nutshell, with violet petals as a feather bed and a rose petal as a blanket. During the day she rode on a boat made from a tulip petal. A plate of water replaced the lake for her. What could be more beautiful! But one night, when Thumbelina was sleeping in her cradle, a huge frog snuck into the house through a broken window. “This will be a nice bride for my son!” she croaked. She grabbed the shell with Thumbelina, jumped out the window and returned to her pond. Her son, as ugly as his mother, jumped with delight when he saw Thumbelina. And the cunning mother carried Thumbelina to a large water lily leaf in the middle of the pond. “She can’t escape from here,” she told her son. - In the meantime, we will prepare a new home for you and your future wife. Waking up in the middle of the pond, on a water lily leaf, Thumbelina cried bitterly. She realized that she was in terrible trouble. But the little fish, who already knew everything, decided to help her. They gnawed through the green stem, and the water lily leaf floated downstream, driven by a light breeze. A butterfly fluttering nearby suggested to Thumbelina: “Throw me the tip of your belt!” Thumbelina agreed, and a minute later the water lily leaf was already far from the frog pond. But the dangers did not end there. The cockchafer, who saw Thumbelina, picked her up with his tenacious paws and carried her up into the tree. Look how beautiful she is! - he said admiringly to his beetle friends. But his friends laughed at him: “Isn’t she beautiful!” She doesn't even have a mustache! And just one pair of legs! And the disappointed beetle took Inches downstairs, under the tree. All summer, Inch Points wandered among the grass and flowers. For breakfast, lunch and dinner she ate pollen and quenched her thirst with dew. But when summer ended and autumn came, it became very difficult for Thumbelina to get food for herself. One day she came across a house made of twigs and dry leaves, where a field mouse lived. - Is it possible to walk in such cold weather? - exclaimed the mouse. - Come in and warm yourself up! Thumbelina entered a warm, cozy house and stayed there. Every day she cleaned up the house, and in the evening, before going to bed, she told the hostess fairy tales. The field mouse was very pleased. And one day she announced: “Today my old friend, a rich mole, will come to visit us.” Try to please him. He also doesn’t see well about such a husband, and he needs a good assistant. The Mole liked Thumbelina's fairy tales and songs so much that he fell in love with her. That same day, he invited the field mouse and Thumbelina to visit him and led them through an underground passage to his house. On the way, they saw a swallow lying on its back, which had probably died from the cold. The mole indifferently pushed her away with his paw: “Serves her right, it’s her own fault!” - he muttered. “How cruel he is! - thought Thumbelina. Then she hugged the swallow and suddenly felt her heart beating. “That means she’s alive.” All winter, Thumbelina, secretly from the mole, nodded after the swallow. Only in the spring did her wing QUIL and the swallow flew away. - How kind you are! Thank you! - she said to Thumbelina goodbye. Meanwhile, the wedding day was approaching, after which Thumbelina had to live forever with the mole underground, in complete darkness. On the eve of the wedding, she was allowed to visit upstairs for the last time. Thumbelina was looking at the flowers, at the sun, at the blue sky... When suddenly she heard the chirping of a familiar swallow: - Hello, Thumbelina! Winter is coming, and I’m flying to warmer climes again. Are we flying together? - Yes! Yes! - Thumbelina was delighted. - I will fly with you, dear swallow! She tied herself tightly to the swallow's feathers with a belt, and they soared into the sky. The path was very long... finally here is a wonderful country where flowers bloom all year round. The swallow descended and placed Thumbelina on the most beautiful flower, in which among the snow-white petals the girl saw a tiny man. Transparent wings fluttered behind him, and a golden crown sparkled on his head. It was the king of the elves. Struck by Thumbelina's beauty, he invited the girl to become his wife. And Thumbelina, of course, agreed. And she became the Queen of Flowers! Since then, she has lived among the elves and flutters from flower to flower like a butterfly. Because the elves gave her wings.

THE GIRL AND THE THREE BEARS Based on the fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy's "Three Bears" Long ago there stood in a dense forest near a village a hut in which three bears lived. The biggest and fattest bear is the father, the mother bear is a little smaller, and their son is a little bear. each of them had his own bed. Papa Bear's is long and wide. Mama Bear's is almost the same, but with a beautiful pink canopy. And the bear had a small bed - made of cherry wood. By the fireplace, where the whole family gathered in the evening, there were two armchairs: a large, heavy armchair for Papa Bear, and a smaller armchair, upholstered in blue velvet, for Mama Bear. And next to it stood a small chair for a bear. Even the bears' cups were different: large, medium and small. Papa Bear was highly respected by all his friends and acquaintances, and he respected them. Therefore, when they met, all the bears bowed and took off their hats. Mama Bear had friends, and in the evenings she often walked with them through the forest, talking about important matters: making jam, jams, puddings and other sweets. But the little bear had no friends. Once he invited a girl from the village to visit, but she did not want to play with him. She was a very capricious and mischievous girl. One day, mother bear prepared a very tasty sweet pudding with blueberries and said: “The pudding needs to be cooled first - then it will be even tastier.” In the meantime, we'll visit the beavers. They gave birth to a wonderful baby beaver. Of course, Papa Bear and little Teddy Bear would have gladly eaten hot pudding, but they did not argue with Mama Bear. And, dressed in festive clothes, they went to the river to visit the beavers. Meanwhile, the mischievous girl was picking flowers in the forest and accidentally came across a HOUSE where bears lived. - He could have been better! — the girl snorted. And yet I decided to look into the HOUSE to see how the bear lives. But when she knocked on the door, no one answered her. Then she opened the door and asked loudly: “Is anyone here?” - And she answered herself: - No one! The girl entered the empty house and immediately saw the pudding. - Oh, how delicious it smells! - she exclaimed, and very soon all that was left of the pudding was crumbs. Having eaten her fill, the girl noticed a chair by the fireplace, next to which there were two armchairs. - Yeah! I know whose chair this is! — the girl laughed and plopped down on the chair so hard that it broke. Jumping up from the floor, the mischievous girl rushed up the stairs to the bedroom. And of course, I saw the little bear’s crib, which she really liked. - Oh, so soft! Almost like mine! She rocked a little on the springs of the crib and quietly fell asleep. Meanwhile, the bears were already approaching the house, and the little bear said to his mother: “How small he is, this little beaver!” Just like a mouse! Was I really the same when I was born? “A little more,” answered the mother bear. But then Papa Bear noticed that the door to the house was ajar, and raised the alarm: “Let’s go quickly!” Someone broke into our house! Papa Bear was terribly hungry, and that’s probably why he looked into the kitchen first. - I knew it! he roared. - Someone ate our pudding! - And jumped on my chair! - picked up the mother bear. - And broke my chair! - the little bear cried. The bears quietly and quietly climbed the steps of the stairs to the top - creaking, creaking, creaking... Papa bear walked ahead, followed by mother bear, and after her by little bear. The bears entered the bedroom and froze in amazement. Because there was a girl sleeping on the crib. - What bad manners! the bear and she-bear exclaimed in one voice. - What unceremoniousness! “Don’t be angry, I know her!” said the bear. “She didn’t want to play with me.” - And he tickled the girl’s heel. - Ay! - the girl exclaimed. - I'm afraid of tickling! But then she saw the bears and hid under the blanket in horror. Then she jumped out of the crib and rushed out of the house. And the bear shouted to her from the porch for a long time: “Come back!” I'm not angry with you! And the most amazing thing is that the next day the girl returned. Because she was a very curious girl. She knocked on the door, and the three bears answered in unison: “Welcome!” Then they sat her down at the table and treated her to sweet pudding. “Thank you,” the girl said and blushed. She felt very ashamed. Then she was led to the fireplace and sat on a chair that Papa Bear had repaired. And they treated me to honey. The girl’s eyes began to stick together from the honey, and she was put to sleep on Mishutka’s bed. From that day on, the girl fell in love with bears, and the bears fell in love with her and invited her to visit every day. Because the harmful and capricious girl became good and kind.

Bedtime stories - what should they be?

It often happens that every day a child asks to read a familiar fairy tale to him for the hundredth time, not wanting to listen to any others.

There is no need to argue and try to read something new - a bedtime story exists to lull you and give you pleasant dreams. This means it should be:

  • short;
  • calm;
  • kind;
  • without dynamic details in the plot, but with a happy ending.

Repeated repetition of the same situation (a familiar room, a favorite blanket and a soft toy, next to a mother reading a familiar fairy tale) turns into a kind of ritual for the baby, which has a calming effect. This helps relieve the emotional stress that has accumulated over a long day.

The Tale of a Hungry Mouse

Short stories for children

Short stories for children

Once upon a time there was a mouse, his name was Peak. One day Peak looked out of his hole and said: “I want to eat. What would you like to profit from? A little mouse ran out of his hole to look for something to eat. He sees a doll lying on the floor. The girl played and left. “What a beautiful doll, probably delicious,” thinks Pieck. He ran up to the doll. He grabbed it with his teeth and immediately spat it out. No, not a tasty doll. You can't eat it. He looked around and saw a pencil lying on the floor. Beautiful, red. The boy drew and left. “It’s a beautiful pencil, probably delicious,” thinks Pieck. He ran up to the pencil, grabbed it with his teeth and immediately spat it out. The pencil is not tasty, you can chew it to sharpen your teeth, but it is not suitable for food. He looked around and saw a newspaper lying there. Dad read it and forgot. “Oh, what a newspaper! I’ll definitely get enough of her,” thinks Peak. He ran up to the newspaper, grabbed it with his teeth and started chewing. Chewed it a little and spat it out. The newspaper is not tasty, I don’t want to eat it. Suddenly, Pieck felt that he smelled something delicious. He looks and sees a piece of cheese lying on the floor. Someone dropped it. “This is what I’ll eat,” thought Pieck. The mouse ran up to the cheese, grabbed it with his teeth, and did not notice how he ate the entire piece. “Delicious cheese, it’s a pity that it’s over,” thought Pieck and ran to his hole to sleep.

Short tales on our website

The “Short Bedtime Stories” section presents famous works by Russian and foreign authors that have become favorites of children all over the world.

Magical people created by Astrid Lindgren, kind tigers by Donald Bisset, inseparable Hedgehog and Little Bear by Sergei Kozlov - these and other characters are looking forward to meeting little readers.

Here you will also find folk tales and illustrated works by Vladimir Suteev. Kids will be delighted with simple educational stories and colorful pictures created by a real Master.

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